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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 12, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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macron faced a small dilemma: should he fight for france or will france become russian? what will you choose? i know there will be those who will tell me, wait, aren't you a patriot? i will answer: no. the opposition ridicules macron, calling him a populist. now political scientists are saying that the time has come to reconsider our views on the global world order and the rhetoric broadcast from the ocean. europe needs russia, without which it is impossible to build a reliable security system in the old world, local experts are sure. according to their estimates. with the usa, which, unlike russia, is not ready to go for peace negotiations. emil mirsaev, news, paris, france.
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russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia.
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voting at your location mobile voter, if on voting days you... to do this, you must submit an application no later than march 11 to any election commission or to the mfc or at government services and you can vote at the selected polling station.
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how, in your opinion, can they affect global politics and economics? well first of all those decisions were made in conditions where china is experiencing two types of pressure, as was noted at the meeting, first of all, this external pressure is enormous from the united states, from other countries, and we are talking not only about military pressure, but also about economic, in including the decline, noticeable trade , which was with almost all countries except russia, and secondly, these are internal factors, this is the slowdown... of the economy, although
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plans have now been outlined that are, in my opinion, quite reasonable and rosy, that is, this is conservation gdp growth rates of up to 5% per year, which is generally comparable to the rates. this is a very low unemployment rate, that is, all the indicators are quite rational, in general this was done not only for the purpose of reporting, this indicator is a signal to external investors that it is necessary and possible to continue investing in china, you can continue to work calmly in china, that is, with the economy, calm the people down.
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obvious, and although many have accused the central committee of the cpc, it has become much larger ; now there is no division between the executive and legislative branches, in reality, many, i see now from the reaction of the chinese media, chinese blogs, took this with some kind of reassurance, because it is assumed that, after all, strict control over the economy is now extremely necessary in china, but for us... for russia, in principle, the political and , most importantly, economic stability of china is a key issue, given that russia today has reached a very high level of economic partnership with china, for us china is generally the number one partner, more than $240 billion in trade last year, in
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in this sense, it is stability in relations with china that is the key issue for us, although there are some rough patches here too. well, about the russian-chinese ones? relations about the economy , in particular, i think we will talk later, and as for internal affairs, some important personnel decisions were made on the eve of this meeting, many said that according to some such, there may not even be very unofficial and public signals yes, who are usually present at this kind of event, it will be possible to judge some kind of arrangement and priorities in the leadership of the middle kingdom, could you tell us in more detail, this is very interesting, indeed there were such reshuffles, moreover, on the eve there was... the dismissal from their posts of more than ten major leaders of china was completed, so to speak, because someone was formally disappeared from visibility, long before this, for example, the former minister of defense lishanfu, the former minister of foreign affairs of china, at first they simply disappeared, now their
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removal from all government bodies has been formalized, well, in addition there are many such bright characters, including , for example, the heads of the ministry of defense, the heads of some branches. troops also left their posts and also disappeared. we see changes in the chinese ministry of foreign affairs, we see changes in a number of chinese ministries, including key ones, for example, the chinese ministry of commerce, which, in fact, is key to the development of the chinese economy, including foreign trade. and this suggests that china is most noticeably taking three steps: first everything, first of all it is trying to eliminate any internal, informal or even, let’s call it that.
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please note that for the first time in 30 years the annual press conference of the prime minister was cancelled, why did this happen, what do you attribute this to? absolutely , it has been cancelled, and many have talked about it, different versions have been put forward, in my opinion everything here is very simple, very complicated, in fact there are many questions about the current
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political and economic state of china, everything that the prime minister wanted to say, he said , by the way, speaking of, his report at the meeting of the all-china meeting of people's representatives was probably the most detailed, most... specific in recent years, it was such a very, in a good sense, report from a good accountant, where everything was laid out in quite detail, saying there was nothing more to talk about and ask questions , uh. it makes no sense, in china there are not many successes for last year, for the twenty -third year, which can be reported on, rather there are a whole series of declines, in this sense , china probably does not want to simply aggravate the situation, this is exactly how it will affect russia, i think it's very important for us carefully observe the generation that is coming, the current generation in china is a generation, albeit pragmatic, tough, nationally minded, but very rationally thinking people who understand perfectly well that...
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this is always a big question, we are watching very carefully, but so far we see that china is not abandoning its main position in relation to russia, that is, maintaining a high level of partnership relations, i say again, despite the fact that, of course , a whole series of three cannot arise. with from an economic point of view, is china primarily interested primarily in our energy resources or is there something else that could be attractive to china? so far, figures show that more than 60% of russian supplies to china are tet products, that is , oil and gas, a little less than timber, but now, compared to
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last year, this year we see a noticeable increase in supplies of agricultural products, and in the widest form from finished products to, for example, grain, rapeseed , corn and much more, this year we are expected to have one of the largest harvests corn, for example, in general in recent years , that is, in general, we are gradually diversifying our trade, but what is lagging behind, of course, is trade in high-tech goods , that is, in the field of technology; rather, here china is noticeably ahead of us, namely in the field of supply, that is, from china supplies mechanical equipment, electronics, processors, but in china we currently supply mainly, of course, products from the power plant and, as i said, the agro-industrial complex. remember, joint projects in the field of aircraft manufacturing there were, wide-beam aircraft and so on, at what stage is it at or is it temporarily frozen, well, to be honest. temporarily frozen, let's call it that, because a lot of difficulties arose there, by the way, this is also a good lesson for us and for
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the chinese side, we need to carefully think through many projects, because sometimes in this case i’m not talking about a wide-bore aircraft, not not helicopter, which were also supposed to be built, and above all about a number of projects related to the territorial development of russia or the ezes of china, it is necessary should many projects be thought out not at the level of slogans, at the level of purely financial justification, in economic cooperation with us? and china has become extremely careful, and moreover,
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i assume that this will continue for some time to come, i mean, at least until the end of the hot phase of the cbo, because chinese banks, frankly speaking, do not care so much about russian-chinese trade, but they are primarily concerned with ensuring that payments between china and the countries of the western world, primarily the usa, the eu, and you... do not stop yes, we see that a number of chinese banks are complicating bank transfers between russia and china, but at the same time, look, russian-chinese trade is expanding, it is growing strongly month by month, and this means that in general the banking mechanisms are working, unfortunately, simply a number of our businessmen and chinese businessmen do not always show the necessary flexibility when changing formats of banking services, but let’s be honest, of course, many chinese enterprises in the technological cycle are chinese. are afraid secondary sanctions. let's talk more about the security sector and start, of course, with
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the conflict in ukraine. we know that china has put forward its initiatives in the field of settlement. how do you assess them, how relevant and viable are they, and do they have prospects? perspective is the most important question, because please note that china put forward its 12-point initiatives more than a year ago, no one listened to them then, although in my opinion there was a lot of rational and reasonable content there. and the main reasonable position was that first, any hostilities cease, and the parties, even if they disagree with each other, must sit down at the negotiating table. but it was there, to be honest, and if we read these 12 points carefully, of course, the position was more pro-russian than pro-west, it was not absolutely neutral, apparently, many partners did not like this, and the chinese proposals simply shallows, now china is returning to them again, because in fact many positions were possible
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then and today for implementation, special representative, special envoy of china , mr. likhoy, former ambassador... primarily from asia to the west, they were under threat, and this is one of the reasons for the decline in trade relations, so for china , the fastest cessation of any conflict is also one of the factors stabilization of the domestic chinese economy. do you think china as a whole can be
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the initiator of creating a new security architecture? it is unlikely that this will work out alone, but... as an initiator it is possible, because, for example, russia and china many positions coincide on a number of issues, for example, a non-isolating world, open borders, non-tariff barriers and so on, that is, we are talking not only about trade, but also about some values ​​that unite russia and china, but also very many countries, for example, not to mention the usa, well, for example, india, they are afraid of china’s leadership, therefore china as a country is large, large and of course influential. will not give the initiators the opportunity to act alone, so here china will have to negotiate with dozens of countries, and this is generally a very complex question, so returning to the council of people's representatives, how was the topic of taiwan sounded there, and was it raised at all and what about spending on national defense? well, many noticed that probably for the first time, xiding ping, speaking about taiwan, did not utter the famous
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phrase, which is formally the official formula, peaceful unification or peaceful return. taiwan, and many therefore started talking, perhaps this is still a subtle hint that china will begin military operations, but this is not even indirectly stated anywhere sounds about military action, china declares its very tough position, that it is ready in the event of a conflict to defend its ideas with arms in hand, but in no case is it going to start military action, at least on an initiative basis, we see that china increased defense spending, and increases it noticeably. but still they are there twice, if not more, less than us defense spending. china talks about the need to defend its maritime borders in general, and we are talking not only about taiwan, for example, china has a whole series of problems in the south china sea, disputed islands, there are problems with japan, so china says that the defense will be strengthened, and this is
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important from a political point of view, because critics have said many times that china is great with from the point of view of economic development, but... not very effective from the point of view of the military machine and military industry, china wants to show that it is ready to defend its achievements militarily, so to say that a conflict is about to break out with taiwan, i don't think, that if this happens, it will happen on the initiative of china and especially taiwan, but of course the united states is actively pushing china towards various provocations on both sides, with taiwan from mainland china, and this is a fact, from here. the united states, we know that there is an election campaign going on there, depending, i understand, on who can take the presidency, relations with china will probably develop differently, but as i understand it, for china , the arrival of trump would be less desirable than the arrival of the democrats, or am i wrong, which expectations in china, how relations between china and america can develop along this vector, well
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, trump has already promised in his election speeches that he will solve the problem with china himself. than the attack of the biden administration, so i don’t think that trump in this case is better for china than biden, it’s just that the anti-chinese theme is the standard of the american political establishment and blaming china for all problems, just like russia, is simple. the norm of political life, therefore trump, biden, and any other presidential candidate will use it’s precisely this anti-chinese theme, in order to promote it, don’t think that under the next president, whoever he may be. the problem of american-chinese relations will be resolved , remember, there was such a term chimerica, but under obama, in my opinion, it still has the right to life, what do you think, either that’s it, or this project
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is over, but i think that it exists , just look at the integration of the economic models of the usa and china into each other, and the fact that the countries, as if they did not love each other, they cannot part, they exchange shares, exchange technologies, goods, in this sense it’s just... this term is american, it has moved to another level, previously it was assumed that two countries would divide the balances in the world, the balances of governance, today we see that the balances of governance are disrupted, of course, here from an economic point of view, the world cannot live today without the american or chinese economy, so interaction still exists, and another topic that i would like to touch on is the middle east crisis, what role does it play? beijing is in it, to what extent is it suffering from what is happening, including from terrorist attacks, violation of trade routes, and what role can it play in the future in this situation, do you think? in general, the middle east crisis was very
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unpleasant for china, since, firstly, china maintained good relations with israel and palestine, on the one hand, on the other hand, china has never, at least recently, accused the houthis, the houthis said that they would not attack chinese cargo in the red sea, that is, it would seem: situation, china frankly says that there is a certain balance, but we see another , literally, we see a statement by chinese official representatives over the last week that the situation in the red sea for china is economically very damaging, very bad, because a number of cargoes that were en route to the middle east, to israel, their shipment has been stopped, ships, ships have been withdrawn from their forwarding stations, because china is still afraid of an attack for... this is a serious blow to overall trade relations, in this regard, for example, the joint exercise that is taking place today is beginning, i mean the exercises of russia, china and iran,
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in many ways this is also aimed at showing that china can show military force here too, and not only go through the negotiation process. in any case , the situation is unexpected and unpleasant for china. alexey alexandrovich, i thank you for your detailed comments; as always , we have a lot of questions on this topic, i think. that we will definitely contact you for comments in the future, thank you for your reply to the question on the air, almost the entire spectrum, it seems to me, we touched on the problems and topics discussed, i will remind you that the connections were made by the director of the institute of asian and african countries at lomanosov moscow state university, alexey maslov, we discussed china, its politics, russian-chinese relations in general , beijing's influence on global processes. this was the fifth studio program. see you on the news broadcast. order a free credit card with a whole year without interest and receive a supercake in rubles every month, and
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residents of avzeevka will have the opportunity to take part in the presidential elections in russia. how is early voting going in the dpr ? is it possible to restore the coke-chemical plant?
11:00 am
denis pushil spoke about this in an interview with our tv channel. the missile cruiser varyak is leading the joint naval exercises of russia, iran and china in the gulf of oman. what forces will be involved and what will be worked out? biden administration unveils us budget proposal next financial year. how much can pentagon expenses increase? why did they decide not to allocate a separate item for the needs of ukraine? the kuril islands were covered with ash from the ibek volcano. sakhalin. there was heavy fog in the area of ​​the airport, visibility was no more than 100 meters, seven flights were delayed, the plane from moscow was redirected to khabarovsk. joint international naval exercises maritime security train 2024 have begun in the gulf of oman. russia, china and iran are participating in the maneuvers. our detachment includes warships.


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