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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 15, 2023 10:00am-10:31am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] in france, a law to raise the retirement age came into force a document signed by the president was published this morning the day before the constitutional council recognized the pension reform, its legitimate opponents took to the streets in response to violent clashes with the police in paris alone more than 110 detained dozens of protests are planned in france today. on the eve of easter, the rite of illumination is held in churches, so in the trinity cathedral, novosibirsk , over a thousand easter cakes each prepared for the holiday unique in its own way, and in the developed settlements of the lc. no, no water, no gas, no light so bake the traditional keys. it's impossible there. volunteers hand out easter products for free. young gamers have become a threat
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to us national security in one of these online communities, journalists discovered secret pentagon documents rebellious island about this, not only look at the international review program immediately after a short advertisement. we are sure that you are buying osago at a bargain price, but if you compare, you will find it cheaper, apply for osago with savings on the number one service in russia, if you have insurance, then be sure to compare it on the website and in the application. how are you there? take glycine renival asparkam renival. we trust reval, we choose reval. only in alfa bank , 20% cashback for purchases in supermarkets with a free alfa bank credit card.
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order a card today and we will instantly we will deliver it to any point in russia mobile bank. you want to know? uralsib perspectives where you are for the holiday of easter mikhail porechenkov in the film by eduard boekov the russian cross in the cinema from april 16 at burger king has become more profitable; we return 50 rubles. when paying for burgers, the world map is only in the application of self-service terminals and on
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the burger king website events of the week chronicle facts comments leaked pentagon documents failure of special services or the triumph of disinformation in the united states are studying the consequences of europe's strategic autonomy
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new is a well-forgotten old macron's proposal fuss around taiwan changing the strategic balance of the materials of our program. the young gun lover willingly handed out top secret documents. friendship in a group on the internet without a pandemic gathered, bored teenagers gamers, so the washington post newspaper describes the mechanism of a large-scale leak of extremely delicate papers pentagon he is 21 years old, and he serves in the air national guard and the group itself is a meeting of a tooth of rocks with a russian friend hanging in game sandboxes . that's open world games have arrived. they came to this very open world to put him upside
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down. a huge archive of information that tells about the course of hostilities in ukraine appeared literally out of nowhere, it is believed that this is a leak from the pentagon among documents satellite images of the consequences of apu strikes on various objects. the allegation that russian pmcs tried to buy weapons from turkey and an attempt to supply weapons from israel through third countries reported losses, and in two versions. and one contradicts the other to establish authenticity all this information is very difficult because of two features. firstly, the documents were not laid out in a single archive. they appeared for several months in small batches and on different resources. the most exotic ones like discord chat, the popular computer game minecraft or an anonymous chat for throwing mud at trendy youtube bloggers. and secondly, these are not
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text documents and not even their scanned copies of this photograph of papers often wrinkled and this seriously complicated the search for the original source and, more importantly, confirmation the authenticity of the papers themselves, some of the messages are directly denied by the defendants, for example, israel categorically rejects the information that the massat special service called on employees to participate in protests against judicial reform , on the other hand, difficulties with the use of gps-guided g & m bombs may well be true the us military is not the first since they complain about the use of electronic warfare by russia, earlier in the pentagon they confirmed that at least in part, but the real archive, politicians promise citizens to figure everything out. where from a 21-year-old reservist has access to such a level
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that a dozen of the last few countries are in a fever , the question is not idle, anything, of course, happens. former bradley. they are not chelsea mening, the wikilex informant about the arab war also did not come out with ranks and years, but earlier the leaks looked more solid and motivating. talk about the vietnam war, us state department strategic analyst daniel elsberg, handed over to the new york times pentagon documents on the country's involvement in the vietnam conflict, a dossier of almost 7,000 pages contained information about the operations of the us military on the territory of north vietnam but the main thing was the fact of the direct participation of the administration of linden johnson in the escalation and misleading the us congress for disclosing the gustayana of elsbergs. threatened, 116 years in prison under public pressure.
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the court acquitted him a year later in june 72 as washington enters the election campaign. police detained five people who were setting up microphones at the us democracy office in a hotel, among those arrested were former cia agents and campaign staff. nina news didn't affect out and nixon was, re-elected, however, the scandal gained momentum. a washington post source under the pseudonym deep throat claimed that the traces led to the very top . and the film is accidentally damaged. at the most important point, it became clear that the president personally tried to interfere with the investigation. after that , impeachment became a done deal, even for the republicans, nixon resigned in 2003.
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year. american diplomat. joseph wilson published an article in which he stated that the george w. bush administration unleashed a war in iraq on the basis of deliberately false intelligence back in 2002. he was convinced that saddam hussein was not going to buy yellow uranium for the production of mass weapons. however, the white house deliberately did not publicize the information collected a week after the publication of this article, an action of revenge followed in the press , an article was published that revealed the identity of his wife cia agent undercover valery, this put an end to her career and endangered her and her loved ones, the white house rejected all allegations in the fall of 2010 on the wikileaks website, which was created back in 2006, hundreds of thousands of secrets of the us army were published data on the costs of the operation in afghanistan
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, the so-called iraqi dossier, information about the content, prisoners in guantanamo and also diplomatic correspondence, us embassies papers spread around the world edition correspondence between us embassies in 2013 edward snowden a former cia and us national security agency officer handed over 200,000 classified documents to the guardian and washington post newspapers. then he fled to hong kong there. he told how american intelligence agencies monitor internet users and listen to the conversations of foreign leaders. this caused a whole series of international scandals. snowden confirmed that back in 2010 the us government authorized hacking
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attacks on foreign political parties and organizations in the united states, he was charged in absentia with espionage snowden asked for political asylum and stayed in russia before the exposure influenced public opinion and the political process, who and why made it public was arguing, but having studied the content, they took it for granted, now no one will say that it is genuine, and what is not, the same commentators refer to part of the information as true to another part, as an obvious falsification of the question of faith , you can prove anything, which means that nothing can be done further plot moves are predictable behind the young dunce, someone stood from the rednecks of the trumpists, yes, russian trolls through competing clans in the dawn of the community, and
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again all versions are of equal reliability. it is not credibility when malicious manipulation is on the face. this is bad and worse. if it is not clear, someone deliberately fools his head or the total communication environment. he lives his own life, confusing the confused people themselves. maybe it's time to connect the neural network. full for the salinity of the information space it , as it were, provokes further development and artificial intelligence, which should be designed to somehow cut off all these moments and at the same time. you know, i’m still an optimist in this regard, it motivates a person, because no matter how much the machine does not lay out options, how little neural networking would still be, so far, the human brain remains a better mini tool if it is well enough supplied with blood, which is well enough chilled. i here need proper circulation. i think it's a good
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challenge. and this is once again a return to the fact that it is time for a person to begin. take back everything more responsibility, for the solution of which he is still trying to push onto the machine, the tigranan does not professionally feel military-political issues. he also translated into russian the outstanding american scientist, part-time intelligence consultant robert jervis, the main theme of the classic is the misperception of misrepresentation of information in international politics. how to go beyond prejudices to look at the subject from different angles? he possessed an incredibly cold analytical and hard professional mind. mind, and at the same time remained an incredibly, receptive, warm and human scientist,
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which helped him correctly navigate relationships, where the human ends and where the service and everything else begins. in the middle of the 2000s , the memoirs of george teneto, cia director under late clinton, and early bush, were published, the author graphically described how it happened that iraq would tell his mother on the basis of false data about the case. according to him, it was not in a conscious deception, but in the bureaucratic, as they say now, the hedge is the desire not to upset the president with conclusions that contradict his opinion, in the course of work, the assessment of the sadam. most likely there is no weapons of mass destruction, turned into a point of view. perhaps it has a message to the center. he had to simply take into account the considerations of his security, that somehow, even if he was
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cool, the service would not figure him out. that is , to present the material in such a way that it would be distributed and circulate within the service. secondly, he must consider what kind of wind? and a trend in the offices of power to talk about, uh, people who are rude speaking, on which his life depends. it is at the primary level that the report is being processed by the officer who is responsible for the character. it is clear that in his tone some words are tornadoing, some are becoming tougher. after all. all this mass of information reaches the analyst of the supreme head egg, who must filter this information and provide a presentation of a vital summary. so this analyst, no matter how he is, no matter how benevolent his superiors would be towards him. how good for him it didn't relate to how, shall we say,
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receptive. it wouldn’t be all the same, it’s the same. in such a friendly situation, this favorable analyst will start absolutely unconsciously reporting this iron summary and in exactly the language that is pleasant, he began not to desire, there is no search for information, and the desire to make information as convenient as possible to speak. the same jervis, analyzing the failure of intelligence in iran iraq, noted the limit of how much politicians expect from intelligence is associated with another limit. how much consumers of intelligence products are close to the level of education they are expected to be. scouts gamers circle story promises to be a top-grossing series in the setting of a real war 15 years ago, the coen brothers released a black comedy. after reading , burn the evil cartoon. for any intelligence,
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the leitmotif of the film rules the world, dementia and paranoia. he then seemed a witty grotesque no longer seems. in addition to the massachusetts reservist , french president emmanuel macron became the hero of the week after a state visit to china, he gave out a bright basic meaning china is not our enemy with taiwan, everything is ambiguous to recklessly follow the us it does not fit. well, beloved europe needs strategic autonomy. head of the european council michel agreed about independence, the polish prime minister exclaimed that europe needs not less, but much more than america from the other side. the atlantic threatened to let the europeans deal with russia and ukraine on their own, since they don't want to help with china. in general, the response is great. and evbranka is an american cartoonist following
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emmanuel macron's trip to china with a knife in the back of his uncle sam's classic image of the word to michael kaminsky does not reduce the intensity of the struggle, apparently, this macron is returning home to his wife, here both the chinese balloon and clouds have thickened in taiwan and the traditional rug from the us flag paulo calairei from germany china in the form of a dragon who says macron and voila here is the third train of power, literally in the power of the ring is an extremely provocative drawing of mr. from france, he is literally rude to the macron. a man who looks like him says we should never humiliate china macron is a talented speaker, especially when the problems inside the mass protests against pension reform do not subside and it would be good to switch attention.
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but he is also, perhaps, the only one of the european bosses who has a complex perception of the world to call it strategic thinking, the language will not turn, but the french president sees the trends and relationships and understands that europe is really vulnerable and rather hopeless, hence the appeal for change is another matter, that even the most eloquent appeals are not able to change europe has already placed everything on the usa and the longer the military-political crisis lasts, the tougher the connection, even if the senior partner behaves quite unceremoniously. in september 2021, australia terminated the contract for the purchase of nuclear submarines, which it concluded with france back in 2016, under the terms of the deal , the french contractor was to supply her with 12 submarines worth almost $ 70 billion, which would be the largest contract in the history of the australian
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navy , however, canberra chose to conclude the us- uk security and defense alliance and the contract actually intercepted washington's original speech. it was said that the ducks would be created using british and american technologies, but they would be built in australia. the french media called the break in the humiliation deal an insult and a knife in the back as a protest sign. returned from washington. in paris, in the end, in march , the leaders of the aucus alliance decided that australia will buy eight american nuclear submarines in the next decade. it will be three ships, such as virginia, and it is not clear. these are new boats, the entire composition of the us fleet, and at the second stage, new nuclear-powered ships will be built according to the british project and with american
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technologies, but not in australia. in the usa , they will be used like the british. so the australians will train the crew in the uk and nuclear weapons, while there is no talk, but the us has already approved the sale of 220 cruise missiles to australia. tomahawk strongly criticized the agreement made known australian politician. polking is sometimes called one of the authors of the local economic miracle, when, due to trade with china, it was possible to raise the welfare of the country. king and now i’m sure the confrontation with beijing only harms australia. before, the european army was a french favorite topic from the late forties. and the forerunners of the macron, let’s talk with oksana or karenko, a prominent historian of the cold war. why did the european army never
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arise, the idea itself appeared a very long time ago. the idea of ​​a european army appeared in 1950. and this was france's response to quite specific circumstances, since the north atlantic treaty was signed a year ago. but it was only an agreement without any military structures, and somewhere in the early fifties of the universe, the states of america raised this question about the need to form the nato armed forces of the military command. e, and so on, moreover, they raised the question that although the frg is not yet a member of nato , but nevertheless , it is necessary to take into account the german potential and at least 10 potential divisions west germany should form the frg and then, uh, accordingly, all this should be included in the common nato army, uh, this caused a sharp negative reaction from germany's neighbor in the first place. this is france, which was absolutely not ready for such a rapid revival of the german military potential and offered
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, uh, options for the european army, as well. the difference is that in nato there would be entire german divisions, and in the european army there would be mixed battalions where there were french and germans, dutch, balti and so on under leadership. well, presumably a french sergeant. that is, it was such a safer option, but from their point of view. eh, well, and the project began to be developed, that is, they took part in the discussion. all those who at that time participated in the process of european integration. that is, it is a little. yes, these are six countries, and the united states of america e. well, at the beginning, this idea was not accepted too much due to its practicality and not realizability. well, then they realized that france would not agree differently, in general, for any rearmament options germany gave them the opportunity to discuss this project and another one. the motive from the united states was this cost-sharing, because it was assumed that the nuclear umbrella of the american army divisions
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would be european if they formed one. the number of these mixed battalions will finance their preparation, yes, to help ensure that uniform weapons are, this will generally reduce american costs. the main thing is that all this is consistent with the general plans, and indeed, if we take the document declaration on the creation of a european army, then the last two paragraphs we will see that in the event of a serious conflict in europe, the army comes under the general command of nato, it is subordinate to, uh, the unified command. it obeys the strategic plans of the need, that is, it completely flows into all these ideas. further, this project was discussed , discussed for four whole years, and was never completed. uh, the ratification process. there for various reasons. well, and first of all, probably, the fact that the europeans were not ready, but in order to invest often recalls the decision of president de gaulle that this is the sixth year, and the withdrawal from the military organization.
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can you call it nato? the practical implementation of the principles of strategic autonomy or there have been more external effects. this is largely due to the personality more with his understanding, in general, of the role of france in international relations. from the 1958 he began to push through the ideas of the triumph, because the decision should be made by three countries over the usa , great britain and france as an equal participant. well the idea was not supported allies and then he started some others. yes options offer, for example, a plan for a political union within the framework of european integration. that is, we have six participants in this process, the famous plans are already a plan. well, he's not so much a defense organization as a political organization. uh, coordinate foreign policies coordinate inform. here, how would it be in this vein? well, here, first of all , small countries gave their voice, which immediately said that
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who would protect us in this case, if here, it will create something in the dogol vein. ah, in terms of defense, we are not viable and refuse the guarantees of the american and odin. that is, it is not necessary to do this. at least. and now, therefore, it turned out that this project also fell through, because nothing was discussed for 2 years. in fact, we didn't agree on anything. here is the further withdrawal of france from the military organization of nato, but not quite notably. yes, we see that she remained in political structures, and she was still aware of some processes and, yes, yes memoirs before more testify to the fact that his words were, if there will be a serious conflict. yes, well, that's a serious conflict of the cold war, which was at least considered, then we will be with the west. by the way, again, in general, he said the treaty, but the guarantees of collective security, the official version, it is not frivolous and sacred, but there are skeptics saying that there is no
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automaticity in the use of force in response to an attack on one of the allies. there are no discussions going on in nato on this matter. when the negotiations began, actually about the creation of nato, they were closed. well , by now, some of the documents, some of the memoirs have been published, and so on, and it’s immediately clear that this was a discussion. uh, on one side within the united states again, yes, the executive legislature. uh, their authority is their prerogative. it is necessary to sign the agreement in such a way as not to strengthen the powers, such as aggression and the second discussion is a discussion between the americans and the europeans, because the europeans expected automatic guarantees, as it was spelled out in the brussels agreement, in order to accurately also, yes, it worked out and all the atlantic uh, on which the united states well, not too much. yes, they wanted to go the other way in creating nato, both sides were interested, that is, europe, which wanted american security guarantees, the united states, which wanted a presence
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in europe and disrupt the process. eh yes negotiations on this facts, too, it was not in the interests, therefore. the discussions are so very sharp , tense, hot, having finished, although it all ended with the fact that the fifth article was written, the treaty was ratified, including were in congress and in congress. now leave the discussion, yes, at the time of ratification and here, despite the streamlined wording, the executive branch was assured that the interests of congress would be taken into account, that is, these are also materials of open, accessible debate in congress. yes, these 40-49 years, this is all possible, and therefore, there were such promises to be found and the fact that the promise must be kept, and it manifested itself already in the fifties, because just yes, returning to our first question, when we started form the nato army became a question of sending, including the american search for europe a and the president. uh, thrum for a while. he agreed to send six divisions to
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europe and immediately after that, the reaction of the congress that the president had no right to send these divisions without the consent of the congress. there are so-called great debates, and in congress, which ended with the fact that , firstly, not six, but four divisions were sent to europe, and secondly, the president said again that without, uh, the consent of congress. i'm never going anywhere no land american troops will not go. here, well, and further and it is visible. we remember the tonkin revolution. an administration was needed in order to send troops and so on, and there are competent people in the congress in congressional committees who remember all these discussions and promises. that is, here is such an ambiguous situation when a discussion is needed. uh, and you have to convince the executive branch, as they say. and how much time will it take? well, moreover, then there was a cold war, and it was, of course. if a conflict breaks out, it's total, so no one will be able to evade, but now
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we live in a hybrid war here, the underwear turned out to be deformed and guarantees, respectively, we live in curves no longer in the world. with other defeats, with completely different warriors, and so on, therefore, it’s impossible to project it purely like that. yes , already live in the sixties, when intercontinental missiles appeared , even then the europeans began to doubt whether there would be automatic guarantees if soviet missiles, in response, uh, fly and fly right there, therefore, if we let's look at any visit of the american president to europe, there is always a key phrase when they recall this fifth article , in order to psychologically assure the allies , they always say it there with nix and so on and so on add then here, but how it will actually be, thank you, we talked with oksana or korenko the last major mission. nato had an operation in afghanistan, it moved for 20 years and

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