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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 26, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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let's return to the news review, let's start with the latest messages from the ministry of defense, a unit of the group of russian troops has liberated the center. settlement of lastochkino. this is the avdiivka direction of the special operation, where, according to the military department, our fighters are still improving the situation at the front line. the russian military also took more advantageous positions in the donetsk and yuzhnodonetsk directions. measures to support svo participants and their families, a major renovation program for schools and kindergartens, and the popularity of ski slopes in arkhyz discussed by vladimir putin and the head of korachaev of circassia, rashid temrezov. another important topic of the conversation was the implementation of the national project in the republic. healthcare.
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anastasia efimova will talk about the main indicators of the region’s development and how the year of the family started in cherkessk. the volume of industrial production is growing, unemployment is decreasing. indicators that the president drew attention to during a meeting with the head of karachay cherkessia. vladimir putin called the situation in the region, quote, quite satisfactory, noting, however less issues requiring special attention. unemployment is declining, so noticeably. for some reason, i don’t know that you are paying special attention to this , maybe this is not exactly the right thing, now explain, construction is not growing, we were at the final operational headquarters under the chairmanship of khusnulin, here we were summing up the results, we are there
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objects within the framework of national projects, for the last five years almost 500 of them appeared in the republic, including a clinic opened in the mountains, and almost fifty schools were overhauled, with kindergartens next in line. as for kindergartens, we are even for renovations, we are allocating 200 million rubles from our budget this year. yeah, we will also overhaul 12 kindergartens. we have a sequence from three to seven from zero in the republic, it is absent. yes. well, after all, that means there is no full coverage , we have full coverage somewhere with transportation, unfortunately, but the fact is that vladimirevich, i think that it’s a good idea to use the opportunity, if possible, to ask for such a program as overhaul of schools, its kind for kindergartens, yeah, okay, i’ll ask the government this question definitely, well, in general, the movement is obvious. forward, it’s clear, it’s going, it’s going,
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the development of the republic is noticeable, and the head of state also asked if they ski in the republic, is february the best season in the mountains? as rashid timrezov clarified, the republic with a population of half a million was visited by 2 million guests. arkhys is one of the most popular winter destinations: convenient logistics, moderate altitudes, modern pistes with good lighting, as the president summarized, if the weather is good, skiing here is a pleasure. anastasia efimova, lead. the head of the donetsk people's republic visited the liberated ovdeevka. in an interview with our channel, denis pushilin shared. not only at the regional, but certainly at the federal level after an assessment by specialists, but taking into account the fact that now donetsk itself
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is also still subject to restoration, that is , there are a lot of repairs and other things, taking into account the housing shortage, taking into account the fact that avdiivka is a suburb of donetsk, that is, it practically... touches the city of danitsk, of course, this city will be in demand, accordingly, and throughout most likely, in my opinion , of course, we will restore it , there will certainly be very serious work to be done on demining, clearing away the rubble, and then assessing the situation by specialists, and of course, taking into account the experience that we have in within the framework of working with liberated settlements, including mariupol, then of course we understand what to do next, again the question: it comes down to the most important component, this is a question of security. denmark stops investigation into sabotage on nord streams, about this according to local police, they say the department has a quote: there is no reason to further investigate the explosions. however, the police emphasized that according to
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the investigation already conducted, it is possible to clearly declare deliberate sabotage. the decision of the dassky law enforcement officers was commented on in the kremlin. presidential press secretary dmitry peskov said that such police actions are close to.
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together with danya , sweden refused to investigate the explosions. also, let me remind you, the german intelligence services were also involved in the investigation. however, the prosecutor's office is already there stated that the decision of copenhagen and helsinki does not affect berlin’s plans in any way. local law enforcement will continue their investigation. well, the department has so far declined to comment further. the world media today are discussing zelensky’s words about the losses of the armed forces of ukraine; the ukrainian leader , let me remind you, said the day before that the independent army had lost 3,100 soldiers in 2 years. the president announced the figures for the first time after the start of a special military operation, which surprised foreign journalists most in zelensky’s statements, stanislav will tell. for zelensky, scratching his tongue is not moving his bags; according to the ukrainian guarantor, during the entire period of hostilities since the beginning of the russian special operation
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, only 31 soldiers were killed in the ssu. even the leading american media were surprised by such an absurd statement, to put it mildly. check the data. regardless, it is very difficult, but this contrasts sharply with estimates from us officials, who last summer put the toll much higher, saying about 70,000 ukrainians were killed and between 100,000 and 120,000 wounded. after zelensky's big press conference, which has essentially turned into another round of begging, foreign publications are not shy about their headlines. for example, the spanish newspaper abc writes verbatim the following: on the second anniversary of the start of the conflict... in ukraine, zelensky has to confront internal opposition and at the same time deal with the doubts of his allies. the american channel nbc news drew attention in its broadcast to zelensky’s statement that he allegedly intends to provide russia with a draft peace treaty at a summit in geneva this spring. however
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only kiev and its allies will discuss the conditions and draw up a plan. zelensky said that this would be a two-stage process within the framework. from which ukrainian officials will gather in geneva this spring, russia will not be invited to the summit, it will be an internal meeting between ukraine and its allies to effectively work out terms. the british guardian vangs that the year 24 could be the most difficult for zelensky, but if not fatal in general, to prevent the year from becoming such, we need more weapons, the head of midkuleb from requests to allies in general, i went over to categorical demands, there is a solution, there is a solution, where to get the shells, this is no secret, now they must be taken in third countries, partners must buy shells in third countries and transfer them to ukraine. i don’t have documents, i’m free, kiev really doesn’t have enough weapons
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, as well as manpower, but the second one is simpler, a quick military commissar will always help, on the streets of ukrainian cities the mobilization marathon is in full swing, you can see this, ordinary ukrainian women stand up to protect potential predators what she throws herself like dog, what lengths will ukrainians go to in order to avoid going to the front? the priest tried to smuggle a man abroad with the help of a child in a hearse. the holy father planned to drop off his passenger on a section of the transit road so that he could enter moldova illegally, and so that the number of people would match at the exit from the transit road, the driver hid a ten-year-old boy under a blanket. operation hearse failed. in general, nothing really changes in ukraine, some suffer, others demand, and others run away. stability. stanislav bernwalt. news. vladimir putin sent a congratulatory telegram to recep tayyip erdogan. today
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the turkish leader celebrates his 70th birthday. and later, according to the kremlin press service, the leaders of the two countries spoke by telephone. the russian president once again congratulated his turkish colleague on his birthday. he noted erdogan’s great personal contribution to the development of friendly relations between moscow and ankara and his high authority both within the country and abroad. the leaders agreed to continue contacts in all areas. leading world publication. talk about the most incredible and unknown facts of the life of the turkish president, erdogan is called one of the most authoritative leaders in the world. an interesting point, but if the turkish leader had not become seriously interested in politics, he could have become a successful football player. artyom krosulin will tell you the details. opponents call him a dictator, supporters call him the new kemal ataturk, and the latter is the majority according to this opinion poll in turkey. ricep tayyip erdogan began his political career. he won the election as mayor of istanbul, however, 4 years later he
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had to leave his post. constitutional court banned the welfare party, which erdogan then represented, and was charged with inciting national hatred and hatred. in 2001, the politician founded and led the justice and development party, and after the ban on electing citizens with prior convictions was lifted, on march 14, 2003, he was confirmed by parliament as prime minister. erdogan held the position of de facto leader of the parliamentary republic until 2014. having won a landslide victory in the first round of elections, he became president of turkey and continued his policy aimed at islamizing the country's weakening military influence. largely because of this , there was a coup attempt in turkey in july 2016. with the support of the population and military police units loyal to erdogan, the uprising was suppressed. responsibility for it. the president entrusted the organization to turkish preacher fethullah gülen, who lives in the united states.
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over 13,000 people were detained on charges of involvement in the coup. the main goal of erdogan’s foreign policy was initially designated as the integration of ankara into the european union, an application for membership of which turkey submitted back in 1987. brussels repeatedly postponed the resolution of the issue, citing some violations in the field of human rights. as a result, in 2017 erdogan said that turkey no longer needs eu membership. the european union is not something irreplaceable for us; we stand firmly on our own two feet. most residents no longer want to be part of the eu. they say that brussels is insincere in its dialogue with us. despite this, we remain in contact and will see how the situation develops in the future. relations with nato were also difficult, in which ankara has been listed since 1952. many experts. agrees that turkey is not the most accommodating partner for western powers. so, in 2019, when the republic carried out an operation
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against the kurds in northern syria, sweden and finland imposed an arms embargo against ankara. the turkish authorities regarded these actions as open support for the separatists. when stockholm and helsinki rushed to join nato, they had to negotiate with ankara, which blocked the admission of new members to the alliance. having achieved the necessary concessions, erdogan allowed the scandinavian ones. state to join the organization. an even more pressing foreign policy issue for the turkish leader is the middle east conflict. erdogan unconditionally took the side of palestine, blaming israel for the military.
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closest neighbors, we have a common history, we will continue to act together, we launched a grain corridor through which over 30 million tons of wheat were delivered, we did this not because brussels wanted it so. i trust moscow and vladimir putin as much as i trust the west. we get half of ours from russia gas our deep partnership continues to develop, including in the field of defense. over the past 20 years, recep tayyip erdogan and
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vladimir putin have held dozens of meetings, both during official visits and on the sidelines of various summits, and even in between. moscow and ankara continue to have differences on some key international issues, but cooperation is strengthening. at the end of last year, trade turnover between the countries amounted to $56 billion. in october 2022 , the parties discussed the idea of ​​​​creating a gas hub in turkey, which would open the local new prospects for the economy. they definitely won't bother her now. the central bank is trying to cope with record inflation, which recently reached 80%. the regulator has increased.
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every year , not only housing and communal services facilities are repaired or put into operation, but also kindergartens and schools, roads are brought into proper condition, and public transport is updated. i am confident that thanks to such support, russian regions will be able to more effectively modernize utility networks, which is very important for our people.
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belgian farmers have paralyzed the center of brussels. the protesters barricaded the road with tractors and tried to set them on fire with tires. local media reported flares being fired and police using water cannons to disperse the crowd. let me remind you that european farmers are massively losing profits due to economic support measures for ukraine and its agricultural producers. because of such concessions, ukrainian products are much cheaper than european ones. the main company tenkovka registered on russky island in a special administrative region. my colleague alena logvinova will tell you why more and more companies are choosing this path of changing jurisdiction; she is joining the broadcast. alena, hello again, let’s tell you why the company made this decision. yuri, good afternoon, the bank will receive tax and administrative benefits, and the efficiency
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of doing business will increase. tenkov changed cypriot jurisdiction. the parent company of the group was registered on russky island. tks holding is the first public structure that became a resident of a special administrative district. as stated by the head of otenkov bank stanislav bliznyuk, the return of foreign assets of russian companies shows their effectiveness. this allows not only to maintain a public status and shareholder structure, but to take into account the interests of all categories of investors. the vast majority of assets are located and generate revenue in russia among the motives of return and preservation. focus on our market and maintaining business value for investors, this allows - well, to increase the liquidity of this instrument in the russian market for holders who... are held by nsd, who were initially local holders, in principle, well, it allows the company to maintain its public status, so to speak, with
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minimal costs, that is, in this sense, all russians who followed this kind of relocation, they are relatively, it seems to me, successful and the market perceives them positively. the group became the seventieth company registered in the special administrative region on the island. sar member companies have a number of administrative tax preferences, the main one of which is is an income tax benefit in terms of dividends, interest and royalties, however , to receive this preference it is necessary to fulfill the so-called requirements for presence in the region, which includes... the mandatory presence of a full-fledged office in the primorsky territory, the presence, creation of at least 15 new jobs. a package of laws
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providing for the creation of special administrative regions was signed by vladimir putin in august 2018. there are already two such territories: on russky island, it is supervised by the far east development corporation and arctic, the second registration on oktyabrsky island through the kaliningrad region development corporation. there was a desire for russian companies to move, well, open their own, roughly speaking , legal entities, not abroad in offshores, in
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russia, but under conditions close to those of offshore companies; accordingly, they were given tax benefits, which, plus or minus, other offshore companies provide for abroad, that is, basically these are reduced income taxes, the pace of company registration is increasing from year to year , support tools are expanding, for example, from 2023, it is possible to incorporate a business, and not just transport it, that is, now a foreign founder can create an international company under certain conditions. yes, alena, thank you, alena logvinova spoke about how companies are registered in russian special administrative regions. chairman of the state duma, vyacheslav volodin visited riyadh today, where he met with the speaker of the saudi arabian advisory council.
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visit in order to develop the parliamentary dimension. this is historical a visit for our advisory board and for the royal community. we pay extremely important and serious attention to cooperation with the russian federation, and we note the extremely positive dynamics in the development of relations between the kingdom of saudi arabia and the russian federation, especially in light of the agreements that are being reached between the king of saudi arabia and the president of the russian federation. sayabyanin visited the southern district of the capital today. the moscow city council inspected the construction progress of the art museum, as well as the zil troitskaya metro station lines. the territory of the former zyl automobile plant is rapidly transforming. today this is one
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of the largest projects for the reorganization of industrial zones. according to the mayor, the zil metro station is 50% ready. 6.5 million square meters of real estate, these include jobs, technology parks, housing, embankments, parks, public gardens, cultural facilities, and a sports cluster. well, for all this, of course, you need a good transport system. in recent years, we have launched two mcc stations here, one metro station, a technology park, and now construction is underway on another station, zel station.
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now economic news, briefly: the ministry of finance plans to launch a mechanism for exchanging blocked assets this year. finance minister anton siluanov stated this in an interview with ria news. he commented on the statement of western countries about the withdrawal of frozen central bank reserves. any actions with these assets abroad will receive a symmetrical response. according to the head of the ministry of finance, other countries are already drawing their own conclusions from this situation. for example, china is reducing its participation in american affairs. securities. the republic of korea will tighten export controls on russia and belarus. we are talking primarily about goods that can be used for military purposes. such data, with reference to korean , is published by the yonhap agency. siuuli announced an intensification of the fight against circumvention of restrictions after the recent expansion of the sanctions list. it included almost 700 more items of goods, now there are 1159 of them . the russians registered 836.
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areas on russky island, the far east development corporation reported. tcs group became the 70th company to move to this jurisdiction and the first to go public. about the change registrations were announced in march last year. a month earlier, tcs group was included in the tenth package of eu sanctions. it was economic news, briefly. dear men, a holiday is coming soon.
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