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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  March 27, 2024 9:55am-11:00am MSK

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this is the ukrainian embassy in norway, the last thing you might remember about the head of the national security and defense council of the terrorist state, danilov.
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to norway, yes, to norway away from ukraine, but in general a remarkable person , that is, he said that he is not ashamed of his work, you know, there is such a danin kruger effect, this is kistocracy, there is meritocracy, the power of the best, and this is the power of the worst , the power of the most incapable, this is what it is, this is danilov, this is the brightest, one of the brightest representatives who are there. why was he fired? they say that the decree already decided january, yes, but they didn’t fire me, what a look, twenty-second year even before the start of the counter-offensive, when i didn’t demand weapons from the west, give us 500 tanks, a thousand galbits, well, that’s all, but... permak
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people, well, there were scandals at all, but here for the very access to the state secret, that is, to the highest and neck and. and he's redundant. litvinenko is, of course, a person, this is not danilov, not danilov at all, this is a man, well, i can’t say there is an outstanding mind, yes, but the director, he went from bottom to top, the institute for strategic studies at they sent him an honorary pension, namely litvinenko, he is at this institute.
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for example, it will be remarkable for me to watch how he will degrade into danilov’s place, yes, that is, someone must bear all this, and the person, in principle, is not a fool, that is, how can he agree with this. and how will he voice this? ivashchenko also moved, that is, this is not budanov’s deputy , by and large, he was the first deputy head of gur even before budanov, even during the burb under poroshenko, that is, now he has headed the svr, well, in principle they are going, britain cleans up, i do i understand, he cuts off all unnecessary people, he leaves only his entire, well, his entire clientele, because they want to strengthen zelensky, on the eve of, whatever they call the date of may 20, when zelensky will lose legitimacy and so that essentially those people, well, from which you can expect unpleasant surprises, that is... so that he strengthens zelensky, so
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that only his own people are around, well, in principle, in order to keep zelensky in power, and here it is also noteworthy, about the terrorist attack that was committed, that’s it , what most likely they left a trace somewhere, and most likely... most likely the fsb investigative committee of russia, these are the traces, yes, that will lead to ukraine, they will find it, because of course, this is what we are saying, that they fled straight to ukraine , yes, why to ukraine, well , it’s clear that there is a trace there, but this is not proof, but you can’t come to that, it’s just such an indirect confirmation that there... they talk about 5000 for
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four, but listen, in moscow they could earn that much as janitors in less than 2 months, yes, that is, well, that’s not that money, that is, this is the money that was given to them for pocket expenses, relatively speaking. then they will, well, support some terrorists and that’s all, all the money they give means it’s not, for example, the imf has now given out 880 million dollars, yes, but it gave it out for what reason, that is , this year ukraine is at its peak, and in terms of payments
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to the international monetary fund for servicing, that is, not the body of the loan, but for the payment of 750 million, so the imf lent ukraine 800 in order... but really, for president putin, ukraine is his own, that he will try to take as much territory as possible and take control of the rest, but it is noteworthy that he understands world processes, yes, that he really says that well, all around him, and that he
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expects that he is in debt for 10-15 years, that the west he himself will be forced to come to the president of russia, because he will already be there. in isolation, because the whole world will be with russia, a dangerous person surrounded by president zelensky, that is, processes, but how he will behave, this will be remarkable when in fact.
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well, what will remain for them, who directly blamed for the terrorist attack in russia. we leave all this aside, today we have already heard from the director of the fsb bortnikov that budanov is a legitimate target, a legitimate target for our country, meanwhile the eighth defendant has been detained, a suspect in the case of a terrorist attack at a concert... everyone was taken alive, this is an important circumstance , everyone testifies. let's see everything that is known. alisher kasimov, 32 years old
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, has not admitted his guilt, claims that he did not know that he was handing over to terrorists. russia. and came to moscow, cook, cafe owner russian federation, elect the accused kasimov, apartment 6000 plus communal apartments, the owner is looking for decent, responsible, solvent citizens of russia , only slavs write separately, the description surprisingly fits shamsidin fariduni, who... built in the apartment, my rent without intermediaries, i will rent at long term, rented out for the first time, has a refrigerator, washing machine, oven, tv, clean citizens of the russian federation are exclusively slavs,
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she has three children at home, he is not that kind of person, he is not a wine drinker, my son works. here are the first shots from this apartment 63. he gets the apartment. the neighbors have also already questioned the apartment on a spacious street and there is one house right here next to fariduni’s house.
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fatih mosque, selfie inside, and this is a turkish breakfast, costing almost 120 rubles. before his trip to turkey, furiduni worked as a loader for about a month. according to the employees of this factory, the main production is located here, he worked as a loader, a laborer who carried the products of this factory on pallets, as he is remembered here, that is, there are no signs of aggression and one detail. according to russian, otherwise he
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simply would not have been taken here, namely the two detained islomov brothers, that he translated fariduni. 45,000 rub. on a trip to turkey, where he allegedly received instructions from his handler. returning to moscow, the militants lived together in a hostel in the north of moscow for the last 2 weeks before the terrorist attack. you've seen them, these people, you'll forgive them. purchase and sale 250,000 rub. seller,
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investigation versions up to. has now appeared in court accused of aiding terrorism, father israel, in the status of a suspect, elect a suspect, in the form of imprisonment. immediately,
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he visited his relatives in novosibirsk, where he received temporary registration, which raises more and more questions. years in germany, immigrants from tajikistan who are from ukraine, it is quite possible that they are moscow criminals. europe through ukraine,
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this also coincides with the results of the police investigation on december 2, 2023 at the refugee center on the street. belarus despite hiding on the territory of belarus. and it’s completely pointless, the car was rushing along the highway at a speed of over 140 km, collecting all the cameras. there is all the evidence that they were traveling towards ukraine. the handwriting, how they were recruited, these are typical examples of ukrainian recruitment.
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ramadan is celebrated on friday, when the faithful prepare for kivtar accordingly. which officially bears the name of the concert hall named after muslim magamaev, a muslim, a person
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who converted to islam, a person professing islam, in fact, if we say... simply and clearly , the terrorists were the fact of the most beautiful concert halls in the moscow region. will be exactly 13 minutes: long-term combustion the hall occurred as a result of the actions of the accused, who, among other things, are checking
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the possibility of violating system security requirements. well, us president biden just published a photo of an emergency meeting he is holding in baltimore, in which biden tightly clenches a pen in his fist. members of his administration are sitting in a row, literally opposite the american leader, look, they printed out a huge map, but biden had an infrastructure disaster in the baltic sea, maryland after the bridge exceeded
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2.5 km, the ship was moving. one of the bridge locks named after francis, to twenty missing people who could, along with the car degrees, and this is footage in daylight , apparently part of a container of a cart, the mayor of the city brandon scott asked cnn to stop broadcasting american citizens, well , the captain, sergei, more precisely sergei 52 year,
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official information, look. a bridge collapsed after a large container ship collided with it, part of the bridge collapsed into the water, the lights you see now are where the police are currently working, sonar, they found several cars. under water, rescuers are trying to get to them, because there may be people there, you can also see. that the entire flight of the bridge collapsed into the water, we received information from the baltimore fire department that
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balti may have died in the water. i am returning to the topic that most naturally affects us , what happened in the crocus, the consequences of this tact, namely the attempt. on the one hand, to get to the bottom of what our law enforcement agencies and the country’s leadership are doing, speaking at the official level
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very carefully, representatives of the united states and other western countries speak out, who put an end to it, together, ukraine could not take any part in this. i will not repeat myself, it has been said more than once or twice that this in itself, we are not naive people and do not suspect that president balden spoke on the phone with the tajiks in the crocus center and ordered them to shoot, generally speaking, not now, a long time ago -in practice for a long time. to such a denial, this means that in the case when the leader of neighboring cuba, fidel
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castro, he is a record holder for not ending in success, but the doctrine of plausible deniability... stipulates that the president is not told about particularly sensitive things, and he, in fact, i think that they, of course, assumed and knew that ukraine had long been. that in fact, attempts in this regard to call her to order, well, today in all
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the media in our country, at least, not only we are talking about the interview, mr. malyuk, in connection with the holiday of this very service, he was also eliminated or. kiva, how zakhar prilepin suffered, how did tatarsky, and so on and so forth, that is , we are talking about targeted terrorist attacks in their countries, the leaders of western countries who continue to delay. the same song: it cannot be that this was ukraine, it cannot be, and they, among other things, were moving
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towards ukraine, and i want to say again, this is not the first time i have spoken on this issue, i have reached an agreement with... who is waiting for you there on the other side is simply impossible, anyone coming from the territory of the russian federation, even through.
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i am absolutely convinced that in order to carry out a terrorist attack in crocus, its organizers should not have recruited people from the united states or, say , great britain, well, they are not idiots after all, the same thing should not be discussed there. regarding migration, regarding whether it is being carried out correctly or incorrectly, whether it is needed or not, and so on and so forth, having invited or hired to carry out this terrorist attack , imagine we all already see that these are not fanatics and canned goods, that is, this people,
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who should have. then die, so that they can be completely swept away and they take the bait , they were promised 500 thousand or 5 million - this is, so to speak, a question of the investigation in reality, but it is obvious that these are absolutely not revealing. for the group of participants in this action, return and
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cancel the moratorium on shift execution. than those who hired these people, who sentenced them to the wartime period, take into account. all this is not funny, the discussion that also unfolded today at the plenary session of the state duma, but we do not show humanism in relation to terrorists whom we feel sorry for killing, in relation to those people who may become victims of the death penalty, frighten them with the death
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penalty if they themselves are always happy, but others, and others who, for example, committed in our kazan school, he generally repented in court, he was given a life sentence and so on, but he had absolutely no intention of dying as a result, he did not try to commit suicide, i assure you... that yes, of course, there are cases, we know these cases, when martyrs blew themselves up and so on, but in this case these people, for example, i think.
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worse than the death penalty, who’s telling you? the terrorists sitting in prison say that they are so scared in prison, they know that they need to pity those who question them, because they are already the last, they think that they will someday get out,
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somehow they will live. in any case, exactly who can lift the moratorium? putin did not have a constitution, because it was established by a number of articles. adopt the constitution, nothing needs to be adopted, article twentieth, part two says: jury in ninety-nine
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the constitutional court made the advice. europe , we, since the council of europe does not accept the death bone, we have no statistics on this, and is there a decrease in crime from the introduction of the death penalty, and china says that no, china, they shoot there, including for corruption, also the united states for the murder of those who was sentenced.
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stand, i have other plans for this evening, you have someone, this doesn’t concern you, vasnitsova.
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science fiction, can science be understandable? make a wish, yes, yes, yes, yes, again, yes, every person in any region of russia can, that's right, saturday food formulas. is this a girl from a boarding school? damn, lyosha,
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why are you scared? it turns out that the bride has a criminal record, maybe in the future. our life, no need to come here, my uncle will find out, he won’t like it, you have your own life, i have mine. my beloved friend, sunday, we work in the interests of our country, our job is to tell the truth, our task. every evening, evening with
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vladimir, i have a job for you, how can you not understand that this is a beauty salon, beauty salon, you want it to be managed by some kind of proram, what do you mean? you see, beauty, we will deal with delays especially strictly. everything is in place martynov is not there, what is his name? margarita, hello margarita, she’s a master, i’m a bad master, first of all, show everyone that you are not a robot, but a person, i also thought, you know, that your master classes. she is the queen, i gathered you all so that i love
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another man. queen margot, friday on rtr. every time i cry. it was necessary to make it known that animals simply die there and from monday to thursday on rtr.
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with your beloved dog, which is not on the border very similar, a white fluffy spitz named baby, said that violators of the state border must be destroyed. used to carry out provocations near the state border using sabotage and development groups. there is no point in joking with them. they violated the state.
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expense is a component of this entire process , in fact, but such that in long-term construction, what is most important is, strictly speaking , profitable, so money now, unfortunately , has an important component, you need to be able to count it, as for there was an accident, it was, respectively, human or, respectively, mechanical. if it’s a mechanical one, then it’s an insured event, but a human one, there are so many lawsuits now
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, then the khan of ukraine, the ukrainian captain sergei, there will most likely be a problem there, well, he may have personal liability, but most likely the problem there will be with the company itself, because we remember, in fact, they now calculate how much it costs, it’s very expensive, in fact, it’s not just that the bridge was blocked, but the terminal there is not working now, it’s very important case in maryland, here, but this is so, this... well , a man-made disaster, a meeting, an emergency, accordingly the composition, how would this lead to... a serious drop in rating, now his rating is considered for some time , as if one of his mistakes was political, so to speak, right now, that’s why he’s so sharp, as if it’s amazing that it’s not here, that the idea of ​​​​building
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a bridge is still buttage, it seems like he didn’t lose his position, then he is not bound to get lost, well, it is unlikely that he will be fired, because. the same three, i think, it’s unlikely that he started to volt anyone before the elections, this is, and accordingly, the data appeared. now 87% of all exports go to asia,
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to china, as if in a guerrilla way, that is , this is the highest, 87.5, to be precise. violation, how they are indignant in violation of un sanctions that north korea, which apparently does not exist, sent their oil to normal production, as if refining, as if somehow somehow fuel oil. then it’s as if the whole world is changing slightly, that’s what concerns natural oil supplies, what there was a problem with december 22, december 22
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last year, we live in accordance with the precepts of international law. check financial times, well, we’ll check this later, we do n’t know, of course, when life has flown under the bridge, rosne, which, accordingly, is a significant part of the budget in general , now, judging by the data, plus or minus, accordingly, part of it has returned to india
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, in cunning schemes, apparently has about 5 million barrels left, that is , now the valuable volume is returning to approximately the level that we saw before introduction of restrictions in december. that is , it means that adaptation is gradually taking place, the lowest is approximately 600 million, the middle east conflict on october 1 is 2 billion per week gross volume, this is all taxes are taken from. the last sanctions impact was 1.2, then it fell sharply, immediately in october before the start of the middle east, that is, an output of two is considered as if, or even 1.8, as if this is a stable supply, taking into account the fact that now the entire falcon coming
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just to china officially, because as if there were restrictions on the soviet fleet, in india, with a high probability, a significant part of the oil will be purchased by the celestial empire, that is, china in the near... time will be the main recipient, as it were , benefiting from this, because now the ceiling prices are above 70, i remind you, according to legal entities, but it adapts, it takes several months. but she still seems to find some way, to want to buy our oil, western countries i...
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it needs to be changed, anna ardova, i’m done, my university friend, this is not at all what you thought, vadim andreev, your children will be found, they will definitely be found, but they didn’t
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put them to rest, they say the truth about you, on rtr, you look 100 to one, with us? what is the task of opening the entire board, we can handle it, if you ask, then with a hint, what character’s last name, how much will it be 7.8, 7.8, how much, who is at work, speaks a lot and loudly, if you answer with humor, i’m an oak. geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry, this is a
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headache-inducing set. “you are so businesslike, i definitely won’t be lost with such a wife, look at the weekend, advice yes love, in sadness in joy, in health and in sickness, everything, i don’t know what will be so difficult, mom, you have a choice, he needs you." asya, it doesn’t happen, i always believed in you,
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in your we don't need services, i understand, so do i. new wave, registration, submission of online applications to the site, don't miss your chance to become a star.
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nightmare, i got you started, i'm ready for everything. he appeared out of nowhere, he's so handsome, attentive, courteous, maybe there is some kind of catch here, the husband for an hour and a half, the prime minister.
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joe, who observed the actions of the services rescue from the oval office when he is informed that one of the captains of the ship was a ukrainian, the same case when they aimed at the crimean bridge and destroyed the american one. you won’t believe this story, after the collapse of the bridge in baltimore,
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i made one of the main beams and brought down the entire flight, the video is simply amazing, the incident is such a global disaster for the infrastructure. one might say, the biden era, for more than 10 hours here in the baltic sea a rescue operation has been ongoing to search for several dozen people who supposedly were on the francis scott key bridge, at the moment when the singaporean, saw in these shocking footage, the central part of the bridge, and its total
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length is 2.5 km, so the central... part, at that moment there was more than ten cars, several dozen construction workers, it was night, but nevertheless construction repairs were carried out. al continue, they involve both coast guard ships, and the engine shows no signs of a terrorist attack or a sign of the deliberate destruction
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of this bridge. as for the influence on infrastructure, then... indeed, the container ship itself is still standing in the water area , diesel fuel is reportedly leaking from it, and i can’t help but ask how long it will take, time is short, but nevertheless, this is the only wording that still remains. no, this will be repeated like a spell, i closely followed how the local media covered it on friday, the local media
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did not cover this event for an hour and a half, as if... as if by chance, in the simultaneously published data on the diseases of this tragedy the united states, through its special representative to the un, said that the united states wants to negotiate strategically. regarding security, there is a complete feeling that, in fact, one of the goals of this terrorist attack, this act of intimidation, was to disrupt possible potential negotiations not between russia and ukraine, but between moscow and washington, as far as this is true.
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but they have one thing in common: sincere, strong friendship. to fall in love with the white fluffy one, i said, i want to caress the obstinate one, he loves to grab
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his claw there, so tame the biting one, voice. tomtsev, where are you flying after the performance , rushing everything, guys, me, friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr, you are my best friend. and this is a girl from the internet, from my house, immediately,
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where friendship has become the past, it turns out that there is a bride on trial, are you? our whole life in our hand, yes , ir, there is no need to come here, my uncle will find out, he doesn’t, tell him that i love her, and tell her, my beloved friend, sunday on rtr. so, the ministry of emergency situations announced the completion of search work in crocus city;
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139 people became victims of the terrorist attack. it was a program 60 minutes, bye, bye. honeycombs, beauty, you want someone to manage it, everything is in place, martynov’s is not there. karita, she ’s a master, i’m a bad master, i’m an excellent master,
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not a robot, but a human, i also thought, you know, that your master classes should be called queen margot, i gathered them together to announce to you about our assistance. one hundred television is a piece of russia. on every screen,
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a motive is not needed for murder using cunning, a series. we are gathering an orchestra and will perform the seventh symphony. i remind you once again that this is my investigation, let’s agree in advance, or on my head, i don’t even know if he wants to read, please, my hope.
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russia relies on songs, russia in general, for every taste , i poured a basin of hot water on myself, i’m glad, i say, i’m leaving, i looked around, she’s already, is it more difficult to become a good person or to stay, the question is of course an interesting one, both are difficult, and another, tests, it is very important to unite, not to betray anyone, no matter what happens. live, the story of a mysterious disappearance, the whole studio discussing the nature of the conflict, why mother and son and daughter-in-law have not communicated for 5 years, cutting-edge documentaries, now the flag of the russian federation is rising over the norwegian sea. this was one of the most striking historical episodes.
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impartial analysis, live program 60 minutes , news is broadcast, hello, key events, what will this day be remembered for, when the whole world calls black white, we choose the truth, vladimir putin is sitting in this chair in the hall, he is like you and me remember, he enters through these doors, everything is clear. which is impossible to imagine russia, only on the rtr planet channel. sorry for falling like snow naked. his declared dead, now he appears. you should introduce me to my son. my answer is no. why do you think it was your ex-husband who kidnapped him? i feel like it's herman. everything will be fine. the main thing is to believe me. husband for an hour and a half, premiere on
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saturday on rtr, broadcast on the tv channel. russia is coming out with news, i greet you, i am martial. hello. today is national guard troops day. for more than two centuries of history, they have always guarded the country of the people. you fight fearlessly, putting yourself at risk.


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