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tv   Cross Talk  RT  April 26, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT

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it'd be like a fist a freedom that knocks out tyranny so that it may never stand up again. we can do this for more on other western supplied weapons. us have a quick look at how some of the heavy i can be eliminated without even firing a shot. the challenge it to prioritize is begun protection, so it's not the fastest time out there, but it is one of the most powerful claims to have the record for the longest range of killing destroying another time this, this challenge is full admittedly precise. actually, they've had real problems with it. he and ukraine because of it's repetitive while they're in the program, we were talking with the political consultants and human rights defend aren't no, definitely the highlight of the southern states of o basically failed to predict how the military gave with performing real combat conditions. they already made a mistake initially by uh,
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not taking into account that the she a weight of those air rooms bags and is not compatible with the soft black soil of ukraine. and so they easy to get bogged down and uh on top of it, as you mentioned, uh the wrong department that allows those, uh, those things to become sitting ducks essentially without having um, you know, any kind of a peer to peer a confrontation with washer and things so its a disaster, uh $61.00 uh, the $31.00 things were announced to be deployed. it is reported that between $5.00 and $8.00 of them were already taken out. i think the decision for now has been put on hold to deploy them. it's obviously a blow to the american on industry because it shows that the equipment is not performing in the war theaters and it makes it difficult to sell the system to uh,
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potential would be buyers. so it continues online right now, our call and we can also catch it. first thing else we're doing here at all t on job of modesty road across the telegram as well as a well archie is world wide for sure. appreciate you. joining us here at all to international we are back assume the the, [000:00:00;00] the hello and welcome to cross stock where all things are considered on theater level,
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among the casualties as a result of israel's genocidal assault on causes that include suspension of international humanitarian law. but also free speech across the western world, perversely, being pro palestinian and pro peace is condemned as n. i submitted the prospect in palestine. i'm joined by my guess, lionel in new york. he's a legal and media analyst in berkeley. we actually, but to what i see is the director of the institute of middle eastern is la mac and strategic studies. and in rome, we crossed to romano roberto. she is an author and the managing editor of the palestine chronicle. alright, cross lock rules and effect. that means you can jump any time you want. and i always appreciated the truth. if i go to you 1st thing in berkeley, it seems like astoundingly, there, there is a pogrom,
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is going on all across american academia. people are triggered, people are fearful, the police are being called in. what in the world is going on here? i read it and looking at the image is that people are, are protesting against genocide and wanting peace. i mean, i don't think that's such a radical idea to protest about, but that's just me go ahead. it is not a radical idea to protest about this movement has been growing every day as the result of the interference by politicians. and by i believe in organized movement against pell's time, that's been operating for some time, even before the 7th of october. and according to that moves. now, you know, people cannot say palestine, they cannot say into posit they cannot say from the river to the see. different
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states have lunches, flimsier gloss, allowing businesses to fire employees who are caught speaking out on palestine. so i think this is part of something larger, and the student movement is acting on uh, you know, it is triggered by what is happening to them. so here in berkeley, we had a dean of the law school who had a student a, wearing his job, who stood up to speak at a dinner. he invited all the law students to and shouldn't even get to speak before he asked her to leave and said it was his apples. and this was written up in the nation. you know, and, and no we haven't and camp now and on the students are,
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are very galvanized. the problem i think is that the general public has been reading this media spend for some time the a pro, talestine, tomas or terrorist, therefore pro talestine or terrorist. and yeah, but i mean it's really in a line or it is, but this is criminalizing speech, isn't it? i mean, it's really quite extraordinary. i mean, speaking facts, i mean, we can, i don't want to waste time on this program, but we could quote, as really officials about what's going on and guys, it's all part of the public record. ok. i mean repeating what they have to say. it is being criminalized to go ahead vinyl. i always say, remember i told stories line that history would be a wonderful thing of only it were true. well peter, let's go back to memory lane. we always do this. 1970 kent state. the national guard, the song ohio, crosby, stills,
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and nash. in 1968 in columbia university, they took over the president of the office of debate or on protesting against columbia is involved with military officials. okay. the same people, the same people who remember that halcyon days of smoking dope and protesting the same day people on the same place. we're talking about bringing in the national guard. and i'm saying, can't state, you know what somebody told me to, to know this is colombia, is it now and stayed? they've forgotten what i thought was in boys and did my collect the memory, peter, that we, we, this wasn't that long ago. and 11 more thing, what people are seeing sometimes these events that have happened to columbia, others have said,
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this isn't even on campus. yeah. because some of the events. so this is an absolute dial follicle targeted misinformation, this information distortion product. and i, well, i can't the line or what it is. you know, i'm glad you brought up the 196 these cuz i remember watching it very young on television. they were against war. that what we're seeing now is people are against war in genocide and has nothing to do with anti semitism whatsoever. let me go to ramona in room. you know, it's really quite a sounding though. i see all of these news reports here. but children in gaza are still being 2 families. entire families are being decimated. i'm, i'm sorry, maybe a few students in america. i'll get, i'll get triggered. but i mean, are we missing the bigger picture here? go ahead ramada. of course we are and you know,
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we are missing the big picture because intentionally the big picture has to be sidelined. of course, what is happening in gaza is you know, attendance how you doing work and we'll support dot ease indigo. and that should be punished and people should be held accountable for that. but nobody, a sanctioning bath, nobody's holding is what accountable for it's clear, war crimes and crimes against humanity. but you know, people who are protesting are now becoming there is a witch hunt against them. and there was a witch hunt in the united states. there was a witch hunt here in europe. and of course, the justification of the anti semitism is used as usual as a, as mux queen, because no, nobody wants to talk about the crimes, the minister of the patient, the author's tied to racism. and ultimately now the genocide that's unfortunately where see, uh, foraging in gaza. so this is used as
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a smoke skin as most screen. and it's incredible, but may do is intellectuals are actually, you know, protesting this. they are saying that this is actually against the. ringback safety of, you know, of jewish people and i think it's true a bear and he's kind of wrote recently an article for the harvard princeton saying that, you know, these mechanistic tactics shouldn't be used at all. but unfortunately they are, and the fees and or strategy and, or is kind of latasha to ease with and sign if people have always used to cover up their crime. yes. but, you know, if i go back to our guest in berkeley, i mean, this is, we all should not be surprised here when we've been told all of us. so, you know, we have a younger folks older folks like mine on myself here. but you know, they're, they equating zine isn't with israel with jews, and this is the problem that we have here because they are there. this is a false pairing of these, of different topics here. and so if you're
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a design is and people are saying stop the genocide and zine is and the problem, of course they're not going to like it, but it has nothing to do with anti semitism. i refuse to let them do that to me in the discourse. go ahead and berkeley there are of course, many jewish students in the movement against genocide. and that is a very difficult situation for those who want to cancel free speech on palestine and prove the on calling for a ceasefire in gaza. and, and i think that those students at columbia have issued a several important statements clarifying their position and, you know, trying to ask not to be kidnapped into this, this course about and send it to them which is essentially irrelevant here. yes. so, um, but yeah,
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that's where the mainstream media it has been going. if you read every story the, the in jack to paragraph or 2 about instead of some of the tests. and. yeah, but also is the one of the things that media line. why, i'm sure you've come across a deep passive voice is used all the time. people were killed, people were bombed. buildings were destroyed. where's the predicate? who's doing what to whom? and of course, as we've all pointed out here, don't mention occupation. i mean, there's so many words that are for bit right now. i mean, these people are antithetical to what all of us were brought up in as a free society to speak. but you think go headlines to another history. i, i'm in new york, i'm on the west side and during the our own b, l. m. uh, george floyd during the riot and the, the,
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these very same media fault for say, listen, protest is unfortunately, supp, protestors uncomfortable. this is one building on fire. they were plywood everywhere. people hide from see it and because i mentioned their names, this is the way it goes. do you know what fascinates these very same people today as to the protest in columbia? who's buying their tents? they're eating sushi, it's the marginalization of these people as crazy. who are these? oh, the lead be, i'm the daughter of the congressman of this. what she how, how dare she? who are these people? reading drums. we did the same thing during occupied wall street. and i ask people as a, do you remember doing great moments of protests, martin luther king's, i have a dream. i'm sure traffic was backed up. they might have littered, i'm sure,
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during an admin pettis bridge and you civil rights moment. i'm sure these these moments now we're looking at decorum and drumbeat and, and the way they look for people. let me just finish with, oh, are sworn by virtue of their media status to understand and appreciate it so far as the management. they don't understand when it comes to doing this on it or they, they just, they, they're aparadh checks their proxies for a government. they actually enable and in noble if you will, a, the crack down to free speech. it's on be livable habit line or at the same time it is, this is all going on. the congress voted for another down payment on genocide. i mean, it's really hiding support and it could be the, the people that are experiencing genocide are not even part of the discourse. this is extraordinary. and it's a 3rd at this point i'm going to jump in. we're going to go to a short break. and after that short break, we'll continue our discussion of houseman and stay with our to
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the the the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the hi, i'm executive, and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show. seriously . why watch something that's so different. whitelisted opinions that he won't get anywhere else. what could i please or do you have the state department c, i a weapons, bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. i changed and whatever you do, don't my show state main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way the welcome back across stock were all things are considered. i'm peter in the mail to remind you were discussing palestine. the
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okay, let's go back to our guest in room. so let me get a quote to benjamin netanyahu. the israeli prime minister, this is what he said to him is the last new cycle. what's happening in america's colleges, campuses is horrific. anti semitic mobs have taken over the leading universities of all people to be quoting and american media. when, when we look at that, how much, how many journalists that have been killed in gaza and palestinians, and non palestinians and, and it, that's given so much more air time. but they're only a snippet, and that's why they're getting rid of picked talk because people actually can see the truth. ok. the main stream media just walked in the waters a down completely. like i said, using passive speech, where you don't really understand who's doing what to whom. so, i mean, this is what the western media prefers is to allow out and outside or meddling and american domestic politics. go ahead and room. yes. mainstream media is trying to
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serve, you know, the agenda of power as usual. it's their job. absolutely. and do you know they're highlighting things that shouldn't be highlight highlighted at all at nissan. how is this moment is what was the worried about the possible arrest warrant and that should have come, you know, so this one on it go if we want to to see this, but i think here what we are experiencing got, i have exposed many lies have exposed many contradictions. what you're seeing here is that, you know, it's even more than a crisis of representation. we are seeing that liberal democracies are, you know, lying so openly, that is even difficult to justify, at the lies at all at let's think about the fact that 1st of all, it is not a democracy. if i can only speak if i am basically speaking the language of the
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system and of the power, it's not a democracy, but you will not even speaking about the right of the minority to speak out. we're speaking about the right of the majority because every poll in the united states and in europe is actually saying that the majority of people, once a heart is the fire, gaza at once a has to at ease where you work, crimes in gaza and but we are see politicians, you know, basically a trying to impose something on the majority of the people. and these, these carry like these should concern every body. not the only people who are now currently sticking out for college and for posting and right, or are protesting does wonderful students who are protesting and campuses all over toward the united states and over to what it should concern everybody. yeah, and particularly if you look at western universities, these are the most privileged people of that society. okay. you know, let's go back to our guest in berkeley. i've, you know,
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a lot of people the don't really understand that. um, i actually prefer a culture and i, and, and social movements and in philosophy, not necessarily politics. and what i see happening here is the entire enlightenment project being extinguished and, and in the lighting and project of liberalism that the west exported all around the world. sometimes and very often using force they were banned doing it themselves. remarkably, it is the global south, it says, no, no, no, no, we kind of like some of those ideas about freedom of speech and assembly, you know, all, but we kind of liked that. it's hard, it's because of the impaired colonial experience, but we're making our progress. the west is a jet a 2nd away completely. go ahead and berkeley as well. this is the thing people that have been told, and the general public in the united states has a rather different than our student population. and it's rather different than our
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student population who happened to be tell us the indian or era, or a most one or jewish, who may have inform themselves more on this conflict. so, you know, people will say, well, why can't they uh, attain palestine through peaceful means? have they not tried? have they not used every single apparatus that they can? has there not been a process in the international court of justice? was there not a un ruling for a ceasefire? and then i'll tell people about the movement to, you know, go to go to the border at the cause of the various movements to overcome the blockade. they haven't even read about it. yeah. they, they don't, they don't know that and on. so i think, you know, the, the action of the students, not just the students, but uh, so
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a little while ago, the 4 zeros the blocking of the bay bridge here and the golden gate bridge. and this is being met with criminal charges of, of, and for some, a kidnapping that they expect the woods for the car. but what's, what's extraordinary, okay. someone is blocking a bridge. okay. sorry, you're going to be a little late for work, but they're not charging the people that are committed to, jen. it's like, i mean being the, the iron, the whole business extorted a line or is it all about money? you know, it's a donors. i mean, look at, we look at these ivy league schools, we have big donors say, if you don't fire this person, you don't rest of the students that will have actually paid money to go there and lived there. is it all about that? is that where it gets to the very top? is that money? does it money talks or yes, and you know, what else walks?
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what i can't believe are the number of, of a college professor, a president who you think would be in to drills? because we have a congress person the least to find out who will bring you in and say, what have you done? what have you done to, to of, to, to stop hate. and i would immediately, i wish somebody would say here, here's a list, tell me, what should i do here? you want to run the card that my cap is here. tell me what words i can say. here's the best part i'm living. i told you in a fish bowl last week on a saturday when we can't get, we don't even know where congress is. i saw american congress, people waving ukrainian flags saying you, craig, you, craig, not america. at the same time, there was, you mentioned the israel legislation then guarding our surveillance laws.
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meanwhile, i'm turning to friends of mine, supposedly conservative, supposedly lubbers of the constitution of liberty sitting back and doing nothing. and i ask these people as a, do you think this all began on october, the 7th? and 11 final word, they asked as one politician. what do you think about the house on the 1000 you situation? he says, released the hostages and all are well. somebody gave him these, these add, these, tried the answers to say this, that doesn't even these politicians are like mine, a birds their, their sac puppets. they're told say this and you will be fine. yeah. but they're cowards. they're all cowards. and they're also being paid. ok. that's their hot, and that's what when it gets to their value system, that is at the very top your, let's go back to room. remember, one of the things that i find really interesting and i think it is something we need to think about for a long time moving forward. is this the ultimate expression of what zine ism is all
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about? because with this project here, it is intensely racist. it's intensely violent and it works with impunity. and what it does is it corrupts everything around it. look at the us congress, look at the british parliament. they've corrupted them. they've corrupted the media, they've corrupted everything. go ahead. it. absolutely it is. you know, the very, the very essence of design is project was finalize and switching to this moment. but now the vanish project also feels correct. and because we have the paradigm shift in toward dynamics, you know, in the word balance. and this is so scary for them and disclose the so scary for the empire in a sense. this is why i think the west is so keen on tracking down on these protests because there is a shift in the power dynamics and even in the ethnic composition, these students who are protesting, many of them are, you know,
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the outcome of what happened of these and i'm a full big environmental to, to look into us after 911. and now they, they read fight. today i read the banner of one of the students a, the, i, me to start the fight. and now you want us to forget what we would need to study. so there are new priorities, i think, even in academia, and it's going to be so difficult for them this time around. to escape from this paradigm shift that is blue ball and it's a movement that is, you know, very grassroots movement that he's talking to seek. basically they're their basis of you know, of power and their own system. i knew it would take time, but i really can see that there is a way out of this, you know, re fixed at the route to steps such think zion is and so far and basically avoid it too. who did that accountable for all of its crimes? throughout the years, it's a go back tomorrow, just in berkeley here. you know something that online or i'm, thankfully,
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it's been joining me on a weekly basis for half a year talking about this here. does the, the clinton of calling someone anti semitic? does it have the same sting? is it used to have? because if you say it's so often over and over again, the nothings anti semitic, it seems the problem is this tactic has gone deep into our society. it's in the department of defense which has $10000.00 employees. if anyone accuse us you of them, i submit exp, so i work for them. and as you may know, they have a public affairs office which calls you up to in that. so as we'd like you to be on this program, here's the points we'd like you to cover. you're allowed to say, oh, respectfully, i disagree. i'm going to talk about apps. and then as soon as you finish, they call up your boss. so she was hand has submitted,
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she was supporting terrorist and then okay, the state department very much the same. so it isn't. and it isn't just the overt calls for, let's say cease fire. and so, i mean, as i hope that people can see how, how organized this is and that it will take organization to, to break. and there is our, our speaker in rome alluded to this, i mean, jamaica recognize the state of palestine just recently and joins the lives of many countries around the world to recognize palestine. but united states does sense. right. and on i, i agree with her. i who i've been rapidly running out of time here, just wanted to make a closing comments here. amanda and i were speaking with for the show that there
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were people saying that, you know, this really is resembles the 1930s in europe. yeah. does authoritarianism is on the march? that's the comparison. you need to make as all the time. we have a way to think, my guess in new york, berkeley ending room. and of course i want to thank our viewers for watching us here in our dc. and next time and we member cross cycles, the, the winds largest democracy votes. the rest of the plan is watches in an emerging, multi polar world. india's voice matters. but who will be the power behind watches, almost 1000000000 people decide and billions more,
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react the the, the info, sanctions on more than a 100 chinese entities export controls, etc. and we're fully prepared to, to actually take additional measures. yeah. black mailing in beijing. the us secretary of state direct named china over at support of russia, saying if it continues uncle sam's sanctions are ready to strike. nestle faces, criticism for pushing sugar pact, baby for miller in developing nations offerings, healthy aversions to what's been marked for the green. the fields sold by in this


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