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tv   Vasnetsova  RUSSIA1  March 26, 2024 10:20pm-11:21pm MSK

10:20 pm
there may be a reason for the kremlin propagandists, but when they already threatened me, we are definitely not kremlin propagandists, well... this constitution needs to be changed, it needs to be changed, now, probably, now is just the time that, together with with this constitution, the republic that was created on the basis of when we did not, as our leading figures said, have our own national interests, is becoming a thing of the past, now we have them, we need them...
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not mom and dad are missing, cool version, just the most successful, the most efficient, that’s what was, stand, i have another plan for this evening, do you have someone? this doesn’t concern you, i said, he loves to grab his claw there so his voice, give me your paw, give me your paw, well done, the stars are ready to do anything for their beloved pets, where are you flying after the performance? that's it, guys, i
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need to feed the hamster, you are in the circle of friends, in the circle of friends, look, me, carefully, look. look at the agreement, sign, we sign at the same time for 1 2 3, places that fascinate because they are part of the cultural code. the squad is ready, explore.
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the taste, oh, my eyes are wide open, how delicious everything is, as my mother says, it’s mind blowing, this world is worth seeing, a snake charmer is the oldest profession in india, they say the right one...
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the man hasn’t proposed to you in years , it needs to be changed. zoya is my university friend. this is not at all what you think. they will find theirs , they say the truth, what the restless wants, the restless gets, from april 1 on rtr, the floor is shaking, the walls are shaking, big changes have come, in the new season with a new renovation, such a movement
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hands, we are making absolutely no faces from this room, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and work. i have a lot of plans in front of my eyes, i ’m actually turning into a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, no matter how you look at it.
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was surrounded by the prosecutor general igor krasny, the very central apparatus of the prosecutor general's office, nikolai patorishev and alexander bortnikov also gave an interview on the topic the involvement of the usa, britain, and ukraine in the tragic events of all fakes is beautiful. yes, well, to be honest, at the very beginning, when this whole thing happened, in general at the very beginning, when this whole thing happened, it was of course difficult to somehow understand this whole flow, except for the fact that it happened all the
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american media , ukraine is the new pope, well, something. faith, and ukraine is such a country, why is it actually, because, look, ukraine, this is infallible in matters of war with russia, you know, because americans, by and large the elites, they are, so to speak, russianists and all that stuff, but...
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the people, this is, so to speak, this formation, are at war with russia, they can do this too, the rest are not, they, so to speak, pulled him by the sleeves, so to speak , there were various ukrainian figures, don’t do this, don’t do that , but they probably understood perfectly well that they would not always listen to them, that is, they seemed to understand perfectly well which one. well, this too, you know, you can’t trust anything by and large, this could be quite an excuse for the americans, because that article in new york times, this kind of excuse, let's excuse, let's excuse william burns, he is, so to speak, a man, everyone knows that this is the
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one we brought against today. the person planted there, this american man, is telling me, don’t wait a second, well, it happens, it happens, their state is collapsing. happens to some of their allies, they lose, they lose , and so to speak, you can call them not allies, satellites, it doesn’t matter, with friends, so to speak, abroad, they lose control over what is happening in their country, in them, which we just saw here during
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this year, they have lost all of europe in 4 years, the only reason why europe is so, so to speak, fanatical. the east, it has lost everything, china has lost everything. it ’s as if they completely failed, but nevertheless, well , they will put it on, this, by the way, will be completely normal for them, this is the situation that seems to me, well, that’s okay, i just wanted to point it out.
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and some, so to speak, it’s clear there, leaders,
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not islamist authorities, who raised them? well, as it were, in my opinion, this is prosperous to a degree, despite the fact that education, in fact, both school and university, it has lost its fundamentality, it has become like this, it’s clear who fills in, well...
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we’re playing with the fucking legality, but for me the legality has been distorted. i don’t agree, i’m just inflating
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it, they’re demonstrating nothing, we need to win, our demonstration is being accepted, this is good now, so to speak, on the wave of the wave, the law is not a thing that turns in different directions, according to the well-known saying about the drawbar, every time... and who is the law for? who does the law protect? if the law at this time does not protect the citizens of the country, who needs it? if by law we cannot take a traitor and punish him? if we have the law, now all the relaxants will want to come back and like tanya is an alcoholic, the lakant series will still need to be transferred there, but it will be at the debate. whether the law at
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some point in time protects us or not, they must be restored from returning to the country if they have committed a criminal offense, there must be.
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where they should or should not return, speech it’s about exactly that... it means we don’t hope for the consciousness of society , and then let’s.
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but what is happening now continues to happen, despite the complete vulnerability of these same children to these social networks. you can’t do it, because these are laws, wait, you suggested that citizenship should decide, i don’t suggest, they have russian, that ’s all, here again, the whole problem
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that we are now facing here. they were teachers of russia who had a cold, so they raised them, yes, from the party organization, all the nineties, those teachers public, who were told that everything you
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said before was not true, now you say correctly, these are people for whom it is difficult, well , firstly, there is no ideology, no understanding. in my opinion, firstly, we still don’t know what ours is, so to speak, and how they are actually zombified via the internet, anything can be there , because all the nasty stuff comes out of there, people younger than that you’ll come up with, well , you know, yes, that... well, well, i don’t know how to react to this, but it didn’t happen like this, an indian, a ukrainian, there, flew
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generator, because of this everything happened, but no, of course. they wanted to destroy the crimean bridge, they destroyed the baltimore one and it was destroyed by a ukrainian, he has a car and a car, no, i don’t think it’s a coincidence, on the issue of infrastructure, this bridge was put into operation in 1975. so to speak, it is clear about their affairs taking place in all events, not only in this particular tragedy in the floccus, but in general
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a new one, because the generation, here again, is kind of otonic. about the great patriotic war and about everyone else, as it were commissions. ukrainian foreign minister dmitry kuleba categorically demanded yes from western representatives.
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were replaced as long as necessary, well , ukrainian ambassador milnik, the same one called german chancellor olaf scholz, who are you, he has already apologized, who yes, no, it changes him, as i say this, well, who are you? in the end, well, it won’t be a night to mention and laugh
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how much all this did not correspond to his appearance and the statements that he made, since, well, he is a poorly educated person, doesn’t even know the terminology, at the end of the film, for example, he... could act without makeup as a leader, and then again, well, now let’s go back to the damn patriot, means of communication, means of energy supply than means. technical support and at least two ammunition loads of missiles , let's sum it up to a billion,
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why was he so excited, why did he simply demand, because they really have it in the sense that they have no means of struggle, no countermeasures... against our high-explosive aircraft bombs with universal planning and correction modules , there is not a single means of combat, it is impossible to hit it, well, yes, the orthodox cast iron are putting things in order there, they call it at the front, especially an unusually effective weapon of large caliber, 1500 kg, now 300 times on the way severe concussion from the use of such . there are currently no aviation means, especially since when it is dropped from a high altitude, on approach to the target, it
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picks up almost supersonic speed there; you can only fight the carrier aircraft to the line by performing combat tasks, that’s why they ask, give us this damn patriot, or the f16 with air-to-air missiles can fight the carriers of these aircraft weapons . generating capacities, substations , power lines , enterprises of the military-industrial complex, infrastructure facilities, they really didn’t like it, well, in this regard, again,
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but... but no one fights differently, starting actually with the trojan wars, that’s exactly how everyone fights, and if you don’t want to go to peace negotiations, then why should you? force, but only in this way. because we are so bloodthirsty, and because, well, how, in what way can we end the war in the shortest possible time, but again, blows to the center of acceptance. they
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will get it sooner or later, but there are still some that are very much in our tradition. alexandrovich, i wanted to talk today about how much i like working with investigative journalists, and that’s where i started. analyze some things, i ’ll tell you now, you will understand the criminal act that took place in berlin in 2016, when the tunisian amri drove a truck into the crowd
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people, then... the police and intelligence agencies were very closely involved in all these issues, but the fact that amrine was not located. in germany, here - a man called abu-wala was arrested, the year he was arrested, for 6 years he sat in
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a cell beforehand. in 2 years he should be released, but another interesting thing about this is that he is considered one of the most influential people who are involved in radical islam, even while in prison, even while in prison, he has a gi, let’s say, he is under arms a few dozens thousands of radical islamists, we are talking about... germany, for now i’m only talking about germany, this year, with this, abuvala, last year, was arrested in germany, there was an attempt to carry out several
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terrorist attacks in cologne. who are still under investigation, the question is whether this is somehow connected with those people who were in the crocus, this abuwala, he has one name, which everyone calls him, including the german special services, the preacher calls him , and interrogating one of those who managed to be detained, the word preacher sounded several times, assistant preacher,
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preacher, etc. but this is not enough to connect this into one thing to say that here they can be carefully examined to understand how they are linked, part of those... time by the names there by the appearances in everything
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there is also an explanation why in germany they are so terribly afraid. in fact, he can put germany, but not just on a par with countries, states, but maybe
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they simply gave them opportunities, or the conditions of a democratic one are already occupied with another issue, but there are no legal grounds to send him somewhere, because he doesn’t have a passport of a citizen of another country, and according to german law, you can’t deport a person to anywhere, that is, he must be a citizen of some country, so theoretically you can say how much... in 2 years he will officially be the same preacher, under arms , of whom there will be, perhaps, not tens of thousands, but hundreds of thousands, in germany there are already about 2 million refugees from syria and central asia, of whom, as we know,
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experts have spoken about this, at least a third, no, no, i listened very carefully, i’m just thinking that yesterday, not on sunday, when we spoke, leonid kalashnikov drew attention to the fact that we had adopted a law on deprivation of what was given. on international affairs , representatives of the social democratic party said that
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zimmerman was struck, they together stand for taurus, for others there. prevents me from working, they are too clingy to the russian this collapse of the government coalition, this only means one thing, that the position of chancellor scholz will strengthen, because from the party will leave the one who prevented him from pursuing his certain policy, this is an important point, because... due to his certain caution, let’s call it, maybe it ’s cowardice, maybe because of his understanding of what and how to do, he 80
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gerhard schröder is turning years old, so let’s congratulate him in advance, because i think that he is one of those representatives of the social democrats. passed the attention of gerhard schröder, see you tomorrow.
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hello hello.
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zoya, hi, oh, mash, give me some investigator to help, i’m already allergic to this archival dust, no one is working today, and oh, please don’t touch me, my inventory is in order, right? okay, let me see, it’s interesting , oh, the statute of limitations has expired, the trees are green, there is no decree to stop, hmm, how interesting, where are all the personnel, why are all the offices closed, they are in a cafe around the corner, watching tv.
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in connection with the latest events , the first comments from analysts have already been made, so most observers agree that...
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olga vladimirovna, you don’t have a formula for the accusation it’s time to agree, yes, we’ve been sitting too long, in complete safety, thank you, in exactly 48. stories, i’m sure they can help, with statements from the prosecutor general about upcoming high-profile cases, as well as the possible start of an open phase of the struggle within various. will there still be a reorganization? well
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, yes, it will happen, they will disperse us all. well, that’s right, says petya, something like that, yes, but they won’t take me there, such a specialist will be torn off with his hands, oh, marya sergeevna. delnya, how to give a drink, it is still unknown who they’d kick me out, so i would be
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like these young slackers, oh, you don’t even know, pekurovsky, i found a file on pekurovsky in the archives today, that’s why the name is familiar, the case is murder 103, i’ll even tell you, ninochki, you ’ll be surprised. situation, this resignation outwardly looks unexpected, but the motives for this
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personnel decision will become clear when we find out what post the retired prosecutor general received, so what? on one point, the tester swooped in to gloat, namely, i’m a
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far-sighted person, and what a personality, how did this awesome specialist get kicked out for provoking unsuitability, okay. zhenya, what do you hear there, who will be the general. and the blackmailer knows things that i never told anyone about, he’s handsome,
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attentive, courteous, maybe there’s some kind of catch here? my husband is on the premiere for an hour and a half, on saturday on rtr, as much as five. this is a dangerous fabulous belly , let's go, it must have been edible, i meant, of course, the bear, when my
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gambling team, if 100,000 is not there, marrying your strong love for the game, this is a five-on-five-on-one program saturdays on rtr, this is for you, well, get some sleep, gentlemen, just a minute, pay attention, today is a big day, a big holiday.
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you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, my hero. they didn’t even realize that the person who was called.
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hello, mashenka, please come in, sit down, who caught you, mashenka, so we ’ll pour it for her too, nina fedorovna, when i saw the artistically decorated table, i realized that it couldn’t have happened without you. extended, and this means the end of life, yes, you can, mashenka,
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of course, oleg pikurovsky, like me... i watched all his performances, what he was like, serano, and hamlet, and postcards, a whole archive, strange, so famous, but i didn’t say anything... he was suspected of murder, so what? well, as soon as the case was opened
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, the name was immediately banned , they stopped mentioning the newspaper, they kicked him out of the theater, i wonder where he is now, it’s very interesting, because then the case was not sent to court, they suspended it, and if he didn’t kill, it’s necessary him... to rehabilitate him, olga, don’t worry, we’ll get you settled, you’re meeting, or something, yeah, breakfast, a search has already been announced for you, and you what, we still have to get ready today, but at home, by the way, the refrigerator is empty. no, we ’ll go home, you haven’t forgotten that we
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’re leaving tomorrow morning, mr. shvitsova asked you to bring you to the prosecutor’s office, why, you’ve already opened a company for employment. no, gentlemen, jokes aside, everyone is leaving. it's good that there are no incidents today. sorry, of course. that distracted you from making fateful decisions, nothing, nothing, but since you still
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won’t get much out of you in the near future, just do some clerical work, all these... things on responsibility, everything, everything that they came up with for all sorts of things, guys, don’t judge us harshly, they, they’re busy, like... i’ll tell you everything later, they don’t care about retirement, but my life
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is falling apart, stop whining. this has nothing to do, i’m in the same position as... what did you say there about this playboy, yes, you’re in love, yes, you compared it, cucumber, admit what you had with pekurovsky, oh-oh-oh, well, both of you are crazy. i
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don’t believe it, that’s right, where pikurovsky is, there ’s a scandal, that’s good me, balka cherevkov, a dead drunk. just like it turned out that pikurovsky’s wife had overspent, she was also an artist, one of pikurovsky’s fans removed her out of jealousy. do you
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know him? well, yes, this is my mother’s favorite artist, russian gerard philippe. who is gerard philippe? well, fan-fan telpan. i 'll take it for myself. no, olenka, if anything is interesting, it’s for you. i find out one thing. actually, i wanted to do this, let’s do it, i just need to take ivan ivanovich into account, yeah, it never happened.
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well, sufferer, everything is so bad, a nightmare, today kovin and belyaev got drunk, and what can we say about the rest, wait, but you you rightly note that the people will not be left without investigation, that’s right, yeah, so does it really matter where in which case? there is no confusion
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regarding current affairs, there will be a struggle for places, for positions, there is.
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well, in general, a dark story, monsignor, he was almost among ours, you missed him, by the way, i even saw him in the theater, quite decently, remember, well, let's get started!
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so, you, that the one who sent you here, you are significant in this. in general, it feels like this is the case of the century, so stop doing pikurov’s stuff because of the statute of limitations, who’s faster? it's faster let’s spin it, i looked through it, it’s not so simple, it’s not clear whether his wife was killed or not, of course she was killed, but you doubt it, remember
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the famous incident, when a woman disappeared, her husband was accused of her murder, uh-huh, the body was not found, and he served time 10 years, yes, but they got 10 years, yes, that’s right, the first time there was a miscarriage of justice. generally unsolvable, listen, don’t talk to me, let’s argue who can get to the bottom of this artist faster.


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