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tv   News  RT  May 11, 2024 9:00am-9:30am EDT

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of the p avenue is moving a 100 soldiers with a dozen small surrender ringing a new russian offensive to would ukraine's 2nd largest city a call calls. with several specimens fully under most goes in the vault. at least 10 people have been killed and many more wounded is the idea of continues. flanks on rafa and southern gone to south africa cause the moon meshes from the ice c j to restrict the ideas defense. they've been gone to us as another country libby. lenses support to the genocide case against israel. also ahead the you are threatening the, you're in charge here with your own hands is around the representative shred the un charter and they say after the whole process that the general assembly,
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which overwhelmingly passed a resolution to expand palestine rights that the well, the very welcome to you, this is on the international with the latest world news updates is good to happy with. this would begin in don't yet 50 west. 3 civilians have been killed and at least 8 small injured by ukrainian shelley. the, the local authorities will pull the kid forward, seize using these 2 high mas well kits. you talked to coach via a raleigh, celebrating the 10th anniversary of the referendum of the don't. yes, we're public will keep you fully updated as more information comes in. meanwhile, russian falls, this is comped, it's several assessments that are new, offensive,
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new frame, 2nd largest city hall, called that's according to the russian defense ministry of correspond to the shape always brings as more details on this. well, it's important for several reasons. i suppose it's not unexpected in the blogosphere and anyone watching the conflict in ukraine, it's been somewhat expected that the russian military would make a move in the region. and the map is important as well as we look at exactly what's happening on the ground and several reasons why it's important. firstly, i think is the fact that the city of belgrade and the settlements around a place like shoot back and i'll place they've been in. and i've been in the world, they've been attacked by ukrainian artillery. the id, i think from the russian military is not the 2nd guess them is to push ukrainian force is out of artillery range of these big russian townsend and sacraments like dogs. well, besides, innumerable civilians killed in what can only be described as terror attacks,
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indiscriminate artillery, picky from the checking vampire and melora system. this is one reason why i think that the russian military has made a move. the other a course is to pain ukrainian forces to shape the battlefield. and that's very important in this conflict because as you see, you kind isn't a pressure in, in the don't that sca region in that area is a foreclosure ever seen, or resorts is being spread. and as the russian military advances taking that 5 set limits, as we've heard from the russian ministry defense losing a well over a 100 troops, many surrendering as well. we believe us, the russian forces move forward. and you have to understand that this is part of the white, a picture. and every time the russian military makes a move, ukraine has to react. we've also heard about the defense lines being built in the area in the north. the west and media were very energetic about suggesting that ukraine has built a lot of defenses of the area. now, unfortunately, though, they don't seem to have held back the solution advance,
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but they're probably the significant body. the defenses are beyond the russian forces towards the have called a cd region itself. so a very important to move a very, an interesting developing it's not unexpected if you like. yeah, but it's a space that we'll have to watch very carefully as it develops. okay, well let's discuss this further. now let's bring in all guess full of a pencil going cd a security policy. unless mark malays, i get to see mr. maloof as always. so i'd like to ask you, what is the strategic significance of russia's decisions to begin is offensive in the hall coverage and as well that it appears that the russian offensive is just beginning it is. it's going to be a slow moving effort. this is a probing effort to, to throw the ukrainian limited very limited ukrainian forces off balance, and it's meant to do it on multiple for us. we're not just talking about the northern region as your correspond to. pointed out, what are the chains up in the north is to set up
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a buffer to protect both regret it. the other, however, is that you'll see that there are not only multiple for rays, if you will, going on at the same time in the north. but all alone, the area of skirting a don't ask you have at least 10 other front set the russians are, are undertaking simultaneously. this is to throw the ukrainian forces off balance. it has met, it is design, and a very slow, tedious process to, to break out here, they're everywhere. dest, by a 1000 cuts, if you will, in order to put the ukrainians on the, on the defensive. and that's just because they have limited forces and they're yeah, and, and also the, the in do this in a way that ukrainians are unable to bring in new forces.
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any time soon there, there mobilization efforts are failing. they hit, they, they, there's no time to train these individuals who, who do come in, it's in the ukrainian forces. and as a consequence, uh that it's, it's being done in a way to pro, it's meant to, that's not meant to be a major onslaught. all at once, that will come later. what we're seeing here is more of a re con effort. more of a, uh, a mobile mobile as units movements rather than mechanize units. what the mechanize units, you have more of a tanks and major artillery come in and that's a, that's not what's happening here. so this is going to be a probing action. it's meant to keep the ukranian forces off guard to have them try to figure out where, where the next it is going to be the it clearly puts them totally on the defensive,
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not on the authentic. and is it too early to assess how effective ukraine's reinforcements have been and responding to be ongoing fighting in the board areas? oh, it's not too early, we're already seeing the retreat. they can't hold on. and when you hit multiple fronts, the weather they are, they can't move them around quickly enough. they have limited forces, limited are immunization, and they, they, they will go where the latest outbreak is. but then that the plates the uh, the protection and fortifications where they were earlier. and then then the strikes happen again. this has meant to basically keep them off balance. so how much things play out in your mind for the next few days and weeks as well. i think by the end of may into june, we're probably going to and as, as the grounds dry up, i mean that's, that's what's really important is that you have dryer soil so that the tank scope
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begin to roll only after after that occurs where you begin to see a greater onslaught, but, but not only will they be creating that goes buffers up in the north, but, but they will begin to advance more and more. they're taking more cities by the day the, the russian forces are so consequently that they really throws the ukrainians off. and as, as, as of the days and weeks progress, you're going to see the success rate. and i would say by june, you're going to see a full fledged offensive russian off sense of under way that, that i doubt that ukraine is, will be able to recover. the whole goal, i think, is to get to the name of the neighbor river to take over odessa. take that car. cough and i think that's where the russian forces will stop and, and ultimately, but um, i think that that's, that is going to be what the goal is and to try and wrap this up. and it, and it will. and all of this will come sooner than the ukrainians will be able to
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replenish their supplies and be able to get uh for a new forces trained and adequately uh, uh, uh, dispersed by then it's too late. so it could be quite a crucial a few weeks ahead then. oh oh i would say a few months. yeah, i would say i would say the next few months, but june july period. i think that will be the turning point. um, we've also seen a strong icons on united states a and it's a ton of us. 3 of the referendum of the republican is a timing significant to so yeah, it's a round the anniversary of the of the crew that occurs. so i think that this is, this is all of the, it, it's, it, it's meant by the ukrainians to send a message, but it's not going to be effective, but i think what we're going to be, they're going to be caught out. and so, so far off balance here, now they're gonna, they're going to be in a totally defensive mode. they won't have time for playing games any longer. and,
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and they're going to be, it's gonna be a, i think we're, we're seeing a decisive moment, a beginning to emerge. and it's going to be a slow process. is it's going to be a slow bleed as it were, death by a 1000 cuts. mr. maloof nice to speak into i was always good to hear from you. we've been talking to a lot, some of the pentagon, cd, a security policy analysts. thank you. thank you. and i think at least 10 people are dead ends. many more wounded. an idea of strikes on rough uh, with the city now said to be in circles by as well as military and the long fe of ground operation rounds up a warning, disturbing images ahead. the nose and a sensual positive gauze levels are being attacked by his way. the forces dozens of people, including children, were killed, mothers, and now morning the left ones killed with my id f missiles from the city and state news agencies also reported the depths of a local journalist and his finally journalist chrome al satari,
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who joined us from rafa says that there's no safe place left in gaza in the profession process have just infected another portion of the city, austin and the dispos people and the citizens. i like to leave this area for major main areas and also these people are now frantically trying to grab what. busy are they can for the sake of leaving the areas that was described by the compression as just the mentality. and i don't know, safe haven and other people are fully aware that they are an area of like a relatively safe. i've done another area at the same time to extremely aware that the, if they have an impact on something that is extremely changing, i believe. ready finding to dfcs, so people lost that 5 percent that people lost advice for decent access. the water and food supplies, people lost their advice to be treated as people that are the human and the situation is continuous and no one doesn't seem to be able to bring
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a gun. and so there's going to be for the people of cousin as well pushes on with this offensive in raso, south africa has all the international court of justice to intervene with new imagine c measures. the escalation has spots phase of jeopardizing quotes with very survival of palestinians in gaza. of the situation brought about by the israeli assaults on russell and the extreme risk it poses to humanitarian supplies and basic services into garza to the survival of the palestinian medical system until the very survival of palestinians in gauze there is a group is no telling me an escalation of the prevailing situation, but gives rise to new facts that are causing irreparable home to the rights of the palestinian people in goza is really a defense forces of take to control all the the guards inside off of it, off of border crossing. so that's because sites violations of the genocide convention and to continues to argue that alpha is now effectively the last refuge in gaza. for 1500000 for the see me is from alaska,
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and those displaced by is really action. and so it can be, so i think this is by season control of the life of crossing is while is now in control and in direct to control. the full incident exists to gaza and that's the remaining population and medical facilities. * at risk, given the recent evidence of evacuation is always being treated as extermination. so that's a collage to it's complaint. the genocide complaints i guess is what in december of 2023. since then, more nations and regional blocks and hundreds of advocacy groups have joined the latest to being libya, which has filed a declaration of intervention in the case of choosing as well obtain a side at the international court of justice. a. it believes that at the ad, emissions is well off off of genocidal carrots. several other countries have also intervened. in the case. the case is well including turkey, which last week said it was also. i'm seeking to join pretoria as case the despite
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repeated old as by the court is well, has not changed. it's conduct. in fact, it has doubled down on his genocidal aims and asked including by invading the last fall, which is a very recent case such as well has repeatedly said it is acting in accordance with international annoying does that. it also says that to the case is baseless and has even accused. so that's a call functioning as the legal off from us. and in the us pro palestinian protest is doing the government's who ends military age to israel. so i'm consider a recently published report by the us state department to be a measure to a piece the public. it says that washington has reasonable concerns that as well may have violated humanitarian know, using american weapons. given israel, significant reliance on us made defense articles. it is reasonable to assess the defense articles have been used by israel,
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the security forces since october 7th. it is this has been consistent with its international humanitarian law obligations, or with a stablished best practices for mitigating speaking with harm. although we have gained some insight into israel's procedures and rules, we did not have complete information to verify whether us defense articles were specifically used in actions. this would be a last as violations report which covers the period from the outbreak of the war on october. the 7th to late april did not find any violations of humanitarian age provisions to going, so it also didn't know to mondays any actions to be taken by the way the government will trigger any policy changes. for example, with um, supplies at the smith co director at the midwest in boxes, the chief of boxes, theory and political a lot analysis. so he's a bite of his trying to win over the type of scenario electorates, and then went up to the elections in november. it's very interesting that they can't seem to get their story straight. i think for one,
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the politicians are definitely feeling the pressure of all the student protests that are going on. and all the movements that are going on on the ground in the united states that are pressuring them by new ministration into making a change in policy. when it comes to israel, and of course those protests are made all the more powerful by the fact that we're in an election year and that by them is running for re election. so i think that his campaign is, is feeling the pressure and he feels the need to, if not drastically change policy at least give some live service to what these protestors are saying. and what so many americans are upset about. but, you know, i think in reality the state department and the pentagon have no plans to actually change much about their policies. i think there will be consequences in terms of what they're going to be consequences in terms of the upcoming election without bide in response to this reporting. what with what this report has to say, and we'll see how it's interpreted by the american people will see how it's
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interpreted by the protesters. but of course we know the vast majority of the world is opposed to what is real is doing and gaza. and so i imagine this will only serve to turn public opinion further away from the us and their allies. on the other hand, the republicans are also unhappy with findings, policy, republican congressman, a pushing for his impeachment of his threats to hold to us offensive aid to israel . the officials have tons, is the us presses and made an ultimatum to as well that a major offensive of the city of rafa would result in a hold of some of us west and supplies. the remarks pointing to the backlash from republicans on some motor democrats. they'll make a cory mills long use that they're all power allows to trumps, withholding of weapons a to ukraine, and exchange for announcing an investigation into the bite and family. the house has no choice, but the beach brands and queens pro joe biden. as wise, president biden was called, threatening to withhold funding and aid to ukraine unless they fly the tony general
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investigating police. my company financially benefited his son hunter, not to mention the 10 percent share for the big guy himself. now joe biden expression is real, our biggest l. a in the middle east. by pausing the funding that has already been approved in the house. if they don't stop all preparations with home us, it's a very clear message, this for that me wall and tele babe, hundreds of protest as much things. suppose if a goal is a sci fi and the hostage deal demonstrates is dom onto the next and yahoo government take action or step down. once the correspondence equals dawn of explains how the gauze of was cool was the crisis and the times of long standing allies for the rest between the us and israel over garza is standing long time. love is more and more into strangers. president how language has been our policy. what we do not support is
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a major ground operation in rafa city now sheltering over 1000000 people. since we believe there are better alternative ways to go after from us, given that 1500000 people that have simply no way to evacuate, bought netanyahu is on faced by the us. so position. if we have to stand alone, we will stand alone. i already said that if we have to, we will fight tooth and nail, but we have much more than nails and with the same great us of mind with god's help, we will win together. we are determined, we are united to defeat our enemy and those who seek our souls, israel and us leadership, both face public forces, tugging them in opposite directions over the gods and massacre. and they seem to be looking for different outcomes. america's support for israel is stored, a huge portion of the population expects washington to be the 1st to help house.
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it's middle east pod net, so the bite and administration has to deliver. i would also know that the united states has surge billions of dollars a security assistance to israel sees the october 7th attacks past the largest ever supplemental appropriation for emergency assistance. unprecedented coalition to defend israel against the run around you. the taxes are mentioned o'reilly and will continue to do what is necessary to ensure is you get the print from the printed spaces. we are also committed to ensuring israel against every dollar supplemental . at the same time, america's progressive, less so passionately, naturally by the democrats. overwhelmingly. supports palestine the the
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joe biden and the democratic party made these people the backbone of the pallets, with every shipment to israel, the support dwindles. and that have been many shipments. so now washington has to make it appear as if it cares. we paused one shipment of weapons consisting of 180-2000 pound bombs, and 170500 pound bonds. we've not made a final determination on how to proceed with the shipment. and, you know, not going to get an i pathetic goals. and again, we've been very clear on our views as it relates to rafa and any ground operations, they're still many would argue this is too little way too late and should have happened really quite a few 1000 guys in depth. leah,
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yet this is enough to create a raw, the unprecedented divide between the west and israel. c forgetting yahoo! it's larger than a diplomatic signal. his political career to is on the line here. the idea of wiping gaza off the face of the f is totally not without support in israel for the show. i'm so that if you decide to end the siege to break the siege, it will be, in my opinion, a terrible decision. because without hunger and thirst among the gods, the population will, will not be able to recruit collaborators. we will not be able to recruit intelligence, we will not be able to provide people with drink with food, with medicine. it's clear for everyone today the right wing parties were correct about the palestinian matter. today. it's very simple, if you're going everywhere and they tell you a nicely garza, they can put some se natalie, to even my attorney's office colleagues who always disagree with me and everything . they tell me. mostly, of course, we must annihilate all guidance on washington coverage. voluntary migration then we
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should compel them until they say they wanted the war does, but it does. yeah. tomas is still holding plenty of hostages. it kept it back in october. and there's an overwhelming public demand for a truce as is where the families want them back and they get more vocal about it. by the day we demand to and the keeling credit card on here. you guys are to ring back these really hostages that are there i live right now. we understand the process for the past. so once you base on the back a minute, they're really controlling, needing some people, has nothing to the people it needs to read. and of course they run a lot. louisa read an oppressive experience. i made it because the time to stop with the manipulation, the die every day. and we had also asked to do something, i would have government and it is being the same game, the way to come up and be be the only ones who are the power in his rhetoric. yahoo
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claims, he is both sides. we're on the road to total victory victories within our grass a home. it's not a matter of years or decades. it's a matter of months. what's the continuation of the military pressure is an essential condition for the return of the hostages unit in actonville, he seems to be hell bent on the ground operation in the last century for the gods and civilians who have been able to survive until now. at least it is rarely hostages. keep dying, a mouse is still going, and it seems neither american nor is really lead as care for that. all that matches for them is how the do in the polls at home. and in this case, what works for you. yeah, cool things biden as advice, thus dividing it right now with the actions he has taken has laws. his supports in the left in the use in the migrant population. so now do biting. is this middle of
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the road neither last night, the right to neither. here nor there, there and is not able to inspire any votes from what is supposed to be the base of the democratic party and it's on. yeah. who has been doing this war has been used by many leaders throughout the history of the world, even to stay in power. what better waiting to rally a country behind you? what better way to stay, maintain your command of power in israel, then to be as war and to be seen as the only possible solution? right, so in this case, very uh, reality policy, very much a villian if you will. and it's anyone who has done a master move to stay in power and to be seen as the leader of his real, of course, at the expense of innocent lives of children and women in guys that in palestine. this comes is the un general assembly has overwhelmingly pulsed a resolution to expand upon the stones rights that they will vote. a 143 countries
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voted for the non finding motion, putting pressure on the security council to make it official. however, the as way any representative has different ideas. i was sick and twisted. i run the, the very bad, the established to prevent evil is now well, tell me a terror state into its ranks. this is your mirror. you are threatening the un charter with your own hands. yes, yes. that's what you're doing. the united nations general assembly took a vote in favor of granting member statehood to the palestinians. so now the next step is for the un security council to take such a vote to this. now there was a vote on this issue back in april and at the time the united states said it after un ranting member state would status to the palestinian authority, would be at this point. they argue premature and would hurt the negotiation process
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. the united states has made it pretty clear that as a permanent member of the un security council, the 15 member body that leads the united nations, they will use their power to veto a push for palestinian statehood. this resolution does not resolve the concerns about the palestinian membership application raised in april and the security council through the admissions committee process. and should the security council take up the palestinians membership application as a result of this resolution? there will be a similar outcome for people. we are convinced that full membership of palestine in the world organization would help to equalize the starting negotiating positions with israel, which received his full fledge status more than 75 years ago. it is the adoption of the state of palestine in the un. that would be the 1st practical step towards adjust solution to the palestinian question on a platform approved by the un and based on
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a generally recognized international legal framework. we see this as an opportunity to at least partially correct the historical injustice against the law on suffering, palestinian people who have lost an unprecedented number of civilians over the past 7 months. the consequences of israel's actions, which are covered by the united states will be felt for many years and to overcome them, the palestinians will need the closest involvement in the work of relevant you and bodies. now the palestinian authority sang to all the countries that voted in favor of granting statehood and argue that this was a step forward in their struggle for national liberation and national recognition. after years of oppression at the hands of the israel. now it's also important to know that the vote in favor of moving ahead with the status of the palestinian authority as becoming a member of state was overwhelming. $143.00 countries voted for it was only 9
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voting against it. now the procedure would, in order to make a country a member state involves 1st devoted the un general assembly, which has already happened. then from there a vote of the un security council, which is set to take place with the united states and likely be towing. it and then after that there would need to be another vote at the un general assembly, including all member states in which a 2 thirds majority would vote in favor of granting the new members statehood status to the country. however, the united states has made it pretty clear they intend to veto this resolution and stop any notion of palestinian statehood at this time. the united states. as a permanent member, they have veto power. so it looks like palestinian statehood will not be moving forward at the united nations. you know, take 2024 has wrapped up in the wrong the innovation events hosted tech companies were moving over the world the full day for him start the west and sanctions have
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failed to cripple the rain in industry. ozzy correspondents of july, they filed this report from the events of innovation and technology may appear out of french for sanctions at iran. but you know, tex 2024 offers the window and to how far one has advanced and indigenous in key technologies was over. $1000.00 companies from iran and around the world, participating in this tech event, as indeed have the opportunity to force connections and showcase their groundbreaking innovations spinning from state of the art a i, applications to cutting edge robotics. this is 7 access industrial robots. the 1st fund design and for the use in your for example, the technology, the for costing technology building and injecting machines. you put up slides.


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