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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  September 8, 2023 2:30am-3:01am MSK

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for us, this is a kind of northern war, a long difficult one, by the way, by the sochipenets with those who fled and, so to speak, with those who disagree, and so on. but at the same time , military operations are going on at the same time, partially, sometimes unsuccessful, sometimes very successfully. it is known that it ended in success. at the same time , the best city of that time is being built in the capital, this is such a thing from the other side at the same time. a war for wars has begun. more precisely for the spanish heritage. as a result. it does not need to be understood, so as if spain disappeared and everyone began to tear what i belonged to. no, just the power in spain was consolidated. after these, they retained some of their colonies in america. here, and moreover, they finally came to their senses from the golden inflation of the 16th century in which they were, but, in general, spain itself took part in the war for the spanish succession and everything ended, how to say , well, a certain kind of reshaping the european world order and partly the colonial
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world order. but it was very similar, there died, the last gasburger. been sick for a long time no one, the throne could not be transferred and away we go. now this reminds me of something very strongly. especially given trump's prophecies that it won't make it to the election. here is the actual situation. this is what advertising really matters.
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quietly, we observe to a greater extent , we reconnoiter we are looking for the enemy, a lot of experience
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shows that when there will always be silence after that. those people who did not come to war yesterday and there is no need to explain a lot of things. the m-135 tin is amazed , the boys are amazed, well done to the brigade, nothing such that i demand something supernatural that's all that war needs. here be kind. you have to dig yourself a cop. save your life and complete your task. there was, well, yes, intrigue, well, yes, i talked about the wars for the spanish spanish heritage following the results, what happened, but according to the results of spain , as i said, even the castilian power was consolidated, the crown was crushed by aragon here, so to speak, the unity of spain, so to speak. as a matter of fact, from this moment one can count, but in general those countries speak who fought for the spanish inheritance, including spain itself, they already then, so
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to speak, controlled a significant part of international trade in general, the world and the then trading system was then, as it were, the world order already. actually, it was built by those countries that fought, what other country in the world can talk about these blinks on and agree on before they divided it. yes, yes, yes , to dive through the northern war, and i immediately into the same specific thing. what is spanish heritage? this is that they robbed our jews in 1492 and still haven’t given it back, when everyone was kicked out. so you are more careful with the spanish heritage. you first return everything to us, then we'll figure out what remains . no, i need the position to return, so to speak, the taking away and i will grant you the position of returning or the heritage of the inquisitor. yes?
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well, now, you also know our proclaim, so, i think that the world is gradually entering wars with the participation of the united states itself, conflicts, or rather such hybrid conflicts for the american heritage, because we now live in the american world in the same way as we lived , so say in the spanish world. here is the dollar finance international trading system. so to speak, the system itself is a wide variety of rules, including guarantees of stability. that's all this here , it doesn't matter, the guarantee was not fulfilled. no, they were accepted in the same way as the dollar, it costs nothing. he is not provided with anything. and like everyone else , no one will refuse. so, it's understandable, right? from a couple of millionaires, well, well, and this can be seen from the president of the united states in today's, for example, well, now it will go, so to speak, really. i think, hybrid war, not right now, yes, but it's kind of like for us, because it started, because uh, well, let's put it this way. what is post-soviet? ukraine well, at least on the maidan for sure, but this is part of the american legacy, these steps have been taken.
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i don’t like it there, but they did it, i’ll tell you even more than that, in general, that we are trying to get rid of the last 20 years there and live and live that russia, as it were , which in general, we partially created, including the united states, we live, so to speak , this is also, as it were, a legacy in the united states. we squeeze it out of ourselves people in the academic environment know better even than i do that there, so to speak , they really want terribly not to be squeezed out . something we don't particularly like. it’s also like a big challenge , a big responsibility, because instead of that you have to offer something. by the way, it’s pretty serious, so to speak , as if the crisis of this eighteenth century european one, which allowed russia to seriously spread its influence, was connected with the fact that it was not so easy for the new powers. then the development is not only to win something for yourself, so to speak, but to master you. this is what we need, so to speak, the question is and who is fighting for the legacy? well, look, as
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always, those who now own it are also fighting. that is, it’s like a certain kind of group, who, in the most diverse groups of influence alexander said, we understand that these people who are at the top are the real owners, but it’s ridiculous that they are biden or kamala biden. here, of course, nothing here is a funny person, there are blinks. well, what is he, these people really are , after all, at least a manager. this is at least the robot of the minister of strategy. well, of course, there are generally stratos of the strategy of the problem of society. well, whose interesting is everything, in fact, i would not rule out researching this is an institute. usa, i can answer this question, i would buy such a report, a well-founded list of the real owners of america, financial ties, what for investments in party funds. uh, for the last was scientific- it seems to me that the phrase of the academician
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assigned for it yes. well on sugar, well then assigns that yes. well, as if in fact, i would like to say, so there is still money, not the very first video in america. that's how it seriously differs from europe, for example, after all, that the political class is very subjective. he is stronger than many, including the security forces. they built this business for themselves with the modern founding fathers, so to speak. in this sense, blinkin is not the last one to decide, but in fact, one could say that rice's commandalism is also in power at stanford. onatovskaya has much more power than a byte and obama retains a huge influence of what obama says, then it will be in washington because he has it in his pocket, as they say black yes, once again about and other - it was the krug that gave everyone money to politicians. he tries to fit in everywhere, because he is not even a financial organization. he is an asset management organization, and he realized that there was a redistribution, so he diversifies risks and puts assets in different places. but again, he brings money, even the most snotty politician already. i'm sorry, i clearly believe. i
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i don't know well and there is no. this is the real power you nurture everyone no no, this is an unreal power. well, look at the reality, when someone defines a goal, someone defines a goal there now, as it were, in fact, that you are not a samurai no, of course, surai, by the way, was also not very subject to me. they know the way. so this is such a samurai and zombified. they were not independent choice of purpose, they served the master. i mean, seriously. i, of course, i come here and become, therefore, that the entire movement was going through. well, like this, here i am what, i’m just what for. that’s the very presence of a strong strong washington, as it were , grouping that will also fight for the whole thing, and even two strong groups does not mean at all that no matter how the struggle and remake it legacy did not go. in my opinion, you need to think about it strategically, but for this you need to already have an idea inside yourself about how this world will be
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built. i really hope that this is what was laid down, which means that, in fact, in south africa, respectively. by the way, just the germ, the most dangerous. i think that, in particular, blinkins, so andreevich and i will move on today , since this morning we have been talking about different levels of analysis here, of course. here are serious americans who do not care about all this husk that pours out of their mouths. at the bidens at the blinkin of the hunulonds of the salivans. they see that the conflict has gone the wrong way. yes, geopolitically russia is strengthening. in this, it’s a shame what is happening there softly under the belly of armenia, but if we compare it with what is being built a new geopolitical confrontation is tough, denying the existing world order, yes, and the internal is strengthened. this is getting scary, that is, they suddenly from russia, as
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they thought, weakened, torn, faced a completely new approach, where is it no longer? only russia yes and this is, of course, what brings back i apologize that it is very accurate to fit into my analogy with the wars of the spanish legacy because they were nothing at all indisputably, but very exactly the same ass. what tells him, because garbuz of the whole study is not windows and reagan's description. it's unreal important and wildly irrelevant. yes yes. well, i'll start with the fact that here, uh, that the tail begins to wag the dog, but in fact the visit of a blinkin. it's about this, because it becomes ukraine its leadership. and what happens there will remain so important that
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it begins to be a factor in the internal political struggle and in the fate of certain politicians and always, at least over the past 100 years, when the tail began to wag the dog during an external crisis, this crisis ended very badly for the administration and there is a real chances are it's just a sign of a loss of control. because otherwise, what is the tail wagging the dog. this means that the administration's agenda is determined not in washington but in kiev by the facts that emerge there. well, that's just a hint. yes, that is what i wanted to say about the current situation. we need to understand clearly. what are the motives of this entire company in the united states in the last few years, what is going on in general? i
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will give my version. in general, of course, the elite of the united states is really elite its task has always been, at least as far as the 120 and the 21st century began, we remember to control the global assets to control the global cash flow it was a servant, and they imagine. in general, they made such a good car, because they had the opportunity to manage the crisis under this crisis , they printed, the corresponding money happened, and they went to different things and the assets were different in value, that is, post-war things. this is the military-industrial complex, which, by the way, led to very serious, so to speak, problems with the cia and everything else and what they were doing in africa in latin america and so on, as a result of all this, then there was a revision, then
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reagan - this is printing money is very serious and a mission that fed everyone and naturally. this is the emission by the eighth year, there was an understanding that money is no longer worth anything. that is, now the race has gone not for money, but for real assets, because they understand that everything is going to a redistribution crisis if you do not really have their money assets. it is no longer a question to print frivolously. where to get a real asset? that real asset which was at hand and so belongs to them. there is an asset in europe, a good asset would be in russia if it were possible to demolish the power and seize it, like in the nineties. and a small piece, but bold enough, is
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ukraine. and what do we see? if you look at those goals, when they say that russia is a terrible enemy of the united states, you need to finish them off. she must be finished off. not because she is a terrible enemy, but because she sits on piles, right? yes, and the idea, when the fed prints a bunch of money black rock buys real money for this assets. it works in ukraine absolutely clearly look for those debts. but weapons. the debts belong to some american corporations, which should then, after the end of all this, take over ukraine simply for debts to buy it in the bud, and therefore, the fewer people live there. the easier it is. that is why no one
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considers ukrainians. how many of them are driven to the front. now , if you look at the phase of the project that we are now. everything that could be done with assets in europe due to this crisis, the flywheel has practically been made. cash flows in the energy sector, which had to be redistributed due to its crisis, have been redistributed. going further and overthrowing the system in russia is useless, deeply costly , to no avail, the task is worth it. stop this war. to mothball the border on the front line in order to keep ukraine for itself , because if the russians reach poland , then the assets for which these loans were given will not be. that is, the administration will have
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a problem. when did you give 200 billion? into a black hole maybe agree to repurchase the assets? but we will buy debts of 200 billion, we will take ukraine away , they gave us options. this is for them, in my opinion, the only option now, because, well, an attempt to deceive the authorities. whom do you deceive the authorities in russia from the most reliable? well, now we will have garmelons, which will explain. what are you, yes, you do not understand, yes, they are science established. do you understand at all? that's it. now , anti-legends will appear around them,
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saying we're here, yes, as it happened many times in russia, we don't lose wars. we lose the world usually. yes, it's true, but united states that's what they came up to dmitry, i said about this that now , as things are going on, in general, always in the united states in the elite about money. then the administration can be accused of being just bad managers of american money, and this is a very serious batch. they spent money where it was not necessary to spend, it was possible to reach a certain limit and turn off, but they worked it out. they didn't accidentally make the speaker tender chambers depend on better investment in the ukrainian war, because it weakens russia yes, but no, no, that's not possible. mccarthy repeated it. yes, serious people remained
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, the percentage of those who hang out is growing. in the same place, as if not one or two people. so well, i think freezing is the only way to get out of this crisis without a serious loss of money. yes, in my opinion. you can do it even easier, you can put nuclear weapons in ukraine now. well listen, well, really look at them. uh, in principle, ukraine was written off, that is, they look differently at the fact that they substitute cassette ammunition and the fact that they supply shells there, combined with uranium, so that they do not try to say everyone understands what their logical is. it will be a disaster scary money that will be needed for mine clearance
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for decontamination is a disaster. well, you showed slava that it's not by chance that they said right now that tarus has something special about them. maybe they can be nuclear-powered. can carry nuclear weapons. you will see, they are now using this technology, when they say it is our industry that is doing and taking english there marine drones bang on them. and they will continue to use it. everything will go to not just from the colony path, but a crazy year and a half ago no one could believe that there would be such types of weapons and this type of ammunition delivered to europe , we should not have underestimated the degree of their madness. well, let's look at the americans for the past 20 years, there has been a plank for arotizing
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space and leaving chaos behind. they got so pissed off. east near they try to bring it. they bring it to europe for they have no value in europe, no flow of money will be crazy at the first explosion of tactical nuclear weapons, the flow of money from europe to america will be crazy everyone will run to america and the old european money production everyone will understand that europe can be put an end to, and they will not take money with money, indeed, it costs nothing to take real assets, of course, they will bring it themselves. as an option, yes, production. now i already ran, so i was looking for two sons, either a positional war or a freeze there, they want him risky, but the second scenario and i put it more to use, where and when,
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to be honest, i agree more that it is necessary to temporarily freeze the conflict, to turn ukraine over to suspend the offensive in our country in march , the elections. they are planning to launch a new wave of political offensive in march, they believe that in russia always. well, we see, yes, there with the pilots we had a problem with one, at least. here with this kuzmenko yes , there he analyzes that there are some kind of riots. yes, the fact that we have a split in the elite and everything else is that elections are always in russia were accompanied by certain difficulties. here add these complexities. they can yes counter on stop, not held. now they will teach in these few months. at least takeoff and landing.
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they will do it. it doesn’t matter how when we shoot down these planes and how we shoot them down, the main thing is that in order to mobilize the ukrainian f-16 society, they fly more than that, who will be sure, who can superstitiously say that ukrainians will sit at the controls of these planes . nobody can say. no, it will be all these ukrainians ethnic, because no. these may be ethnic ukrainians. but scattered all over the world and many of which are already nato pilots well, maybe she says healthy bula and no why, that is, he will have the whole biography, which means in ukraine, therefore, i think, well, formally, speaking from a visit, damn it , there were two things, and they discussed, of course. for the first time, the first time passed that, after all , one asset is small, there are four tens of millions of malafeevsky, yes, which they transfer to ukraine that his ships, which were adopted already in february of this year
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, malafia, in my opinion, was frozen long before. but now it was a court decision on them. yes, all new york court in february. and i think that's it now. they hand over four tenths of a million. this is dumb. a little, but what an effect, the guys are now in ukraine. you have 300 billion russians, they will now fall on us. they will come now, of course, they won’t come, but the very beginning of the russians will even come with their own money. already guessed we have to talk about some unseen more energy through the far east this is not an optical illusion pontoons, it is not an asymmetric response to claims from abroad, which has nothing to cover with solar panels. as i understand it, we are the first journalist who filmed here, yes. in russia
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, we have always had the potential to provide not only the number of kwh . and also instantly every second, so that there is as much as you need, if you have a hammer, the solution is in the hammer. that's right, i'm flying here. now we can only guess what else is going on. here is the surface of 1%. no, but this is the one that loves where i will clean up the eastern economic forum, which is taking place, of course, absolutely zero geopolitical situation, new considerations have arisen about those same carbon units.
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let's translate from clerical to understandable , everything is not so scary if there is an instruction.
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felt-tip pens calendars ninety-fourth year men's apartments in moscow we communicate a film by alexander velikinsky russia you
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want, we stopped to have fun.
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the second is the aid package, of course, what they are transmitting. well, what then will abram shoot if they are handed over again, just as the march offensive does not think these tanks will be handed over to the march offensive, as for the big conflict. well, i think the military expert here will say more, but from a political point of view on the nineteenth. yes, they launched a rocket from the wing to 52 results.


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