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tv   News  RT  March 27, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT

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the the new jelly says respect, india is silver and t. it comes as a us diploma. his summons after washington criticized discussions of the key opposition to pick up on corruption charges in diplomacy. states are expected to be respectful. soberness and internal affairs. the father of this responsibility is even more so in case of fellow democracy, otherwise ends up sitting. i'm healthy presidents. how do we not to the ground about buying energy progression? very. thank you. all of you would be paying much more for your energy india defense . it's right to buy energy resources from russia despite the never ending pressure from the western world. again, those trade relations investigators looked into possible western ties to
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terrorist attacks against russia. after 143 people were killed in the moscow concept. full attacks are 2 tracks down all the cases of terrorist targeting victory. the database of the kind of are welcome to arch international reaching. you live from a new center with moscow. i a michael quarter. india's foreign ministry has some of the us deputy in bassett for explanations after washington to criticize the detention of an opposition politician on corruption charges in diplomacy. states are expected to be respectful of the sovereignty and internal affairs of others. this responsibility is even more so in case of fellow democracies, it could otherwise end up sitting unhealthy precedents. this for tech shows the different, much arriving at the ministry building. it's reported that the meeting went on for
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about 14 minutes previously western powers, germany and the us had issued warnings against india over the recent arrest of the head of dallas, local government, and major opposition figure here is on correspond andrew enjoying shop with the details on the 21st of march, the head of the government of debbie that is r n g g was he was arrested in an alleged because cam, after which we saw a lot of naturally, a lot of criticism from the opposition. now, last week on friday, we sold that adopt diplomats from germany made a comment about how a tron standard the whole system is needed. india was angry. the very next day on saturday, the top part of the might of germany was to martin the end. while we us been doing anything, we encourage fair, transparent, and timely legal process for chief minister cadre. well, as we saw us made comments and the lines of washington wanted to ring the situation
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1st meeting the never off for anybody to monitor the situation in jesse's that we have a perfectly well equipped to additional system. and we will take care of off what's happening in the country, especially us to feel much as to why the goal was to mind by the indian ministry of external affairs. in fact that summoning went on for 40 or minutes, we saw that the for my daughter leave, the ministry of they will come over was trying to ask for comment dates not to call month. but anyway, i was really giving out a message that please mind your business, we are very valid with daycare or what's happening, you know, wrong country. now i've been keeping the wall who has been arrested by the enforcement directory and he's, he's basically going on to say that he's going to be, but he does. he does remain the chief minister of debbie's from jail itself. in fact, he's one of the key opposition details or fall of the country. he's also one of the
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registered national policies with the election commission of india. and the very fact that the rest comes weeks ahead of the challenges elections have been yes. is something that's fox, that's kind of a tool that, that we're seeing. but a full support of the country is all positions in the offices and bodies and what are the ones in india and what the government for the thing is that the do not need other countries to for mentors and there's and cell not does so in the making it very votes to germany and the us mind earlier they had been angry scenes on the street. so the indian capital as opposition demonstrate those plans to the police. pro got been demonstrated was also a get it for a counsellor body supporters of the permanent opposition. vega who was arrested last week, attended to march to the pm's residents, demanding his release as old columns as the country passed to go to the polls next month or a general election in the summer for my indian and bassett. as the said,
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all the countries should not try to interfere with india as the additional system. this is a very odd moment in the there's a response by any government and definitely, uh, india would. uh, what does this call just such phones which are so you know, the filter and so, and it's done in the past, and because this is something within the country and that this is kind of costing this portion on, on the due process or no. and i think that's why i really come to the response has to be and that's why we have some of the deputy about so that it can be very clear the our concerns our resolutions views on this. of course florida ip come comment before the german no, just do your best do but so some oh for making some similar kinds of comments on, on, on the process on the be good process. and of course, they said that the following, the, the events or the, or the other piece,
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the most welcome to are, you know, a part of the case, the scott to can fornia one, whatever the activities out here. but to make these kinds of comments, it's going to be the kind of comment from the us often to, to, from germany or from any other country. because there's due process because the process is being followed. i've been trying to say the district processing and go so it's not fair and impartial. i don't think that is a very right uh already, it's not a good comment. and i think that just by and gotcha. and staying with india, the country stop department has emphasized that it has a southern rights to put face energy resources from russia. that is the spot, the endless pressure from western nations to discontinue the trade, had we not stood out ground about buying energy from russia. a very sign clue. all of you would be paying much more for your energy because we would have more countries would have gone into a natural set of suppliers. and actually these,
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the was the energy pressures. so if i looked at it from the perspective of the global economy, and frankly, obviously from my own perspective, we actually did that, i think. so this ability to think for yourself to be comfortable with the identity, to be proud of your civilization to be, to be appreciative of your own history. but while you need and company is of how to purchase as a boy from venezuela to avoid possible us sanctions, washington is expected to impose restrictions on any cargo out of that lot in the american countries in india and clients don't want to risk making the purchase and then having to forego receipts of the products cargo from venezuela to india takes $25.00 to $30.00 days to deliver. so by this point, no indian refiner wants to get stuck with a potentially sanction susceptible cargo on their hands. just as a potential sanction snap back is looming in this stopped oil imports from the
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latin american country back in 2020 you filed the us was attempting resume, change that the year before the economic restrictions, the lot number again nation was within the top 5 of india, as far as the oil supply, as new delhi resumed the purchase of oil from venezuela last year. when washington lifted the broad range of functions for 6 months, a temporary measure it expires in april. and it's unclear what are the us would prolong the left or return to the assumption that we spoke with. i had been data, see those fellow for energy investment and connectivity, the gateway house big tag. and he believes that those who want india to cottage, or they did trade with russia, do not understand how severely that could impact the global markets. it is because the customers are on the go to stop by, in person or people be looking at the disruption the disruption which will be the most than anything that you're seeing with the last 50 years before that you've
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been much worse than the 19 separate them anyway, so what are the video the patients understand how it markets what you cannot just know that much something i of the thinking expect nothing surprises the fact that white faces but the $90.00 about is because of the thing needs to be the type of thing so the news of these, this is some of the find those videos, the noise, the other if i just, if you might, of, of shipping like from this particular desktop, eventually the point in the box that has to be the customers want to build a rush on this all right, these are looking into planes that the western powers of finalized acts of terrorism against russia. and that's off of the head of the federal security service, a keys, the us britain, and you train of involvement in the recent tax on the moscow city concert hall with killed $143.00 people. now, washington has denied any trade in involvement,
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but has provided new evidence. there is no evidence at all that ukraine was involved in this because you credit was not involved in this. as western powers and states don, ukraine had nothing to do with a terrorist attack in moscow. russia is for administrative takes issue with claims by the use foreign policy chief for suggested that the west support ukraine to maintain its own dominance. in global affairs, he receives exempts woods. we cannot afford russia when this will hold our light to us and it will be an interest we need a bit of damage is not a matter of generosity. the alone is not a matter or supporting ukraine because we love you creating young people. it isn't our own interest at the store. so you know, the dangers of the us as a global play. yeah. and as washington size to ship the blame from moscow to ride time from ukraine to ices,
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is lovely experience pockets over the last few years have raised some interesting questions are changed on the court that has details here in washington has been widely accused of aging and even helping for my sis, ever since it began trying to prop up so called moderate rebels and the syrian civil war about a decade ago. taking a look at the vast majority of the terror groups, recent attacks, the trend is clear to see the effects of nations are all enemies of the west. oddly enough, isis has adjusted his plans and reason. he is a now what types? mostly enemies of the united states, such as the taliban in afghanistan, the river amiens, the legitimate authority is in syria and russia. this year, a see multiple ice us attacks around the world in iran, nearly a 100 were killed and another 300 wounded afghanistan was the side of 3 terrorist attacks. and these are lost over 50 people just a week ago. and of course, the terrorist campaign has recently arrived in russia. what a coincidence that the west has
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a huge bone to pick with all of these countries. it goes without saying though, is lot mic states main targets have long known the rules of the game. but it's somebody who said, you are american colleagues, have actually stuff like an ice as in the air country and have long been using the fighters to have naturally, exclusively for their own needs. including for sabotage against the syrian government forces. after 20 years of occupation, the americans failed and had to withdraw. today they organized terrace groups like isis to replace their military forces in afghanistan. the us does not wants to ability or improve in, in the economy, trade and security in afghanistan because it feels that a stability is established. afghanistan, it will lead to the investment of countries like china with which the americans are in serious competition. even in the us, people are putting $2.00 and $2.00 together. the police are corrupt. we created isis. well, why would washington do such a thing? and the name of the us occupation is continued extraction of syria's resources.
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there was no doubt the us is the great or vices, but for those who deliberately close their eyes to the truth. the statement of robert f kennedy, the nephew of john f kennedy thing we created, isis reaffirms the fact that the american regime is the godfather of dias, isis. the us claims that it is present in syria to fight dice. that itself had a major role in creating is just an excuse to continuing its occupation and look serious national wealth, including its energy resources and wheat. at the same time, the us is trying to convince the world that isis was the only party behind the recent attack in moscow and the flex, any possibility of ukrainian involvement, flattering who in his already trying to link this to you. grain and say that you printer's responsible and so you guys have any evidence to back that up? no, there is no whatsoever any evidence. and in fact, what we know to be the case is that ice k is actually, and by all accounts responsible for what happens with america as long track record
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of having shared interest with isis and keeps history of terrorist attacks in russia. it seems unlikely that isis fighters just woke up one day and decided to attack russia. perhaps the islamic state was only one party to a trio of terror, but it's now been thrown under the bus by the driver. move while a well known frank journalist has said that he will be simply brilliant if you craig, and had to arrange the recent terrorist attack in moscow to see the cause. because there is every reason to believe that this is the work of the isis affiliate enough to understand this. we lie out course on since they immediately on friday evening claimed responsibility of me for this coming to i must say that if this was the work of the ukrainians, then this was an absolutely brilliant move up to me because i'm not saying that it's them just it's what he fits them say no, then the move was phenomenal, thought on them. let's not forget that. why if this was the work of ukrainians, if it is a tool possible that they penetrated russian territory and organized such
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a terrorist attack in moscow, then this is just phenomenal. we're supposed to say. so let me know about you using jihad is just a moment. this requires an same level of preparation that would take many months the why would you call you that were heard from author and political analyst, a nickel on medical eviction. he said it's unacceptable for a journalist to voice praise about terrorist attack, especially someone from friends which have suffered severely from terrorism in recent years. it seems quite astounding. that means the words she used to work a stroke of genius, phenomenal. she was almost in admiration and even though the words she used to go to the french language via to protect it as someone who was amazed by the, by what happened. the fact that she used to the, especially the stroke of genius, security, cannot be applied to a terrorist attack. and i just, it just shows that in front of this i forget we're talking about drawing is not even a politician for the premium politician this enjoys. and they're just,
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some of them have just started to take the gloves off, take no perspective whatsoever to run hundreds of dead these past years. and we know that this is very, a sensitive matter using assimilating a terrorist attack as a stroke of genius. i think that's why some of most remote more more of these drawers are just using their credibility and it's, it's their insurance to see assurance to see that more and more finished each day on many different topics. not only on ukraine and restaurant, opening their eyes and saying that these drawers are dressed, printing propaganda. they're not turned into what they're working for. for an independent agencies, they're not always, they're not working as a professional, real journalist shouldn't been wallet and the russian media storm is brewing about whether the country should bring back the death penalty. or the heated debates began after the terrorist attack in moscow with media people demanding that the perpetrators be executed. russia as regulations less to capital punishment as a means of justice. but the country defacto prohibited the practice with the more i
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told him in 1996. all right, let's discuss this with a pedal of guest. i have with me in the hey, if young a lawyer, human rights lawyer from nigeria colored but tapia professor of the all phase, all university and saudi arabia and steve, gil, are ready to host and political commentator in the united states. gentlemen, i'm happy to have you all. now let me spell it from anybody here. yeah. in in nigeria, what do you think about the death penalty audio inspect this when it is acceptable to thank you for having me a for me. i don't think i'm thinking about this one really is not just a simplistic one. this don't call me then put this on hold on to find on said for doctor banassi is the one i set up the steps or do we have to examine it? don't you're going to my country business. i was call so it's, i mean, the granted you don't do that. and so we've just been on the post the letter states
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. that's the best on the democratic attempt to get the best on the demo across the us. the last what he did been on the menu gone cause is different, obviously is typical. now the punitive mission of the test is where the bi weekly be decided department of defense is such that didn't belong to installed the only acceptable punishments that should be put on. so i don't know the as why they not knew we should not have different knowledge out taught. so wouldn't be my concern is the precisely, on the criminal justice system is impossible for the most impressive to be sometimes to that effect is the criminal justice system. i think that's the point that stuff is something just the stuff that we operate in the book on things i did binocs in the i don't have a lot of we did been on seen deserving tests. what was the best on where the
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president and bottom boss mazda do lots number of people, either very who's on by now, what sort of follow up, and i'll tell you going to the post. but i also see that the money was of the got countries including the as your what you will find the budget is does indeed all the many buses that i'm be sent out to the, the government nearby. i talked to randy approved us for the but i'm for the as you go. sure. so what do i mean? does it show me the law? there's a different option for the sense of what the, what the federal prison or cannot be admitted part of the country, not doing what i want to be gotten, warranties. okay. and brought using the block of different government almost done what and what, yes. patient. all right, so thank you for your insight. not coming, let me come to you on this. now, what do you think about the death penalty generally? well, i have the most of them and i believe that the and i for an i had to sort of do it
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. if someone could, someone i loved, i would like to see him killed. and that's a good justice because it is editors or other people more to uh, to kill if this is a psycho bad news that you would be killed as the killing people. and then that might be a difference. but if you knew that the worst dot com is to, to be embracing a maybe a good be here for or for a good lawyer. it could be out in the street continuing what she's doing. then duck is not going to stop and our hair from uh, from care to people obese. uh. got uh, uh, described this uh, medicine for us. uh,
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so we could uh stop this crimes from happening and if you look at the situation and so i've got a report exam which is applied to the penalties. and you would see that this kind of crimes are very low compared to european countries, for example, or other countries or doesn't. well, don't apply this rule. and also the most for good victims. i mean the victims and their committees and the justice as well. and the closure, how can you allow the victims to be the price for the human rights? if we may say, oh, for the sake about of the dinner, i mean the victims who are so under their crime, it is need also human rights and their human rights is not to see the the person who killed their be locked, still alive for a long time,
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or maybe in and 20 years or 25 years as as back at the street. this is most just this, this is most closure. i'm not to forget the cost of the states. i mean, to go to inversion table for 25 years or maybe longer and then and protect in mind and keep them alive is costing the taxpayers a lot to sort of people who actually don't deserve. all right, steve, let me, let me come to you on this. i wonder what your thoughts are on desk penalty as a means of punishment. steve, i think in this particular case, when you have isis supposedly claiming responsibility when they give the us government western europe and their media allies immediately claiming it was isis where there really wasn't any investigation or in any pro. and where you have isis usually committing these types of atrocities and willing to die in the commission
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of their crimes. it is kind of hypocritical to say, it's not fair to execute them with generally, if it's really isis, they would die while doing this. that's why the reasons i'm skeptical that isis was really responsible for this because these guys didn't go in to die and the commission of their crimes, they went in to kill and escape. so i don't think they should escape their fate simply because they got away in this case. all right, anybody let me come to you and if not, then i'll call and be some intense debates in russia about whether the country should bring back the death penalty. with them saying it's not just about the punishment against that particular individual, but also to prevent others from committing such a crime. now, i know you've been following these developments generally, but i wonder what your take is if your contacted to say, what's your opinion? well i really thought we got it the right size. addition, the very i tried to got
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a density mando, the dozens of people, you know, someone who lived in one of the terms of anybody that i've got to be they tried to . you cannot help me to drive to punishment because i work on sunday that i sit on the outcomes. i've been to my right. been, you know, prospectively differential, you, most of the country decided to be binding it different. maybe dot com because it, i mean, i think you, but i didn't thought myself the best time for the rest on gomez. we'll be talking but let me cost on that because the $1.00 that we have so much do you mind if i would, i would. i just think it's just the us or that joe, you know, there's always a ton of them. you know, said person may be convicted the possibility i've spent a month in under, on based on that kind of. it was school kids that i had many government and i saw i didn't depend on what sometimes we did. i would do this. do i still have just don't believe that you want people say in the us we often took over
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a 100 percent. so the why the scene? so it'd be just the pick on this one. i just don't use that before i go so enjoy that. once you go to the doctor guide to the trial, definitely. so that doesn't depend on what you saw given fridge, without that down a lot, lot better position on that. it just is on those different options. the boat doesn't have any form of political car, you know, cars without it does restaurant with us. i know the bananas. you gave me the initial side of my support. right. oh, connected to the desktop, the my, the, i don't know how to program with that, but it'd be like even if it's file. okay. kelly, let me come to you on this. i know you touched on this a little bit earlier, but you know that the, i like it to expand a little bit. we can see some people suggesting that putting criminals behind boss for life is a, when is where most suitable punishment on
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a creek dest. you had mentioned a little bit a bit about this area. i needed to expand a little bit about on this and i don't think this is ethan uh good for for the uh for the kids. because if you've given me a choice between a lifetime and i solution or in a crowd brazen or an inside view. yeah. i wouldn't be sure that choice. i would prefer to be uh, booked out of my misery. right. so we uh it's, it's smoke not sure. if you go back to history and you'll find that the execution was always applied in every civilization and in every religion and an are an hour. this is new, the liberals then you will never of in europe in america. they ask ok to this
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because they don't trusted, they're just the system to do different justice because they thought maybe by a wrongly accused beer. since then we could kill him. i discovered later that he was innocent. well then there is something grand about you're just assisted and so the idea is not easily done. i mean, it goes all the way to the king design of these things because it goes from one level to another 4 levels of of course, just to make sure 100 percent that the person is guilty. and if that is the case, then there is no need to worry maybe one or number you wrongly executed. so what, but instead of having the rest of the millions i paid for the board that, i mean i, i believe it is. it's a good balance. it's
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a good justice and it is a good the chair is and it sits the country, the tax spear a lot of of the costs. that's where the goal for uh, and burdening this people in a situation that's making them even worse. if they ever be reduced and they don't get released for a, there was a good lawyer or it's a good good be helpful or because they aren't sick or whatever. and we have seen many cases of people were released back to the streets to continue their campaign. of, of killing people and hurting uh, a innocent and sort of disease and uh, i believe, uh it was, uh, it is. i just visited too hot that did uh the capital punishment in
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every country and the okay. see, let me come to you not today. more than 50 countries around the globe. we use the death penalty as a measure of punishment. if many countries still use this practice, how would you assess the effectiveness of this process to the states? we've had these temporary bands on the death penalty you have last to decades. your st people that are finally being executed after we have not used the execution as the final punishment for a long time. recently at alabama, a guy was executed, who had murder, a pastor's wife, the pastor had paid for for this guy to kill his wife. the pastor committed suicide . this guy sat on death row for 20 or 30 years and was just recently executed. so i think that the lady of justice is a problem, and that's been a part because we've not done the death penalty of us in many states for a long time. i would underline the recidivism the, the, the collateral damage of,
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if you execute somebody, you know, a 100 percent, they are not going to commit another crime. it may be a good a less than for others to not commit a crime because they know what the punishment may be. but we know. busy a 100 percent of those who are committed and executed. they will never committed other crimes and time that use the cartels in tears. grooves often asking for the release of their colleagues if they're still alive, but it can be released but back out on the streets to commit other terror acts and other atrocities. so there is a finality to justice that should come in my view sooner rather than later. in these cases and driving it out for decades. well again, in the united states, we have levels of protection. we're letting people go before they go to trial, where they, even after they have trial get appeal after appeal after appeal, they drag valves to the justice ever being executed, no pun intended, it's, it's not a system where it is.


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