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tv   News  RT  March 25, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT

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the, the, to all the false aspects in friday is concept the full massacre in moscow which claimed the lives of a $137.00 people plead guilty to tears and charges all demand remaining on all of them, their meeting and custody. while the investigation continue to use the as more footage of the charge of the moscow and the disabilities who survived are account how they are still alive. at one point range. as guitar rates range gunfire in that direction. i was pressed against the wall. i could just see how those monsters were moving around and they were methodically shooting. they didn't tool,
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they didn't scream, they just killed. and there was nothing we could do about what the towers detain. that's been made up. my gosh to the korean border. washington and made it down the median priority to absolve it's all i of ab possible guilt. instead painting the play monitor tried and tested activate his loving state. at ross in authority, say that has been a. busy didn't text messages from ukraine seeking to recruit teenage as 4 categories packed on a task with a song by some a sizable payments, the route. we're continuing the coverage of the latest trends shape in the world right now. this is all we change our international and i a michael point you now to all the for suspect and fridays concept. the whole monitoring might be in moscow which claimed the lives of
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a $137.00 people. the guilty to terrorism charges during the court hearing on sunday evening. all 4 of the suspects are to be kept in custody, pending trial, that they had been charged with committing an act of tara, a crime that in russia carries a maximum penalty of live behind boss. so let's, let's break it down for you right here. not minutes before a rock concert was supposed to spot the terrorist arrived at the main entrance of the building at the opening fire. and the went through. i've been move through the hall and talking to people, innocent civilians on your part of the walk right into the concept hold. then they entered the performance hall where the tragic incident took place. the mass like a continued there, the set the place on fire, killing people, i shooting people. they also said the concept hold a blaze with the buildings roof, eventually collapsing, and about a 1000 imagines to work as a still
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a scoring through the side evictions remains are still being found. as we speak about the on site, the rescue operation has been extended onto the tuesday morning and they all do the evening, right? i meant the chaos of the i talked to ordinary individuals, briefly stepped up to make a critical difference between life and death. the, the, i realized that i had to do something and i ran around him to the left, grab the machine gun with my left hand and pulled it down with my right hand. i'd be get to strike him on the head. at that moment. another man ran up to me and we knocked out the gunman, the,
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the, the, the i work at a cloak room in the basement. it was a normal working date, an 8 o'clock sharp. the attack started started shouting all over the city hall that it was shooting and it was putting people to run to the expo center. there was a mess and everyone shopped. no one knew what to do, but i tried to help everyone in the dentist to set it up at the time when the truck started. we together without our employee, some visitors had a series of gunshots in or on towards the office. when the shot started, i realize that we had to wait and get people out. i tried to stay calm and help everyone who shouted to people let to go to the emergency exits so that everyone
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would get away with sheldon where to go the the, the
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i bought the towers to i believe to have remained inside the building for about 20 minutes after week the quickly fled the, the area. now you can see the roots, which they took, hadn't, you know, trying to break into, uh, the pressing the boat into reality. now uh that was between the, the train in border and the russian federation. now that well, so window that was prepared for them that on the other side, to make a crossing into ukraine. now, this attack was the deadliest of russia in decades. i have to point that out. now. it claimed about a 157 lives, including about 3 children, and 182 people were wounded and some of them are still hospitalized as we
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speak. now the desk told is expected to arrive as a rescue work is continued to find the body remains. as we said previously, many of the victims died not from bullets, but from the smoke and fire. the woman who was at the concert hall on that fateful night has explained how she and her husband managed to survive. it was left to the we go down to the car. it was around 7 50 pm, maybe $752.00. i also told my husband that we are late, let's hurry up, and we sort of move towards the main entrance. we entered the main entrance that was several queues. it was probably 4 or 5, and it so happened that i saw that the left most q, which is closer to the gloss school, was moving foster. we joined this to the cues, moved quickly enough. i can't even tell you exactly how much time has passed. maybe 2 or 3 minutes, we were already approaching the gate where they was scanning tickets when we heard
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something loud, not like gunshots. it was more like some kids fire crackers. and already when there was a rapid burst of continuous fire, then people heard screaming, they realized that something bad was going on next to us just to on left. there was this opening in the doorway, not even in the doorway, but in this gloss rules, we quickly dropped in may. my husband was in the back. next to me there was a really big muscular man. he tried to knock out the gloss with his feet, hands and elbows, but i realized were only 2 way that we would not knock it out because there was quite sick last day. people began to crowd into this new very quickly and pressed us very hard. i was pressed against the wall. i could just see how those monsters were moving around. and they were michel degree shooting. they didn't talk and they didn't scream, they just killed him. and there was nothing we could do. and we was standing in the small area and i understand that those people who are behind us,
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they call the desk. they just gave us a chance to live. but i am grateful to the man who stood next to us on when a burst of gunfire knocked out the law school in front of us. he grasped me under my arms and just threw me out of the snow. and my husband was already running off to me. he picked me up and we had, i think it was a transform a box, a large square structure we looked around, didn't realize that we had no injuries, and quickly walked along the highway to all call. it was really shocking for us all . throughout the weekend, the crowds gathered up the side of the tragedy. a steady stream of people has continued together to make shift memorial on the side. it is now packed with flowers and candles, as people pay their respects to all those who lost their lives. aspects were detained on their way to crane, where an opening had been prepared for them to cross the border. and that's according to russia's president put in comments following the f as
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b operation. how about the us has suddenly denied 83 and involvement in the atrocity with the vice president and come a hobbies recently reaffirming that position flattereth who in his already trying to link this to you grain and say that your brain is responsible, does the us have any evidence to back that up? no, there is no whatsoever any evidence. and in fact, what we know to be the case is that ice k is actually. and by all accounts responsible for what happens. you took the american government only hours to reach its conclusion that a split the cell of islamic state and during this ice, these k was responsible for the attack. and that was even before the terror attack, it's the group itself had claimed it was behind it. last while it's been almost 2 years since the north stream pipelines were blue, not the washington still says it doesn't know what happened the same time. the
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white house have enough to basically say, i told you so i see. to emphasize it had issued a warning. ponds, and they had talked about potential terroristic activity in russia. that must go on the line that if the us had had any information of this kind, it should have given it to the russian authorities. earlier this month, the u. s. government received information about a plan terrorist attack in moscow, potentially in places of mass gatherings, including concerts, which prompted the state department to issue a public warning to americans and russia is a shot leave the united states as well as other countries have or had the reliable data on this matter, it should be immediate, please send it over to the russian sites. if there is no such data, then neither the white house, you know, anyone else has the right to grant indulgence to any one of those involved as the russian leadership has set, will be identified by the competent authorities among the members of the us.
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leadership have long issued threats against russia, amid the conflict in ukraine and the address to keeps troops as be trained with american forces. last year, the pentagon stopped general law. the time mont, millie suggested that every russian should be afraid of being killed when they go to sleep at night. there should be no russian who goes to sleep without wondering if they're going to get the felt slate in the middle of the night. you got to get back there and create a competing behind the lines of my colleagues. while refreshed a spoke to turkish political scientists or new scene on the was all the time. he told us that one of the suspects of the deadly shooting is likely to have ties with middle east in groups that i use by the us us tools. i love disinterest. uh that, uh, what's the notes in the press that one of them he has been in churchy for advice. and that is the complete. i have to say that the north of syria,
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even the book and the other side of a lot of syria, is kind of a big because for the 3rd square and united states are using these 30 something to do with, like i said, is the guy the most up, so i think that's these territories, goods have some relation with this read to you just said to me, the united states is using these terrorist groups. could you just briefly expand on that a little bit for me because we things stand out here on odd t, but all the way it west and mainstream media is basically courting us conspiracy theorist. and in quoting it a b s. narrative, please take the bowl and run. it's not me, but it's uh for the united state president, donald trump. he opened the said the i see is creation of the bottle, cuz on my end to hillary clinton, all these groups are pools of united states. and now,
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i'm not going to leave you because it's another effect, cheering by these groups in dresser, in multiple divest. and maybe i use the, the heavy lifting slices about this ethics. but i think it's directly related to the the, the board which is going to print ok. and i think that's a probably the genuine intelligence and. ready so you want me to come one that they are used. ready the behind the center and they are using these uh there is, uh, as, as a, as a tool as a puppets to, to, to, i mean, to calculate the re, the rolling this i think. and because if the, if it relates be the, i mean the moment of this tech, we will say that it just arrived after the need me to tell you what position of the rest of the army. it was great. and i think that's the main target, right? is that that is to. ready it to the stop the reach him of the special needs tell.
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ready ration of the rest of the army in your brain. that one of the suspect a tire was said that he was recruited by a religious teacher who had contacted him through a messaging app. archie is done on quote, the has details. looks as if the, the terrorist who carried out this crow could city hall terrorist attack were not the only ones that were solicited over a telegram to commit these nefarious crimes. like these. i mean, according to russia's internet safety league, they say that criminals are specifically targeting teenagers whose information can be found in compromised internet databases. and they're also warning a parents to immediately report and block a strange numbers on their children's phones. the way the leak also said that a lot of these accounts that are carrying out these primes are actually being made in ukraine high. i want to make you a very interesting offer. i'm from ukraine. i suggest we arrange a terrorist attack on march 26th, 2024 in the or in shopping center 475-0000 roubles. we have all the weapons
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and ammunition, we will distribute them. you will be with the 11 plus people high as i understand you live near me. redeem shopping center is an offer. it's urgent. good bye. 1000000. no. don't refuse. 400000 at once. no. you don't agree. you'll really regret it. no telling me you will suffer, but also your relatives. during the recent russian presidential elections, we saw a number of people pouring green di into the pallet boxes because they were scammed into it. believe it either over the internet or over the phone. and they, some of them even gave confessions. let's take a listen at 10 am they called me introduce themselves as the bank security service and offered to write off all my loans in the amount of about half a 1000000 robles. i agreed to that in exchange had to do something. after it was, they said that you need to pour
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a bottle of green dye to go to public station and pour it into the ballad box. they told me which bong station on which street i arrived. i walked with a bottle under my arm, i put it into a valid box and i was detained. i admit my guilt, it won't happen again. since that happened, rushed to the central election commission has promised a strong response from law enforcement. and it's also said that it's likely that the ukrainian security services are involved in this recent spike and create in cyber crime. specifically, especially with all of the comments we've seen from ukrainians across the internet . praising what actually happened at the crocus city hall concert area. so with these investigations into these crimes continuing, it's likely that the picture of the whole picture of what's actually going on here is going to become much clearer soon. now for all the very latest updates about friday's terror attack, which took the lives of at least a 157 people, head over to a website, r t u dot com, the
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on settings to all the needs. now the roster emitted tree of defense says that a 142 military targets across ukraine had been heading the bronze of al and the temporary slice 30 on monday. meanwhile, the report, se russians, flights and key, and i've taken out several key targets including the create an army come on building. additionally, same reports say to us, supplied picture of the rocket systems were also destroyed. the un security council has adopted the resolution demanding a ceasefire. and gathered during the holy month of ramadan roches ambassador to the un savvy remains. i'm clear whether it be true is good. hey. ready after the holiday, briggs appeared new as it is fundamentally important that for the 1st time the un
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security council demands that the parties observe an immediate cease fire. so even if limited to the month of ramadan. unfortunately, what happens after it remains unclear since the wording lasting can be interpreted in different ways, and this is very significant. it's one of your listing of a resolution to also called for the release of all hostages. 14 out of a 15 security council member states voted in favor. only the united states abstained. i handled the resolution, the russian envoy, he suggested that the time per long ceased fiber pleased with permanency. 5 of the us struck down that proposal. right. let's cross now live to political analysts, dr. assad named bra in the west bank city of ramada. it's nice to have you join me right now, so i now will the ceasefire in guys a be respected during ramadan. this is the big question,
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but why did the united states of status on voting on the resolution? in the 1st instance, what's your assessment of this? are you going to do and are you going to be, looks well, we know that the russians have been for a long time now between diversity. now the dispensing guys and these ladies to the uh, the categories exemption, the americans also involved. and that shows that even the french and they were involved in these can fusions. and it's here that the, the, the model of the by still resistance anyway, to stop by on the order deceased by about to stop the war and do have or the bursting is, will be evicted from one of the guys that put them back to the areas as when, as a, you know, the humanitarian 8, she's have jumped to the but i senior this mission and then also because the, and the other areas all who have, you know, and which, and he was
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a daily and 8. now before that, and then we've discussed the 2nd stage and the issue of hostages, that would happen for me. and they go over somebody like 40 of the prisoners a captive by the person who is this does the bone bone just as he was fired. and these images, and after that, there was the shipping over the, i bet a cdm, but it's not as always going to be released. now these are you or the time to do whether you don't study that. so the idea of a stop, the war is up to you, the guide, the lighting for danielle and he's cover much they both want to comment in at least of both. oh yeah. or still the war. and that was good. sorry. so that was so clear in the for as illusions was brought down to the security johnson in which the united states for the don't stop
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the last one was the, you know, the one before otherwise the ocean. so just you stop by and see if i use the uh, the war. but the emotions were still committed. what these are, you want to continue the war? the last check of the day it was the, there's a huge and coming from the united states, which was lost by russia and china because it was not fair and not even meant to stop by as the ceasefire. i think the war to the country, they weren't talking about the encouraging the organization to do so. now after looking this, so you shouldn't, by the rush. i'm trying to for america, the americans. nobody's ever putting pressure on these ladies to at least go ahead with these. and cushions are deceased by a they need to just use fire. these are you, i mean, this is found as well,
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or even diversity is being the victim here. but also, so the americans are personalizing and he is ready to government and also the, your life that them what's going on most of the government, they want the debt. it's about from the thing. yeah, of course. but then, you know, you had the best thing that i didn't, that you knew that the moment do more stuck means extremely generation of the deed of these, right? the on the i need is one that on the one hand, and on the other hand, in the home, you definitely want to more so then go, he's government will be, it broke down. and before i knew it actions at least go to the face, the charges against him in the gore, eh, concerning the corruption, this is the action of the government. and in such case, he's going to go to the prison. so he wants to stop the want to continue as much as the good or unless you get some kind of a big 3 somehow to give it to these ladies public say see i brought you the big 3.
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and that's, that's why he's postponing that post buddy. now the decision would be of state of the americans, let's say exactly this one had the pressure rising. this is what you can go ahead and on the other hand, invested also in, you know, passing this discount. ready however, there is a huge and fast. now we've seen boards. but at the same time, what do we have in order to, excuse that? and this is the most important question, except the 1st is engine by the vision emissions. the security code says, i guess is a who did not permit. so if there's a reason, we don't want to commit to the stuff, stuff in the system to do or not what these countries depart the countries and there's no conditions do at divorces. we have to stop the war though,
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the american law states just for being the same time that it's simple police, right? i've done that, go a, go the support strategy relationship between the united states and this was those sometimes there are some properties with that ministration of the government doesn't mean that the strategy for the mission should be i can states, i literally just didn't exist. so we do have a make up isn't worse, is what i was supposed to work if they loved ones the, i'm not going to do it. so i, that's what happened. you can see that by to do the after tomorrow. let's see what the issue of the schwab hybridization of the united nations in general was due to force is, right. just of do are, are they go, do you know, do i was right. i was able to start sanctions on these. are they going to stop sending a weapon to is right? what would they do?
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they have this in their hands anyway, but are they willing to do it or not? and in such case they, when it's, you know, very use of the want. but i, as i can see it from what i am, i know in this way, at least i know that i'm not going to i'm blind with this was an issue of the, of, of the i'd say that it's our needs and we have different steps. and we need to do with this one that would be these radios reactions. after that you would see how things are going to difficult and how the security council resolution could be implemented as far as a little stuff. do work for a military and be ready. deleon? reasons no. the, the citizen, you should also have the americans because one of the articles about their hostages, it was india. and again, those exemption which was brought so and now it's probably these for the countries with the countries. well i left them in the numbers. so if i just did this motion
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anyway, they took the ration, the american mike brought this was an issue, so they give them this oxygen can certainly be, it may get to useful or business or so, okay, how much is that? i'm not going to release or the business without change. all right, but we'll wait to see how these things had decided being wrong. daunting us from the west bank city of ramada. thank you so much for your insight. you have the key if it goes from the global nuclear, the industry, government agencies, along with international experts have all come 1st on the russian blocks. the result of searching for a major conference on the atomic energy. russia is already a leading player in the field, while the west is finding itself, playing catch up, the coughing itself off from cheap gas and oil from russia. from moscow. that right,
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i are to use murray and sort of a has been looking into the story. because like the new crane has exposed everyone's weaknesses and dependencies for the west as being the lack of cohesion, munitions, money, and excessive reliance on russia for its oil and gas. well, while western nations have been busy trying to cut ties and becoming dependent in those fields, they're only getting started with nuclear fuel where russia is, once again, a leading exporter in russia is an undisputed leader. in many areas. we are building more nuclear power plants abroad than anyone else. we are in the top 3 in all processes of the nuclear fuel cycle, as well as in uranium mining. regarding exports of nuclear tech. our competitors are weaker. $26.00 nuclear power units being built in the world with export attack of those $22.00 are being constructed according to our project. that is more than
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80 percent of the market. it is a nice that we have occupied. we are the only ones able to implement those projects versus state new corporation. it has matters to large the bypass western sciences. that's because they need the russian fuel to keep their reactors running. and this is how much they've been reporting according to our reports, by the below. nothing time this pains are either a confusing picture. as you can see here, there's been a dramatic spike and import overall swimming pool fuel in the last couple of years . and in some cases in ports doubled, not that doesn't make sense, considering that the west is trying to cut through the dependence and make sure a russian doesn't get any of their money. well, according to experts, that's because they're stopping up for a rainy day or decade. many western companies dependents, supplies of enriched uranium or fuel from russia. so imposing sanctions against the state corporation ross at them is seen as unrealistic and impractical. it's really
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critical that we get off of our dependents, especially from russia without action. russia will continue to hold on to this market. this is really important for national security for climate, for energy independence. we estimate that there more than $1000000000.00 in annual us dollar purchases of nuclear fuel flowing from russ item. they us one south, but i pads for now and just like you are, they are also stuck in up on resources and making rosa richard. now take a look at this graph right here. now. well, washington discusses banning the import open bridge to radium from russia. it's buying that up like and never before. at the end of 2023 imports of enriched uranium from russia to the united states increase to a record level of $1200000000.00. and that's a 40 percent increase from the year before. russia has enjoyed an enormous global nuclear market share over the past 2 decades in part due to low price fixing. western countries have also planned poorly or have not pro.


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