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tv   News  RT  April 27, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EDT

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the, the ukrainian anti fake show how it gets arrested in washington after a salting and officially accredited grey's own news contributor at the james sound foundation events. the democratic republic upon the threatens to take legal action against apple accusing the tech giant of using minimal also smuggled from the countries war torn regions and the west to speak small states to demonstrate its power on the boarding to the parts of the upper public history. in an exclusive interview with our team, it is true that republican serv still finds itself under immense pressure. i think the people in the west had become friends each and the dates in their powerlessness and rage are looking for someone who is small enough,
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which we are for sure to demonstrate their power on the . i'm rachel ruble live in the russian capital. this is archie international. i show host from the us and you find a do train in stop fake organization with reported ties to nazi activist has been arrested in washington after he assaulted a gray zone contributor at an event hosted by the conservative james town foundation. our correspondence, steve sweeney has the story. the police in the us have a rest of the and this with links to fall and why do you creating organizations? i'm the key of government all the assaulted an independent research a as an i'm t washing confidence in washington dc. marcos upfront norsen extraordinary attack on grades on contribute to most rugs and as an event hosted by the neo conservative jamestown foundation. on april, the 16th mark,
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i know not us approved in the x health care, minnes selfie claim. one moment health doesnt o u. b members, including the elite ukraine does attended last weeks post the foster form in dc. stop by coast marcus approved and strangled me during the lunch break shouting. this is the guy repeatedly. it came off the wrong set of chatting and so far over his association with the o u. n. b. i fall writes organization known for collaboration with the nazis during world war 2, so from defended his actions on social media. and now folks and to have full press accreditation for the conference. i think russian pro well urging others to remain vigilant. today we have a pro, code mos robson who prove out to one of our participants and managed to get him in trouble. so i'm warning everyone, be careful. don't get into any arguments with anyone, just walk away. and it was all twist organizes of the convers quite,
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but the price that in contribute to the liberty and sorry to the physical attack on himself. so try and claims to be independent with his platform, stop fight, talk old, portrayed as a non governmental organization focused on fact checking. it list many goals on his websites. including informing the public about the danger of propaganda and dissemination of fake information in the media stops. i can assist it receives no government funds. but is this really the case? a closer look at a website tells a different story stuff. it was also supported by the international renaissance foundation, the foreign ministry. oh, the check republic, the embassy of united kingdom of great britain and know the island and ukraine, and the signet froze and trust. it says also receive thousands of dollars from the national endowment for democracy. i show you the soft power organization largely funded by congress. i'm the us state department who's filed a said his role was to do what was done covertly 25 years ago. largest c. i to
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promote factual reporting on ukraine. the center will maintain and expand the fact checking websites stopped fig dot org, transforming it into an information hub for journalist bloggers and the general public. in addition to improving the quality and increasing the quantity of original materials in english and russian, the central will improve the site security, increase its outreach on social media and produce video content for traditional and online tv audiences. if for any news outlets, i better own a, publish an old school. so i think photographs of a prominent stopped fight member meeting with national this figures, including a wind power rock. musician prism lyrics denied the whole the cost. soon off, the southern owners come find a follow the police. complaints of the dress. photo is a home, and a 5 year old son will publish on facebook showing the recognition of the mirror for
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his coldest stops like disputed the claims dismissing them as russian propaganda. problem has also exported his position to whitewash notorious neo nazi collaborate to step unbundled or a raleigh or existence fighter who simply refused to co operate with the germans. a payment at the summit come alongside permanently announcing musicians who described him as that blood brother is ordered some additional money given the fact that real brothers at one time, we were at the nice with marco, according to caustic tradition. we've got our skin and hats. this is very symbolic for me, one to collide, which the other also nikolai, which should make a wish. somehow it happened symbolically a month or so from the far right connections. and you'd write a pay to pay it in comparison to those of his wife form. and you find in house minister, or the honest o'brien who he met a bond that rides audiological company, new york, that consisted of political workshops with
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o u m b lead is she has maintain close relations with a number of funding. they are not c organizations including c 14, which has been credited with carrying out a wave of bruce $10.00. i'm a poll rooms. oh yeah. so the problem is also being described as one of the main patrons of the fall rights activist. so that's the unco who led to the right sect is masika of and see my protest is in odessa in may 2014, an ultimately helped to ignite the civil war. at least a new crane. western media has gone to great lengths to down play the o. u and b's continued existence, a new price on the taskbar, assuming it to be a relevant a different. i mean, it seems i have found the perfect outline stopped psych whose main objective in reality seems to be to stop true for this $5.00 to $60000000000.00 aid package, just approved by the us congress. he of is still asking washington for more. according to reports,
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increased in president vladimir zalinski has pleaded for us officials to send the patriot missiles as part of its aid package. but this time, washington isn't so quick to meet ukraine's demands. is it r t dot com, or you can read the full story and much more the bible faces potential legal action as the democratic republic of congo accused as the company of using minerals smuggled from the countries conflict torn regions to rolanda. journalist timothy obeys who has more so nice, 3 minerals that includes 10 ton tell them thompson and gold are found in commercial quantities, east of the democratic republic of congo. however, for more than 2 decades, the region has essentially turned into a battlefield as rabb. i'll see consoles, the cost to see that power has been paid by millions who lost their lives in one of the confidence longest running conflict this week, but received documents through it's lawyer of accused tech giants apo using
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minerals that are tainted by the blog of the phone police people, n quotes in the, our products, the message was where the tech giant has reap the benefits. well, products including math and i phones that are made with minerals extracted illegally from the was own as legal action is on the way if they don't cease and desist. apple has sold technology made with mineral source from a region whose population is being devastated by grave human rights violations. the responsibility of apple and other major tech manufacturers when they use blood minerals has for too long remained a black box sets of balance on the tops and widespread co robson upsides providing minerals, apple or just some of the allegations leveled in the letter. the region has been robbed by violent since the ninety's, but tensions escalated in late 2021. when m 23 rebels began,
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we job to re swats up territory. the jersey also said apple parts raised minerals. smallwood, out of the country into neighboring rundown, where the age of weight it into the global supply chain. apple has consistently relied on a range of suppliers that by minerals from rwanda, a mineral poor country that has preyed upon the drc, see and plundered its natural resources for nearly 3 decades. it's not the 1st time but the blame on the use of what the point that adds to jolly un and western countries have accused wanda of supporting the m 23 rebels in a beach to take control of the regents of mineral resources. but the guy, the has denied the claims as apple. straws, of all the allegations it pointed to statements embedded in its 2023 on more reports. based on our due diligence efforts, we found no reasonable bases for concluding that any of the smelters are refiners
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of 3 d, g, 1010 to them, tungsten and gold. determined to be in our supply chain as of december 31st, 2023 directly or indirectly financed or benefited on groups in the d. r. c, or in the adjoining country. the company seems to rely mainly on the due diligence of its suppliers to advocate the source it's raw materials, but the are seen. nobody says the suppliers rely on a flawed system certification from a supply chain initiative known as the i t a c i. that was set up over 10 years ago when solve a supply of conflict, free minerals from the g r c. however, apple is not the only major corporation that relies on the system to as lot info and samsung are among some of the other companies that depend on the i to be a see i. but the devil isn't the details according to required by global witness 90 percent of the minerals from specific mining sites reviewed by the program did not
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come from accredited mines. while the g r c has demanded that apple response to each notice within 3 weeks. it's not a wait and see game as to web are global tech science will put people's lives or prophets 1st, tennessee of easy archie. earlier we spoke to diplomatic and political analyst intelligent merits, who he emphasized that major tech come monies might be indirectly supporting atrocities. and the d. r. c is moving slideshow eastern to door black. that's what this means is don't show means that these people are not the only finding uh, crimes. we are talking to finance german. so here we are turning. oh oh wow. must try this. we are master trust and you're not going to be in the people this the i see a lot. so especially the, the, the,
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the big big companies bank i was, or these are the ones who are being pointed that out from the front of the big crime you is from the pharmacy companies. so you should be pretty much the government that we want to see from these companies. we want to see these governments to who shows uh, insurance on the face, buried and expect something from measuring the problem. but anyhow, i'm, uh huh. we have a couple things before i see i wish i a community where you in the event didn't come in on say the law. i want to buy a new phone, which has a black or natural resources have become an issue for other african nations too. as a lot of fuels triggered long shoes in nigeria. but these are the cues in the
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country. is that capital a boots? i'm the oil exporting nation repeatedly faces shortages after the government removed fuels subsidies last year. the move was originally intended to encourage oil imports for private companies, but up so far failed to overcome the national petroleum companies monopoly. as the 1st batches of oil from these there have reached the beginnings, semi crockett by via the news urban in pipeline us, an equal was, have been discouraging, easier from developing the project using sanctions. however, contrary to western media claims, the pipeline was not only completed but successfully put into operation or construction on the 2000 kilometers pipeline began in september 2019 after the change of power. and these, there are some predicted the actions of the new military government in the country . and resulting echo was in western sanctions would severely hamper the projects implementation. but the pipeline was eventually commissioned in november by the
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military leaders. setting the stage for the country to gain access to international oil markets using a port in benita for exports. when easier produces approximately $20000.00 barrels of oil per day through the chinese national petroleum cooperation with the construction of the mass of pipeline. this is expected to increase at least 5 full to $110000.00 barrels, which is closer to the official target of increasing production 220-0000 barrels per day. in 2024. this initiative boost hopes for the creation of at least 2000 jobs and the west african nation. economic analyst. it's a flu bullet car kado says what sort of sanctions against me is there have not only failed but have had the opposite effect or is this the 1st one is this is the sanctions that we're taking paris the day after the cool french president, the chrome convened to security console with his sparks and as president our house now to our president smockey solve the former senegalese president and the
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president of vinny. these are the 3 tactics the front to used against our country. they decided on the sanctions that above all are legal and not for seen in any document of either u e. m. o, a or eco was. it was friends that dictated them in order to damage our economy. they saw with these sanctions, the people were going to revolt against the regime, but the people were tired and as to what was happening. they prefers the suffering freedom then to be in slavery. so the people were resilient, ultimately the sanctions produced the opposite effect. the expected effect was not a chief congress and a sub region. particularly nigeria been in and even ivory coast and signing gulf were more affected as there are many commercial transactions which take place with them. we along with been in use the port of northern nigeria, the majority of the states of know the nigeria in charge used to port have been in . and molly, people change strategy. there are many for investors who participate in the
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construction of the pipeline. this is what happened just by the sanctions. notice that the oil route is not closed. so despite this is our work sport, it's oil tubing or can of also has suspended bbc, africa and v o. a programs for reporting on human rights watch which accuse is a broken. i'll be our b of abuse of the civilian population. the board to advise is meeting for an extraordinary session, decided to suspend the programs of the 2 international radio station broadcast again. well, could do good for a period of 2 weeks from the notification of the said decision. under the same all the internet service providers must have spent accessing but key to faster to the website and other digital platforms of the bbc, the v i and the n g o human rights watch the ban on western media. com this out for human rights launch reported on claims that the burke and i'll be are me. some of rarely executed at least 223 civilians and february 2024. with supreme council of
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communication over keen f also called the report put arbiter and prejudiced. the supreme council of communication detected in the content to the side of the go of a tree and prejudiced statements against the beginning of the army. without 10 dribble evidence, especially since the same article invites an independent investigation. the approach undermines the key principles of information processing, and that it constitutes this information like me to describe at the beginning of a all me search by all a leader of a civil society researcher in african cultural studies from breaking affonso says the us seems to have a monopoly on public opinion and media in africa. i see you don't see this double standard in the west is reflected in the desire to continue manipulating african opinions. they consider that they have a monopoly on an african public opinion. they know it's done to reflect this information manipulation and the colonial narrative. this is why they want african
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public opinion to be their guard at hunt, or a private hunt of their media exclusively. this is why they are very hostile to the russian media, to the arrival of the chinese media or to other partners to whom the african countries are turning to more more in view of the historical reports and the sincerity of the cooperation. and especially the results that this cooperation makes it possible to obtain. they understand that this can pose a threat to them, as you know very well the western media are connected to the political powers in place. and so this proceeds by wanting to keep the african media space for themselves or their settled couple with the i believe that it is not the united states whose record of violating public freedoms is common within the biden administration. that can dare to take this path to teach lessons to point keen, a fossil for kennel faucet was a solver, and people is a free people. free to choose the narrative that suits it, which suits the truth of its history, which suits it's interest. the west is looking for someone small
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enough to demonstrate its power on that's according to the president of republic, a service guy, one of 2 entities of bosnia and herzegovina. in an exclusive interview for archie international. the president added that russia plays an important role in maintaining a system based on the rule of law on the international level. a function without a problem with this, it is true, the republican service still finds itself under immense pressure. i think that people in the west had become frenzied and the day in their powerlessness and rage are looking for someone who is small enough, which we are for sure to demonstrate their power on making life difficult for people to serve. scott doesn't require much skill or force. true, greatness is measured by understanding and helping the weaker and not by impugning them to an extent which threatens to destroy their political and even biological existence. republican service got cannot abandon the concept of its existence. it
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cannot give up from strengthening its autonomy. republicans served scott is committed to the dayton agreement, but to that which is actually written in its not to what is called the spirit of the date and the agreement as is promoted by the west. in that regard, we find ourselves in a situation or bosnia and herzegovina has its constitution, which is an integral part of the dates in the agreements, which was guaranteed by the great forces which is written precisely clearly, functionally translate ably and yet there is a completely different reality, which came into being by consistent interventions, primarily from the u. s. the u. k. and you countries who fall in line. the russian federation is one of the guarantors of the dayton peace agreement. as such, it has undoubtedly been contributing to the agreements implementation. unlike the u
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. s. u k. and even you members such as germany and france as well as the e with self which model the dates and agreements, bypassing adequate procedures or a terry sacked, you're fighting for rule of law and russian has been doing so all this time. absolutely shows. you're on the right path to establishing stability. others can't say the same. they have been pursuing their own rules, which would change virtually every day and demanding the whole system to be bent in order to fit with their requests, which wasn't possible. this is why russia plays a very important role, which is maintaining a system based on the rule of law on an international level. the role of russia in the un security council has proven to be very important from the point of view of understanding the whole situation. however, western propaganda attributed a narrative of malign influence to russia,
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which suggests that the very existence of a restaurant, which is interested in local affairs, somehow negative. if there's anything malign, then it's the us or british influence, or even the human line influence, which tears down all of its own fundamental rule of law principles. by doing so, the was also tearing itself down, not just to us, the world of lives which we see in the west and which stems from not honorary agreements from dayton, which was thought of as one of the most important examples of conflict solving via an agreement to the minsk agreements, combine of our agreements, many agreements created by those in the west pad, what miracle and alon said, as their true goal. they said we just bought time with it. serbia is having kosovo taken away from it by circumventing any kind of procedure. you even don't have an un majority which supports cost of those independence. in our case,
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they are taking away all the rights we acquired through the dates in agreements because allegedly they are unhappy with it. what do you think? rationally you realize there are 2 causes for the wes aggressive approach to republican service. scott, one republican service guy is consistently refusing to join nato and is vetoing any procedure that would take it in that direction. and to from the very start of the special military operation in ukraine, we have held to a position where we didn't agree to sanctioning russia. israel's finance minister has threatened to ha. busy all transfers of funds to the policy and in administration and the letter to benjamin netanyahu. so he said he will take the step if the palestinian state gets un recognition or if it's rarely, as are issued with arrest warrants for more crimes. as soon as an arrest warrant of any kind is issued by the prosecutor of the hague tribunal,
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against is rarely citizen or soldier as part of the case that the palestinian authority is handling against israel. and or a unilateral decision is made in the general assembly to recognize a palestinian state. i will unilaterally and immediately stop the transfer. last week, the un security council held a vote on giving palestinian administration full membership in the organization of motion vetoed by the us. israel expressed fierce opposition to the move in some of the ambassadors of several countries. voting in favor of it. while the us voted, they towed the resolution. it still lashed out at small trench before he voiced the plans to suspend the funding for the palestinian administration. the state department criticized mode, which is support for the legalization of dozens of westbank settlements, calling a dangerous and reckless political analyst as sudden, numerous as possible. court cases are another cause of concern for israel. if palestine is granted state hud, it's because of all this,
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i'm getting the media. it's to discuss. some of these are either, especially if they're now on the uh, war minister and or other ministers. a lot of people in guys, the war exactly are full size, especially last week. there were lots of thoughts about whether if there is any kind of, you know, kind of decisions issues for the rest if they. busy went to europe or i knew what is on the board, so it is a big so now we see that there when and where there be a i guess the board, which is the right state. thank you know, to rationalize the card. i should rise and other boards as well in order to, to add 3 discussions or about a little or there. i guess these are you guess the official death toll and gaza has risen 234002356 since israel began as military offensive in october last year.
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human rights organizations have sounded the alarm over the humanitarian catastrophe in the enclave. every day doctors and volunteers try to save lives in the region, putting their own safety at risk. at least $685.00 health workers have been killed so far are to continues that special coverage with the story of those who managed to escape the deadly attacks. the we are calling the civilians to leave guys a go so some us wants to keep them there as a human shield. this is innocent. civilians are going to be hard on the all civilians. i'm one of the
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the been working it out next. the markers close but old in darrell velocities last year . this hospital has approximately 230 pads and there was a shortage of places even before being in charge of the emergency departments. we struggled daily with the lack of that would never before have the numbers of patients being so high and continues as right now. our friends were busy working when suddenly there was an explosion behind us. not far from where we are. it was really loud,
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the phrase, the good after 34 hours of no internet connection and phone signal. i'm now back on line. i am in good health this morning. we continue the distribution process of 1000 packages of prepared for friends. you see that there is no gas for kids and so we rely on what is it that is using the the even was older limitations we must give . we show our enemies that even though the code of the guest supply, it doesn't mean that we stop offering our best for the palestinian some cost, the to be honest, it is very difficult to cool because the patients with your don't just have simple
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leg factors for abdominal distension, we receive patients with a wide variety of injures. these are bone from chests and type injuries. as for example, in the case of police childs and that one patient may have multiple illnesses and injuries. one's the huge influx of victims, which has become a familiar thing, create serious difficulties daily. and it's not easy for us to have the home. things are very bad, the do nothing to those, not just one of the people in the, in the meeting hospital. i told you i was one of the supervisors who built this hospital from 2011 to 2014 or 2002. the people who were on the ground at the side of this hospital from the beginning until the end of the search and so no tunnel. so for systems now, for most tunnels, no tunnels whatsoever. these are,
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these are at least applications and a method to justify their fatalities. of course hospitals and the costs, the, the, the amenities and their could wanted to end the work from the 1st day it could have . but unfortunately, america, especially the 1st thing joined watching this genocide instead of saving lives. some guys are from the start of the war as in worship, some military equipment, even american strokes, are involved in the war and their number is not insignificant. the also the channel communicated with the wash and people medic, entities at the highs.


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