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tv   Moscow Mules  RT  April 28, 2024 5:30am-6:01am EDT

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gas fios was delivery slated under pakistan. iran border pipelines extensive around 110201780 kilometers within pakistan, each personally responsible for his 40 their respective segments in their territory . everyone did complete his portion by 2020 by 2012 of course, and was ready to transport gas to pakistan by 2015. but that is not stored until 2013 a year later in 2014 to be a wind government to do it to us sanctions on it was sent to contractors on we're going to go ahead with the project on pakistan's side here one at the time said based on the agreement on the cancellation of the project will require pakistan to pay a fine, but after 10 long years of controversy is level one gave the approval to begin construction of an 80 kilometers section of the pipeline. as part of the
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$7000000000.00 project, status racing is severe shortage of natural gas with 69 percent of its reserves. already use the 1478 percent of households lacking access to this essential research. the scarcity results and frequent power outages with it was lucky enough to have gas connections impacting both homes and industries. significantly. on the other hand, they want boasts or an impressive estimated $1200.00 pro here and cubic feet of natural gas reserves ranking 2nd and globally after russia. how stringent to us sanctions hinder its energy exports on the google stage, even as pakistan has recognized, it was a vast potential to address its energy challenges. watson, for all the was, is now are still standing in the doorsteps. working consequences during president's receive visit to as well. my washington wanna see and warm patches found all the
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sanctions of it in gauge and race was deborah, let me say broadly, we advise anyone considering business deals with iran to be aware of the potential risk of sanctions. but ultimately, the government of august on can speak to their own foreign policy pursuits, so full rent as it shifts its focus towards safeguarding its national interests and fostering friendly relations with neighboring countries. rather, not solely catering to the bottom where suspicious demands of its american outline . many in pakistan view are the one as well my gas pipeline project. there's more than just an energy deal. but as the listeners, they're still pakistan's autonomy and resolved to pursue its national interest and the face of external pressures from the west. this shift indicates that the group of washington is course of measures, is one thing in various parts of the world. and one has really recognized these dynamics, as evidenced by president re,
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sees remarks during the joint press conference with pakistan's prime ministers. while sorry for the emphasized that the west is not happy with everyone in pakistan's getting closer and pursuing the national interest. and i was really reflecting on analyst observations on raising his visit to pakistan. and this question was really strong proof of what gave us the west view forwards to stop business dealings between 2 neighboring countries in a different geographical region. all right, just stay with our to international up next to moscow. and we also have my colleague shape both the it needs to come
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to the russian state. never as tight as i'm one of the most sense community best. most all sense of the, in the system must be the one else holes. question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin mission, the state on the russians cruising and split the ortiz full neck, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services. what question did you say it's even closer to the
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hey, everybody, welcome back to the most cool news on shay bows. we're going to be taking a look on the lead of all those greasy little stories that the big boys in the mainstream media would prefer. we're left exactly where they are in the dark and walk that a place to start this week. then in the old u. s. of a ukrainian states of america or the united states of america, where the boys up and congress, hello, see. and all her blue and yellow piles have really gone all in the yuko frenzy check this. the, the, is this a key is, or is this a washington, where exactly are we?
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i mean, i think people are really, really blind into this in the states. and of course, it's just another $61000000000.00. what's that? i'm on friends, mike johnson says at 80 percent will be spent to the us. keep that to yourself. don't tell the boys in queue. yes, but it's added on to a 170000000000. that the u. s. has already given the boys and it's getting tougher and tougher to peer yourself away from that blue and yellow. it's so attractive. it's like vanilla ice cream or benign ice cream, and blueberry so tasty. pearl bill passed. well, here was so fond of the flag, he decided to sell it a bit to himself noticed range and you know, you can waive your ukrainian flag on capitol hill. no problem. you probably get a $61000000000.00 for doing it. but if you're an old dall and you want to weigh the all stars and stripes, the all star spangled banner, you could find yourself in a world of now talking about a world of we've also got some interesting footage of all sleeping joe paul here
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on the most cool meals have a little smith, was the boys, the lensky. check this. sharing. this is just beautiful. you love the smell of the greenbacks, the smell of the cache. remember 10 percent for the big guy, of course, the taxpayers, the us, a complete e mail to down on line. but some of the stuff is absolutely fantastic. checking out some of the meetings that have come out about how the lansky is dipping his little finger relo's into the us tax payers pocket. i just absolutely classic checklist the coin. and there's also some of those to move to the dumpster news,
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of course, as part of the deal we were promised. and you were promised that the issues on the southern border would be completely fixed by pearl, like johnson. and that is absolutely the case, correct? no incorrect, it's so shocking to see that a senior politician like completely screwed their promises and screw you in the process. and there's been over quarter of a 1000000 interactions with illegal immigrants on the board or so far. and that is a record breaker check this out. this is what's happening down there as we speak this morning. tensions escalating on the texas border. dramatic new video shows a struggle between border patrol and migrant in el paso. i mean, this is open. we're for, if you like, are all pile you on, isn't happy about this. it all check out his tweets on that. he's freaked out about this. so nothing was doing whatsoever in any of these bills that gave tens of
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billions to all z boy over to you about the border. absolutely, xerox what we're talking about. borders. yuko fever, assume united states politicians have actually decided that the border with ukraine is the border with the united states. get the didn't due to ellen, geography in school, on the video. some say, well we have to deal with our board for us. got you damn rainy and russian border is our border. no, i don't think it is actually the the board with the united states. i'm sure it's now. let's check the map actually. maybe i check it out. maybe it is. as a lone star state, do you close? i've completely taken the sent over, hey and, and so surprised in the colonel saunders didn't get up there and tell you that it's finger looking good. the border with you, us with ukraine, because a, let me get a gene in the secret. over 66 percent of americans have no idea where ukraine
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is. check the video, good words. you. great. and this is a great question. so it's over there. some went over this directional right here, right? there is right. there is some count it's it's, it's a or did you find it? oh yeah. just rarely so. okay. so where's, why should i might? where's the ocean right there? oh, this is the, this is like, good job, i got the geography lesson. where's heidi reprint, you don't get to just pick it. i hope you just don't joined the american military and joined the midst of forces. it could be a complete show, probably around. that's the right for us to the pressures right here. they went all the way around this way and came over that way. so this is terrible. i mean,
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just remember there are 34 percent of people in the state and us. they do know where your crane is, but you don't actually know when i'm when he's going well, while sadly a lot of americans don't seem to be able to find ukraine on a map of the average. american only needs to follow over. and they binder head on a junkie right now, a lot of the big cities in america are experiencing an epidemic in synthetic drug use. a new drugs at the streets is called frank, what's philadelphia? and some of the other big cities are really suffering with this stuff. check out of philly. not. not, not exactly. uh, a philadelphia cream cheese and ain't tasty. and it ain't good. check. this is like really something spooky of the as on the apocalypse, this, this uh, this music is a really freak and really, you know, want to play this, this one at night at la countryside, looking at your windows are good and remember this trade
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in the us they reckon is worth about a $1000000000.00 a just a $61000000000.00 a way to ukraine on top of $171000000000.00. and now a $1000000000.00 coming in. and these people are left on the streets. the politics meanwhile, and google signed from san francisco to golden gate, that big icon of american power will be there's also a big, big problem. 2023 was the worst year for drug overdoses in the city. 800 human beings lost their lives. the city streets are looking pretty, going to check this this is a, an energetic, uh, let's say kind of sort of the old trying to, even though people going, trying tourism. they're going to check out the drug addicts and the video them and feeling the and he destroyed one of these self driving cars. he took a trip,
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literally staying and good. all sam from even the people that are meant to be helping these homeless do down the street. these addicts are cashing in the pastor of a major church in ambrose. yet he is after dipping the pockets of the poor poor by selling them the drugs to the june of $5000000.00 cha ching. so stay on the beautiful west coast of the united states. we're going to head to l . a. yeah, the jewel in the crown. beautiful place where all the 20 people want to be. but unfortunately it's also where 30 percent of americans homeless live. and it's a place where $24000000000.00 has been spent to try to crack them. not of a diction on homelessness, but it ain't working. checked the video. i mean again, this is like something you would have seen in south africa in the 1980s the, it's basically a sean p town. and the nurse, i know of the time shantytown means it means shanty old house, all the money,
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all the billions and they working there pumping it in. but as long as people like the old pastor are cashing it out and they gonna work, bro. so you've got to ask yourself all this money that's been spent on combining drugs. what is this? oh, by nomics works by nomics. well actually uh finally uh, same family, same people, same area live in before buying and turned up our, our $11000.00 a year. worse off, check this. how many times we have to prove, we can't be trusted. of course, so sleepy joe mumbled into the distance, the numbers never lie. you've got to look at the real numbers and they don't have a pretty picture for joe on his bike nomics. it's a came to power. at the cost of property real estate has doubled. the cost of gasoline is up 60 percent. and even the cost of eating is 20 percent more
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not everybody's, i'm happy with all sleepy. joe's view points on find the values and the core issues that are important to your kids. i'm mine checked us out. one of the men and dresses has decided to put on a very, very wholesome and finally orientated sho overstate. so it is a beautiful one. the video even the kid looks completely free to apply this lunatic address and some kind of the wizard of oz outfit. and home phone, but it's completely freaky, but maybe it's got something to do with the jos hanging around with all the obama brothers are the, the obama family when he worked with them. this liberalism, this idea that a guy can be a girl, a girl can be a guy, cat can be a dog. apple can be a pair, etc, etc. interesting. one of the senior advisers to all direct that has found themselves in a little bit of hot water over in london. now he's been charged with multiple sex
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offences with kids. rough, i mean shy of quite a big prime advisor is now looking at a bit of jail time over in the cold, blind, me my. so speaking of the u. k. the man in charge there, richie rich, soon act the richest prime minister to ever take power there. and literally he took power because he was anointed he wasn't elected, has been giving us some sage advice, mental health, if you're depressed, if you're not feeling too hot or too good, you can make sure that you get the help you needs. but you've also gotta get back to work. maybe you'll get back to work trying to find the hundreds of kids that have completely disappeared in the u. k. on the video, and if you're feeling anxious, so depressed. then of course, you should get the support and treatment you need to manage your condition. for that doesn't mean we should assume yukon engaged in walk. that's not going to help you. and it's not fair on everyone else either. so that's great advice from all the
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richie rich to knock who never really have to do days work in his life himself. meanwhile, he's decided to send 500000000 pounds over a to z boy, so landscape. interestingly, the par, all the english children and british children, they can always down the sorrows, they being selected as number one, child alcoholics. why the world health organization, nice work which you rich and speaking of google will cry, you know, at least the money is getting results, right. the 61000000000 that the americans are given should get them about 50 percent of a fail counter offensive. if you do the numbers, but some good news, news, flash, getting or for risk where the german leopards have been seen advancing and also the cobblestones. oh, but there's a problem there on the back of russian military folks. check this the. yes. well it is. do it is just great, just the,
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the joy of the soldiers voice. remember, these are the leopards that all the natural crew and all the devout you cleaning x were telling us we're going to be released. and these zip codes, this was a huge mean for the blue and yellow crew avenue didn't seem to tank out as well as it could have done suicide there. and in time on a fashion, the russians are really, really following the poor old deutschland as at annotate shop in moscow, someone decided to give a bit of love to the parole released that project to so tasty monument to nato's great success. destroyed nap odd. oh my goodness me, this is most coolest pens is or, oh, of course, i know we're going to depart moscow, leave those poor old leopards to their own devices. i'm going to have to shanghai in china, and you may recall a couple of days back. poor old tony blinking arrived in shanghai and here arrived
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. there was no red carpet, there was no bond playing. it was quite a sort of dial rivera been signaling, maybe foot. when you see our old friend z, boy, he was, we created in great detail at a sick show. yeah. a sick show in china. yeah. for sure. and a full size model of him and merged check it out. now it turns out that you can have fully functioning intercourse with you as all, if you have a mental illness. honda is really shanghai and head back to crying. it seems obvious that a lot of young man, maybe $6700000.00 of them who took off out of ukraine and decided they didn't want to die for bond, a liar, sleepy joe. dinardo fewer have absolutely no plans to go back and why? that's what they were on the video for me. the like going back to boston brings yes. that's the level. where do i sign up for the view?
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yeah, i'll leave the beach. i want to draw in straight in the face pro. got no, we're good. we're all pretty sweet when that but it's a great you know, so let me think objectively i can have the beach i can have uh you know, uh malibu cocktail or i can get a blank of um, all the way from the polish border to uh, back moved yeah, it's a no brainer bro. so as the ukrainians decide not to come home to die for zalinski infesting. just 2 days after the us decided to give another $61000000000.00 a us taxpayers money to the landscape. us state department also decided to release
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a little report very quietly. now that report and outlined you claims problems with things like force disappearance, binding, the church oppression of minorities violence against women abductions. remember, 300000 people have gone missing and ukraine in the last decade alone basically. so, why not fund ukraine is the past in a freedom and all things delightful and good, correct. i'm heading back stateside to maybe something we should all bear in mind is that, you know, the truth just isn't really relevant, doesn't really matter. everything we said tonight, everything we said in the last few episodes. so, because truth does not matter, and that's according to customer, the ceo of america's biggest states, from the media organization, radio tv video, listen to cats in our normal lives. these contentious conversations tend to
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a rep over disagreement about what the truth actually is. perhaps for our most tricky disagreements seeking the truth and seeking to convince others of the truth might not be the right place to start. in fact, our reference for the truth might be a distraction. it's getting in the way of finding common ground and getting things done. so we all have different truths. we all have different truths. yeah. was called the truth. i wanted call shit. i'm giving catherine myers views on truth. what's right and wrong and being to see, or the biggest, a funded media organizations in the united states. it's hardly surprising that 7 percent of americans, only 7 percent. actually 1st the mainstream media and less than 30 percent actually have
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a little bit of trust and surprise. surprise. right. gotcha. maybe that's not true . meanwhile, while the german leopards have been released and savvy captured and brought to moscow's who for some chocolate cake, president, stine, maya of deutschland has decided to visit to talkie on a very interesting visit. now remember, the germans have a huge turkish population there. so you'd imagine he would be very sensitive to cultural issues and bring something to reflect the rich cultural heritage of turkey and germany and those links. yeah, he bought a huge goodbye a check. this is just own real. the process does not go to an item comes, i've been i mean, this is a can to bringing of the data to ireland. the goal here also have you ever data or a bottle of vodka, you know, to the russians culture people the british course. there's an interesting sight to
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this. a visit by hoss stein, maya to turkey with his john come. bob, a german economy is in the spring and it's not going to get better any time soon. but despite this, and despite the happiness cutting off cheap, push it energy with the non bombing of the non north stream, which cause of worship themselves, worship on his own power stations, its own skills, hospitals, the, you know, you know, the story that despite all this, some of these politicians are very, very, and sues. yes. take something out. my hand. i'm at the whole slide that you probably need to check this time is fine. i noticed one of the, the, is it something that there's something in the something wrong with a high and it keeps going up. so that brings us to the end of our wiggles, stop tour of the bill from the united states. the homeless is on the apocalypse,
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it seems that the political leads in the states in london. i'm not sure how many always seem to have enough money for a leper tank. a junk above or 6768001000000 trillion at this stage who's even in county, we'll be here next week to keep an eye on your money and where to send that to you . that partial. i think that was a good and wasn't the, the the
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the the the the, i'm not sure come on this as they do show a good this things for me is getting that way to me is the non smoker anymore. i am still enough to monday. so stuff with a just didn't show erica, by a demo print that issue in your store. do i show eric along with one of them that's
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not as made up of guys to train us man, that we could buy that size unit. right. uh yeah, yeah. yeah for. 2 much that's what i want to move over here, but as of now, particularly that group. cut them around quite inflate and mobile phase crazy. it's nice. not aggressive, is it? absolutely, i'd rather have an issue with the most just really good review. i'll send you the one, i'm pretty good. feel understood where so when you
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are still at that shipment with us, which is really nice piece, there's still going yes. sort of the, the in 1881 began to expand its property in north africa. france decided to attack easy . the invasion began with a bump bartman of the french fleet on coastal cities. and was followed by sending in the ground through the french easily to bide one of the key cities please urgent . and the bay of doing is bomb. at the 3rd, us deep agreed to humiliating negotiations. the bartow trade, he concluded with a colonial list, establishing a project to rid of france, overton easier. however,
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the people loved an easy, i would not surrender to the enemy. at the call of the islamic clergy between easy as rows, do a holy war against the invaders. the soldiers of the bays army also joined the resistance. the branch groups did not get an easy walk. vieira patriots bought desperately, but failed to defeat a huge and well armed army, which was supported by the strongest sleep. within a year the rebels where defeated. this turned out to be a real tragedy for the country. about one 7th of the population together with the fighters left for neighboring libya. thousands of people died during the warfare. the french flag was raised over to an easy colonial authorities, tried to deprive the country of its air of identity and populated with european settling such an easy instead now brought up with the loss of freedom era. patriots had been fighting against french colonialism for decades until june, easy again,
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the independence in 1956. the, the world's largest food and beverage company as part of and a scandal facing allegations and selling help their baby food to western nations, leaving it, developing countries with alternatives, impact with sugar turbulent times for boeing as a tire pause off. one of instead, 10, johannesburg. it's the latest safety square for the seemingly gas prone aircraft manufacturing giants. the other is on democracy square, before a weekly the time and a half off hostage video provokes reaction from his railway society, which fills the streets of tel aviv demanding prime minister. netanyahu make a deal with a modest relief. all those held captive.


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