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tv   News  RT  April 28, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EDT

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for decades, tons, fields in easier game, the independence in 1956 the the world's largest food and beverage company as part of and a scandal facing allegations and selling help their baby food to western nations. leaving it, developing countries with alternatives, impact with sugar turbulent times for boeing as a tire falls off, one of its jetson johannesburg. it's the latest safety square for the stimulate gas prone aircraft manufacturing giants gathering on democracy, square, weekly government and a half off hostage video for bucks. reaction from is rarely society which fills the streets of tel aviv demanding prime minister. netanyahu make a deal with a modest relief, all those held a captive the
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live in moscow. this is our t international. i'm rachel ruble. leslie has found itself embroiled in scandal, as it faces. claims that it pushes baby food products, packed with sugar in developing countries, but offers much of health care alternatives in western nations. we've heard from african women accusing nestle of malpractice. and i go to the hospital. there is, as we say, see to them we databases will this and see with all that really said um this from to the i was surprised myself. i had to withdraw every use of leslie for the for now, it has a lot of health education, negative health integrations, on the children's micro organisms help to maintain the protective layer in the go
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to prevent unwanted influences in the body. so the both sides like a virus protecting virus and decided she does bring that by the i r t is another way you can get it looked into how western food companies push an unhealthy diet and developing countries. here as her report from south africa. chad in south africa like in many parts of the african continent, spaby, molten serial. are a booming business and to your open companies dominates the field for giants and leslie and debbie preachers. palmer that's but as of late initially as found itself entangled in a control of a seat. because what positioning yourself as the solution to serious los today too many issues like, hadn't got a study by switch into public. i found the company pushing products design for children and developing countries that are packed with adage, should that the world health organization recommends that should, it isn't added into a baby's biased towards any one side until they 2 years old. and one of the issues
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that we see of the nature of the quote for some of the fact that is added sugar in some of the poor countries, is that the reason the sugar is bonded either by may say its own. so mission to global move, countries or so called waste and countries is because they recognize that this is a to a nutritional out of it for young children. next slide produces to need. i'm not just full babies, but they produce food for people ages and in 2021. there was a major scandal way. there was an internal memorandum leak, but shut that may say acknowledges but up to 60 percent they facebook but yeah, is unhealthy. and one of the reasons it's on help is because the add additional sugar. so if you can develop a sugar of dependency and young children was they would see them consume as that means you'll have consumers for the rest of your life, for your unhealthy products. who actually took time to visit one of so that because the biggest supermarkets and found that so the sooner left baby serial had sugar in
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it. but there was no specification as to how much it contains, unlikely as the ingredients for them. contrast infant formula and serial, sold in switzerland and on the main you will pin markets with a company has its headquarters couldn't seem to know sugar. and it's a, has a history dating back to the 1970s of report to the violate to break the lease is put in place to protect the children, including the legend use of talk me. but, and as the accusations of sending formula to the poor countries, which is less healthy than the natural alternative of police to move in some countries including south africa and even puts in place recreations that prevents companies like loosely from aggressively promoting the consumption of outs up process fluids including products with a high sugar content. the reason that they've really strict regulations including himself. i forgot that these companies like mesa,
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often breach when they makes these claims is because it's, i'm the minds and discourage this woman from breast feeding. now, why would you breast feed rather than getting a child commercial formula moke? also see, it wouldn't have all of these additional home full um products contained to ingredients. so it can be for a lot of matters, expressions of africa, access to safe and reliable to supplies. it's really difficult. so when this is preparing the for me, animals, it means that they are exposing their children to die raging diseases. same belief that there would be more consequences in these global countries. i think it stains from a genuine belief that they can exploit for a countries um that the populations will stand for it. and they know that if they have these harmful products in the market, the way they are rated and way they show a strain holders and executives. and this, that they might actually use their reputation in their own countries. and then
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those who use the support that their country is gives them when they busy with these international shenanigans, despite the evidence present it, smith's made denies old indications against it. will have undertaken significant efforts to minimize sugar content throughout our product range, including the phase removal of edits, sugars such as sucrose and glucose syrup from our growing up milks for children above 12 months. worldwide web live, the same nutrition, health and wellness principles everywhere aligned with international guidelines and regulations. this includes compliance with labeling requirements and thresholds on carbohydrate content, including sugars, parents, children and communities in these poor countries, especially in cove it district and citizens of africa with mothers have no choice but to feed the children with these products have resulted to the one thing that had abandoned, as a result of these products, breast feeding. when i 1st heard about the news,
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i decided to throw the products away. i don't use them anymore. you know, they're still parents who have no other choice but to feed their children with these products. using silly lack is easy, either need electricity or too much water, especially as people who never have voice and electricity, but for the life of our child is no other way. we're asking the government to check these things before the end of the country for the sake of our children and the future. why would they allow us to feed all babies with dangerous cereals? they don't even tell us a warn us that clinics. well, i understand that it's a business, right? but if you're going to be marketing, put on school, babies, like you went on a cigarette box, say this is not how healthy or a tub full for the low. i think they should be a key, a warning sign. they need to make the consumer well aware of the consequences of using the product with all the all coating pulls for africans to buy costs of these products. such tweak is limited only if you are willing to speak on some of the
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issues, perhaps solving just how big and influential such with joins have become littlefield, artsy to have this fixed a blank line has been forced to return to johannesburg after one of its tires fell off during take off. the plane was on his way to take town when the incident occurred. this video shows the moment the planes successfully made an emergency landing and comments as the us aircraft giant is being battered by extreme turbulence right now, has been accused of cutting corners to land itself, bigger profits. but the us senate is looking to put his wings, as ortiz, donald quarter explains. planes running off the taxi ways paneling falling off mid flights, windshields cracking and scores of injuries just last month. owings reputation continues to fall deeper into the gutter with the new revelation that the company is faced 30 to whistle blower complaints over the past 3 years. it comes just days
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after one of the companies engineers turned whistleblower took to the senate floor and accused his bosses of cutting corners on the production line. are these points say right now i would not the, you know, it's like an earthquake. you know, it big are quite as common, but when been that hits the building that, you know, you, let's say if you're talking of a building, have to be prepared to accommodate that type of a, let's say shakeup. you know, it has to be built properly, right? now remember that i've seen the airplanes are allowed being billed per spec and per require. i literally saw people jump in on the pieces of the airplane to get them to aligned. i call of the cars on effect among other improper methods. the aerospace trying to attempted to once again whitewash the situation. this time was the last minute twitter post according to solve for though when he raised his concerns to management, he was met not with understanding what's threats. similar accusations of retribution were voice that
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a separate senate committee hearing they hear speak up if you see anything that's on the safe. but what they see is that if they do speak up, they get very little feedback. and if they insist they may find themselves on the short end of the stick next time raises or bonuses, or, or, or job transfers come up. or even worse, the doctor's allegation seem even more convincing. when we consider the story of john barnett, a former boeing employee who also cried, follow you mysteriously died last month, apparently from a self inflicted wounds. just as he was gathering t evidence to present in a lawsuit against his former employers. o. as in charles, pushing back dfcs to our suppliers, well, i'd say can attain before inspectors. spirit arrows systems to inspect the 41 section before they sent. it's charles and we found $300.00 defects. some of them were significant needed engineering intervention. when our it's our charleston,
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my senior manager told me we had found so many defects and he was going to take the next trip. so the an extra or you went on, these are 2 of mine inspectors. and when they got back, they were given accolades as long as on in 50 dfcs for its part. boeing rejects these accusations that it retaliates against concerned employees and even says it's making it easier for its workers to file complaints moines, increase the promotion of the speak up reporting system result in the more than 500 percent increase in the number of submissions during the 1st quarter of 2024 compared to the same period in 2023. increased reporting of the sign of progress stored or robust reporting culture. all the while safety incidents continue to go through the roof with boeing, struggling to fulfill safety orders by airlines. after 2 deadly 737 crashes in 20182019. then in march of this year alone the paddling flew off of $1737.00 mid flight. another had its windshield cracks and 50 people were even
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injured after being thrown around the cabin of a $78079.00 during a so called technical event. it all seems to add credibility to the damning accusations of the former boeing engineer, who spoke to the senate along side salad for the department of justice and f. b. i relied on this landed results of the 1st max accident investigation to develop the legal and unjust deferred prosecution agreement. the n t s b chair reiterated the congress that boeing has said there are no records documenting the removal the alaska airlines store. this is a criminal cover up records do in fact exist. i know this because i personally passed them to the fbi. i to make matters worse for the company. stocks have dropped 35 percent this year, making boeing the 2nd worst performing company on the s and p 500 index. these are the same people who want to make flying cars by 2030. it's an idea that was more than crazy enough to bring out the internet. trolls no tags. they can't even make
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reliable fine planes yet. will the doors and windows full off? i want to know thank experience. they already protected flying doors. hell know if it's boeing, then i'm definitely not going the secretary of state to had a problem with his bowing plane twice already and even had to travel by car. so it's potentially lease old technical failures continue to pile up. it's likely more and more people from all walks of society will go out of their way to avoid boeing aircraft altogether. how much has released the video showing the hostages? it still holds and captivity. the video prevents much reaction among his relatives, especially from the families of the hostages. many are still waiting for the government to rescue those being held, confirming their willingness to fight for their capture to relatives, to the ends. a new one, the v. yeah, the sky college, the list. yeah. yeah. i mean,
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the list is normally usually under the number of live order to see the thought of it really was absent in the, in the things obviously are there. so we, i mean, because of what i mean by that, i see that you've done this once the same, the 5 years listen, you're the best became a typical of the day here and tell of even the last month, thousands have gathered on democracy square behind me for a weekly time, the rally calls for prime minister and major war elections to be mailed now to reserve in grand for 3. that was always really in the country. you remember more than 3000 military
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israel from feeling more than 1200 is really, really taking 100 d b and number israel's military offensive the return of all hostages as being a cheese in the day of freedom that celebrates the daughters of jews from slavery in biblical age of protest or said they'd be celebrations as $133.00 captive men and women old and sick children among them still being held somewhere deep and have masses tunnels in gaza, probably with no free them. no. the really just
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trying to create, you know, as they say he, in his own interest in the interests of the name we haven't been able to speak to. * earlier, let's say the, there's like a like the last, the 7 months to bring back the else to this, which is very important. and to replace this 3rd person as a government but are doing very bad thing for us. it's a typical baby uh of way of uh or for that behaving like not to think anything for, for the people and they will live and we will be able to send them away. i carry the us flag because over the last 15 months this country has been graded and i am a little concerned about the police. this american flag is an insurance policy for
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me because i am concerned that they will take excessive violence with a regular protestors who came here to call on the government to resign. this is the worst government that was in these low city since inception. earlier on monday, the idea of the military intelligence chief became the 1st high profile, the official to resign because of the military sailor, to present to the tags and protectors here believed that many and foreign minister before anybody else suited. for example, israel has launched an investigation into the negligence of the military with them as freight as we are safe from ministers to step down regardless of the prob, we'll find out and before or even at an added to the mass thing. discontent. global concerns mom to phrase rose warren gaza. last week is really neat. here. we've been to national, trying to force maybe consider an issue in international around the relatively near
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future. again, prime minister and others home, these really officials for alleged war cry. god, the yahoo doesn't seem to care. this is how he commented on vision poured onto my leadership. israel will never accept any attempt by the i to see, to undermine its inherent rights of self defense. israel will continue to wage. i would just war to victory against genocidal terrorist and it will never stop defending no selves while the sea will not affect these rose actions. it would set a dangerous precedent that threatens the soldiers and officials of all democracies fight in savage, terrorism, and wanton aggression. meanwhile, is rolling high mass, i'm back to negotiations around the active pulls from engines that plays a role over me. the age or the intentions are concerned about possible is really mills reparation in the south, in the city of rough or near the egyptian mode. now working very hard to help the sides reach an agreement,
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but the way to the fire and stop the invasion of israel has been saying a whole week since we didn't phase 1000000 displays in our house or in a me and i'm going humanitarian crisis age appears but the need for tens of the region to be entered into action territory that would of course endangered age of 6. you're a team on says the the idea of people and they had of is real security service, travel to cairo. and after that, and the location of interest to intelligence officials or businesses as well as the about some whole brands. and since optimistic level just to the media now have mast examines the jail. one us official earlier says he's familiar with negotiations that the car into minutes, almost all the masses demands. so it's in the ways route. so if he shows a whole, they're different towns of cars and that was the message for israel gives hostage
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negotiations. one last chance, if the reason all the time they move forward with the operation united for peace, those were the words of former us president bill clinton, that marked the beginning of nato's the bombing campaign. and the former yugoslavia 25 years ago. natal rains down at tens of thousands of bombs and missiles, killing hundreds of civilians. what follows is our central coverage of those events and the impact that left on history and the lives of the people of the region. we are to protect thousands of innocent people in the, to the fuse a power to get the heart of your to stand united with our allies, for faith. my generation never to see those in europe again.
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the journalist became targets under the bombing around 260 people were working in the main radio, television network. and yugoslavia are to us when a nato missiles struck the building, we heard from us survivor, a club bill. it was a day like any other given that what was going on around this, we were coming to work as usual because we thought that it's time replication is. so just going to the past who failed in defending the country. then we had our job to doing television. that was the most normal thing to do to show up for work, even in those conditions that night at the tv station, there were around 260 people before everything happened, everything was normal until that fatal news too am. we will such as usually in the news gallery, we were getting ready to go on a we put on the title news jingles. and the 1st story went on,
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the camera started recording in the studio. and after that, just boom, reset attention to cps for the lift to expose the equivalent we've heard a loud explosion. and after that we couldn't hear anything. we flew up and off to that there was just don't this tell you to don't this one of our produces started to panic and wanted to get out of that. but the tools are probably couldn't, we couldn't get out then my colleagues and i come down and try to move the door and we managed to break out. then for the 1st time, i realized once it happened, i could turn my head to see the whole city just don't around the whole city. and it was very shocking. we pulled ourselves together and started to come out for our colleagues to them were in the room where the wall was completely broken apart. then we decided that we wouldn't go out, but we'll try and see if there's anybody injured on the other floors and how we can help them. we didn't think bones could forward. again, the people were more important to us. we went downstairs and realized that we
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couldn't move any further from the rules that were blowing up. and then we had screens in the room, but we realized that had colleagues to attract one of our engineers. we told him not to move because we couldn't get to him. we thought that firefighters must of arrive by now and they had when we went to was a new part of our building. we came across them and took them to the lower floor where they rescued our colleague offices that we went outside. there was a huge number of police firefighters and soldiers. then we realize, and so how many more people to come the house we were looking to see who is alive. and if anyone has heard from outside, we could just see this mess of ruins with one of our colleagues hanging from the building upside down with his leg stuck on the concrete, the hole in his head. and he was already dead. lots of people almost as could be of guess that something like this could happen, but the on says no, we could never have guessed this because it was a tv station in the city center. how can you pull them the city center? there were people, the civilian buildings for me, it was unbelievable that they found it. many people couldn't believe that something
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like that could happen. this was a month often nature began, it's a legal bull main of the subs and it smashed into pieces of fundamental part of the geneva convention. the journalist seemed what was that means must be treated. the civilians on the full, protected and with nature has described this surgical precision. it's right here. this was the headquarters of the main radio television network in the federal republic of yugoslavia. it's called off. yes. and it still exists on a typical provider. us officials didn't know i breaching the geneva convention saying the journalists that what propagandist and that for fact target served tv is as much a part of milan. so which is murder machine is military is the media is one of the pillars and the loss of which is power machine. it is right up there with security forces in the military, around a 150 people working in the building. when those 2 crews,
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and they saw struck over night 16 were killed, and this ammonia went head to them. and nearly all of them were technician security stuff, makeup office, hardly the pillows of most of which is power machine that kinda bacon spun it just being so bleed is described the attack as primitive highlighting that it came, as nato was celebrating its 50th anniversary. it is very obvious, there have been big differences and reporting. they have gone to the was not only was the r g s palm tear, your work was bomb tear, and europe was bomb tier. this is a primitive act to take a couple of scouts on their anniversary. as a tradition from the last century, condemnation of nato's crimes came from journalist groups to they were concerned about where this could lead in the future. nato's decision to target civilian broadcast facilities not only increases the danger for borders. now working in
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yugoslavia, but permanently jeopardizes all journalists as not combatants international conflicts as provided for in the geneva conventions, littleton and his life. luckily, i don't know if they deliberately struck the tv station in the great, but i think they did that. i do have friends working that journalists with whom i could pray to when we needed to transfer our materials through a set lights for the whole shift was killed. 15 or 16 people i think in build grade to be sent to you will find new 2 or 3 of these victims. they helped us at various times. why them? why do they have to do with it? but one can understand the logic of nature that it is necessary to destroy the ball woods. that damage can relate was the western agenda. they need to destroy everything, not only bridges, but also the metaphysical and spiritual principles. then it won't be easy to take on the serbs that locked the stalls of
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a very slippery slope with more high profile incidence of media offices being targeted on it or started here with the perverse foaming of this tv station. nato's attempts to control the narrative. so like even ski info, great. so you for all to europe and politicians are taking their support for cab one step further this time by replacing diplomacy with issuing threats to moscow. the lithuanian ambassador suite and took to his ex account to post a picture of the crew, my premium bridge, and the flying rock at warning that people should take photos of that wallet. still standing, his $28.00, which generated thousands of use online cause strong reaction. people on social media say that the investors to me, there's nothing less than a terrorist pratt calling for destruction of critical infrastructure and putting civilian lives at risk. russia was also quick to respond saying that such a gas will be regret it. in the future, it looks like and same as the course garad,
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the tweet on north stream. some of the ash which you call, or the legal aid at later inspires serve while baltic us lab dogs. they rapidly bark now, but they will pathetically wind later when the judgement day arrives. and all such a gas will be something that will regret. the current in intelligence is now applauding its 3rd attack on the crime in bridge, calling its destruction inevitable. that's according to western media reports published earlier this month. the bridge connecting crimea with russia has been attacked twice since the start of the printing and conflict using car bombs and drones. as a result of 5 people were killed with kids claiming responsibility for both of the attacks which moscow calls acts of terrorism reg. simon's associate professor at the ups auto center impressions studies based in sweden says western politicians aren't concerned about civilian casualties. wisdom diplomats these days of robert,
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serious because of some anti diplomacy which they engage. and so i think the mountains before engaging the brains, you have both of the has the area in the cycle for you waste, which is uh, so like confidence. and it's not making any sense because you can imagine what i would say if someone from china, iran or russia tweeted typed the last picture of london bridge because it's going to go down. so you live in a very much of a pain to see will the end of echo chamber. they don't care about the death of civilian. so, mean this is about the somebody calling to pc richard signaling. so we're showing that some russia is vulnerable. but of course they're trying to protect the weakest points to make this point because things on the bathroom failed enough. going the way anticipated by the waste will ukraine since the beginning of the conflict. all right, let's going to do it for me for now,
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but do so with us. my colleague, nick aaron, will be in next in about half an hour with much more news by the welcome to worlds. a part of living within your means is consider that furniture in many cultures with one notable exception the united states has public dat girls roughly by a trillion dollars every 100 days and the past is used to sustain the.


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