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tv   News  RT  February 16, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EST

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c, crane was never closed, but it was suspended. the starting with the latest news, the west has read that the verdict, the crumbling, says west and politicians are making denigrating an audit acceptable assumptions. calling the death of apologies, locked with alexia, nevada, as on investigation, is still on the way. ukraine's troops are in distress on the front lines with its close ally, the us, attributing great lane to a lack of community build a age from washington. the biggest man is here is not tailoring, not tanks, but come because the drones and when the disability there's good. this whole neighborhood is the prowling ground and rush hour pulse does. it's forces in the in
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bottles said he bought them off with former veterans, some the wagner group, the pedal, welcome to our team to national reaching you live for my new center in moscow. i a michael caught you up with the updates. now russia, a political activist, legs in nevada, his died in prison dependent tax or re service 7, mister nevada, who became ill after a walk in las gashes nest that he was 47 years old, the crumbling spokesperson. dmitri pascal has denounced for mitchell assumptions by weston politicians, about the course of death as an investigation is still on the way the statements of western leaders are quite obvious. look, there's no statement for medical experts, no information from medics and no information from forensic experts. there's no definitive information from the f as i end. so there's no information about the
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cause of death. and there are these statements. it's obvious that they're completely outrages. we consider such statements to be absolutely unacceptable. they're unacceptable, and that's how we feel about them. well, there's a lot of information out there right now, but very little of it is confirmed basically the stuff we have confirmed is from russia's penitentiary service, who was the 1st organization to say that and of all. and it has indeed died political activists then also we, we should mention political extremist and russia from and from 2020 to onward, according to the russian government. and the service says that uh, what happened essentially was that he lost consciousness after going for a walk. and medics arrived at the scene of forwarding to a local hospital 7 minutes after being called. and they tried to re resuscitate him for a whole 30 minutes. a 30 minute for 30 minutes. yeah. and uh, but to no avail. uh, so there are reports also on confirmed ones that he had complained about feeling
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bad, but according to rushes social monitoring commission, this is an organization that's responsible for looking at pre human rights in the country. no official complaints in connection to his state. we're actually recorded, we do have one source at our to you says that that he died from a blood clot, but this again, yes, it has yet to be confirmed by the authorities. and just about an hour ago, the penitentiary service said that the commission was already on its way to the penal colony where this took place. and the last piece of information that we do have is that, and of all his lawyer has refused to comment on the situation. specifically per the request of all of these families. like i said, we have so little confirmed information and already we're seeing across the western media, people pointing the finger at the russian government. we've seen also the norwegian for administer the lot the and president, the head of the european commission. all saying that the russian government is to blame for an involved these death even though an official investigation hasn't even
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been conducted yet. but every your thoughts about alexa devonte is the politician. he was just brutally murdered by the kremlin. that's a fact. and that is something one should know about the true nature of russia's current regime. the you holds the russian regime for soul responsible for this tragic death. alexis, of all need paid with his life for his resistance to a system of oppression. his death in a penal colony reminds us of the reality of vladimir putin through g. russia has turned into a violent state that kills people who dream of a better future like me and sobbing. now devonie imprisoned and tortured to death for standing up to put in dreadful news about and of only if the report about his death in russian prison is true. it represents another terrible crime by putin's regime. this is something that rushes for administrators spokeswoman murray's a harvest said is really revealing about the west. it's true. attitude to fax and situations like these. the immediate, the reaction of need leaders to nobody needs death in the form of direct
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accusations against the russia itself revealing there are no results of the investigation yet, but the conclusions of the west are already here. so, and you know, like i said before about an official investigation, that's obviously going to be really important in terms of establishing what actually happened. but unfortunately, i think it's very likely that it's going to be ignored in the west. like many times before. when we seen similar situations like when the volume, the felt ill in 2020 western press was saying that he was poisoned by the russian government, russian governments. and the medical professionals in russia conducted their own investigation and determined that there was no, there were no chemical substances in the fall and the system that was completely ignored. and unfortunately, it's likely we're going to be seeing a similar situation now. i mean, creating conflict as a direct result of kids pandering to the west. and that's the downing verdict by ross's top tip of my surg, elaborate of who's been taking part in the conference assessing the past 10 years
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since that you were might into, into you have to use the list to read to the key 1st or it is earned nationally recognize becker, starting from the modern court even earlier, american and british advisors are seeking a most departments, including the security service and now it has already come in place. no one is surprised by this practice. they sit there and make sure that money is not stolen. although no one will ever stop stealing. the situation in ukraine is a good example of what spending the west and the thought was desire to fit into the system of political and economic coordinates by any means leads to. as far as we know, the european external actions service has made recommendations for ukraine, which proceed from the fact that it will not be possible to win. but the methods that ukraine is currently using and ukraine will lose. so it's necessary to bet on the transfer of even more long ridge weapons to crank so that it can reach the heart of russia to write. that statement came as the situation for the crate in all me in a strategic city. the done yes. republic is worsening. by the minute that washington
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has plains about kia has losses on the bumper field, enough to have kinda are due to lack of invitation being sent to you. trey, now, western media outlets as i previously praise your trade have been switching up the narratives as the point out of the extensive complex lady is. the idea of cost is could say that one of the main strategic points of the bible for the region losing control over this. such a would push, keeps troops, father away from the regional capital. done yes. also, it's not the only point on the front line where the situation has become critical for you. craig's troops, we spoke to alexander michael evict, had all these silver. all that sort of used to do that. he says that there are many similarities between the train surrender of optim oscar last year and of gift. i guess it's mostly desperation, which the major proxies are feeling at the moment. that is especially mr. celeste students. yes, also since just recently um shuffled out to the army dealership and replaced um his
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spots come on the solution the what's the deal of the ukraine and nationalist process and to swap them out with steve, steve. and the interesting thing of doom of bucks more. um is that um, since he was actually also responsible for the yeah, sense the defense of the city when it was already clear that it would fall 50 funneled mall in both groups inside didn't the same is happening. all right, happening right now. um, at the discount. so ukraine is actually making its own defeats even worse. um by still sending um you were sort of sense of the top and um they are even um, sent to you. um also the rebates there. so i guess this people will somehow um, covered the retreat of the army or even was um, shoot ordinary um soldiers were trying to escape the city. but while this exclusive food, tate shows russian forces conducting oppression the northern parts of the new gun
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truit region, ground the salt, along with drone oppressions are being carried out in the criminal i. a direction of a city of auto mazda, also known as by moods, is many former veterans of the vitamin group. now find a spot of another unit. are these egos dine of reports from the city, which still stands as a reminder of the fuse fighting a wants to place that it's a city in ruins. it's crumbling. facades are a testament to possibly the bloody is battle of the ukraine war, which wants this place to this day that, that most below me is the city over to almost. and arguably, the biggest menace here is not tillery, not tanks, but come because the drones and when the visibility is good, this whole neighborhood is the prowling ground. the soldiers that we are
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imbedded with, they are, they keep telling us, constantly, listen, listen for the bus. because well, everybody understands we can spend much time on this roof tough. we are here on borrowed time. the streets are all too familiar for the fight, is where with they are the ones who kicked ukrainian troops out of every nook and cranny, over to almost proudly wearing the insignia of the wagner company on their sleeves . dividing the group itself, also known as the orchestra, or musicians, is going through a tubule and phase. these wagner, veterans still carry that music in their hearts. but now they play a tune of their own as a different unit called camera tone. or the tuning fork is almost all summer. the idea is for the out of to musical instruments to be cleaned up in tune properly. in other words, they all return to the original state used for their intended purpose and
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effectively performed the tasks hopefully won't be the parts of the smart battalion, the food, new legacy. the crucible of war with plenty has changed here since the dispatch to the front lines last year. one thing stay the same though. the enemy in front of them both, i'm filling out. the targets are different. we face the infantry, including the sheltered infantry hiding in the dugouts. we also come across armored vehicles when you don't have to come or tone might be a smaller units, but it's also a mean a one dedicated to, to finish what they started you through the you with the new out opponent is finding the wrong way. this is the big mistake, the sold will judge us all decisions have be made and if they make it in time, then let them use a special frequency and say volt uh for surrender. there is nothing more to say. i
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mean, it gets done of reporting from us to almost ok. see i'm i have b, i informant who we expose the by didn't families are leg shady, business dealings. the new cream is set to go on trial. alexandra estimate also has been charged with lying about his claims that a jew abiding any son hunter, except in bribes totally more than $10000000.00. the defendant story to the f. b, i was a fabrication, an amalgam of otherwise on remarkable business meetings and contacts that had actually occurred. but at a later date then he claimed, and for the purpose of pitching bruce upon the defendant's services and products not for discussing bribes to public official one. when he was an office now for more on the select side of now across live to our to correspond, caleb might be joining us from new york. caleb, it's good to have you join me. could you tell us more about the charges against the, for my eyes, vs i've the f, b i informant,
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and how that may affect the case against the biden family? sure, well, we have the case of alexander smyrna, and this is an individual that according to special counsel, david weiss has now been indicted for making a false statement and creating a false and stick tissues record i could face up to 25 years in prison. essentially for providing what they allowed, just balls information to the vi essentially he came forward then you talked to the guy about the hunter biden's scandal regarding the risk, my holdings right after the 2014 you're making to the son of then vice president joe biden, who's currently, the president of the united states, i got hired by a ukranian energy firm called burris my holdings. now you got hired by them and he had no previous experience in the energy industry. and he was paid quite handsomely for his work. the whole thing smacked of corruption to most observers. so it's
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a ledge that smearing of misrepresented the truth to the the i've and told them that they had that, that they had told him, they hired him to protect us through his dad and all kinds. and from all kinds of problems now they're claiming that this is not an accurate statement. now it's not clear if alexander is near enough july, but it's worth pointing out that throughout the donald trump presidency and throughout the, you know, dealings with allegations of trump, russia collusion there, all kinds of falls statements that were made. for example, christopher steel, his input was da ca, that, that claim to prove donald trump was beholden to russia. that's been completely de box the entire collusion investigation now showed that there was simply no evidence of collusion between trump and russia. and we have a report from the special council investigation saying the basis of that entire story that the media ran with for the 4 years of trumps presidency was not accurate
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. this is what the ultimate report from the us department of justice had to say about the story of trump rushing collusion completely to box. the special councils investigation did not find that the trump campaign or any one associated with it, conspired or coordinated with russia and its efforts to influence the 2016 us presidential election. and then there was james clapper, right? james clapper from the office of the director of national intelligence. he went around to other intelligence officials and had them sign a letter saying that the 100 buying laptop story was russian. this information and a number of former intelligence officials basically sign this letter urging the american people not to believe the hunter, laptops story that undermines laptop with some kind of fictitious russian propaganda. well, it turned out the 100 by the laptop story was indeed real. the laptop existed, the contents of the laptop were not misrepresented. it was a true story, but the intelligence community was mobilized to urge the american public to ignore it. this is all the james clapper, a former director of national intelligence,
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had to say about that. there was message distortion. all we were doing was raising a yellow flag that this could be russian does information. so right before the u. s . selections, we had a major scandal related to the family is one of the presidential candidates that we had government officials, former intelligence officials mobilize, do you know, suppressed. and it turned out to be a true story. but now it's appears that throughout the allegations of trump, russia collusion, and throughout the impeachment of donald trump related to his phone call was the landscape. there was all kinds of false statements, all kinds of a lying that was done. but in this point, only this, alexander smear knob individual has been charged. so that raises suspicion about the balance of forces in washington dc and the one sided mess of american justice. now onto binding we'll be testifying before a congressional committee before the end of the month. and that is something that many critics of the body ministration are very happy about. they are hoping that
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a 100 buying will be faced with some tough questions about his business dealings with for his, my holdings and other corruption that people look at from his laptop and from other reports that have come out. but it appears that there is very selective enforcement of this law regarding lying to the, the i or miss representing the truth to federal investigators and informants of the fact that some or not has been charged. but christopher steel, james clapper, and so many people who said so many false things throughout the trump presidency and its aftermath remain at large spacing, no charges. it points to a certain bias and how the laws being forced. why we have to leave you here now hard the corresponding caleb mob been bringing us up to speed there. thank you. at one time of day on the sunday shows a cuba maximum secuity us present, shrouded in secrecy, but notorious for decades. this house hundreds that america put behind bars often
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without charge or trial. but now too often present as have finally returned home after over 20 years of the past were rounded up during the so called us war and tara, which kicked off in 2001 after 14 years behind bars in cuba. the way ship tough to oman, spending the time on the house arrest, get most bill operates today despite numerous presidents and global calls to shut it down or to use charlotte dimansky has more on the story of the chinese has been held in guantanamo bay, outside the move for decades opened during us is more on tara, the prison became infamous for extraordinary rendition, in effect, the systematic torture enforced disappearance and secret detention carried out by the c. i a, in coordination with states around the world. it feels as if guantanamo is something that we should only be reading about in the history books. but even today,
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22 years of direct opened. it remains operational. some 13 men are still stuck. the lawyer, if one of the president says it's an affront to the human rights, one tournament is a horrible relic of the past, with the 30 and side still bearing its legacy. like the majority of those still there. sure call we is cleared for release from guantanamo in 2021. a government board took the recommendations of personal authorities with other intelligence and determined. his continuing detention was no longer necessary for national security . his imprisonment drags on for other reasons. political and other wise, all of which are, besides the only point that his detention today is unjustified. and this is after 2 decades at guantanamo, almost as soon as it opened us agencies started raising concerns over the middle of
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trees, interrogation practices, that same report states in december, 2002, that approval was given to get my as it became known for enhanced come to resistance techniques during interrogations. not only approved me field manual list, this included 20 hour long interrogations. oscillations for up to 30 days, stress positions. i'm the use of the detainees food via against the and allegations of torture soon. it's starting to imagine that despite promises from the likes of president obama, i have said repeatedly that i intend to close. guantanamo and i will follow through on that. i made the decision to close, but i'm tired of all because i do not think it makes america safe. this needs to be the year congress lives, the remaining restrictions on detaining transfers. and we close the prison at guantanamo pay. we have to keep living up to our values and move ahead on our plan,
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including safely transferring detainees to finally close the detention center at guantanamo bay. what kind of move remains open you an expensive urge, the us to address ongoing issues at the prison saying detainees are still being violated after over 2 decades of custody. the us government is intimately aware of the depth and severity of many detainees, current physical and psychological harms. yet the guantanamo bay detention infrastructure remains constituted by among other constituent elements near constant surveillance force cell extractions and do use of restraints and other arbitrary and problematic implementation of the standard operating procedures stemming from inadequate training. the us government has failed to provide any torture rehabilitation to detain these despite having previously authorized and
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enabled torture practices and serious violations of international human rights and humanitarian law. despite admitting aspects of the prison dock pulse, the u. s. continues to push back against current allegations. we are committed to providing safe and humane treatment for detainees at guantanamo, in full accordance with international and us domestic law. detainees, live community, and prepare meals together, receive specialized medical and psychiatric care, or given full access to legal counsel and communicate regularly with family members . many of the still health bit low have never been charged with a crime. in fact, of the almost $800.00 men and boys held that for the use of neat hum, full of effort being convicted, that includes 5 who pleaded guilty in pre trial agreements in return for the
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possibility of being released from the base agreements. human rights group. i'm the state international says didn't meet fact trial standards trials for those who have been accused of fall off. one of the camps longest serving prosecutors has resigned this year. so i think the pressure over piece did trips to the prism me. it's hard to feel much sympathy with him when those detained to may have given forced confessions. a key issue is whether the accused voluntarily confessed at guantanamo after years in which they were deprived of sleep, kept in solitary confinement and interrogated with violence, including water boarding, labeled as the blue line of all times. one kind of most stands as a lights on the world's conscious. i'm the stalker. mind that regardless of what it
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tries to project, the us operates as a new and to itself. my god, or make america great again to the us by storm in 2016 and donald funds mentioned not only galvanize republicans at the time. it also was raising eyebrows and the intelligence agencies around the globe. according to the recent report, the us intelligence community and asked the so named 5 eyes intelligence, the lines of nations to solve it with the trumps presidential campaign. as the long testbed to lead the nation again. now the former director of the c, i a didn't find 26 people who worked as trump aids, to be targeted by home going agencies and international partners at the us in the 5 eyes grouping of nations. she has intel between the u. k, canada, australia, and new zealand. according to the report such intelligence gathering is illegal
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without a warrant. going further. it states that using such info for political purposes is create caught the election into fads within the report is a claim that operatives engaged in for cold bumping a ton of use whether reason is manufactured to, to meet the target would, could eventually lead to a useful intelligence, they were making contacts, and bumping from people, going back to march 2016, they were sending people around the u. k. australia, italy, the most saw it in italy, the how my 6th was working at an intelligence school they had set up. it's essentially in the report, it's review of nearly every step of how the falls meet of trumps, rushing into veterans in the 2016 was born at whose thought of the bill there are so many unanswered questions that the investigations kept covered up. i do believe that the operation will be declassified, should trump get re elected, which is why his 2nd term represents an ex essential threat to the intelligence
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agencies. that's cross live to micro rex and wall to form a new york university professor and author of google luckett by lago. it's nice to have you, professor. so 1st, we've read the report, but all the 1st like to get your thoughts on what for all intensive purposes seems to be a bombshell document drop, correct me if i'm wrong as well it's, it's the evidence that the i see the intelligence community in the united states effectively outsource their gap intelligence efforts to, to deflect attention away from themselves. and i'm to find sources that would uh, corroborate their own desire to implicate from, in russian collusion in interference with the 2016 election. it just shows that the we already knew that the russian collusion hoax was, uh,
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was just that a hoax. but now this shows that it was an incident on intelligence that came to the f b i or the c i a, a through accident. it was really outsourced to these 5 eyes and they then were told to find something on these people, which then they could claim came from other sources. that the fact that us intelligence agencies, validate the law is not new. what's interesting is that for the 1st time, we're learning about how falsified intelligence is gather to a loan, tiny ton of political oppression which some have caught. busy a war on trump rather than the following war. what's your thoughts about that? yes, actually you're right. the c, i a is probably one of the most criminal organizations on the planet. and so breaking the laws, nothing new for them at all. what's new about this is the weaponized zation of the,
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of the, of the intelligence community to foil a political rival to the regime. and namely, trump, in this case, they wanted to destroy him and cast down about his entire legitimacy before he was even tapped to be president by the, the electorate. so that's what's new here, the political weapon, those ation of these intelligence agencies, to foil a political opponent or what the development valley said. trump is basically still in trouble because the connection with the from spied deal back in 2016. what some might say, at least actually continued till today. it. yeah, there's a connection this connection is this. what they're doing is trying to it, we're trying to make trump or criminal to cover up their own criminal activities.
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that that's been the the m o of this regime for some time. in other words, they have committed crimes. you, you mentioned earlier your, your guests were talking about the biden, a 100 bite and laptop and the crimes associated with that. and then of course, the crimes associated with this particular issue the russian collusion narrative. so what they're doing is trying to deflect, to turn trump into a criminal, so that all eyes are on from, rather than their own criminal activity. let me get your thoughts on if trump supposedly not within slash big wins the election. and my question is, what effect would that have on russian american relations? what scenarios are you looking at? well, i mean, according to the regime here in the united states, that would mean that, that trump would genuine select to put in an allow him anything he wants. because
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they suggest that he's a russian poppet, that is a pollutant poppet. but that's not really what will happen, i think, frankly, given that trump has recently said that he thinks that united states should loan money to ukraine to continue it's war. that in fact, the policies will not change much at all just as the boot and as has said that there won't be much change in terms of the us policy towards russia whatsoever, although less vilification from the administration. all right, let's come back to the 5. i is, can you imagine how many people besides trump the 5 ice by on the around the world? oh my goodness, it's beyond measure. i think that they have all ca, so to speak, on thousands of not hundreds of thousands of people who.


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