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tv   News  RT  March 27, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm EDT

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the details to us to respect its silver unsafe, becomes as an american diplomats, as summoned up to washington, criticize the detention of a key or position, figure out and corruption charges in diplomacy. states are expected to be respectful of the solvency and internal affairs of others. this responsibility is even more so in case of fellow democracy, otherwise end up sitting unhealthy president. how do we not students grown about buying energy from bush? thank you. all of you would be paying much more for your energy. and you defend just tried to buy energy from russia, despite the intense pressure from the west to put trade relations and investigate, to look into possible ties to terrorist attacks against russia. a 143 people were killed indeed must go on slips pool as far as the charts done, but the cases of the service targeting repeats of enemies to washington
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the system one minutes past 5 am here in moscow. this is 10 to national and peace of scope with the latest world news news farm industry. it has some and us deputy on busta that's up to washington, criticize the detention of an opposition politician on corruption charge in diplomacy. states are expected to be respectful of the sovereignty and internal affairs of others. this responsibility is even more so in case of fellow democracies, it could otherwise end up sitting unhealthy precedents. let me think it's a full it's, it's have lost it around 40 minutes. previously, west impalas had issued warnings to india over the recent arrest of the head of dallas, local governments, a major opposition, figure the state departments that it would keep an eye on the bottom. and encourage fed on some spartans, legal proceedings. as we continue to follow these actions closely,
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including the arrest of daily chief minister, a cause or well, we are also aware of the congress. but is congress parties allegations that tax authorities have frozen some of their bank accounts in a manner that will make it challenging to effectively campaign in the upcoming elections? and we encourage fair, transparent, and timely legal processes for each of these issues on the 21st of march, the head of the government of denny, that is r n g g was he was arrested in an alleged because cam, after which we saw a lot of and actually a lot of criticism from the opposition. now last week on friday, we sold that a top diploma from germany, made a comment about how a tron standard legal system is needed. and the i was angry the very next day on saturday. the top part of the amount of germany was a month to end, while the us been blowing anything. we encourage fair, transparent, and timely legal process for chief minister country. while we saw us made comments
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on the lines of washington monitoring, this situation was needing the never off for anybody to monitor the situation in jesse's that we have a perfectly well equipped judicial system. and we will take care off of what's happening in the country. us all of us to feel much as to why the goal was to mind by the indian ministry of external affairs. in fact that summoning went on for 41 minutes, we saw that the, the laptop leave, the ministry of they were campbell crew was trying to ask for comment, dates not coma, but not really giving out a message said, please mind your business. we are very valid with to take care of what's happening in our own country. now i've been keeping the wall who has been arrested by the enforcement direct said he's, he's basically going on to say that he's going to be, he does. he does remain the chief minister of the lease from jail itself. in fact, he's one of the key opposition, the bells or fall of the country. he's also one of the registered national policies
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with the election commission of india. and the very fact that the investor comes weeks ahead or the chances of elections, of india is something that spot that's kind of a tool that job that we're seeing. but a full support on the country is all positions in the offices and bodies going to one of the ones in india. and what the government for the thing is to be doing what you need all the countries to form and join in there's and cell. no, not us. so india mason gets very votes to germany and the us my last think with india, the countries at the top diplomats has said that the country is well within its right to buy energy from russia. that's just by the intense pressure for many western nations. took all time on those types. had we not stood out grown about buying energy from russia. very frankly, all of you would be paying much more for your energy. because we would have more countries would have gone into a natural set of suppliers. and actually these,
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the was the energy pressures. so if i looked at it from the perspective of the global economy, and frankly, obviously from my own perspective, we actually did that, i think. so this ability to think for yourself to be comfortable with the identity, to be proud of your civilization to be, to be appreciative of your own history. meanwhile, indian companies have wholesale purchase of oil from venezuela to avoid the possible us sanctions. washington is expected to impose restrictions on any cargo outs of the latin american country, cargo from venezuela to india takes $25.00 to $30.00 days to deliver. so by this point, no indian refiner wants to get stuck with a potentially sanction susceptible cargo on their hands. just as a potential sanction snap back is looming to india stultz oil impulse from the latin american country back in 2020. when the us imposed sanctions. during the venezuelan process, before the end,
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the nation was in the top 5 of india's for an oil supplies. you got a resume to purchase this last year when washington lifted many restrictions for 6 months. the measure does expire, though in april, and it's not clear whether the us will extend it. i'm. it's bundari who's a senior fellow full energy investments and connectivity at the gates for a house. think tank thinks the global markets would be severely of sites in india because energy ties with rush. it's kind of the customer on the go to stop by, in person or people to be looking at the disruption, the disruption which will be the most there anything that you're seeing with the last of us. he forgot to give you much most of the 19 so that the main way. so what are the videos the patients will not be? i'm just going to call them up. it's good. you cannot just not that much something i of the thinking expect. nothing surprises. the fact that white braces, but the $90.00 about is because if i start, i think needs to be the type of thing to be just so to do these,
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this is some of the find those videos, the noise that was going to be picked up by others, if i just, it will just be my little shifting life on this particular deck. okay? oh, eventually the party in the box. that's least the customers won't be able to go to move. not to other news. now the head of the federal security service in russia has accused us, but it's an ukraine of involvement in the recent attack on the must go concept whole, the killed a $143.00 people. washington loaded on kid have denied any involvement or is no evidence at all that ukraine was involved in this because ukraine was not involved in this meanwhile, versus for ministry. takes issue with claims by the uniform policy chief who suggested that the west supports you claim to maintain its own dominance in global affairs. we cannot afford russia when this will hold our light to us and it will be an interest. we need a bit of damage is not a matter of
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a junior at all c d alone is not a matter or supporting ukraine because we love you creating young people. it isn't our own interest, at least also in the dangers of the us as a global play. yeah. as i mistakes targets over the past few years, have re some questions that sees the call to explains in washington it's been widely accused of aging. and even helping for my sis, ever since it began trying to prop up so called moderate rebels and the syrian civil war about a decade ago. taking a look at the vast majority of the terror groups, recent attacks, the trend is clear to see the effects of nations are all enemies of the west. oddly enough, isis has adjusted his plans in recent years. and now what types mostly enemies of the united states, such as the taliban in afghanistan, the radians the legit to mental storage. he's in syria and russia this year, a see multiple ice us attacks around the world in iran, nearly
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a 100 were killed and another $300.00 wounded afghanistan was the side of 3 terrorist attacks. i need your last over 50 people just a week ago. and of course the terrorist campaign has recently arrived in russia. what a coincidence that the west has a huge bone to pick with all of these countries. it goes without saying though, is lot mic states main targets have long known the rules of the game. but it's somebody who said you were farm american colleagues, have an actual stuff, fight and isis in the air country and have long been using the fighters. they have naturally, exclusively for their own needs, including for sabotage against the syrian government forces. after 20 years of occupation, the americans failed and had to withdraw. today they organized terrace groups like isis to replace their military forces in afghanistan. the us does not want stability or an improvement in the economy, trade in security and afghanistan, because it feels that a stability is established. afghanistan, it will lead to the investment of countries like china, with which the americans are in serious competition. even in the us,
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people are putting $2.00 and $2.00 together. the police are corrupt. we created isis. well, why would washington do such a thing? and the name of the us occupation is continued extraction of syria's resources. there was no doubt the us is the great or vices, but for those who deliberately close their eyes to the truth. the statement of robert f kennedy, the nephew of john f kennedy saying we created isis, reaffirms the fact that the american regime is the godfather of dias, isis. the us claims that it is present in syria to fight dice. that itself had a major role in creating is just an excuse to continuance occupation and look serious national wealth, including its energy resources and wheat. at the same time, the us is trying to convince the world that isis was the only party behind the recent attack in moscow and to flex any possibility of ukrainian involvement, flattering who in his already trying to link this to you grain and say that the printer's responsible and so us have any evidence to back that up?
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no, there is no whatsoever any evidence. and in fact, what we know to be the case is that ice k is actually, and by all accounts responsible for what happens with america as long track record of having shared interest with isis and keeps history of terrorist attacks in russia. it seems unlikely that isis fighters just woke up one day and decided to attack russia. perhaps the islamic state was only one party to a trail of terror, but it's now been thrown under the bus by the driver. too. many people have come to life flowers. the scene of the tragedy was many still coming to terms. what happens when mother lost her son who had gone to the concert with his go the
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the they had gone, find people around the accent. they also went in that direction,
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the lack of a wheelchair room. so some stuff, but the stairs, as natalia told me, when they stopped at the stairs, they realized they couldn't move anywhere else. so she just sat down by his the she saw the terrorist was really losing his weapon and then she showed next him amex same style and to say that the same turn purpose would be inaccurate. yes to say task, but it was because they were shooting him, him and he fell on the east side for a team and realized that that's who she thought she was state and seeing how bad
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began to. but she said she just stood off. and when she didn't even try to hide, she was the fairy epicenter that she reported witnessing they to a few things, but she wasn't head. she wonders why they didn't suitor, because, well, she didn't care anymore. she wasn't such a state that she didn't breeding carriage. the, they're all identified bodies, individual small, just that and those who have survived. he's not on any list yet. it seems like there's nothing left and rescue work is already finished. everything turned to dust . it is possible that there is nothing left to me and his grace for me will be way across. the whole is the hardest time for me is the night when i'm in science for a long time. i'm going crazy. what service we offer that to that? well, i'm probably going to say a terrible thing now, but well,
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they saw him before she sat down, it is clear that he would not be able to climb the status and with no device. and how should i live with my child life? the meanwhile, as a well known french gen list has said that she will be impressed if you crane could have pulled off such a service. it's like a must go employed you how to, to see the cause. because there is every reason to believe that this is the work of the isis affiliate enough to understand this. we lie out course on it since they immediately on friday evening claimed responsibility of me for just coming to i must say that if this was the work of the ukrainians, then this was an absolutely brilliant move activity because i'm not saying but it's them to see what he fits them say no, then the move was phenomenal, thought come in, let's not forget that. why if this was the work of ukrainians, if it is a tool postables that they penetrated russian territory and organized such a terrorist attack in moscow. and this is just phenomenal,
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we're supposed to say. so let me know about you using jihad is just a moment. this requires an insane level of preparation that would take many months the why would you call you a bunch of jump it to go on list serial deluxe. and so does a french media is missing it to details and his coverage of the blood shed in moscow. i have been really shocked by the way the french media are covering this. this is just a small events smoking, but when you listening to everything, that's just the unbelievable and the after the basic plan, which was in the same scenario like the practice event just for the specific method with one very specific thing is that if it was really i is this taurus. isaac is never have never made any terrorist attacks for monday. it's always for the ology. it's always for the cali fat friends. he's forgetting a lot of things. i remember very well when we had the basic line,
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the events. french generally said why the french police took so long to get in 2 hours. all right, so they have let me rush off for something that they are blaming in their own country to find the logics. but the defense public certainly understands this whole situation. how should they react to comments like the one from this journalist when be have become when they have been victims of terrorism before you have one point? it depends on the how the journalist are presenting things is, is never, ever made a tourist at back from monday. those guys, the web page for this. uh, how familiar robles 250, uh, up front and uh, 251 back. can you print um that does not exist with 5 seconds? uh, when i this is doing this. i'm going to die on site. then they did this, unfortunately on a friday evening,
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but actually it's about done. normally they don't do this jelly shots and i just wouldn't do this. i'm not on that. and then if i'm my memory is not cheating on me . the owners of brokers city hold the i'm listening because he felt we're not home muslims was, ukraine still goes to hold the phone line. it does appear. the country doesn't always have time to give. it's that a proper burial. this is shaky voltage show by russian reconnaissance joining the guests on region appears to show ukrainian troops dumping the bodies of service. men in a forest car and carts called sca. he's a retired us air force that southern kind of claims that you creating ami is hiding his losses to avoid paying money to the families of those killed in back. when you lose people, there still has to be, you know, i'm assuming here i would think that as men in arms are last, that those commanders are communicating. this last back with family members. some
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of these family members and spouses may be in other parts of europe. they may be a, you know, they may have emigrated already to get away from what's going on in ukraine, but at some point they have to inform those families the, the 2 of ultimately that is going to enable those families to get whatever legally is do them as far as compensation, so if they don't inform them of their relatives. last is a casualty on the battlefield. i can see that as being a way to avoid paying them. but if, if, if they're informing them they will be those people, i'm sure, under the law of ukraine or, or maybe even the e u low will, you know, sue for some sort of compensation. but as we know, you crane prior to this was, i think the most corrupt financially corrupt country in europe. and i don't think war has made it less corrupt. i think war has probably made the government more corrupt and no one knows where all the money is. a lot of cash has actually flown,
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has, has flowed into ukraine from many sources. and i don't think anyone has any idea where that caches and it may work very well, not be accessible to the the government and key of it may have already been squirreled away the blood away and wandered into the hands of the white collar. criminals of now maybe don't to, to around a day off to the un security council passed a resolution to binding an immediate see sign in gaza there on welcome stelito from us is mel hernia for thoughts. you said that israel is currently more isolated on the global arena, then after or not because the un security council adopted there is illusion yesterday, although there's a solution came late and there are still some issues that need father improvement. it demonstrates the unprecedented political installation that israel has faced since it's of your patient of the palestinian territory. it also shows that the us lacks the ability to impose its will on the international community unless chapman
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met with the runs the farm and a step presidents and supreme leader insults focused on the current situation in gaza. and surprisingly, we've any leadership provided there showing says of long standing support for palestine, and it was the 2nd song that i have mostly to visit to, to around start to the wall. here we go. i mean, your resolution cold for a ceasefire throughout the holiday month. of ramadan and 14 of the 15 member states of the un security council did vote in favor with only the us abstaining is just need to ship x best condemnation. as is biggest ally for refusing to veto the measure of even the former us ambassador to israel describe this decision as a betrayal. is where i find the i was in to, around today celebrating the, the one resolution, you know, tells you that thomas's feeling confidence, they think they can survive the war. this was a big trail of, uh, of israel mattress, by, by and by the democratic party. it's, it's uh,
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it's very discouraging and disappointing. we spoke to political analyst while eve sam had sold as is israel, which continuous village operation, even if it lose the support from its outlines. a busy day and out against most not fears about the international community. and it was said to buy and buy a whole by his statement by his in the that the they do not stand about the world. and even if they have to continue the war to each the objectives, which is eliminating how much is the last 8 of the, the world, the do not see it about the american position and they would continue even without the support of the americans. i do not see a n n and the same as to just add for the 1000. perhaps the change, it's for the intensity. what are the fees for the house,
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but the water itself for months and months before the end of the year or the beginning? why? because no $1.00 is ready to actually yeah. it each the solution because the war on what's happening, in my opinion, it's not, it's not the most the, the, the hostage is nothing on the in the ceasefire. but once we come to the one i see, i totally believe that the word is about the, the find, the before the end to be fine because that's it. so that's a good solution for that is the 1st thing in question is what the chips, boom civilian targets as well as un office is during the war in gaza. but that was a confession that was made by in these very soldiers who took part in the conflicts and the 1st months, but the you and it was in charge of the affair explosions . we blew up um um houses of uh,
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the lease um most un offices. remember we got into some un office. uh that was in charge of uh, being the families in guys. uh that was uh, affected by the wall and with this toilets, when i was speaking to them, i was noticing that all the young people at these a block means that i was present, that they were all reserved soldiers. so when they were worst, i'm saying these things, they were most peers, they were all talking to each other about things that they have done and guys over the past few months. so, and meeting to blowing up sibling infrastructure houses months. you went, buildings was common place for them they, they all had done something similar. so after i made myself comfortable with them and after they've got to know me, they begin to become very candid with me and images to these crimes. the great to
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my face into my camera, that they believe that this was a form of patriotism. that's why they're at the border of the career shalom, or then it's on the border block, the humanitarian. this is all under the assumption that they are being patriots. they are helping their country when a war, everything is justified for the pursuit of the nationality of nationalism. the soldiers at these crossings, they um, they are not allowed to allow any civilians, and these are close militaries is not one civilian, not one civilian does. a lot of these guys and every day, hundreds of civilians are a lot of these. and so that means the military from top to bottom, the motor is allowing me civilians to break the law a day after day to stop this, he minutes hearing aid from getting into guys allowing a to guy. so it's just one of the problems raising tensions between us on israel, since the starts of the wolf with israel loan, seeing that multiple websites on its offices, claiming its was targeting for muscle cells is also accused as the an agency for palestinian refugees of having links with the how much that side on october the 7th,
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one of the latest that sites on the you and training center and the lives of 9 people and left 75 injured jamielle afraid of the crazily investigative journalist who film that's is really the soldier we showed you least as a protest, as he meant nothing to support the war. consummate goes to the home. the people there are cheering, they're laughing when they hear bumps go off at the at the 8 block is he's is really civilians and his military soldiers at the crucial and board across and they here farms go up and they cheer that's, that's what's happening. the people who were sharing the sentiments with me, i was present in um, in protests, of a settlers that were invading or crossing the border areas, border crossing. and they were going into guys that they, they, they're not, they're not concerned about the war right now. they're concerned about the day after the war and what that means is they're concerned about making jewish settlements in gaza after the war ends. so, um, every day right now, there are settlers go into the areas border crossing and they are building symbolic
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outpost. they'll call them and it's to tell the government that they're very serious about returning to a guy that wants to warrants. they want to go in or off, or they want to run an invasion. they want to, i mean, essentially what it would give a, kill all the palestinians and offer if they went in there. but they aren't going to be and yet, and they're just continuing to bomb it. which is, you know, are you be able, is that in front of us present, joe biden said that he had commuted over the collapse baltimore key bridge by train many times unless, despite the fact that the bridge has never had any bound to about 130, a container ship struck sir francis scott key bridge, which i've been over many, many times. community understand delray is our trainer by car transportation sectors. there are now, as i told governor moore, i'm direction my team having or through your open to for you. rebuild the bridge as soon as you a really possible splits. it shows that the francis scotts key bridge,
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doesn't have any better way lines, and has been exclusively used as a roadway since it was built back in the 19 seventy's buttons claim was quickly scrutinized. on the bones by social media uses. it also questioned his mental capacity. president biden's apparent confusion about his commute raise a serious concerns about his mental acuity. cuz he can't remember basic details like the mode of transportation he used. how can we trust him to make important decisions for our country? why didn't it show me strong mental age of symptoms and wouldn't make it through the age of a to success presidents? he talks like he has the men shy, like taking train rides across the key bridge. tell everyone about your trained trip on the francis scott key bridge. it's beyond the joke anymore. biden has no longer the mental acuity to hold office. he stated plainly is biden's not competent to stand trial. he surely isn't competent to hold the nuclear codes. we discussed
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this with international consultants. l rasmussen. you said that there are mounting concerns of a jo biden's cognitive abilities. he may have driven the process. i have driven across it, but uh there are no rail lines or what the actual, the trading lines actually going round the harbor and do not cross over the the, the bridge or through the tunnels at all. i think we've seen who's stumbles a speaking engagements as well, which i have to admit the state of the union quite surprised me. um, but uh, but yeah, there are there a lot of questions as far as is a cognitive abilities and i think there's definitely definitely has been a decline over the years. and this, especially since he's been a vice president and us and quite notice body since he's even been president. i don't know if he's really running a country, maybe in some areas he is. i think there's people behind the scenes. i think he's
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got support behind the scenes. i think they're probably, you know, supporters, both the, both the financial and political sides that are behind him. my personal feeling is the entire policy. both domestic and foreign especially for it has been a complete debacle since the guy in the office. um, but you know, you've got, we've got a lot of flowers that are, that are democratic and they will assess the choice the parties making. they're gonna support the choice, regardless of they won't look at the actual person, they will compare that aspect. that's the main storage this i'll do head over to our websites. ok. com for all the latest my names be discards and i'll be back again at the top of the hour and see that the .


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