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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 6, 2023 2:30am-3:01am MSK

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we'll take care of this. it will be the honest detective. it's always interesting how it all starts. now everyone will see the producers of good things want and most importantly. but it's best
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to check. to beat at home the authorities constantly told them about the fact that in russia they totally violate human rights and use force against everyone. why, albeit for a short time, was mr. kasparov detained . why do you think mr. kasparov spoke english and not russian during his arrest? didn't it occur to you? i think before everything, because uh all the fuse was turned not to their own people, but to the western audience and a person who works for uh, the audience from the other side in his own country will never be called politicians. because whoever
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claims to be the leader of his country must think about the losses of his own people and speak his native language to putin in the twelfth year. some western countries transmit signals. they don't want him running for president . in accordance with the law and by the constitution, every person has the right to run for this or that position in the country, and i do not understand why i should be struck down in my rights. it's just one of the lines. so , the riots staged on the streets of moscow on the commune and in the city on foreign tv channels became another line of attack. they played these footage non-stop and were indignant at the violations of the demonstrators' rights. and if they attack police officers, inflict some kind of injury on them, they throw stones at them and so on, such activity, without any doubt must be suppressed, otherwise it must be suppressed.
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it should in the early stages of the rights of protesters in russia for many years it has become one of the key topics for western politicians our police, thank god, so far, in any case , do not apply extreme measures to restore order, which we often see in other countries, including in united states in regards to the opposition. let's remember the movement. ah, payback. where is it now? the law enforcement agency of the special service of the united states dismantled it into wheels and dissolved. i'm not asking you questions like you have in a more democratic united states . why do you think you have the right to ask us such questions, and constantly engage in moralizing and teaching us how to live. listen. oh bugry known to the whole world for the shingle shingle there, well, has been keeping people in prison without charge for years. this is generally mind -boggling. and moreover, they just keep in prison, without presenting people in shackles go there, as in the middle ages inside their own country. uh, they legalized torture, but i don't p-
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imagine that if we had at least something like that with giblets, we would have devoured it for a long time at every step, you can face justice with him. well, this is how almost every state works, go to the same united states or to europe at every step, it’s even worse than ours, this is injustice. directly gushing understand from the ground. well, there is a rule there, defined for breaking the rules, and holding uk street manifestos for five years in sweden at 10 us 10 m is not bad. 1 2 the apotheosis of the use of double standards it becomes, of course, the events in kiev on the maidan, the police beat the tourniquet of berkut employees, they kill, but the west requires yanukovych to respect the rights of the protesters, our friends, the european ones appealed to
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the president. there, the government should not allow the use of force. you know this, but it is not shown in your media. and we see in western ukraine a clergyman urging the crowd to go to kiev and smash the government and further arguments so that negroes muscovites, that is, russians, do not command in our house jews wonder what it does religious activity. after all, this is an extreme manifestation of nationalism, absolutely unacceptable in the civilized world and calling on the ukrainian government and president yanukovych to act in civilized ways. we must also pay attention to his political ones. opponents to urge them to also adhere to civilized political methods, we believe that the ukrainian government came to power democratically , democratic, as it is called in europe , the government begins to subjugate those
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regions where people are outraged by what is happening. but now the west is no longer calling on the new ukrainian authorities to respect human rights and not use force. here is the nightmare and horror that, uh, we all saw on our tv screens, and which we already know very well and which happened happened in odessa, it has not yet received adequate assessments from the international community and luhansk ukraine people who do not agree with the new government. first forced to kneel in public, then in the country political assassinations of believers begin , they are expelled from the temple where, uh, human rights defenders are just complete silence in beating at
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every step, humiliation of them does not agree, and so on. well, what kind of democracy is being planted on this territory against the crimeans whom russia saved from all this ? nothing to do with it, if this is an annexation for which alexander is against them then the first sanctions against russian businessmen, no relation at all. they didn’t even sleep or spirit, they didn’t know what was planned, what was happening, they found out only the media took the males on them, well, where are human rights here? well, what were we talking about. what human rights are we talking about, it means that they must be respected here, but, uh, somewhere not, but the west continues to talk about human rights, and what kind of music did we
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receive negative reports about what is happening with homosexuals in chechnya ? influence to ensure the rights of minorities. this also applies to jehovah's witnesses. see all your political opponents. who gets killed and who goes to jail. isn't this a signal to society that you don't need fair political competition over who gets killed or thrown in jail with political demands. people entered the us congress after the elections, they face imprisonment of up to twenty, or maybe up to 25 years they are declared internal terrorists . one of the participants was simply shot by a police officer on the spot. however, she did not threaten police weapons. macron did not resent the events in washington to want before that i was very worried about the rights of citizen sentsov, who was detained for preparing terrorist attacks in crimea . this is a very sensitive issue for our
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country. since the intellectual elites this very concerned mister lead was detained for preparing for terrorist attacks. and not for my journalistic activity, it surprises me to the highest degree, why are you a french journalist not wondering about restricting the activities of journalists in ukraine agree that this is strange, but for france, great britain, it was no longer strange, rt was the first experienced firsthand what european freedom of speech is 10 years earlier and did not behave like journalists. they behaved like organs of influence and organs of propaganda false propaganda. we know no more, no less, uh, and we have always heard from our western colleagues that the main principle of democracy is one of, uh, the main principles of democracy, is the freedom to disseminate information. and if you don’t agree with something to oppose your point of view, but no, zelensky closes three tv channels at the same time and the west
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almost applauds him, adopt a law on indigenous peoples no criticism is known of some kind of reaction of international organizations, therefore occasions. i, too , don’t know anything about this, and it seems to me that there will be no reaction, because ukraine creates, as an antipode to russia, therefore they prefer not to notice anything, including swastikas. well , after the forced start of a special military operation, wholesale sanctions were imposed against all russians in general, who once declared such principles of democracy as freedom of speech, pluralism, respect and new opinions today are degenerating into the exact opposite as totalitarianism includes censorship, closure of the media , arbitrariness against journalists, public figures. all verbal tinsel is politically motivated, and now jesus and freedom of speech are inviolable. all this flew off. overnight. even the olympic principles trampled on did not hesitate to lead. some of
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the paralympians , the nazis once reached the burning of books, and now the westerns have slipped to the prohibitions of dostoevsky and tchaikovsky. these parents of liberalism and progress are here only their names in a few years, no one will even remember, and dostoevsky will live and purge. and pushkin , as it were, who didn’t want this, a long history, when the west considered itself a moral authority and defender of human rights , an end was obviously put in recent years, we, as it were, they say we, we are waiting for you. we want to welcome you into our family. into our civilized western family well, firstly, why did you decide that your civilization, the best, is much more ancient civilizations, we are told or hinted to this, but quietly they make it clear in your ear whispers that we are ready to receive you, but you mean that we have a patriarchal family, and we are the elders here and you are listening to us. they have one goal to ravage the former
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soviet union and its main part of the russian federation, and then, perhaps, they will accept us, uh, into the so-called family of civilized peoples, but only separately. you see, each part separately for what in order to push these parts around and take control if we go this way? i think fate is very many peoples in russia and above all, of course, the russian people can change dramatically. well, just drastically. i don't even know if such an ethnos as the russian people will be able to survive in the form in which it exists today, well, there will be some muscovites , uralians and so on. well, it's all in the plans were these plans. they are on paper. and those who are now fighting in the zone with a special military operation certainly interfere with the implementation of these plans. in life , they heroically fulfill their home, defend russia our people. well, we are very proud of them, but with ourselves, well, with ourselves it’s not customary to be proud, but
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you need it, especially we don’t need to be proud of it. this wife is already the sacred duty of a teacher. mentors to educate children is why be proud? you have the right to be proud of this, you know modesty should adorn a person, therefore, i believe that we must fulfill our professional duty as a president, opened the year to a teacher and mentor and thanks those who raised the heroes of russia he took this grenade and threw it out of the trench thanks to his actions . he saved a lot of people. i don't i can only call by name. i 'm proud and we should meet soon. they brought up students who became heroes by their own examples to distinguish meanness from the truth of betrayal. that's honesty and
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justice. they brought them for real, the great feeling of deep sincere love that determines our whole life. all that is good that is in the russian school should become the basis for the further development of the sovereign education system. and we will do this at all its levels from school, home to colleges and in horror, of course, speech, not a closed system. it is open to the world, but draws on its own traditions. vladimir putina this week gave the start to the movement of the train to the large circle line of the moscow metro. this is one of the largest metro construction projects in the world, implemented in the last decades, the largest underground metro ring of 70 km is not accidental. he recognized moscow as the best metropolis in the world in terms of infrastructure development and quality of life. yes , now we can again hear from someone from the audience. that's all again in moscow but let's not forget that it's still in the capital
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every tenth russian lives. how many people are here on business or visiting? yes , and in moscow there really was the most difficult transport situation, and not only in russia, but now the capital is ahead of the whole world in the development of the metro. at nine stations of the large circle line, the very first train of the large circle line in it is the mayor of moscow, sergei sobyanin, but in just half an hour, traffic here will be open, in general for all trains. you are all looking forward to discovering you a lot for everyone. it's just that
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, without exception, for all muscovites residents near moscow, the large ring will take on some of the passengers from the small ring, the existing males from the head sections of the metro, they will unload by 20 percent to 25 percent, everything becomes more comfortable and more spacious than the metro , which means the moscow road network, that is, both road and railway, will be unloaded, so this is a project for all buildings a few minutes and the lives of hundreds of thousands of passengers will change dramatically. i ask for your permission to launch a large one. subway rings what do you think, what will be the answer let's go with god guys? the moment of the opening of the large circle metro line has passed for me, and so, i am now on my way on a regular train of the large circle line
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to the savelovskaya metro station, right now everything is already working. you can go down to the subway and see for yourself. in just 10 years, taking the moscow metro has grown one and a half times, an unthinkable speed, even by shock soviet standards, mother is remembered. it was a holiday, and she and her parents visited every open station, and she remembered it. and now she's laughing. you open so many stations that i get confused in them for in the past 10 years, almost 80 stations have been built for good reason. remember how it all began. horror stood in the eyes when they thought and talked about the situation with transport in a huge city. well, how to solve all the problems hanging over the city, the first and main task for the new mayor, sobyanin, is the island of the problems that all garages face, these are transport we. on the eve of a complete collapse , it’s not only on the roads of moscow, but also the metro was overcrowded, the buses were overcrowded and
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the feeling was like that. well, it's hard that the city soon becomes, therefore, such projects were key for us. although in the beginning, when we conceived. it looked like a fantasy, but year by year it was clear how this project was gaining momentum in order to understand its complexity, or something, the first 5 years that he arranged, we introduced one station of the entire bc one, and over the next 5 years 30 , that is, for 5 years we were digging underground, preparing digs, designing, and so on, and then fuh came out with new projects with new places. they started to grow like mushrooms. i'm sure people will feel a good, if not record-breaking pace of strengthening the infrastructure of the transport system of moscow and the moscow region. it has become the most important priority of the capital's regional government, and the federal authorities have not stopped construction for a single day
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, even during a pandemic, but it's still running. the ground-based moscow central ring will be, 31, station 17 changes to the metro and 11 changes to the prigorodny railway, not only moscow but also many other regions have long been accustomed to new swallows. but before such suburban trains were also a curiosity. how many bought 33 33 new swallows. we will change the entire technology to an even more perfect composition. russian number one can be left as a keepsake of exhibits for such a museum in recent years , a lot of mcc could have accumulated in addition, in moscow the construction of central diameters has also begun.
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th for each segment of this work who was the first section of the big circle line, and now it is completely open in its length has bypassed even the former subway record holder in beijing we will meet let's sit down china, if the program allows
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, we will be happy to show our guests, we surprised the chinese with this project and we can surprise the world in the world, the big ring of moscow is the largest in the world. no, more of the coolest renovation project. this is always a difficult troublesome business, like repairing an apartment, sooner or later it needs to be started well, that the moscow authorities have so actively and decisively taken up the matter, i advise the residents of the capital in the center of moscow over the previous decade, almost all park facilities have been destroyed, maybe here to recreate a park area right in the center of moscow we looked at the place immediately, a view of the kremlin will immediately open a historical view of the kremlin , which has long been gone and it is unlikely that the development of moscow should cause someone jealousy, because a tenth of all russians live here for a holiday. and how many residents of the country come here on business or to visit? it is for
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the whole of russia the revived vdnkh complex, the park in charge, the concert hall in charge, the new renovated large-scale sports facilities that have become new all-russian sights. complexes. of the russian federation attracting guests from all over the country, and you
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will be what is your name, even what seemed hopelessly outdated in moscow takes on a new life ges-2 another phenomenon sound panels. uh, is this equipment? what can be written here? in just 10 years, moscow has undoubtedly become the most technologically advanced, convenient and clean city in europe, my golden village, my moscow, pavel, what events are the president’s plans for next week to tell about everything, for now, for obvious reasons, we can’t some events, however it is obvious that all
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women are beautiful and their beauty and the mind is still fun, if in the house on march 8, the presidential schedule, as in the life of the whole country, especially putin’s day, of course, will congratulate russian women on the holiday also to us. it is known that the presentation of state awards is scheduled for march 8, and it is reasonable to assume that women will award in the kremlin? banner when we fight? a woman of joy is also according to our information next week in putin's schedule a meeting of members of the security council several working meetings and understandable events, related to the current situation in the country in the world. we watch
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to know everything about russia , we watch the best historical series for free without registration. let's introduce you to the rank of alexander yatsenko , now only soviet people could save other fish. not here, yevgeny
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tkachuk i'm lucky i'm sure i'll be with you until the end of my life fedor dobronravov is considered to be calculated on the shelves, he will sort it out four moves ahead , sergey makovetsky sees comrades for the campaign to get ahead of me, comrade, kozelev. konstantin kapetsky never lost, no road.
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good evening, well, according to the established tradition , the weekend at the front is the route.


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