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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  March 5, 2024 9:05pm-9:21pm MSK

9:05 pm
sasha, who should i vote for? and you must decide this for yourself. together, we are strong, we vote for russia. vladimir putin today went on a working trip from stavropol, from there the president held a video conference. took part in the opening ceremony of several new production facilities in the belgorod and leningrad regions in mardovia. in the village of solnechno-dolsk near stavropol, putin got acquainted with the work of the solnechny dar greenhouse complex. the head of state spoke with employees of the agricultural holding lunch. i looked at your farm, but to be honest, it’s been impressive for a whole year. build a whole city, god
9:06 pm
will take over by car, we’re going, we’re going, where does it end, we can’t see the end of the region , we came here, everything is like this, it’s not for my coming that they cleaned it up here, it’s always so clean, although it’s so clean, it’s all out, everything works, i was curious to ask you, do you prefer cucumbers or tomatoes most of all, depending on what?
9:07 pm
yes, the classics are ours, based on this, odessa should be taken away, because the classics come from the same place, and ilfa petrov, well, we need to to note that the communication was very lively and cheerful, however, suddenly, the greenhouse workers decided that they did not like the word agronomist, the following conversation ensued, do you think , maybe it’s time to somehow modernize the name, rename it, maybe agronomist .
9:08 pm
to do this, well, they’re unlikely to accept him , just as biden didn’t understand what kind of boy he was and gave him a suitcase to carry, decided that it was a fight from the hotel, trump probably can, trump can, but he’s not active, yes, biden, biden definitely can't, because he he will simply look for the easter bunny to take him by the hand and lead him away from these terrible people, as has already happened several times, macron only if he decided to get a cake in the face.
9:09 pm
as they did to him more than once, voters don’t like those people who for some reason decided that they rule them, well, scholz can’t reach his voters at all, because scholz doesn’t have any voters of his own, let me remind you that there aren’t even no direct voting close. people love vladimir vladimirovich, between working meetings vladimir vladimirovich went out greet the residents of the stavropol territory. vladimir vladimir.
9:10 pm
it’s nice, one after another, european countries are preparing for war with us, by the way , i never knew that we have a common border with france, that is, for me it was just such a discovery, as i heard. macron, he addressed the french community in the czech republic, we have a common border with the czech republic, no, it’s just that geography has now become so complex, i understand that our borders do not end anywhere, but that they suddenly secretly took it at night and approached the czech republic to france, with we do not have a common border with australia, with new zealand, with canada, we, as it turns out, are terribly threatening to all of them, but the canadians can at least come up with something there through the surface of the water. well, let's listen, macron said, he said so. we are definitely approaching a point in our europe where it will be appropriate not to be a coward. we never want to see the tragedy we are approaching. we never want to see
9:11 pm
what plays out. and i believe that both our countries are aware of what is happening in europe. the war has returned to our land. president, how brave you are, have you even seen yourself in the mirror? oh, my god, another one decided that this is his toulon, this is your berezina, it will be, so let’s calm down, calm down, there is also the head
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of the german ministry of defense, pistorius, he is seeking the return of compulsory military conscription even before the elections to the bundesag, i think this is excellent idea, then two more state languages ​​are very important: to do everything possible so that the houthis have all the anti-shipping systems they need in order to permanently solve the problem of british shipping, so that this nonsense does not happen and that they change their anthem. that britain rules the seas, no, no, no, no, enough, enough, this little nasty island state, this is small britain, must behave decently and know its place, or is it the business of the baltic countries,
9:13 pm
they are tirelessly building bunkers along the border with russia and belarus, there are already more than a thousand of them planned, thousands of small concrete bunkers, in each one they need to have time to make a toilet, because it will be... it’s very scary, they may not have time to reach the neighboring bunker with the neighboring toilet, as vladimirovich zhirinovsky loved to tell this anecdote about three toilets, yes, which a german aunt had in her house in 1945, foyantsev, silver and gold, and so when the russians came, she shit herself right in the corridor, so listen to what you are inventing some kind of concrete ones, wake up? “yes , nothing will help you, we’re just not going to do anything with you if you behave decently, and if you run into trouble, when europe managed to protect itself from the russian bear, never, never, so what
9:14 pm
brussels calls on europe to forget about peacetime and move to a war economy, with all the ensuing consequences, all the ensuing consequences for european war economies have ended." usa, usa, yes, thanks to the efforts of the usa, the situation in ukraine over the past 10 years has evolved from an internal civil conflict, to an actual full-scale third world war, which has every chance of turning into
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a nuclear war. this is an absolute given. it saddens me that our preparations related to entry. will be when well, we’ll just put it in a combat position , aim it at specific targets, we’ll announce them in europe, our nuclear arsenal, everything is going towards this, it’s just that europe, for some reason, probably thinks that the germans will hit the crimean bridge, which, by the way, is a civilian infrastructure , it is not used for military cargo, this would be terrorism, they think that in response we will destroy all the bridges across the river or what? what’s the point, that is , bridges across the dnieper should be destroyed anyway, but
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definitely not in response to the crimean bridge, if the germans if they destroy or try to strike at the crimean bridge, this means that a strategic object on german territory must be destroyed. france, with any attempt to send troops, i will repeat once again what i said yesterday, this means that the headquarters must be destroyed of those units that will be sent. plus there should be no underground tunnel connecting great britain with europe, all gas pipelines should be destroyed, that is, well , everything, that is, before wiping countries and cities off the face of the earth, well, let's start with the fact that we will wipe out military facilities and infrastructure from the face of the earth, they believe that the russians will never dare, well, just like them are crazy...
9:17 pm
by presidential decree of february 26 , a military-administrative department of russia was established. the corresponding territories are reserved for the military districts, including new regions of the country. the measures taken will significantly increase the efficiency of command and control of troops and forces. continues to improve the composition and structure of the armed forces, commensurate with emerging threats to the military security of the russian federation federation. let me remind you that last month a comprehensive restoration
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of the historical headquarters building of the moscow military district, with an area of ​​almost 16 thousand square meters, was completed. the builders installed modern communications and engineering networks into it, while completely preserving the façade and historical interiors. in this regard, i would like to once again thank the mayor of moscow, sobyanin, for assistance to the armed forces, including.
9:19 pm
with these people there, a crazy person can get scared, exactly how scared he will be, but we have to start, i think, first of all from this. that’s because, in general, everything has come to a close, we have an anniversary, fultanov ’s speech, so i said many times that uh, cherchel futonov soon reported not only and not so much about the fall of the iron curtain, that’s how much he reported that uh the rod of leadership in the struggle to lower the iron skid, well, it fell, and there the verb dropped, of course yes. uh not only about this, but about the fact that the united states should uh lead
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the struggle of the anglo-saxons for world hegemony, which should belong by right, but in general, it was 1946, this speech formalized only the situation that had developed since the summer of 1945, when they bombed japan with nuclear weapons, sending a signal to us, here, but in principle, here is stalin a few days later in the newspaper true, he wrote that this was the replacement of one superior race with another.
9:21 pm
in this sense


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