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tv   Documentary  RT  March 31, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm EDT

4:30 pm
most of follow on x for twitter of indeed, wherever you see the green and black r t little go across are social media channels. bye for now the there's no end in sight over how you're going to continue to destroy the earth. is the case for the med, most of the people. i tried to go to the gym, but i'm certainly not ready to fight russia. this is also a pursuit. this is the 3rd world lunacy re washing, press 4. so the funder line likes to say, we have the tools while we just start with stability and business deals. what is let me let me on. we have very quick propaganda. you know, a price here in new york. i think we don't know the aftermath any time that you're not allowed to ask questions, you should ask all of the question. the more questions ask the better the answer is will be
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what i want sure. seems wrong. just don't to shape house. because after kids and engagement trails, when so many find themselves will support, we choose to look for common ground the the, the, the, the little, what do you do this by the way of doing it? you know, so we're going to go on to go on with your point. if i just wanna say there's a good show as to just here's receive any deals, let me just pull you up. thank you. moment of them both got a, what do i mean?
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he is, i'm not sure, but the, let's just do this or how much i just clicked here. the customer will use this visitors to adjust those room for a phone to tell you and yeah, i mean, it sounds cool so. sure. so that's basically by a friend to do this for this beautiful computer. randy for them. cool. that's what can i get it for the fall if it got to the bundle and you guys with the yeah, that was the one with the new vehicle. um, but then you must claim it if there is nothing else you know what else?
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if there's also the question. yeah van those are shanika which is to of the clue nothing. you know, quite new with the she had assessed and all of them was this was and i think the much uh, national board and the dental just through the, the, the 1000 pieces one in the show that of course i sample or the cause just aging chip on i said, you're going to go your solution focused or something that's not going to go over. the wording was and but anyway, but it was like i thought, as i saw as well as side. that's how i get this though. i don't think i told her home way is what she was like. kind of stop, show this to the bathroom in the really and you send me the lady that way now, but he is making them will just uh is this some sample of the grace, the volume,
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the answer it is a problem your goal. so please go to the phase 2, it was a very nice little unsure flush or i for though i was wondering why, you know, by the way, to store that this year for the stages to use it for the vision or was it easy to use? it though, but there isn't any, but really the best choice to come with one, it would be a scheme, older 15 would be to who i knew the full time associated video to try it and let me know which way me and bullet one is this to me, it is
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a way to deal with the jackets of what the, and the reason you know, most people easily able to hide this domain with bush them as much as the most of the game. tillman, and how much of the shows and you kind of the sure how's it goes, what year were you serious or those you all know that it was always the trustworthy . lizzie, that was for this or to the version of the month for somewhere in the world. much competition as well as i knew most of the month to both days to pick up the the next page. but a lot of which know it didn't do so. otherwise, i don't know he was that's why he would have to he. so i ordered by one. so i just don't know that even though it's got to be next. so no sleep, sewage is nothing which if i he looked at that with you, what would you had he will assist you and he comes up with the new uh, suggest leaving isn't gonna file what the page i have that would be associated. thank you. so by using the search, the mortgage to the option to use what they have, i'm a guy in this,
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i know the address on we'll start news. oh, let's do full screen and pretty much visual with moving things. so it seemed pretty much the same pretty much was use as long as the technology services the then you barely show me which are here for the better way. that's because that's the right thing. and of course we need to adjust them. let me say i'm still there now that a, like a photo on the scene. there's sure thing you will phone on the hill. remember? i shall cli probably fairly. mean, you know what you mean?
4:37 pm
yes. the thing in the end of this machine was listed on the lease we need we to cause like to bully like i'm leaving which confirm unions to cut the spin. let me look at the inch the shoot, the which are on some of the items. the thing that i want to pull up the stairs and show up on it all the the, the for the
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field, the scores or to increase the manuals of this is this just because there's definitely associated louis of point one is the data to, to double at ocean's anyways, you see where the, when the money used to go to what i mean to them. so just put them in some category. category is some of it. ok veto. his name is low, but many of those would neither generally use didn't. you have to do with the since, but i mean there was a a okay. but can you explain that solution to him? you pull across the floor. i was in the pool for the daily news of and i see this and hours if you split, but you see the crazy thoughts. i think it's something esna solution to illuminate somebody just so you will pay me for the proposal. my use of position, which is
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a group like i've, you do those to just put them here. we just waiting for to get this going to put him on the paper. i teach the queen, she gets the results and sidney dean and dunbar. once again by new york, you will the just me up to the play was the sheet to the security moving the others when you get both of the moving was the when the level that sort of thing. and also somebody did so yes. then you ones the, the just give a name and the just you, if some was bleed store when you send it to us, but it's the premium level there. so conditioning at the comments or the most. no, no civil warner kind of would just the split the cool thoughts, super confident being with us pop up in the middle next video with the disabilities you though what you're less specifically with them and then move that i'm still be,
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i mean is, i mean they're coming, those of us will like go some way lower and you realize you're giving away this from your guys. let me know what global 3 of by the middle of this is the used students don't go there. oh because he's so busy, but oh yeah, very, very close. westgate is he thought i would say they would have guessed that might be us. why specially little for estimated when will they be civil? let's go buy more or less the most she the brand of what does it mean? yes. for both. what do police go to jacobs? what i mean, most people purposes and they do need a busy though we just say to show a gorgeous ski the be sure that would be, she's going to need your control supposed to be as low as easily the individual, the door completely of, of, of dealing with the moving for a little bit, it was
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a must have deals off on the but you have this i don't know, do a silent able to put on them and that's nothing that i may want you to do for me. they me definitely dig of the sofa and the good thing about you with the, as far as to buy some way to throw is a comply to ask is that i do do do do so if i did to there's a bunch of time as well as long as i've done for these things though, you've got somebody that patella's scheduled with you. yeah. the most uh, yeah, we should have been initial gets the deal is i me. so if i say do is, or the business best way to go from there because what am i besides the sort of limit, otherwise the, the the,
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the the, to use the man know us live. oh, so the show i was was 001 . the 1st one, the
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voice of the way but as you're being yeah, you're gonna get about 30, wanna give you an idea of what you just want to see. what about your senior upholstery in valley? you said chris, contrast as cuz i was sent over this morning separately. the some of the social was the book, which is the things go to the ports
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in 1941 with the nazis health relation, ultram nationalists, the massages proclaimed the independent state of croatia. shortly on the seizing pallet, they built the scene of us concentration camp, a place associated with the worst atrocities committed in yugoslavia during we'll go to use dash is used to come system to isolate and exterminate subs, roma, jews, and other non catholic minorities and political opponents. of the fascist regime conditions in the san of us come with her and the gods tortured to arise and the prisoners they send them a consultation caps. so most of them died 6 was incredible genocide. the
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the for you, your students to go to the shoulders issue will the shooting nationally thing is going to go there is little bit, you know, we're still going to put it there was a can with donald junior putting out events, customer, then all of you were your friends individual was going to finish law, should his hospital on my way to pleasure with oh, and also to say there's other things personally that will be put to you and you're going to have a way that it is to have global feeling. me see this in your words and the more the
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positive is on your lives, december 1 on here to be a was him only for the photos and see what are the issues fitness. the not sure was coming up. so issue a simple junior, the bustle, almost the bottom line, what are the go with me? and i shall so upstairs somebody with the prospects through me and then move them category, considering just ready to go. how do you know? because i don't know where to find it any other position, like, what's the general, why would show them, especially in your you'd like to get them those like slowly about that idea on top of the issues that are most of the routes and me so. so we know what else and just bear with me because i mean, it's hard to understand the manual much a little, but the thing i know even though for you at the football ultimately armina. mm hm. yeah. the more school things, it's
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a few years i'm learning about that go to sleep. it doesn't show any policy to present the father's color. so we just bought this even though that is now put in the suitcase, little boy because they really existed. and so that was done more without your lucio when instead of going on. is that a for here? between a pretty then leave it. there are 2 of is the simple data supposed to for the you able to be? what does able dentist are purchased in the summer moving towards that goal? defending nearby. i mean because it has water. so we lost a lot to potentially engaging 1st on excuse me. so there's a lot of customers to hello sheila
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regional was gonna what is she felt very different than this one progressing pretty my. he said the only thing for storage was always when you were familiar with me wasn't entering another shift on that. i mean, it's kind of sort of disability, it's gonna be huge. you know, here's what we should use as well. so what would you do? it was a list of other subordinate clauses presents or can you do it for say on the test
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the whole family cause the issue to share the others continued still, but we use that because everybody wants introduce picking up by giving you for the cause of the machine, i prefer to be going you pausing for a used car. what of course always that's always show because what you already okay. use easiest piece of it. i've done the, the cool thing is scheduled for going to a former school solution, which of course you will be surprised. i'm going to show you what it is showing as far as, as of when you post the pro signatures mortgage,
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go towards change. no more significant. well i'm gonna show some type of questions, so i'm not gonna talk to them or set, but also i'm gonna need to show me where does look like so. so no condition that's in the union. so it gives me an odd not cisco is still valid when your daughter is really not the one, the image is the government to the human so somebody will open it up in stone. you think you were some little escape or she did the for the nationally the visions solution so she who is at risk. the destination
4:51 pm
uh was bonus, who is little disappeared on the list. so based on the low july vehicle a vehicle. uh, both of those guys and it would be mostly shamsie. last name is i'll shoot you a gauge and controlling those that have so many inputs on the condition of the interest to me. i don't think i will do. i'm the same for 200 on the opportunity, but the custodian, the if you do it the but the, which the business as well. it's by them composition in units would be significant . and what's the year? 2000 is less than a year to move these more you of the decisions that these you june. the 1st issue
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is or would you be with dish? yes. all those i think you know it leaves though. i mean that was an issue and i should, i must use it was me wondering if it visually was know on the beach boys singled and i was use the system of disease. keep in mind it's the quote. and then that's because the so the come part does come part of my to show us the folding tables. it might have since dinner martinez looked suggestions or idea. it's a purpose what it's the clue. maybe it is if i go to the window. so there's just no way this is about the end of season. you can sort of try to compare is quite just unable to store them in the when you put the most amount of items with other image to buy to motion, check mark those pictures. so when uh,
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the country with, uh, most of this deal is loading in there just across via on the rain in the winter. that's the best of choice. what the potential for the body as i haven't, as a lot of them you can put them in, doesn't have to do like the internet teach. want them to stay with us. and this is simply as to snap the letter on the business, anybody's dismissed. so as to know, yeah, you will complete the promise of a blessing. so i'm just putting it will be just fine, but don't the it, let's go to senior georgia chico on which pretty open you have the cool bunch of goodness think it was the see on us. it is covered. assume all of them. all. those are
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pretty serious and the city and i think the problem then use the, the waiting on your just on these mostly items the to the disclosures to as bronco with the same way. so you know, you don't want us to, can you still, you know, hundreds are stuck on the list once the customer says, initiating the machine to come back to the uh, machine publish at the bottom that in, at the chase. disney. mm hm. yeah. but any message on this, on any of those stuff, there's a little catalogs and what else don't the but i know that the cost of the disease and what the spinning of us obviously is the basic one to me from the value of the
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subscription to the question was never used, so we're going to spend the winter of a piece of the mobile to ship the machine to george got 2 days of stuff. and so 3 to go in the ideal of multiple of the units as last. so i'm not sure what did you say? so we'll go with that price. otherwise you, florida, but my, these global, i don't mind you know, as much as possible mornings cuz there's some coffee. my leave him up. i beat you up. i'd be doing scores to that. i'm not super easy. session grad school in the community to a buffet,
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which is lilian moving to see the nearby is my goal on the so long as the individual you're going to do more than more than just visible slash goals. which are the flags go to the
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the, the,
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the claims of the king of the belgians leopold the 2nd to the congo were finally authorized by the leading european countries in 1885. in the very heart of the african continent. states under the rule of the belgian monarch was declared since the beginning, the congo free state was total, may have for the local population and functioned as a universal concentration camp. the majority of the population, including women and children, were forced to work on the rubber plantations. those who failed to fulfill their quota were beaten and mutilated to keep the congo these people under control. the king set up the so called forest bleak which were punitive detachments that cast terror on the captured country and its inhabitants, fearing that their subordinates would simply waste bullets hunting for wild animals . the officers demanded that the soldiers gave an answer for every bullet use,
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and as proof presented a job hand of an african. it was not uncommon when drying to justify the use of the munition, the colonists to have your date of the hands of not only those who were dead, but also loved those who were kept alive. the atrocious exploitation of the congo turned into a real genocide. you know, late 20 years, the policy of the belgians led to the death of nearly 10000000 people alongside the holocaust, the genocide of the congo population is considered to be one of the grimmest pages in the history of mankind. who the wrong one. no. just don't safe house and engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves will
5:00 pm
support. we choose to look for common ground. the headline stories, russia demands, key ever risks. the ukranian security chief, along with the other suspects over put attention going to the focus city hall terrorist atrocity outstanding. we also applauded the deadly crimean bridge attack of 2022. the is really pm. benjamin netanyahu say is that will be no snob elections. those thousands of protesters down the road so it has risen been sensor, run parliament in jerusalem all to the .


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