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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  March 28, 2024 9:30am-9:56am MSK

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ski intelligence agencies have warned that a security coalition involving russia, china, north korea and iran would harm peace and stability in the region. one of the reasons for this is that russia, china and north korea have nuclear weapons, and iran has enough reserves to create weapons of mass destruction. us military leaders are calling on lawmakers to confront a new axis of evil. moscow is clearly the catalyst for this new growing threat to global order and stability.
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we definitely have intelligence information, which shows north korea's support for russia, and this is worrying, all this technology and funding that russia may be pouring into north korea continues to serve its military rise. we are transported to the front, with war correspondent georgiy on direct line.
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hello, but when propagandists on ukrainian tv channels say something like this, i can still understand it, i can somehow explain it, when it is supported and spread by ordinary supporters of the kiev regime, there are already many questions regarding them adequacy, i am not a weapons expert, but from what i read, from what i saw, zircon is, firstly, an extended -range missile, and secondly, it is a missile that has much less ... approach time to the point that even some ukrainian media and analysts drew a map on which they showed what the maximum time would be for zircon to fly to the most remote point of ukraine, that’s where the highest figure on the entire map is 6 minutes 48 seconds, if i’m not mistaken , that is, less than 10 minutes, it’s clear that the use of zircon, its application in solving problems, a special military operation, in no way in the world...
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can it speak, it simply simply cannot indicate problems in the russian military-industrial complex, on the contrary, it confirms that the military-industrial complex our country is now operating fully, in full , and most importantly, it can produce the quantities of shells, the number of missiles that allow not only to use them against the enemy, but also, of course, to create some kind of material base, some kind of reserve, moreover, zircons have shown their high... activity, we have seen footage of their use at military facilities in ukraine, these targeted strikes, in principle, i think that in the future they will be actively used, because they have shown their effectiveness, they showed that ukrainian air defense is not ready today, it is not capable of shooting them down, and they bring a good result, they give, therefore the statement of ukraine that russia is using zircons, because that’s it, the problem, there is nothing else left. this is, at the very least, sheer nonsense, and what
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it only remains to add, well, we remember the very beginning of the special military operation, when they said that russia’s missile was left for 2-3 days, maximum five, apparently, these stories about the tsercons, they relate to the same thing, but the military-industrial complex of russia , of course , he showed his work, well done, and let’s hope that they will continue to work at the same pace, it’s so easy to say about the tserkonov that this is evidence of not... the shortcomings of the russian military-industrial complex, there’s not just no logic here, there’s no brains who i came up with this thesis because zircon, at this stage development of mankind, not even russia, the most high-tech missile in the world, unbreakable, invulnerable, absolutely accurate, hypersonic, therefore, if a country has a cercon, it means it is somewhere higher. in
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terms of developmental stages. georgy, please tell me how the situation is now, western analysts write about what we are supposedly using. tactics, we don’t take the villages that surround nowar, we go directly , breaking through the defenses, but unfortunately, before the hour we are separated from the hour by a few more fortified areas enemy, they are currently creating the main difficulty, while, as the military says, this line of defense between the hour, the chasyars and the positions where we are now, they were prepared by ukrainian troops... even during the battle for artyomovsk, when it was already clear to kiev that the city could not be held, they would retreat further, this desire to restrain our offensive, our advance further, just resulted in a number of support workers, a number of fortified districts, some of them are really serious, and just
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now our troops are carrying out the task of destroying, occupying these support forces, which also quite seriously affects the pace of advance of our troops, the actions of the enemy, the day before they once again tried to counterattack in this direction with infantry forces, with the support of artillery, there was also information that that western equipment is taking part in this, at least two bp, bradleys were noticed, this did not give results to the enemy, the first wave was repulsed, they tried to introduce reserves also to no avail, but one way or another reflection of the enemy’s actions, these counter-attacks, this slows down our advance, but the distance to...
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5 seconds, but this is easy to understand along the lines of defense, today the ukrainian authorities showed the line of defense in the kherson direction, does this mean that they are waiting for us in the kherson direction on the right bank, and strange defense lines, and trenches more reminiscent of a mass grave, does this indicate that the concrete has run out, like there was no information about the destruction of concrete factories? too, if anyone hears, it’s strange that concrete plants still exist in ukraine, over to you. well, i think that the kherson direction is not just being shown, because this is probably one of the few sections of the line of combat contact in the northern military district zone, where
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kiev actually has some opportunity to prepare defense lines, because there is a natural barrier there , this is the dnieper, in all other cases they have to dig in. in fact, in contact combat with our troops, because the advance now, one way or another, is being maintained in almost all directions, and where there are battles a few kilometers closer to the rear , the enemy tries to prepare defense lines, loses these positions, retreats even further, the process begins again, and he is unable to carry out full-fledged work like this at the moment, kherson, the kherson direction in this case, it is one of the most favorable for the enemy, because there is no such forward movement, and most likely an attempt to once again show that they have everything under control control, everything is in order, indeed, the enemy understands perfectly well that all those settlements from which we were forced to withdraw, we
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will definitely return there; this will not end there, because the goals of the north military district mission, they are worth much more, much wider, so he is forced prepare everywhere, but in this case kherson shows... exactly how - for the reason that there is nothing else to show, before that in kiev we remember, they said that the loss of avdiivka does not mean anything for ukraine, they are ready to meet russian troops are on the second line of defense, on the third line of defense, but if we now look at the map of military operations, then as the advance of russian troops proceeds in the same avdeevsky direction, we understand that all these lines of defense have long been under the control of our troops, our the promotion continues, so... this is probably the only thing they can show for their propaganda purposes. thank you very much, georgy medvedev, military correspondent from the special military operation zone, just showed ukrainian personnel, as if zelensky is walking around exemplary dugouts already in the sumy region. it is clear that
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this is one of the possible, probable directions of our attack, because, of course, the nazis must be pushed away from the belgorod region, the kursk region, because. they give our people nightmares every day, please, this is, so to speak, a joke for a french journalist, it actually reveals a very serious, in my opinion, problem. the problem is that she wasn’t joking, she, she sincerely admired, precisely, we have had somewhere since 2000 in our part of society, a rather strange idea prevailed that the fight against terrorism will reconcile us with the west, that the west will appreciate that we are on its side one day in the fight against terrorism, if not now, but sometime later, in the future, and we almost in the same boat, in fact this is... far from the case. the west has never considered that we are in the same boat, yes, in
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the fight against terrorism. on the contrary, the west has always said this: yes, england and france once fought together against piracy, but they were enemies, and irreconcilable ones, all the same. the west treats us the same way. and that is, no fight against terrorism will ever reconcile us, and we... will not conclude any agreement under the guise of fighting terrorism with them, the second point, no less interesting, please note, we actually expressed condolences over the terrorist attack in paris, and any terrorist attack. the west usually expresses condolences to each other, paris there mourns the terrorist attack in new york and so on, but in relation to asian countries, note that they rarely only officially express it, as they say.
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in my opinion, we don’t need this, but in our society, i know, very recently there were still strong sentiments that we need, remember, again , the fifteenth year, the same terrorist attack in paris, when they put it on facebook, vkontakte, mourning, but we empathize with the people, yes, and not the state, at this time, let me remind you, france, which officially said that russia is acting incorrectly in syria, and the french.
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who suddenly fell ill, they didn’t remember our tragedy, we are an alien hostile force to them, and we
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must finally understand this for ourselves, well, one small point, i just can’t help but mention it: what is france doing? france , meanwhile, is trying to find, as usual, the weak link in brix. here in brazil, these are not random visits, all their contacts with brazil, this is an attempt at any cost to drive a wedge between... and brazil today, they have already found one weak link, argentina, which has frozen the process, it would seem almost decided to join brix. they looked for this link in india, tried to push russia and india together, but it didn’t work. yes, then they start work to push us against brazil, in order, for example, to provoke, even demonstratively, some kind of arms supply, after which... noise will begin that brazil has taken a hostile position towards russia and create difficulties at
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the next brix summit. this is actually their strategy, to look for the weak link in brix and destroy the format they do not like. so far he has found only the leader of this tribe, so far , with whom he was hugging so suspiciously, as if he had really broken away from his wife, but this is the shot where one is holding the other by the fifth point too. looks suspicious, it’s impossible to disagree with you about their area, their habitat, that they are the highest race, the highest civilization, but nevertheless they tried to hide it for a very long time and... i say, i was born in the city of vladivostok, look at the globe, this not europe at all, yes, eurasians, okay, but we are not europeans, but
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in this sense i agree with you that now... we have stopped hiding that we are below the level of development, we are unworthy of human rights and the freedoms that they have won. they think so, among the populists, there is such a sign that if elections in the united states enter any important stage, not to mention the very short pre-election period, then something will most likely begin to happen in the world, because not much has happened.
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i found that trump is interested in biden’s dementia because he himself is afraid of dementia , that’s how it is, that’s the logic, yes, at the same time, biden himself, please note, not only in these same election polls, is beginning to little by little in the disputed states there go beyond 50%, he doesn't have to
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go far because if he if he switches to at least 0.3%, he will already take over this state. based on the structure of the american system, and in parallel it is told that the economy of the united states has also begun to emerge from the crisis, it is getting better and better, obviously these are the results of boyonomics, naturally, now the bridge will be repaired by the whole country, the federal budget has been promised, it is possible there , by the way, inflation will go down, after that the factories there will be loaded, this is all going to start , we’ll see, they generally follow our path, they...
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here are some other things to tell, now there will be more and more of this , there is no need to be surprised, and most importantly, have you ever thought that isis will appear again, someone needs to be defeated, the americans have long understood that it is better to win than those whom you create yourself, they can be defeated confidently, successfully , win confidently, let the usa win, it’s difficult to defeat someone you don’t control, someone you control is a little easier, apparently biden will win isis kharasan, he’ll win, but there’s not enough motivation yet, terrorist attacks must still happen, not even in russia anymore, frenchman. for a reason we got worried, the olympics are there , apparently, from the point of view of some logic , something should happen that will force biden to again assemble a coalition to fight isis, american presidents have such a good tradition, everyone defeats isis before the elections, trump also won, please note, here, too, apparently we will have to win, so unfortunately, the turbulence will only increase, and the further the americans
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get closer to the voting date, the more difficult it will be, well, about dementia, but the question is not... special attention to what he says and does, you will see how focused he is on the american people, how courageous his actions are, so i'm not even going to seriously consider your question, i
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think it's extremely offensive, so let's move on to another question : igor yurievich, how is trump in our red tie today? we take olga as an example, a model of a style icon in information and political broadcasting. to me. i would like to draw attention to the series of mysterious, mysterious deaths that befell poland, is it an accident? this? i believe not, if we even look at the tragic suddenly deceased polish general, adam marchak, but this is special forces, look at his build, an extremely healthy person, such people live up to...
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exact russian weapons, but such a timeless mysterious death, the same applies to other polish military personnel , whose names were made public, who was caught in an avalanche, again special forces, who else died tragically, well, in the language of professionals, everyone understands perfectly well that this is a legend that is being worked out so that hide the involvement of the top leadership of the polish army in the operation in ukraine. on the side of the ukrainian armed forces. it is no secret that, of course, this operation is of significant interest to the polish military command. poland, firstly, considers itself as an active participant in all
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military-political processes taking place in europe, this is firstly, and secondly, they need what is called combat experience, and you can’t gain it by sitting there somewhere in mons , at the headquarters of the supreme allied commander of nato. so from there from belgium this one... general and a number of other senior military generals who plan, command troops, carry out, including the leadership of special forces in different countries, they go to ukraine, fight against us, coordinate the activities of foreign military personnel khvsu in order to acquire something that cannot be acquired anywhere, never, combat experience, the most valuable thing, they understand perfectly well that our army acquires such combat experience in conditions like...
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including senior officers who, like since, well, let’s put it this way, they are assessing the military development in poland, of course, they give very high assessments of the polish potential, but at the same time they clearly say that we have every opportunity to parry, so poland is a serious adversary, of course, these are our strikes , they, as we see, cause serious damage to the enemy, even one who, well, from an official point of view, is not present there. is not at war with us, now, as for something else, i would like to draw attention to this catastrophe, literally and with the collapse
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american infrastructural most important bridge structure in the baltic sea, after all, look how vulnerable the modern us infrastructure is, especially in the field of transport logistics, one small push, the container ship froze in place, the bridge collapsed, well, more than a kilometer of spans collapsed into the water. what does this mean? this suggests that when designing, and in general in principle, when assessing modern risks and threats, americans seem to underestimate these things. against this background, even the plans being hatched regarding the russian, crimean bridge, we see that even those individual manifestations of terrorist activity did not lead to such consequences. what does this mean that our design school, our understanding of risks and threats, is, of course, significantly ahead of our geopolitical and military opponents,
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