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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 22, 2023 11:00pm-11:31pm MSK

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today at the collegium of the ministry of defense, sergei shoigu presented awards to military personnel for courage and heroism shown during a special operation from the hands of the minister, they received gold star medals and orders of courage. in addition , the pilots of su-27 aircraft were awarded, who prevented the violation of russian borders by american drones off the coast of crimea. anastasia ivanova and heroes and deeds. usually we call the heroes of the reports those who are simply involved in the plot, but in this case it is the real hero of the country defenders the motherlands, here are their faces, the names of the majors, vasily
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vavilov and sergey popov, the pilots guarded the sky, do not follow the air defense duty at some point , the command from the command received the air immediately rose into the sky. they took off with the second crew by two crews, determined that it was an unmanned mq9 ripper, well, they transferred all the data to the command post and then performed maneuvers by which they tried to force him to stop performing his task, the weapons did not use contact, did not intervene, yes. their task was to prevent intrusion into the state borders of russia enemy drone they did not miss for this received an award at the highest level sergei shoigu presented the hero with a gold star medal. of course such
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a high award, well, this award to a greater extent also belongs to my colleagues who participated in providing these sorties. competently they know very well, uh, their technology, their capabilities, and these capabilities of a fighter plane get, well, just unlimited once they get into the air stream, which , uh, disturbs the air environment. uh, the aircraft is not capable of continuing the flight in the direction in which it is directed to this flight. washington, not though, but confirmed that for some time the drone was still in the air, and then only
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fell into the water. it’s even strange, after all, not to notice, the obvious stylistics of the white house , russia was accused of shooting down the drone, even despite the footage in the sky. this is , first of all, the creation of the necessary confusion, first of all, the united states, the necessary information base and the fact that the united states is for everything good against everything e bad that's bombing for democracy. this is fine. and this primarily justifies trying to sell any. uh, i'm just even inadequate actions of the united states and , first of all , to justify to my internal audience that here we are for the sake of all the good of such a great democracy. uh, they flew, just side by side, but the russians decided to put pressure on us. john did not just hover , this washington confirmed the violation of the restricted flight zone created as part of the swa, the main reason for the operational maneuvers of our pilots and no more in the russian embassy in the usa
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reported that american drones near the borders of crimea are collecting data and these data are transmitted directly to kiev in order to use them for strikes on russian territory, but so far it does not go as far as here, this is a drone of dariga’s people. here they still fly only much further south closer to turkish territory. and here, but still the most others, from the romanian air force base from the bulgarian one, maybe from turkey maybe , why not? and no matter how the west crucifies to arrange a debriefing of russia again , nothing comes out of evidence, whatever one may say lacks. but there is enough evidence that our borders are under the reliable shield of the russian military. last night , an attack by ukrainian uavs was successfully repelled in sevastopol, three
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devices were shot down in an attempt to attack the black sea fleet. and what is noteworthy for two of them worked out the air defense calculation in which a woman serves, defense minister sergei shoigu instructed to present two defenders of the crimea with state awards. and who they are will tell our correspondent in the region, i'm on the chipped. another attack of ukrainian drones in sevastopol began tonight at 4:00 local time, three drones approached the entrance to the main bay, but they failed to achieve their goals. absolutely all the drones were destroyed by our military. yes, wait, that night they were tatyana and marina , military personnel of the black sea fleet with twenty years of experience; today, sevastopol was under their reliable protection to see the enemy drone from complete darkness. the task is not an easy one. well, tatyana immediately realized that a ukrainian drone was entering the bay, two less than it was. well, what is above the water and he gave for two. yes, such a white trace was just walking, it is much faster than a night vision device through binoculars, tatyana had a matter of
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seconds to react. to identify, report and open fire , the girls destroyed two of the three enemy drones with well-aimed shots. the equipment of the station station did not show anything, that is, the object is the station does not see, we will be scared . of course, shooting is very scary. it is not flowers in the hands to hold the courage of the sevastopol girls of the military today the minister of defense noted. sergei shoigu today from four in the morning to five. fifty- six hours an attempt was made to hit our facilities in the crimea in sevastopol with unmanned aerial vehicles. all devices, all three devices, were destroyed, which i would like to draw attention to, two devices were destroyed with also a contract service sailor on the left marina aleksandrovna and, most importantly, foreman kiss tatyana vitalievna i would like to give instructions
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to present the girls to awards and, accordingly, in accordance with our decisions, issue a bonus for the destruction of enemy objects about the reward, marina and tatyana learned from the congratulations relatives. even unfamiliar people the rain has not called for a long time. thank you for peace. that you can sleep peacefully, the girls do not consider themselves heroes at all, they say that both tatyana and marina and the families of hereditary military men did their homeland. they were also protected by their grandfathers. and now their children continue to protect them, which is not uncommon for sevastopol, the city of russian sailors. the pentagon said today that the united states is not going to supply the kiev regime with combined uranium ammunition, but at the same
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time, invisibly, they have nothing against the decision of great britain to supply all such shells in turn. moscow is closely following the news on this topic. and as emphasized in our world by such actions. it is difficult to perceive london otherwise as a desire to build up an escalation. and that means that serious consequences cannot be avoided . there is an attempt to confuse the audience, the british minister of defense himself does not list the routines of what london is ready for. this time support kyiv tangi challenger ammunition. oh, and projectiles with combined uranium in addition. along with the provision of ukraine with challenger 2 main battle tanks, we will supply ammunition, including armor-piercing shells containing depleted uranium, such shells are very effective. with the defeat of modern tanks and armored vehicles, effective is hardly the right word. the fact is that uranium-2305 is used in economic activity and the by-product of its
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production from natural uranium is once united city united uranus is a mixture of radioactive isotopes. they are sources, ionizing radiation is one of the critical decisions of targets for action, ionizing radiation is the core cell genome. novouranium, indeed, is supposed to be able to penetrate the armor of modern tanks, but even if the toxicity and carcinogenicity of the metal used does not hit the target, i will remind you of london making such a provocative statement. it was made against the backdrop of negotiations e at the highest level in moscow between the heads of the russian federation and the people's republic of china they are several. i mean, the british non-partners, somewhat simply disproportionate the effect that will be, uh, this provocative throw. uh, achieved
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they wanted to demonstrate once again. uh, so they wanted to bring the escalation of the conflict to a new level. they wanted , i think, they wanted to somehow just spoil the informational , informational and political, but the picture that cannot be spoiled. e. i have in mind in the context of bilateral negotiations at the highest level. uh, moscow, beijing , moscow's sharp reaction to the deliveries announced by the british , london predictably, tried to raise to death the ministry of defense of the kingdom , mockingly saying that the united uranium has been used for decades and nothing. these are the most famous british scientists. they say only that russian researchers come to directly opposite conclusions . people of unclear etiology among military personnel and the civilian population for these diseases are characterized by long-term effects in the form of a complex of symptoms, memory disorder, insomnia,
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depression , dizziness, headache, muscle weakness, pain in the joints, inflammation of the skin. violation of the cardiovascular system of organs, respiration and other internal organs allergic reactions. impotence number of the most adverse long-term effects include activation of carcinogenesis and increased the frequency of neoplasms came to similar conclusions, including by studying the consequences of bo. traffic jams in yugoslavia, by a strange coincidence , it was precisely with the end of the nato operation allied force that a sharp 2.5-fold increase in the number of oncological diseases in the balkans coincided at once, which was used by nato in this, uh, in this case. these were mainly a10 aircraft that used uranium ammunition specifically, and when there was a wombinat or a tower on a beach beach hill in a city in iran, and of the eight guards who
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who survived, and seven died of cancer, and the eighth is being treated , and even more of the united uranus went to iraq. almost 300 tons during the gulf war at the dawn of the nineties , 13 years later, before 2003, there are still hundreds of thousands of shells, what consequences will this bring? the civilian population of the pentagon did not care, as for the us military deviation. you their health has not been officially recorded. i was a first grader at the university. uh signed up, well, at the end of the ninetieth year and here beginning to the ninety-first year. and i subscribed to the additional military faculty and just at that time among our designers. a lot of the guys there that came back, and from the iraq war, uh, and the wives started having babies. and big problems for 60 a lot of diseases, children died, miscarriages all
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in a row, the anglo-saxons' conviction in their absolute impunity. seems scary. even europe's left-wing german deputy sarah waging-neht considers the supply of such weapons to be crimes. we are asking berlin to intervene to stop calling and official minsk, alexander lukashenko, in estimates of the maximum content, they will supply us with ammunition with real uranium, if they are madmen , then they will give an impetus to this process. positions of the russian troops, you will see the answer will be terrible for the whole for the whole planet, the lesson will be for russia, not only certain urals, you know this very well, therefore, i think that this trend in this e. e war in terms of escalation and start
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it shouldn’t be clearer than anything, it should be ukraine itself, because the dust of depleted uranium settling on the soil and in the water for their own and others’ differences does not make this symptomatic for me , because, do you understand, when they threw it at us, and they threw it too to the territory. where are you today? there kosovo albanians live so they die even more. that is. you understand, that is , it seems that the british want to help, it seems to the ukrainians quickly, but to die and suffer and get the same result that we have. we are precisely the defense of kosovo albanians ninety-ninth became the formal reason for the start of nato bombings, only now, except for the serbs, on whom the blow was directed , the allies of the united states understood and suffered the extent of what the allies of the united states suffered. in the endgame anastasia efimova lead and the preparation of the annual report
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of the government and the matches of the russian team in iran will tell after advertising. the deposit with the best interest in sberbank is a reliable investment with the most favorable rate up to 9.5% per annum quick registration in the sberbank application online deposit the best percentage obviously profitable cheddar cheese nachos only in burger king and cashback in the application.
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for cardiovascular diseases and approve the state program for the repair of colleges and technical schools - all this is the initiative of united russia , which vladimir putin discussed during a working meeting. today the head of the faction in the state duma said. vladimir vasiliev , the president, in turn, noted that the party does not stand aside from pressing socio-economic issues and called its position patriotic. i know how much work united russia is doing in parliament. well, not only the parameters, of course, in general, he actively participates in political life, er, a lot of initiatives. uh formulates on the most important direction in socio-economic development to protect the rights of citizens to develop the social sphere. in general, in this regard. uh, on international issues, he takes an absolutely patriotic position, of course. uh, and hmm, i want to say that i am very grateful to the faction for the position
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they are taking. she's interesting special operations, including civilians with the status of combat veterans, what they waited? they secured for participation the right to credit holidays, exempted them from singing due to late payments of housing and communal services and contributions for major repairs guaranteed the preservation of jobs, this works separately. i would like to say that the bills we provided for the protection of citizens of new regions in february adopted the execution of your premise of a package of laws on the distribution from march 1, 21 of all measures themselves to support pension social insurance on standards in the field of healthcare education. mikhail mishustin discussed with vyacheslav volodin of the forthcoming annual report of the government in the state duma, the head of the cabinet of ministers announced this at a special meeting dedicated to preparations for the event. mishustin said that tomorrow he would tell the deputies about countering external sanctions
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and measures to support the russian economy. tomorrow, the government of the russian federation will report to the state duma to sum up the results of the past year and, of course, tell in detail about our work to counter external sanctions. well, also about the decisions made to support the economy i had a meeting with a representative of the state duma of a person. than volodin. he and i discussed preparations for the report and consultations with all duma factions. they took place last week rather actively thanked in his person all the collection of constructive dialogue and proposals. they cover all the main areas that concern our citizens, and social before the development of agriculture , the energy transport industry, and the digital economy, a separate block was dedicated to activities to support participants special military operation of their families. this is very important feedback and questions
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from mps and topics raised will be taken into account when preparing the report. so tomorrow, the annual report of the government in the state duma , watch the live broadcast in full on our channel. the russian national team in tehran , the players in full force held a training session at the azadi stadium. tomorrow is a friendly match against the iranian team to support the athletes. several hundred russian fans arrived, and with them our correspondent danila makhalin. desert even the central bazaar of the iranian capital is closed on the streets of tehran, the city practically froze. but there is an explanation for this on the night of march 20-21, navruz is celebrated as the muslim new year . one of the main holidays of the turkic peoples is that now in iran the new
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year is the opposite, but for people an excuse to go to football. or they will all celebrate at home. you know, we already have the second day, which we have in the new year, of ​​course, more people have already traveled, and everyone has left tehran, but there are people who adore football. they promised me that tomorrow they would sit and 12,000 people would be like a fan . here, however, the tehran stadium, and for one it nominally accommodates seven times more, part of the stands was repeatedly reconstructed for repairs, and now some sectors are simply closed there, not even seats. well, it won't hurt. several hundred of them are expected to visit the match and russian fans, some even got to training, of course, more pleasant. and will come tomorrow if a lot of people come and there will be it is pleasant to play against a monitor lizard in a packed stadium among the traditional customs associated with navruz, receiving guests and friends,
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so the arrival of the russian football team is actually a visit to a friendly match. just perceived by the iranians. including as part of this big holiday for the local population after the ban received from fifa and uefa about a year ago, the russian team has never played geographically. so far there were matches only with teams from the former soviet union kyrgyzstan tajikistan and uzbekistan are now ahead of one of the leaders of the asian region. this is the iranian national team for the past 20 years. iran can be called a regular participant in the finals of the world championships; it has been there more often than the russian team in recent years. i think that this is a very strong assembly with which at the moment, if you want to, miranchuk golovin jackie and makarchuk didn’t turn out to be, all the rest flew to tigran the day before
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, even the pouring rain that caught the players didn’t spoil the mood. when leaving the plane. everyone understands the importance of sparring opponents, which is highly rated in the football world doubt these games such games with opponents such as iran 100% they are useful needed between us good relationship that we will be in touch we will come and come if there is chinese or between us. well, let's see, if russia is in asia, too, like competitors of the nineties, it will be super. actually, i love it. these are the competitors, too, in this march cycle, the russian team planned to play everything. match with iran on you riding a couple of days on the twenty-sixth in petersburg with iraq danil makhalin alexander makridina alexander telmashevsky lead iran now let's break, and after advertising a typical novo-novorossiya on the author's program.
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hello. kirill vyshinsky is with you, and this is program typical new russia our new name says it all, we will talk about the territory that has returned to its historical roots he is navorossiya with the help of a careful look at the history of new russia. we will try to reveal the originality of her present day, to find in it typical features and recognizable signs of the past. and that's what we'll talk about today. instead of a class struggle with russia how until recently was history taught in novorossiya? why and how you will have to retrain the conversation with the program expert, stargorod steppes of novorossiya in the footsteps of heroes?


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