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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 17, 2024 9:30am-10:01am MSK

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a figure whose activities normal people do not follow, and the answer is on the surface, as it turned out, in the ukrainian segment of the internet, special vacancies were opened for trolls so that they would sow negativity about tucker wherever they could reach. the traditional method that tsepo uses is trolling, but trolling is a fairly common way, so to speak, of countering information operations, so they are now trying to find those who will ridicule those who will clog comments in these interviews so that people, who... began, listened, watched this interview, then saw in the comments some kind of discussion that would lead them to think that this is not true or that it is funny, that that this is some kind of conversation between unknown people is of no importance to anyone. well, where would we be without the american institute for the study of war? according to his pseudo-analysts, putin demonstrated his all-encompassing hostility, and allegedly falsely accused the west of forcing russia to attack ukraine, although the president listed specific aspects of... ukrainian
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the leadership, which was under complete control of the united states, suddenly announced that it would not implement the minsk agreements, they did not like anything there, continued military activity in this territory, and in parallel , the development of this territory by nato military structures was ongoing. it is impossible to dispute any of what has been said, but a separate clause is highlighted about the minsk agreements; in banking these days they pretend that zelensky still wanted to implement them, and only the kremlin prevented this. however, here you go, a relatively recent conversation between the kiev leader with journalists from the german publication , spiegel admits that immediately after coming to power , he told emmanuel macron and angela merkel that he would not be able to implement the minsk format. zelensky constantly spoke himself, and through his talking heads there, explained that no, we never thought of observing minsk, it was preparation for war. merkel, she broke down, although she held up a lot of things, but imeri... they adhere to the main line
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that the minsk agreements were used as an attempt to pump ukraine up with weapons, to argue with the fact that ukraine is being pumped up with weapons not for any noble reasons is completely meaningless, and some in the west are also not shy about paying attention to this. large military contractors constantly wanted to admit new countries to nato. why? this country must bring its military procurement in line with nato weapons specifications. mitch mcconall was asked if we can really afford to send 113 billion to ukraine? he replied that don’t worry, in fact they will not go to ukraine, but to the american defense manufacturers. direct speech by us presidential candidate robert kennedy the younger, who criticized the american military-industrial complex out of the blue. among those who are called especially active, the company general dynamics, its division that produces military equipment, increased revenue by 25% because. the pentagon paid $27 million
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for the production of one batch of abrams tanks for ukraine, and plans to supply $400 million worth of such vehicles in total. the lockhead martin concert earned even more from the 22nd, which it received twice from the american department of defense large orders for rszzo haimers. the first is estimated at 430 million dollars, the second at 616. well, the rey teon holding is making good money on air-to-air missiles eim 120. only in september twenty-third it purchased for the armed forces of ukraine. similar ammunition amounting to almost $200 million. in total, since the beginning of the conflict, the corporation has received about 3 billion. since the eighties, approximately, the military-industrial complex was finally privatized, well, in fact, privatized. and accordingly, the weapons that they produced, is not owned by the government, it must be purchased, and the us government buys these weapons.
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he has the strength to win, he is a hero for the elders, and an idol for the young, the effect of tycker’s interview with... can be seen in the blessing sphere, what people see, yes, that is, they see a president who can calmly discuss for 2 hours on a certain topic enough a complex topic, and he sees another president who cannot climb up the stairs there, this hooks people, these people create certain viral videos, this in fact, it plays into our hands, because it spreads our main narratives that we have a strong leader, that we have a strong president, and that russia is ready to follow this president, of course, this is absolutely not possible, by the way. one of the president’s favorite aphorisms: there is power in the truth, now this truth has been conveyed to hundreds of millions of people around the world, no matter how much the global censorship machine persists along with the authors of ridiculous fakes, which we will certainly continue to expose in the stop fake program on the rossiya24 tv channel.
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oil, filter by car brand, oh, and for mine there is one, opened the application, selected the car brand vito will select everything for that. this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand. hello. so far, democrats have avoided discussing a plan b about who could or should replace joe biden. the special counsel's report changed everything. robert hur, who investigated biden's improper storage of classified documents. the wording "an elderly person with poor memory in relation to the current president of the united states, seriously undermined his chances for a second term. as a matter of fact, rubert hur caught biden
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in a trap. for a year, he investigated biden's improper storage of classified documents in the garage of his delaware home. this is the famous story about." robert hur gracefully got out of the situation, he said that biden cannot be tried and investigated to the fullest extent, he cannot even be called to a jury for the reason that biden is an elderly man with a poor memory, precisely this the wording
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is written in black and white in the report special prosecutor hur. according to a new report from the special counsel, while testifying in the case of improper handling of classified documents, joe biden could not remember when he was vice president and forgot when his eldest son beau died. everyone read this report about his health in beijing, taiwan, moscow , terrorists in... the states, it was on the very evening when vladimir putin’s interview with tucker carlson was broadcast, and biden, after reading this report,
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the us president told an anecdote, in which he claimed to have spoken to helmut kohl in 2021, even though mr kohl died in 2017. later, giving an almost identical speech in las vegas, the president said he spoke to françois miterand, the former french president who died in 1996 and of course, now the worst job that probably exists in the white house
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is the job of press secretary karine jeanpierre, who is daily subjected to large-scale and massive attacks from the press, which is interested in the general state of her boss is there, is it possible to talk to the president’s doctor, why has he still not been asked to come talk to us after the report of the special prosecutor, who doubts the sanity of the head of state. look , you see, i’ll tell you about the special counsel’s report in a nutshell: the special counsel, as far as i remember, is obviously a republican, he is a prosecutor, not a medical doctor, he is not a doctor, and it’s not his place to say, it’s not his business, due to the fact that biden is not can fully engage, including in his own pr, he suffers a pr defeat. biden is having a hard time speaking spontaneously is difficult for biden to give.
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everything will be specially adjusted for this year, the republicans said that this was to give biden a few points to his
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rating, but it turned out as it turned out, because of what happened at the press conference in the white house after the report of special prosecutor hur, biden was simply not allowed to go to las vegas; he sat alone in the cinema, and from there he spoke about the fact that prices in america are very high, which was also accepted. ironically, because, well, isn't it because of him that inflation in the united states states at forty-year highs? it's super bowl sunday and if you're like me, you'd like to stock up on snacks to watch the big game. one thing you've probably noticed when shopping for snacks is that the bottles are smaller, there are fewer bags of chips, but they cost the same, it's a rip off. questions about biden's health are getting tougher. they are asked not only by republicans, they are asked in principle by american voters. 91% of independent
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voters, in fact, are those people who always choose the american president, undecided, believe that biden does not need to run for a second term. 86% of americans believe that biden is too old to lead america, now all these figures have become public, conversations that seemed marginal a couple of weeks ago, a month ago, probably even related to conspiracy theories, are now no longer simply open, they... make headlines in the most liberal american publications that have always supported biden, for example, the new york times. both mr. biden's supporters and and his detractors, express growing doubts about his ability to serve another 5 years due to his age. in a times poll last fall, more than 70% of voters agreed that
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biden is too old to be an effective president. he needs to show the public that he... is capable of holding office until he is 86 years old. democrats, including quite influential ones, began to express doubts; nevertheless, in general, they understood that biden’s condition was deteriorating; who actually makes decisions in the white house is a big question, there are also several conspiracy theories on this topic that, again, turned out to be yesterday, but now perhaps this is the case, for example, they say that in many ways biden is tied to his wife jill biden. traveling around the country with him, i see his energy. jill biden enjoys the complete trust of her husband and controls everything, right down to his diet. dr. biden is known to attend high-level political meetings during which the president turns to her and asks: hey jill, what do you think? biden's official diagnosis no, because it cannot exist at this
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stage. the white house categorically refuses to include it in the procedure. a routine annual medical examination, a cognitive test, whether it will be carried out, the american constitution, the rules of american political, so to speak, existence, do not require such tests. robert kennedy, now one of the independent candidates for us president, proposes making such tests generally mandatory for american presidents, especially since concerns about age. the president of the united states is also expressed by those who look at trump, trump is not much younger than biden, yes, of course, he is in much better physical and mental shape, but biden, for example, if he is somehow already miraculously elected to a second term or remain in the white house, by the end of the second term, he will be 86 years old. in general,
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there is no procedure for assessing cognitive abilities, but it is extremely necessary. who could replace joe biden? but this is the most difficult and most painful question, because it lies on several planes : on the one hand, this is the plane of the candidates themselves, names and surnames, on the other hand, this is the plane of procedures, how biden can be replaced in this case, but from the point of view of bookmakers, the most popular candidate to replace biden is michelle obama , the wife of his former boss, president of the united states, barack obama, michelle obama, who... has recently begun to appear on screen more often, giving interviews, including speaking out on issues of domestic policy, but for example, she has warned several times about the danger of trump returning to the white house, however, she always makes it clear that she is distant from politics, and this is true, because even when she was first lady, she always followed, in general, her husband , she has never played
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any kind of independent game, in this sense jill biden, the first lady, is even more active today. well, at least she’s active in the sense that she sometimes simply moves biden from place to place, although that’s also an interesting point: in recent days she’s stopped appear in public, this was very noticeable during, for example, the visit of the king of jordan to the white house, when biden once again got lost and could not find a place to stand, but one way or another michelle obama, her bookmakers consider her number one, number two , they also consider the governor of california geven.
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i'm confident that joe biden will be fine, so everything we talk about is just a guess, but every vice president understands that he may have to take on the responsibilities of the presidency. but for now biden is not officially out of the race , the primaries process continues, as a result of which the democratic candidate must ... gain 1986 electoral votes, as soon as the democratic candidate reaches this number, he automatically becomes
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the winner of the primaries, and his candidacy is simply approved at the national convention. the national convention will be held on august 19, the last tourmaries is june 4, and during this period the democrats will most likely have to decide whether they will leave... biden on the ballot, do they consider biden their only candidate, or are they looking for someone to replace him. there is a path that will allow biden to leave with dignity on his own terms. on the day he wins the nomination and receives the necessary votes for the nomination, biden will announce that he is withdrawing the nomination and will appoint a successor to whom he will give his votes. the normally quiet democratic convention will be filled with drama this time around. it will be even worse, because early september will begin early voting in some states, for example, in the southern state, and
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what will happen there, if biden’s name is on the ballot, people vote for him, and biden withdraws his candidacy in september or october, then for the same trump this will be a great way to win the courts and say that wait, people voted for biden, and not just some democrat whom you... thought would replace him here, everything, of course, will depend on biden’s physical and mental state, if they manage to stabilize him at the current level, if there is no deterioration, then somehow they will probably be able to crawl to the presidential elections or at least to the democratic party convention. there is a certain irony in what is happening to biden now, because until recently it seemed that at the end of the election campaign... problems would be exclusively with trump, because trump would have to go through the courts, criminal cases were hanging over trump. trump, in theory
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, perhaps already in practice, could face real imprisonment, but now it turns out that everything is very bad for the democrats, there is no island of stability in the white house no, will biden remain the candidate of the democratic party, who can replace him, is there a replacement for him, from... where to look for this replacement, the democratic party will have to answer all these questions, and moreover, they will have to answer in just a few months, in general , now both political camps in the united states of america are in time trouble. this was america. all the best.
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does she really read minds or not? premiere. anna ostrovskaya investigative committee. she has
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special gifts. who are you all looking at? well, that girl over there is on salary. may be this dream of mine is somehow connected with this matter. and do you know who the killer is? yes. look, just no amateur performances. stay in place, don't move. for some reason i believe you. anna medio. we watch it before anyone else in the app or on the website.
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the fourth annual forum: strong ideas for new times. the forum is aimed at supporting and implementing citizens' initiatives for the development of the country. the forum is implemented by the agency for strategic initiatives by decree of the president of the russian federation together with the roscongress foundation. during the entire forum participation received over 450 thousand citizens. more than 90,000 ideas were submitted to the forum. the forum is a place for ideas of citizens' initiatives to formulate
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the strategy and development of the country. on february 15 and 20, the best ideas will be presented to the country's leadership, follow the forum news at ideia.rusongress.rf. the main news is short: artillerymen attacked the positions of the ukrainian armed forces in the artyomovsky direction of the fence. not far from the line of contact, reconnaissance identified enemy strongholds and concentrations of manpower. the indicated coordinates were hit with rockets shells. all targets were successfully hit, the ministry of defense reported.
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the progress space truck ms-26, launched 2 days ago from the baikanur cosmodrome, arrived at the iss. docking with the russian service module zvezda took place at 9:06 moscow time. the ship delivered about 2.5 tons of cargo to the station, including equipment for scientific experiments, clothing, water, food and fuel. in belgium, police found the sent letters in government offices. envelopes containing white powder were found in the palace of justice. minister of justice in the service building state security. preliminary analysis showed that the contents contain a dangerous toxic substance. everyone who came into contact with the germ was isolated. ecuador cancels its decision to supply russian military equipment to the united states. the ambassador of our country announced this in an interview with ria novosti following a meeting with the president of ecuador. let me remind you that only in january the ecuadorian leader said that his government wants to replace the russian
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mies helicopters. 71 for the new american black hop. in turn, the states did not hide intentions to transfer the received cars to kyiv. now the ecuadorian leadership reports that it does not intend to transfer weapons to the conflict zone. now there is a short advertisement, and then watch the international review program. the west suspects russia of militarizing space. europe is preparing for the arrival of trump. how to live if america leaves nato. and also weave towards the israeli dead end. a solution was sought at the valdai conference. more on this and more in a few minutes. every day we arrange a small holiday for our loved one. happy monday, please your loved ones and any february with discounts on orders from restaurants in yandex food.


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