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tv   Vasnetsova  RUSSIA1  March 27, 2024 9:20pm-10:21pm MSK

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you are so businesslike, i definitely won’t be lost with such a wife, look at the weekend, advice on love, in sadness in joy, in health and in sickness, i don’t know what will be so difficult, you have a choice, he needs you , asya, you don’t need to remind me about my husband’s illness, you yourself taught us that there are no hopeless situations, i always believed in you, let’s consider this to be a miracle, we don’t need your services anymore, i understand, so do i i love him, on saturday on rtr. we gathered
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about ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my soldiers come running, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one field is still in me, let’s say this is my trophy , we were hungry then, here comes grandma , she’s hungry herself, but she... brings this cereal to the shelter and says: baby, feed the dogs, lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that we need to take the kids in, i people were so caring, support them in word, hello, dear soldier , and in deed, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do is... simply amazing from
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monday to thursday on rtr. you are my last hope, no one, close this salon, damn mother. we have a wonderful salon with wonderful masters, but you are ruining it all. it is necessary to fire, science will be different, it cannot be fired , there are no irreplaceable workers, there is no, there is no, there is no, there is no, don’t exist except for her, sit down, anatoly, and i will sit down anywhere, what are you making of me, now we will make everything out of you, alexey zubkov, kirill kyaro, maria kulikova, evgeniya loza, moskovsk, queen margot. on
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friday on rtr. vladimir putin today went on his first regional trip to the tver region after the presidential elections; the head of state visited the city of torzhok. the day before, russia celebrated cultural worker's day, so putin began his visit with the all-russian historical and ethnographic museum.
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will it come out or not, so the cart stops, look, look, now the president’s cart even went back, a few meters back, here he is, vladimir putin comes out, of course, he couldn’t help but come out to the people, we look together with you, how this happens, we observe directly with you every second, we were waiting for you, i was waiting for you 23
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, that culture plays a vital role, especially in difficult and turning points. the fact is that culture, since it creates such a spiritual framework of the people and... identity supports ours, it, of course, plays a very important role in such turning points, difficult moments, even in tragic ones, because it gives strength to the people, gives strength to each specific person, and i would like - you and as in such cases they say in your face, thank everyone who works in this field, devotes themselves to this very important work, because this work, i repeat again... these are not empty words, it creates the basis, the base, the moral basis for the existence of the people, when we hear somewhere from the outside, someone is talking about - about the abolition - of russian culture or in general the culture of the peoples of russia, in essence, we understand that this
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is, uh, only stupid people can talk like that, because to abolish the culture of an entire people or entire peoples, and we have 190 nations and ethnic groups live in russia, this is simply unrealistic. our cultural figures, from those who talk about the abolition of russian culture, say so, they are stupid people, well, they speak even more rudely, despite the fact that they are cultural figures, but they say correctly, well, we must remember the achievements of world culture, putin and i said about this, we don’t have friendly countries, we have unfriendly elites in these countries, and as for culture. of these countries we have never done anything, as the leaders of those states are trying to do with the russian culture, we have never even tried to abolish them, on the contrary, we believe that russian culture is part of world culture, and we are proud that it is this part, therefore, in the context of world culture
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, we look at our own, but without excluding anything from this context. somehow this reminded me of dostoevsky, yes, that a russian person is even more european than a european, so what? absolutely in accordance with reality. another important point in the program of vladimir putin’s trip to the tvr region was the state center for combat use and retraining of flight personnel of the ministry of defense of the russian federation. despite all the krevlyans and threats against russia, the west is aware of its weakness and this makes it even stronger. new nato member sweden is puffing up in hopes of creating more strategic difficulties for our country. at the same time , even the nuclear european powers admit that they do not have enough conventional weapons of troops to confront russia, what can we say about dwarf states, we get a paradoxical situation when incompetent nato countries hope for the protection of the alliance
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, which consists of these very countries, and washington is watching this from the side, once again making it clear that america does not want to directly get involved in a war that it itself started, but the goal... on the foreign policy website department of estonia, the following commentary was published: yesterday’s attack on the concert hall in moscow, according to an official statement from the estonian foreign ministry, clearly showed that the regime in russia is oriented, again, i emphasize the words of the estonian foreign ministry,
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towards the conquest of neighboring countries and the organization hybrid operations instead of caring for the well-being and safety of one’s own. further, the estonian foreign ministry began to dig even deeper and noted that this is not the first time in history when the russian leadership uses, as it was said there, terrorist attacks in moscow with civilian casualties to justify its military policy, well , i say again that of course no one will be able to surpass zelensky, but this is an application; before that we had no special illusions about the lack of common sense, conscience ...
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to ask him to take tests after that how he made such a statement. vitali, well, that concerns. that, in principle, the absence of the estonian or latvian embassy in moscow
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will not cause any harm to russia, and so to speak, well , it will still create some pleasure for muscovites and guests of the capital for a couple of hours, but this is also an artificial state, by and large, and they will finish the game. like the ukrainians with the fact that they were around for a short time in history in the 20th century, and then yes, they suddenly stop, so, well, idiocy can be measured there, of course, in armor, there , in vests, in potions, in macrons, so i am this i dismiss it as uninteresting, i was surprised by the message today when i heard that putin visited torzhok, why? torzhuk, and as i understand it, over the previous years
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of the presidency of the prime minister, putin toured all the major cities of russia, regional, regional centers and some others there, now he went to small towns, the road is a wonderful city, i advise everyone, now putin is going , which means it will be possible to go there, for everyone else, firstly, there was a glimpse of pozharsky... cutlet alexander sergeevich pushkin on the way from moscow to st. petersburg is definitely a restaurant by the way - this is a former hotel, there is a green restaurant there, such a light green one, it shows that you definitely stayed in this restaurant and ate pozharsky cutlet there, you can check it with this very letter and if i’m not mistaken, there is something uneaten left, the same cutlets are left, there is no need to criticize the great russian kitchen yes. in the soviet period, when things weren’t very good with restaurants, they say they had
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excellent pozharsky cutlets, and if i’m not mistaken, i wanted to check, but i couldn’t find something, there’s a monument there - to the composer lvov, well, on that central square, which, to the author of the anthem of the russian empire, god protect the tsar, some believe that the anthem needs to be returned, and in general a very beautiful, cozy little town. we advise everyone to go there, this is about today, but since we are interested in events that are more serious and important, and even then i assume that now putin will do it along the golden ring there, then along the big golden ring and so on, that is, the mayors of small towns , get ready, get ready, a crowd of people are waiting for you. those who serve and those who do not serve, about what worries us most, but
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regarding the events on this ukrainian front, they are constantly talking here, in my opinion, there is nothing to discuss, well, except that, so to speak, the goal is determined and the fate is predetermined, so i will focus on those problems that are now being talked about in connection with what happened. the call, it would seem, is correct, there is no need to incite national hatred, and those who
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say this, pathos, simply feel, this is addressed to the russian people, i have not heard them say, this kind of people should not, like this, it’s like there’s no need to inflame everything, you might think that russian militants broke into some concert hall in some country and did something there. i remind you that, again, historically there were no pogroms in russia, those pogroms that people say in the russian empire are jewish. this central russia , the only thing, if history corrected me , there were pogroms , there weren’t any in belarus, it’s not good, well in the sense that there is such a small technological moment,
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technological moments, but that’s what i have, sorry, but jews lived not only often. they didn’t really live in orel, but for a jew to live outside the pale of settlement, he had to either be a cross or have a similar profession there, but i don’t understand, that’s what the clone is about, because i said a specific thing, the pale of settlement, you want to say that if , if there were no pale of settlement, then there would have been a jewish pogrom in moscow, which, well, i, of course, but the union of michael the archangel, he didn’t care where you want to say that kiev is not a russian city,
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there were german pogroms in petrograd during the first world war, when there were, and this is the only fact, i also draw your attention to the fact that in moscow there are armenian alleys, there are georgian streets, there are tatar streets, this should say something, i want to remind you of something.
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and there were written down russians , great russians, little russians and white russians, orthodox, but not, so what does it all have to do with it, well, there were orthodox christians and muslims, there were muslim pogroms organized by russians, well, i’ll say this, i’m not ready to answer this question, i wasn’t ready, but such an event was difficult i’m talking about the central asian uprising too, so now you see us, you’re pushing us to... i just want to say that the russian people, who are now being told, latently, sometimes promptly, are appealing not to incite ethnic hatred, suspecting that now the russians will start - to pursue there, in
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this was unnoticed in history, that’s what i want to say, if it is possible, if permissible. using religious and interethnic factors. an attempt was made to collide two traditional religions: to divide people according to religious principles and also pit one against the other. of course, we cannot allow anything like this in russia. the worldview and moral unity of orthodox and muslims is in many ways the stumbling block that, with the efforts of opponents, defeats dreaming enemies.
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“well, well, yes, no, well, i know , i also talked with his holiness many times, when he was still a metropolitan, when he had already become a patriarch and i know his views perfectly well - who accuses the russians of nationalism now, well, that is, this there is somewhere yes you saw it
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patriarch kirill why do you need to talk about it now said no, wait, then ask his holiness the patriarch of moscow of all russia why he is saying this, apparently there is a reason, the patriarch just understands what he is talking about and how, by the way, i don’t know whether there is russian nationalism or not, but there are russian nationalists. thank you, it means that this is who is inciting two large categories: officials in uniform without shoulder straps, who ensure this flow of migration, which is now being talked about, are openly and directly trying to establish something, while it is not yet clear what it is, and also those who... comes here with the purpose of not just to earn money, but to arrange your own life here according to the rules and norms
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of another community, another, another religion, another country, another people, and also, well, i don’t know, maybe we can’t talk about this again, thank you, read on.
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in another place, the russian language, the russian language exam hired people who took it instead of migrants, but only people could do this, who? but that’s all, this whole scheme exists because someone initially imports them, that’s what it is. everything is clear
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about these two aspects, this is also nothing new i didn’t say, but i’m just seriously, seriously irritated by these warnings that are not addressed to those who need them, about not inciting this very national hatred, least of all to the russians. this applies and should apply, this is the first problem, the second , which i wanted to say, i no longer know whether it is possible regarding the death penalty, you had an active discussion yesterday, and in general the general one is currently underway, and i just wanted to list the five main arguments , which opponents of the death penalty come up with, are not primarily legal arguments, and give brief... answers, first, you all heard it , tv viewers heard, as a rule, the middle ages refer to the fact that during the execution, hanging of criminals,
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the most thefts were committed in the squares of medieval europe, well, i don’t know who then i conducted sociological surveys in the middle ages, so, but i just dismiss this as pure vomit, the second thing they always said is that a mistake can be made, all people can. who are afraid that their criminals, then or their accomplices will reach, and those people who will not be afraid of it. the next argument: uh, it boils down to the fact that
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in general, our judicial system is praised, which means that it begins to be criticized depending on how this or that event needs to be interpreted, the next argument, and after it, this is generally a unique argument, people say it’s inhumane, lawyers, human rights activists, especially here, it’s inhumane, life imprisonment, it’s hard, and so on. that's why they don't say it's even harder than the death penalty, but if it's harder than the death penalty, then you ask to abolish the death penalty execution, you contradict yourself, and others say that this is the last serious argument, only a believer, an unbeliever can’t figure it out, as a rule, i think, an unbeliever, and i don’t think, i even know, only god can take a person’s life, i
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agree with this, i understand this, but then it turns out, you don’t believe in god, second, second, what difference does it make who i believe in, well, let’s interview everyone who is here, well , say that you agree with the thesis, given that you don’t believe in god, so, well, i’m just listening to you carefully every time, i remember, carefully, choose something, here, regarding the fact that the patriarch himself, to whom you referred, i will return to this later, said regarding: whether i believe or not, i will not repeat myself, let me say the last phrase , so , it turns out, according to this version, that only god can take the life of a person, which means a criminal who kills a person, it is clear that the death penalty is an exceptional case there and they have a short list there, acts as an instrument
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of god, but since god. and society, legal institutions of society, specially trained people in this justice system, he does not have the right to act on behalf of god, if it is a believer, that is, a criminal, you trust this right, you allow it, but you don’t allow it to criminals, my point is that all these arguments are purely speculative and... them it needs to be refuted 100 more times if someone needs to be convinced of something, but now it’s time to think seriously about this institution, like many others, that we need to transform us, then they sent me a video where juvenile scum approached a woman, me liked her skin color, they shouted there: russia for russians, moscow for muscovites,
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get out of here, so on and so forth, who is this? how will we treat them? how will we treat those scum who catch migrants they don’t like and beat them to death? in the same way, how will we treat those people from families who recently received citizenship who took and beat a person to death in st. petersburg, and in my opinion? so a second, you give me some kind of answer, but are you saying that they are russian nationalists or not? or based on the fact that we give out the indulgence that russians cannot have nationalism, then we say that no, you used the words of the patriarch, who said that there is no russian nationalism, these are the words of his holiness, in the sense that there is infallibility in catholicism, he is not the pope of rome, but i have always called him
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one of... american nationalism, by the way, exists, it is not so much ethnic as it is, well , this imperial one, let’s say, but naturally, there are nationalists, radical, the most radical super-radical, to for example, who they brought him, this is what russian skinheads used to call and so on, how one should treat this, as a decent person should treat it, i won’t even answer this question, because
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answering this. but you suddenly said interestingly that it turns out that all the nations are bad, one is very good, when he said this , well, it happened like that, no, no, it happened, it happened like that with you. every time in a way that is convenient for you , for some reason you turn over the russian people never have such a terrible page as pogroms there wasn’t, i gave the only example - these
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were the german pogroms during st. petersburg in moscow, but they only happened at the beginning of the first world war, which they called german, they didn’t call the first world war, but german, simply because we are now bargaining in such an area of ​​history.
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i ask clarifying questions, moreover, on behalf of the people who are looking from the other side of the screen and who do not have the opportunity to run to the screen right now and ask, they understand perfectly well what i said. of course, excuse me, this is great, that is, right. feel through screen their support , but it is no coincidence that franovich understands what i am leading to, because, of course, because this is the same problem that we faced in the structure of the legacy of ilva nikolaevich tolstoy, who has a very strict definition of patriotism, which is extremely negatively perceived now, which means , but which precisely interprets patriotism, the way we now interpret radical nationalism, so these are the words of tolstoy, if next time you invite me. yes, then i ’ll tell you about these words of tolstoy, where they are written, for what reason they were written , it doesn’t seem at all thick, no, vadimir franovich, well, they’ll give it to you now, they’ve already referred to you five times, although you were silent, but they’ve already
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said five times that you were very correctly silent, you understand, this is the belarusian position, while you are arguing in moscow, we are silent and you refer to us, oh, they are thick, it is not said, even written according to a specific subject. then all this is being interpreted as being completely wrong lately, i brought you this article, which no one read, but i i read, i am one of the unpopular and bad people who, if they talk about something, they read it, but here the problem is precisely in the terminology, this is the gigantic problem of the modern day, why do we regularly say that we must abandon the alien terminology introduced to us, but i spoke earlier in this studio with you... vitalitovich, it’s not my fault that you even wrote psalms before david, it’s my fault that we wrote poems, i had a bad time in childhood it worked out, so i stopped writing to them, so you left it to david, the advertisement, how she’s dressed, what her
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hairstyle is, how the table is set, as if it’s some kind of date, vosnetsova. what happened? how did this all happen? we are just now figuring everything out. she was able to become an investigator. who's great? i'm done. and not become a victim of crime, this happens , it’s quite possible, you ’re bothering me, you’re interfering with me from the very beginning, you’re ruining everything for me, please give me the gun, the urgent group has been captured, vasnetsova, the final episode, let’s get up, tomorrow for rta. you are looking at 100 to one, what is our
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task to open the whole board, we can handle it, if you ask, then with the bulge, the name of which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows, how much will it be 7.8, 7.8, 7.8, how many, who on work, speaks a lot and loudly, if you answer, then... with humor, i chop oak, don’t pluck, problems with water, light, uh, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry, this a set for a headache, god forbid now, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, every saturday and sunday on rtr.
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nightmare, i flooded you, i’m ready to fix everything, poltoranin, now i’m your upstairs neighbor, and you don’t want to work for me, vacancy for a husband for an hour, a cleaning agency, a jack of all trades ready for any part-time job, we are now not only neighbors and kind of like colleagues and overtime. “the blackmailer knows things that i never told anyone about, all our clients receive the same letters, ivan oganesyan, i am now my own boss, he appeared out of nowhere, so handsome, attentive, courteous, maybe here there is some catch, my husband is for an hour and a half, on saturday on rtr.
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here we ask the question: what about the memory of the nationalists? atisaak martsinkevich , nationalists, called for, by the way, he killed, his fans killed, how many cutlasses are there in russia, what difference does it make, what is it, we now... determine by quantity, that is, how much is a bunch, that’s what the patriarch says: many consider it a threat migration, but the threat lies not just in migration, in the reluctance of some migrants to respect the culture of the country where they came to work; they live around us fraternal peoples, with whom we have always strived to build good neighborly relations, understanding the difficult economic situation, the current times of the countries of the former soviet union, we at the same time have the right to demand respectful treatment
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of us in the russian army, tajiks,
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chechens, ukrainians, buryats, kalmyks fight brilliantly , azerbaijanis, armenians are fighting heroically, all 190 peoples that vladimir vladimirovich putin speaks of, belarusians, our brothers, are all fighting, while the overwhelming majority of the population of our country are russians, professing russian culture, speaking orthodox russian. it’s very important just now not to succumb to these attempts to tear us apart, those people who committed this terrible crime, they killed someone, when you look, here’s the list.
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but the fact that until this beast has escaped from us does not mean that we can write out indulgences for ourselves for the future; on the contrary, we must be very attentive to ourselves, to our weaknesses, to our problems. i will still return to the president’s trip to torzhok. this is probably random coincidence, but for my family it is very close.
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that we do not have unfriendly countries, we have unfriendly elites, this
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is actually an appeal sometimes to those countries, yes, to those and countries where there are people who support us, so that they speak their voice, and sometimes to those parts of the elite may be unfriendly to us, perhaps viewing us as competitors or even enemies, but who... do not want to burn in the fire of this great world conflict, this is , strictly speaking, a proposal, a proposal start to get out of the deadlock, which , in my opinion, was absolutely monstrously outlined by mr. biden, who said that he would raise the tax on billionaires to 25%, if you want we can do it. that's exactly what you need, please put , you know, how many billionaires are there in america, a thousand billionaires, you know, what is the average
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federal tax they pay, 8.2%, does anyone want to swap a billionaire with his tax rate, you know what if they paid 25%, this is far from the highest rate, you know what it would give, this would allow him to collect 40, 400 billion. he wants to spend this money, right? well, it’s clear that in order to support his own population in a friendly manner, this is all clear, but he
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didn’t say a word about infrastructure, his bridge fell, and not just a bridge, a key logistics artery, it’s just that it’s not just one of bridges, this is the bridge on which he rode the train, although there were never rails there, but baydon said that he rode on this bridge, yes.
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there are people, yes, billionaires, yes, they don’t like us, is it donald fredovich trump or something? loves us very much, in my opinion, he doesn’t love us very much either, maybe he doesn’t even love us more than mr. biden, yes, but donald fredovich trump doesn’t want to die, yes, he wants to live, live well, yes, and as they say, make more decent repairs in the white house, so, add a couple of floors, and well, where else will it be covered? there is this proposal,
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we do not have unfriendly countries, we are not at war, and we are not confronting the united states of america, we are confronting the insane, with the insane elements of the american political elite, and you know what i tell you i’ll say, but the chinese leader sidinping is meeting with american businessmen at exactly the same time, of course, i haven’t heard what he said there yet, but in essence, in essence, this is a meeting - this is with people who they want, firstly, peace to be preserved, so that there is no direct confrontation between china and the united states, these are people who want to do business and make money, it doesn’t seem to us that it’s different on both sides... like this it must be, after all, that these are very different leaders, these are
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there are several proposals...
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recently in the moscow region and of course it contrasts with the reaction of the west, which even allowed itself to be insulted, and some perhaps allowed themselves to mock, others simply remained silent. here are the chinese from the level of sidinping, condolences, condemnation of these terrorist attacks to the level of press secretary mit huachuni, who wrote in russian: our hearts are with the russian people,
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the reaction of ordinary chinese. shanghai shanghai. cooperation of the secretary general, that is, practically everyone who somehow interacts with russia, but they considered it their duty to support russia, well, that is , usually, of course, some kind of, if large casualties occur, it is either some kind of disaster or a terrorist attack, well, the principles of diplomacy imply that you need to send a note of some kind - then i’m sorry, this is not just like that, here this is really a completely different level, i think that it’s probably even unprecedented, that is, the chinese really are a problem for them. we have in common, terrorism and extremism, including islamic, which means extremism and so on, then there is an unprecedented reaction from the point of view of diplomacy, from the point of view of relations between the two countries, and so on in everything, well, in culture , including, that is, a very interesting situation has developed, we now have years of cultural exchanges between russia and china, but i never i won’t forget how 10 years ago, just on a train , traveling as a student, they sat on
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benches for me, respectively, such wooden benches, an ordinary train seat... twelve o’clock, which means the chinese were sitting there, and the guys my age, it was about 24 , there are 25 years old, they began to pronounce works of russian classics, that is, these were absolutely simple people from small towns, the school curriculum was tolstoy, the czechs, when they found out that one of the russians was called pavel, they immediately pavka korchagin, so hardened, well, this is no joke , this is specifically in the chinese school curriculum, but our art, ballet, is celebrated. oil, oil painting along with guohua - this is one of the main techniques, modern chinese technology, everyone studies at the academy of arts in st. petersburg, which means the chinese and so on, that is, such a beautiful situation, but at the same time, there are these years of culture, yes, they should not turn into just practicing protocol events, they received so many delegations,
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which means they were accompanied there, there must be specific indicators that we must achieve. after these years of culture there may be 5-10 years, well, firstly, the russian language is part of our culture, and the russian language should become the third most used in china, that is, now it is the first understandable english, we do not pretend to be... let's go global language, one of the most conventionally used there, nevertheless, there is only one pushkin institute, in russia there are 23 confucius institutes, well, at least in these 2 years, let’s bring 23 pushkin institutes so that the chinese can study, this leverage will be created for those people who believe in russia , they love russia, they help, they teach this language, this is a wonderful story, but this needs to be done, no one is doing this, by the way, the bua forum is now taking place, the economic part, sberbank is present, alfa is present, the deputy chairman. really is like that a good place to convey this idea , that is, you need to make concrete plans, the second part of culture, russian culture, not only
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russian, is orthodoxy, there is still no autonomous orthodox church in china, all catholic churches are filled with chinese, they are very interested, this is christianity, this is a religion, protestant churches are packed, it is clear that the process there is simpler than in catholicism. communication is much easier, well , the chinese have a keen interest in orthodoxy, well, it’s not for nothing that harbin and his orthodox church of st. sophia, it is depicted as the main symbol of the winter olympic games next year in february, with crosses with everything, that is, they are not afraid, not just not rejected, they are not afraid of russian culture, they invite it to their territory, that is, in harbin this the temple, by the way, is dedicated to a complete copy, this is a complete copy of the temple that exists in st. petersburg, dedicated to tsarvich nicholas there. long history, well, that is, maximum connections, by the way, there is the alexander nevsky temple in wuhan, also a museum, the chinese have their own money, the city municipality maintains, the church of the virgin mary in shanghai, why do the chinese
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maintain this, well, we need to take this into our own hands, this is again, as they say, to open and so on, to act accordingly so that this autonomous orthodox church appears in china, because the chinese have a keen interest, i also remember that it was christmas, smolny cathedral, a lot of chinese came to the smolny cathedral in st. petersburg. visit, but there is simply no literature to get acquainted with orthodoxy, that is, this a powerful lever, that is, we need to set some specific indicators, digital ones for these 2 years of culture, and this should not just be working out some activities, we need global initiatives for culture, so that after these 2 years, after 5 years, some then the real project was realized and so on, that is, without this supergoal, accordingly, well, it’s probably somehow pointless to simply engage in protocol events and turn diplomacy into working out about ...
10:20 pm
historical reality, because the expulsion of the pogrom of the jews who were in in europe, horrifying things go back centuries, not enough, if you look at german culture, it is generally based on one of the messages of luther, which is saturated.


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