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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  February 26, 2024 9:00am-9:25am MSK

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commented the press secretary of the russian president peskov, saying that such boorish statements from the mouth of the us head of state are unlikely to somehow offend the head of another state, especially president putin, but this is a huge shame for the united states. if the president uses such language, then he should be ashamed, spokeswoman mit zakharova said that the next time biden decides to use the expression crazy son of a bitch, he should try remember that americans best associate it with his own offspring , hunter. in other words, if kanter is a son of a bitch, and he is biden’s son, then like zakhar. called
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biden himself: that’s right, exactly that. let’s add on our own behalf, jupiter, you’re angry, it means you’re wrong, or you’re hysterical from powerlessness, and in general it’s hard to imagine that a smart, strong, powerful, self-confident person, a leader, well, let’s say putin, called him names someone a son of a bitch, a murderer, a dictator, and then went to hit his head on his own helicopter. introduced but it’s really impossible, well, as they joke on the internet today, paraphrasing the famous phrase of the main soviet journalist, international affairs specialist, zorin, two worlds, two gangways. president joe biden called russian president vladimir putin a crazy son of a bitch during a fundraiser in san francisco, warning that the threat of nuclear conflict is always an existential threat to humanity. what remains is the climate, this
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is the last existential threat, this is the climate, we have such crazy sons of bitches like this guy putin and others, so we always have to worry about nuclear conflict, but... the potential threat to humanity is the climate, biden told a small group of donors. biden has called other people a son of a bitch before. in january 2022, he was caught using the same term to refer to a fox news reporter from the white house. biden's verbal attacks on putin also escalated sharply at the white house during the campaign. such boorish statements from the mouth of the us head of state.
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and at the same time it’s funny about biden himself. the british daily mail reports that joseph biden has only two loyal allies left to fight age-related changes: a physiotherapist and his cat willow. she will be there at exactly 7 am, biden
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takes off his breathing mask for sleep, which helps fight apnea, and goes to feed the pet. following the window , a doctor comes up to the president to do some exercises. without daily exercise , it is difficult for biden to maintain balance and maintain a firm gait, that is, the physiotherapist gives daily instructions. joe: don't fall when certificate. the president's working day, according to the schedule published by dailymail, begins at 10:00 am and ends no later than 5:00 pm. afterwards , my grandfather’s performance dropped sharply. throughout the day, biden strengthens his lungs. soup, salad with smoked chicken, for dinner, pasta, for dessert, traditional grilled meat, ice cream, chocolate chips. it’s not even surprising that at the same time as the daily mail , the conservative washington times published an article reporting that an open letter to president biden calling on him to pass such
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cognitive test, has already been signed by 84 republican congressmen who do not believe representatives of the white house who claim that a president in excellent shape is quite capable of leading the country; in the washington times article , a neurosurgeon and new yorker angel boev is quoted as saying that the president’s mental abilities do not suffer only from general aging of the brain, but also from two operations to eliminate aneurysms, which he underwent in 1988. joseph then had small parts of his frontal lobe removed from both parties, so a decline in cognitive function was inevitable. such patients are not always allowed to even drive a car, let alone in the united states. more evidence of biden's inability to work. during his last speech to voters, he forgot his favorite saying, which his father constantly repeated. and instead of
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reading from the teleprompter that a job is more than a salary, he said that a salary is more. although perhaps this was a clause regarding... the raid, so biden's age is the most a big problem in his new election campaign, politico writes. and in order to somehow hide the obvious, he increasingly began to use a short ramp when flying, so as not to fall. he also has to constantly change his shoes, literally, that is, change slippery patent leather shoes with heels for comfortable soft sneakers with rubber soles, before boarding the plane. since every drop leads to a drop in ratings, but vice president haris is in a hurry to help. kamala said biden is in good health and ready to lead country for the second time, but if suddenly, then she is, quote, absolutely ready to take his post.
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you've been, you've been running through my mind, and i've been thinking that it's just about time, we get together, get together, so come on, just...
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settled in the white house with my favorite toys, treats with plenty of room to sniff and explore. by this time, first lady jiu biden, who got up early, is already lifting weights or doing push-ups, the president, who is wearing a support apparatus airway pressure to treat sleep apnea and often has noticeable dents from his straps on his face. moves more slowly. president biden begins his roughly forty-five-minute workout around 8:00 a.m., often with a physical therapist. the program reportedly focuses on balancing exercises to help combat the president's increasingly stiff gait. the president does not enter the oval office until 10:00 a.m. and usually leaves at 7:00 p.m. aides schedule most of his public events between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. because, according to according to white house insiders, this is when he is most active. biden first. receives a secret daily briefing on the threats facing the country. lunch usually consists of soup and salad with
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grilled chicken. his favorite treat is chocolate chip ice cream and he eats it every day. as an ice cream lover, what irritates me the most is that the ice cream portions have decreased in size, but not in price. he needs to seriously work on his physical skills.
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today headed to harris's home state of california. oh, well, well, again a couple of times
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tripped on the stairs, but of course it could have been much worse. they need to get him a climbing harness or at least have someone lift him up the stairs by the handle every time. in general, the president is confusing his words and thoughts and is now slowing down more and more right before our eyes. here is joe biden, at another point on this trip to california, escorted from plane to helicopter, and not so long ago he would have gone on a feeble jog in front of the cameras. the states are here to gather.
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well, a few words about international the isolation of russia, or rather its absence at the meeting of foreign ministers of the g20 countries in brazil, our tricalor is proud of ariel, along with other flags of the international association. russian foreign minister lavrov was warmly greeted by colleagues from turkey, saudi arabia, bolivia , mexican foreign minister alice barcena and sergei viktorovich almost hugged. blinkin didn’t even look in lavov’s direction. lavrov reciprocated. in addition, and as reuters reports, representatives of western countries at the closed meeting, literally fell upon russia. moscow urgently needs to be banned, british foreign secretary cameron all but shouted. notified in his office. leading diplomats from the united states, australia, canada, germany,
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italy and france made similar statements on the first day of the two-day meeting. lavrov answered cameron with dignity, listing in a calm tone. a set of facts about events in ukraine. this insight was shared by the head of the norwegian foreign ministry, who, by the way , also joined the criticism. another insight voiced by the head of the state department, damn. at a meeting with brazilian president lula dasilva, he said that washington does not see conditions for negotiations to resolve the conflict in ukraine. the new york post writes today about what washington sees. blinken trains state department employees to communicate gender-neutral language. such words as mother , father, son, gentlemen, now only people, all people , daughter, husband, wife, at the same time the address, ladies and simple logic, you see a woman, talk to her as a woman, but you don’t know at all, what's in pants
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hide member. quote: all this tolerant, inclusive newspeak, us secretary of state. spanish shame, or cringe, if it’s fashionable. joe biden's secretary of state warned his department officials about the dangers of gender confusion when communicating with colleagues. according to a february 5 memo obtained by national review, anthony blinken warned
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against using problematic gendered titles such as brave man and woman or lady. and gentlemen, he suggested using gender neutral instead terms brave rescuers or people, a state department spokesman was asked about this nonsense. this is standard government practice and is intended to encourage people to treat each other with respect and use language that does not make others uncomfortable. i want to ask the secretary of state or anyone else in this building has any problem with the phrase ladies and gentlemen? i have no problem with the term.
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moon said this and the state department can shrug it off saying, yes, it’s just a note, nothing special, why is this all discussed, but it gets into the minds of everyone who receives these notes and reads them, many of us. moms and dads, we have sons and daughters, they don't want this horror in their lives, and you think this note from secretary blinken is going in the trash, no, the bureaucrats take this
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seriously, so it gets into the state is getting deeper and deeper, i don’t know if you remember, but at one time there was a cia ad where a woman says i’m a person of color, i’m a mom, i’m cisgender, a millennial who was diagnosed general anxiety disorder, remember? yes, of course, she advertised cia recruitment, military recruitment, now at its lowest level since 1941 . the army is a killing machine, not a feeling machine. as for this gender confusion, you can say, oh well, what's the big deal, just be polite, but the topic itself is important. this note took time, people's attention and effort. people spend hours compiling them, they spend money on this psychotherapy, and this leads to even greater
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opportunity costs. not accepted scientific, non-biologically based decisions. this not only affects unity within the army, but has a long-term effect on the physical and mental health of people. let's move to the front. pavel kukushkin, vaenkor are in direct contact with us. pavel , hello, we know that we were in one of the hottest areas, today is rabotina, we are listening to you, yes, evgeny, good evening, under rabotina, the situation is developing quite actively, our heroic fighters of the fifty- eighth army, and other formations, are now pressing with three directions, from the west, south and east, in the direction of this settlement, battles are already taking place directly in the settlement. that is, the southern part of this settlement is under our control, and they are pushing the enemy further to the north, and the battles are going on, well, how can i say, it’s impossible to say that they are already
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in the houses, because there are no houses left there, there if, well, all these shots we saw that from the settlement there are only destroyed houses, and yet the ukranazis are clinging on, not giving up, let’s say, positions without a fight , but now at the moment our artillery is actively working, working our self-propelled guns, barrel artillery, our tankers are actively supporting the attack aircraft at the moment , they are ironing out fortifications, the ukrainian nazis, and there is evidence that the ukrainian nazis are retreating to the north of the settlement. the new york times writes that when fleeing from avdiivka, a thousand vsu officers were caught.
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that the military forces are losing strength, that a huge number of killed, wounded, lost equipment on the other hand, we hear, for example, an interview with the minister of defense
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of belarus khrenin that zelensky has concentrated 114,000 on the border with belarus vsushnikov, how many of them are left there, what do they have, what are their future plans, well, about the plan. a large group on the belarusian border, well, probably like...


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