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tv   News  RT  March 27, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, the new dally says respect india solvency and the columns as a us different met someone down to washington previous slides. the detention of the opposite, pickup and corruption. diplomacy states are expected to be respectful of the sovereignty and internal affairs of others. this responsibility is even more so in case of fellow democracy. otherwise to end up. so i think i'm healthy president. how do we not to the ground about buying energy from the shop? very, thank you. all of you would be paying much more for your energy. india defends its rights to buy energy resources from russia. this, by the never ending,
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passionate from the western world against those trade relations. investigators look into the possible western ties to terrorist attacks against russia. after 143 people were killed in the moscow concept, all the time are to track down office cases of terrorist pocket things. if you could edit the use of the west, the right has been back to back on the latest updates from around the world and we will keep it that way on our deeds. national i a michael question about india as foreign ministry has some of the us deputy of basketball for explanations. after washington criticize the detention of an opposition politician on corruption charges in diplomacy. states are expected to be respectful of the sovereignty and internal affairs of others. this responsibility is even more so in case of fellow democracies, it could otherwise end up setting,
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unhealthy precedents. this voted shows they bip up much arriving at the ministry building. it reported that the meeting last of 40 minutes. previously western powers had issued warnings to india. hope of the recent arrests, so they had a valley is local gap and a major opposition figure with a us state department spokesman reiterating the us will keep an eye on the matter as well as incorporated fat, transparent in time legal processes and medic. so we continue to follow these actions closely, including the arrest of daily chief minister, a catch her while. we are also aware of the congress, but as congress parties allegations that tax authorities have frozen some of their bank accounts in a manner that will make it challenging to effectively campaign in the upcoming elections. and we encourage fair, transparent, and timely legal processes for each of these issues on the 21st of march, the head of the government of denny, that is r n g g was he was arrested in an alleged because cam, after which we saw a lot of naturally,
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a lot of criticism from the opposition. now last week on friday, we sold that adopt diplomats from germany made a comment about how a tron spending legal system is needed. and the i was angry the very next day on saturday. the top part of the amount of germany was a month, and while the us been blowing anything, we encourage fair, transparent, and timely legal process for chief minister country. while we saw us made comments on the lines of washington monitoring the situation. first meeting, the never asked for anybody to monitor the situation in jesse's that we have a perfectly well equipped judicial system. and we will take care off of what's happening in the country, especially us diplomat. just a while ago was demanded by the indian ministry of external affairs. in fact that summoning went on for 41 minutes, we saw that the, the laptop leave, the ministry of they were campbell crew was trying to ask for comment,
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dates not coma, but not really giving out a message said, please mind your business. we are very valid with to take care of what's happening in our own country. now i've been keeping the wall who has been arrested by the enforcement directory and he's, he's basically going on to say that he's going to be, he does. he does remain the chief minister of the lease from jail itself. in fact, he's one of the key opposition details or fall of the country. he's also one of the registered national policies with the election commission of india. and the very fact that the investor comes weeks ahead or she has been a little evictions have been yes. is something that spots that's kind of a tool that job that we're seeing, but a full support on the country is all positions the opposition body is going to what are the ones in india and what the government for the seeing is the be doing roach, need all the countries to form and joint in there's and so no, not us. so india mason gets very votes to germany and the us my business,
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the earlier they had been angry scenes on the streets of the indian capital as opposition demonstrate this class for the police pro, gump, and demonstrate, as also gathered for a counsellor rally as supporters will be a permanent opposition figure who was arrested last week. they attempted to march to the prime minister's residents, demanding his remains as old problems as a country for pass to go to the polls next month for a general election. but we heard from a former indian and bassett, those who said other countries should not try to re enter fat with india's traditional system. this is a very odd moment in the doctor's a response by any government and definitely, uh, india. what, uh, what does this call just such phones which are so you know, the filter and so, and it's internal affairs and because this is something within the country and that this is kind of costing this portion on, on the due process of door. and i think that's why i read counter not really
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response has to be and that's why we have some of the deputy about so that it can be very clear the our concerns our resolutions uh, views on this of course, florida ip come comment before the german no, just do your best do but so some also making some similar kinds of comments on, on, on joseph, on the process. and of course, they said that the following, the, the events or the, or the other piece you're most welcome to are, you know, a part of the case, the most comfortable for the one, whatever the activities are here. but to make these kinds of comments, it's not of any kind of comment from the us all from the to, from germany or from any other country. because there's due process, the legal process is being folder. i've been trying to say the district processing . and guys though it's not fair and impartial, i don't think that is a very right uh already, it's not a good comment. and i think that just by india has reacted. i stayed with india and
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other countries stopped. diplomat has emphasized that he has a southern right to purchase any good resources from russia, and that is despite the endless passive from western nations to discontinue the trade. had we not stood out ground about buying energy from russia? very frankly, all of you would be paying much more for your energy because we would have more countries would have gone into a natural set of suppliers. and actually these, the was the energy pressures. so if i looked at it from the perspective of the global economy, and frankly, obviously from my own perspective, we actually did that, i think. so this ability to think for yourself to be comfortable with the identity, to be proud of your civilization, to be, to be appreciative of your own history. well wally, indian companies have halted the purchase of oil from venezuela to avoid possible us sanctions. now,
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washington is expected to impose restrictions on any cargo outs about latin american country. and indian clients don't want to risk making purchases and then having to forego is receipts of the products cargo from venezuela to india takes 25 to 30 days to deliver. so by this point, no indian refiner wants to get stuck with a potentially sanction susceptible cargo on their hands. just as a potential sanction snap back is looming to india stopped. oil imports from the latin american country back in 2020 while the us was attempting regime change that a year before they cannot make restrictions. the lived in america nation was within the top 5 of india as for an oil supply as new daily resumed of the purchase of oil from venezuela. last year, when the washington lifted the broad range of functions for 6 months. now the temper remeasure expires in april and it's on k a. what are the us vote for along the left for me to, to this function? now we spoke with all mean bundari,
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a senior fellow for energy investment and connectivity. the gateway house big tag a he believes that those who want india to call to a cut off it's uh, energy trade with russia, do not understand how to value that could impact a global market. it's excitable. certainly be a customer on the go to stop buying that shouldn't even be looking at the disruption lock it disruption, which will be the most than anything that you're seeing when the last of us. he forgot to give it much less than that. i mean, some of them anyway, so, but i think many of the patients will not be understand how markets look. you cannot just not that much something i of the can expect nothing surprises the fact that white faces, but it came $90.00 about this because of the circuit thing needs to be the type of thing that could be guess so the, these, this is some of the doing the find those videos, the noise is going to be picked up by other fighters. it would just be my total shipping line from this particular desktop. uh,
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eventually the box. so that's the piece. the customers want to build. a ross and authorities are looking into claims that's the western powers of financed acts of terrorism began to, to, to, i guess, russia and that's after they handled the fed, russia and the federal security service accused the us, britain, them you train of involvement in the recent attacks on moscow concert hall with killed $143.00 people. now washington has been id and e created an involvement. but as provided new evidence, there is no evidence at all that ukraine was involved in this because ukraine was not involved in this. as western powers insist that ukraine had nothing to do with the terrorist attack of moscow. russia as foreign ministry takes issue with claims by the use foreign policy chief, who suggested that the west support ukraine to maintain its own dominance in global
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affairs. here is his exact words. we cannot afford russia when this will hold our light to us, and it will be an interest we need a bit of damage is not a matter of a juno. darcy d alone is not a matter or supporting your claim because we love your grand young people. it isn't our own interest, at least also in the dangers of the us as a global play. yeah. as washington size to ship the blade before the moscow terabyte tank from ukraine to isis is let me states pockets over the last few years of raise. some interesting questions are these don't, the court has details in washington has been widely accused of aging and even helping for my sis ever since it began trying to prop up so called moderate rebels and the syrian civil war about a decade ago. taking a look at the vast majority of the terror groups, recent attacks, the trend is clear to see the effects of nations are all enemies of the west. oddly enough,
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isis has adjusted his plans in recent years. and now what types mostly enemies of the united states, such as the taliban in afghanistan, the river amiens, the legit to mental sororities in syria and russia. this year, a see multiple ice us attacks around the world in our, on nearly a 100 were killed and another 300 wounded afghanistan was the side of 3 terrorist attacks. i need your last over 50 people just a week ago. and of course, the terrorist campaign has recently arrived in russia. what a coincidence that the west has a huge bone to pick with all of these countries. it goes without saying though, these law mic states main targets have long known the rules of the game. but it's somebody who said you were our american colleagues, have actually stuff, fight an ice in the air country and have long been using the fighters. they have naturally, exclusively for their own needs, including for sabotage against the syrian government forces. after 20 years of occupation, the americans failed and had to withdraw. today they organized terrace groups like isis to replace their military forces in afghanistan. the us does not want
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stability or an improvement in the economy. trade in security, enough to understand because it feels that a stability is established. afghanistan, that will lead to the investment of countries like china with which the americans are in serious competition. even in the us, people are putting $2.00 and $2.00 together. the police are corrupt. we created isis. well, why would washington do such a thing? and the name of the us occupation is continued extraction of syria's resources. there was no doubt the us is the great or vices. but for those who deliberately close their eyes to the truth, the statement of robert f kennedy, the nephew of john f kennedy thing we created, isis, reaffirms the fact that the american regime is the godfather of dias, isis. the us claims that it is present in syria to fight dice. that itself had a major role in creating is just an excuse to continuance occupation and look serious national wealth, including its energy resources and wheat. at the same time,
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the us is trying to convince the world that is this was the only party behind the recent attack in moscow and to flex any possibility of ukrainian involvement, flattering who in his already trying to link this to you grain and say that the printer's responsible and so you guys have any evidence to back that up? no, there is no whatsoever any evidence. and in fact, what we know to be the case is that ice k is actually, and by all accounts responsible for what happens with america as long track record of having shared interest with isis and keeps history of terrorist attacks in russia. it seems unlikely that isis fighters just woke up one day and decided to attack russia. perhaps the islamic state was only one party to a trio of terror, but it's now been thrown under the bus by the driver. as videos of advised on line of the suspects from the concept, whole attack being treated somewhat hotly by russian authorities. they have been
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expressions about rage from the west for the rest and all sorts. he's really made no attempt to hide the evidence. that indicates is of of torture on one of the men wheels in, in a wheelchair, straight from hospitals. i'm terribly bruised, faces. i like to talk a lot about the difference in values between what's going on and russian and what's going on in the west. even though it's something like this happened in the united states that would certainly be or anywhere else in the west. that would certainly be people who would be, who would be saying i for an i and you know, they deserve whatever they get. that sort of thing, but that's not really civilized society. so as society is rule of law and treating suspects, even if you're pretty sure who they are with some degree of you know, humanity and respect, which is totally oh, you know, not understood, not follow. there is no rule of law in russia. american forces, torturing terrorism suspects has long been documented that they weren't on m o b and the us control of the apple grab a present in the rock,
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a wanting the disturbing images adjuster head. the one time will be detention center, hundreds of people have been held without charge and subjected to off pulling human rights abuses. so i'm gonna present a said that they were what avoided by the c. i a and also shackled, forced into submission stances and beat them, double gripe the prison. detainees were also human, the age of the even sexually abuse. photo is of a, much to of us military offices smiling as be, attach a present as of a facility. now area of my colleague her research, i spoke with independent dots, journalist sonya yvonne be in the and she said, us contamination of rosters, treatment of terrorist is certainly hypocritical. it has to be a step is worth it to a judge. nobody knows. i mean, they were inside this congress whole, i mean maybe it's happened that nobody knows. maybe it's happened when they fled to, to what you create and what is known by now. so yeah, they say things they don't know about. and yeah, secondly,
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our guys come to the people who taught you there. also we had the black sides all over europe. i think a few of them also were in the southern america where allegedly terrible based relatively they took them off the streets and send them to blank sites from the ca . nobody knew where they were with the tortures or not. so how can they speak about, you know, torture and moodle? i mean, what i experience here, there is a removal in russia and then more civilized society the us. how is it always? sonya, how is it in the wake of john sweet tower attacked? the western media is crying files because they're crying. paul terrorists that being mistreated. imagine it would happened in the u. k. were in europe somehow. we had the service effects. look at people sent them. you know, maybe received introduce the death penalty. maybe you know, there's cause they very terrible and yeah,
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the western media was very quick to say ok, you know, and this is very poor. wow. and western media outlets even set there for me for this, for god's, you know, they, they need a better treatment. that's all what i said before, enough knowing if they were to or to to another me, this is ridiculous to say it is because they don't know anything when terrorists, of course, in the wake of an atrocious attack, how should they essentially retreat to them? and i know there are these geneva conventions and all of that. but at the time when you consider all things, i don't know how should you treat them? sonya well, you should treat them fairly met. not enough terry benny, i would not recommend torture or whatever. but you should let them know what they did was very, very terrible. you mean, you kept just people randomly, just people normal people like you wouldn't be going out before 9 between shopping and you just killed them. innocent people, nothing to do with the politics, nothing to do with the crazy word from them for it, against russia. but little while
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a well known frank journalist had said that he will be simply pre and if you train or the range the recent terrorist attack in moscow or should the cause. because there is every reason to believe that this is the work of the isis affiliate enough chemist on this. we live out course on since they immediately on friday evening claimed responsibility of me for just coming to i must say that if this was the work of the ukrainians, then this was an absolutely brilliant move activity. just i'm not saying but it's them to see what he fits them and then the move was phenomenal. so maybe, let's not forget that why if this was the work of ukrainians, if it is a tool possible that they penetrated russian territory and organized such a terrorist attack in moscow, then this is just phenomenal. we're supposed to say that we're not using jihad is just like this requires an same level of preparation that would take many months. why would you quiet the i discussed this issue area with french, joe political analyst, serial. the logic who says the french media is missing key details and it's
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coverage of the bloodshed in moscow. i've been really shocked by the way the french media are covering this. this is just a small events smoking, but when you listening to everything, it's just unbelievable. and after the basic plan, which was in the same scenario like the proctor stevens uh, just for the specific background with one very specific thing is that if it was really i, it's taurus of isaac is never have never made any tar is the tax for money it's always for the ology. it's always for the cali fat friends. he's forgetting a lot of things. i remember very well when we had the by declining events, french journalist said why the french police took so long to get in 2 hours. all right, so they're blaming restaurant for something that they are blaming in their own country. find the logic,
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but the defense public certainly understands this whole situation. how should they react to comments like the one from this journalist when they have become when they have been victims of terrorism before you have one point? it depends on the how the journalist are presenting. things is never ever made a terrorist attack for monday. those guys, the web page for this, i have familiar robles 250 uh, up front and 251 back in ukraine. um that does not exist with 5 seconds. uh, when i just is doing this the i'm going to die on site then the did this, unfortunately on a friday evening, but actually it's about done. normally don't do this jelly fats and i just wouldn't do this. i'm not, i'm not. and then if i'm my memory is not cheating on me. the owners of brokers
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city hold them this lips the kelly for we're not hom muslims. and to dunbar. not excuse me. now where archie curse put and remind close are on kind of as different ways in which you korean forces have ways to warn civilian population . the suitcase knows this is it. okay. uh we have been working here together for several years. we have seen a lot of horrors such as civilians dying from various types of munitions. but if in the past it was most of the artillery selling lately, there has been an increase in the use of drone stuff and could you please explain their use and the number of civilian deaths they've cost? plus the lately ukrainian forces have started frequently using s p v. drones, which for the drug and operation uses virtual reality goals and controls the drive through its camera to sit there where he sees everything directly. so it makes his job easier to use a driving like that can fly to speed of up to a 150 kilometers per hour. only even if it carries a weapon on it, like a grenade or
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a make shift explosive. and it doesn't matter where you the driving is not afraid of window of the weather conditions. it does not cat. so an operator sees a car with a big red cross on it, but that doesn't mean you should avoid it on the country. he sees it as a target. exactly. nothing stops them. they do not. can they often even conduct repeat attacks? so, let's say there was a u, a v attack and emergency services arrived like ambulances or firefighters. if there's a fire, then ukrainian forces will launch a 2nd attack to destroy these people as well. a score, the only exception is military personnel. we are witnessing a new war, a war of drones. so people are adapting to it and trying to warn each other office uses telegram or websites to warn people about driving the tax and the dropping of explosive devices on civilians. right now there is not only a threat from these drones, but also from our delivery selling their defense systems are working into nets and ukraine as usual, use instead of his tactics and prohibited weapons. can you tell us about this new,
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along with the danger, with that p drums, the results of the danger of artillery selling used on the territory of the republic to across the bomb. ideally, it is supposed to break down into small pieces damaging elements. when the cassette leaves the will head, this little knob and screws and can move freely. and when the cassette hits the ground or some shelter for the knob hits the striker, and the bomb explodes. nato countries on every continent, they carry out minutes reactions and do not shy away from using prohibited weapons . butterfly mines, cluster bombs, so those are all of them. sadly, fold them the heads of civilians. what, however, we will start to use of those countries still resort to such a method, such as this is nothing but tara, for the civilian population, all types of minds, a dangerous. they will bring death and injuries. the butterfly minds a unique, but they are badly visible, encased in a plastic body. and that's a negative pressure is applied when you, it's not like in the movies it when a soldier steps on a mine, it clicks and it keeps standing on it. i mean,
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not at the moment you step on an empty personnel mine it triggers immediately. and then it depends on the type of mind. if it doesn't go off for, we don't do anything with it. you don't go near it, correct? dispatch of defense it off somehow with tape or a box. so civilians can see that there is an explosive and they shouldn't approach you to touch it. costs to the minds can lay in the ground for a long time, so you must follow all safety precautions since they can designate at any time. let's once again on the line to the citizens of the donuts people's republic. what they should do in case they find an explosive, because it's too often the 1st of all, if you discover an explosive, you have to fence it off using will means at hand and never pick it up. secondly, you should cool the relevant. we'll start with these police firefighters and ambulances, and wait for the arrival when they arrive, you should explain the situation, and then they will do the jobs. and then you can go and have a good sleep. that's right. all right. i hope that our viewers heard the words of the j t. c representative into the people's republic. so gave preventative,
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and now they are more informed. thank you. the enter, the middle east now is rarely troops bomb c, b, and targets, as well as you and officers during the war. and gather of a confession was unexpectedly made by these rarely soldiers who took part in the conflict in the 1st month of the war to you and it was in charge of the effect explosions. we blew up um um houses of uh, the lease um most un offices. remember we got into some un office. uh that was in charge of uh as being the families in guys. uh that was uh, affected by the wall and with this toilets, when i was speaking to them, i was noticing that all the young people at these a block from is that i was present,
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that they were all reserved soldiers. so when they were, so i'm saying these things, they were most peers, they were all talking to each other about things that they have done and guys over the past few months. so, and meeting to blowing up civilian infrastructure, houses, months. you went, buildings was common place for them they, they all had done something similar. so after i made myself comfortable with them after they've got to know me, they begin to become very candid with me and images to these crimes the right to my face into my camera. that a believe that this was a form of patriotism. that's why they're at the border of the career shalom, or then it's on a border unblocked humanitarian. it. this is all under the assumption that they are being patriots. they are helping their country when a war, everything is justified for the pursuit of, of nationality of nationalism. the soldiers at these crossings they, um, they are not allowed to allow any civilians, and these are close militaries is not one civilian, not one civilian does. a lot of these guys and every day,
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hundreds of civilians are a lot of these. and so that means the military from top to bottom, the motor is allowing me civilians to break the law a day after day to stop this, the minutes here in a from getting into guys a to allowing a to gaza. here's just one of the problems, raising pensions between the u. n. and these role since the start of the war with israel launching multiple attacks. when it's offices, fleming, it was targeting him as tunnels. it also accuses the un agency for palestinian refugees and having legs with him master tack. on october, the 7th. one of the latest attacks on the un training center claimed the lives of 9 people and left 75. all those injured. jeremy la la. la fred, though the gray zone investigative don't list fulfilled the he's really soldier. we showed us as a protest. us, he met not only support the war, but planned to meet guys at their home in the future of the people there are cheering, they're laughing when they hear bombs go off at the, at the
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a block is uses really civilians and these military soldiers as the criminal import across and they hear bombs go up and they cheer that's, that's what's happening. the people who were sharing the sentiments with me. i was present in um, in protests of the settlers that were invading or crossing the border areas, border crossing and they were going into guys that they, they, they're not, they're not concerned about the war right now. they're concerned about the day after the war. and what that means is they're concerned about making jewish settlements in gaza after the war ends. so, um, every day right now, there are settlers go into the areas border crossing and they are building symbolic outpost. they'll call them. and it's to tell the government that they're very serious about returning to a guy that wants to warrants they want to go in or off, or they want to run an invasion. they want to, i mean, essentially what it would give a kill all the policy is enough or if they went in there, but they aren't going to be and yet, and they're just continuing to bomb it. which is, you know, are you be able,
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is that the care of all who you do best best with best a strong message from washington as the one to pakistan to either abandon the pipeline project with neighboring iran wells gets hit by us functions. we always advise everyone that doing business with the ron runs, the risk of touching upon and coming in contact with our sanctions and would advise everyone to consider that very carefully. and as, as the assistant secretary made clear last week, we do not support this pipeline going forward to the gas supply agreement between talk this down i need to ron was signed and back in 2009. the proposed pipeline is slated to provide up to 1000000000 cubic feet of natural gas every day. but despite the deal being signed, 15 years ago, practice that has all the now moved to begin construction of its side of the route . and that's as pakistan's foreign ministry has insisted he doesn't need special


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