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tv   Documentary  RT  June 21, 2023 12:00am-12:31am EDT

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its dissolving to germany. if that's strategy and doesn't succeed, don't you're saying that the americans will have to come up with something new and perhaps controlling china more directly? yeah, well, i mean, there's a lot of voices in washington these days, you know, talking about a political solution of ukraine so that you can, you know, get more resources into the, in the pacific and i read it. i'm talking about china from child's perspective as sort of saying then i think that the we are the, the, the chinese side is dedicated to a, you know, trying to get a peaceful solution in ukraine as well as a, you know, not maintaining good relationship with the west as well, with the look in union with united states, but unfortunately, you know, that states has of this mentality of, uh you know, it's of no use these china is a big challenge, wants to have a competition. strategic competition was trying, but it's really about competition. i mean the americans liked to mention this uh 3
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. see um. right. well as the competition confrontation, cooperation, cooperation. uh, which one which senior thing is the most visible for the time being. um i think of the tablet of competition as well. i mean the competition, north confrontation, quotes, competition, confrontation, i think, controls the confrontation, that is competition and proxy conference, which i think this sometimes it's even, you know, very political boundaries between confrontation and competition are from china. side of we, we try to publish the views, this was confrontation on the but i think it will be my view competition really is about one issue about i want you know that this is one area that clearly of aging conference washing done. this is the concerns tennis court interest as there's no way we come back off. so you know, that's more of a compensation ration professor go. we have to look at the core motivation of adverse. there's, i mean by that, that this is something that be china is the worst strategy is dave dow,
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throughout the centuries. do you think the americans troy care or primarily about taiwan and it's freedom, whatever. it's a governance or the core issue here is china and it's rise. a legitimate trials in the whole system is how one, you know, it is a small items deal of thousands miles away. american people don't even can't even find it on a map, right? so, you know, this is really one of the issues that they can use by washington to, to contain, try not to be thinking it's such a print, attain or to undermine. i think a distinction between containment and undermining is, is a semantic history. my view. i mean, does things like what had come from competition and confrontation? and yeah, i think the things that you sort of organizations in washington though, i mean the point of intelligence community. let's see. i didn't did with things to any of my other countries, but i think you'll, i think it in the, the, in nebraska most things the, america's interest to essentially,
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to keep china down. okay. it can not tar way they china how down you know, there's some lieu of, i'll say less than 2 thirds of us size. so i, you know, it does not challenge america supremacy on the scene. for example, in overseas operations, things like that. you know, this is essentially a, i remain in big factory without any voice, without any ambition or aspiration of its own and live without any dignity and more luminous as does it is a limit of power. limited influence. i think that's what the really a country right um that, that i don't think washington can even dream of achieving. there's no way they can do that. no, i understand them, but the you are, you know, you're, you're worked in the united states for a pretty long time and i'm interested in the ultimate strategy or what do you think is the preferred goal that they are trying to pursue? what kind of china again i ask you before, and i read or is what's kind of of china would sue them. is it
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a china that has no voice, a china that has no envision in a china that essentially serves as a, an industrial park for the united states? yeah, i think um, well 1st of all, you know, quite a few years ago the time when china was successful, the then the big hill there was to expect patient that china with the, according to a contractually that washington desires off that. so it's, and it didn't happen. i mean, i think that represents the sort of a arrow guns and, and the hooper sticker opinion on this side. that is only one good model of development. that's the only good model of development. china doesn't go into that direction. so that disappointed now back to the old question about, you know, the distinction between limited or no voice. and i think, you know, from that perspective, poverty does do it. i don't think they expect china has no voice. i mean, come, i is, this is impossible. i think the, what do you desire is that china has contain establishes some kind of a knowledge of a nato allies in, in the pacific region,
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specifically targeting china from to see china has limited inc. friends to see china has limited uh say, an international say, i think this is probably more realistically, they are looking for me. okay. we have to take a very short break right now, but we'll be back in just a few moments section. the, [000:00:00;00] the
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the welcome back to wells, of course, with john gall professor and vice president for research and strategic studies at the university of international business and economics and china for an expert profession. going before the break, we were talking about the american preferred vision, all 5 of china rich, china doesn't really one for itself. i'm the you mentioned before that at any a times by china to build independent relationship with other countries is view. there's something negative, for example, your neutrality stands on, the ukraine in conflict is interpreted as a siding with russia. and i've heard one very interesting russian experts suggest that the best way to describe a russian china is relationship would be not when, when,
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but actually not losing all fluids because it's country pursues that its own policy, its own economic goals. but they have a key interest in not seeing the either fail, especially as the washington tries to undermine both of them. do you agree with that that i totally agree. i think this is a very interesting now and do you think other countries man dom that as well because it's no secret that the russian china have many controversial issues. we have plenty of border disputes between us a 30 years ago. most of them. uh, so i know for now. yeah, it's clearly on many issues we have not overlapping position and yet i think both sides fines value in the relationship besides do think such model could be applied more broadly, not the only between the 2 countries, but perhaps it more broadly international. surely, i think look at the long look at china's neighbors in this deal you've been talking about can play everywhere. transportation was india with south korea,
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with japan. you know, we will have the issues that value cause conflict, gainesville is, but, you know, there are also other things in cooperative nature, the way more outweigh the, the, the little things that way, you know, you have all kinds of issues. and you're living a very uh, absolutely to my next question because one other country that cleans in charlie to big player on an international stages in the, in india is neutrality is clearly very different from china is an atrocity. what's the biggest the distinguish, are there. i think overall, you know, i don't live them drastically different, but i think probably the, the, the largest a big difference is that in this relationship with united states i, you know, i think that's one area. and i think if you look at walk at those options, china and india both adopted more of the same. you try to position both have bought tons of oil from much so. right. and you can, which country is and the more political pressure, it's actually china, not so much in the right. so that says something about washington is not very
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consistent position with respect to this issue. so i think i'm going to be asked to meet the big difference between india and china. and that's probably the biggest, the 1st, i mean this a 2nd, was that 2nd, the agenda you alluded to regarding china from washington to suspect if there's another jammed up behind this. i don't think that agenda exist was back to indiana culture, or it might be the exact opposite actually. well, the americans in our pre opening, according indians, into the various anti chinese initiatives and of the american defense secretary lloyd doors. and while visiting india recently promised, a whole range of the most advanced military technologist and sort of inviting india to be the this, what, what did they did he say to kick complimented in this leading role as a security provider in, in the, in the pacific. and in are knowledgable people can smell and to try and its
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sentiment. there is i so do you seen being visible by india is a very important piece in america's china policy. campbell, i think he is responsible for in the pacific or is that kind of uh, yeah, being in the uh, the national security council, i think he was previously said that is a very important component of america's trying to policy. so, you know, this clearly says that the united states intends to establish the same kind of a lives like somewhere like the needle and drag india 8. 1 thing that's regrettably, my view that every time washington goes on to try to quote an l i, a stablish allies. what can be off on the table? nothing other than rapids of tags. jeff ida. so these things, um, this is not the way you know, people from china, which on these 2 things when we talked about mutual economic business interests, i do some business trade investment. these are the things that,
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that are conducive to humans development. i mean, this is quote, construction. what does the weapons and then jeff on us to destruction, right. so i think that's a key difference. i wanna, i wanna emphasize, you mentioned chris campbell, and just the other day, he expressed his cold that the upcoming visit by indian prime minister mo mo, did to washington, would quote, unquote consecrate the relationship with india as the most important for the united states in the world, i suppose it had the british and the head of the europeans. again, do you think the indians will be tempted by something like that because they, they also will all be different and differences between india and china and on there was something india has been the key member of the no, no, a lines movement before. and i think they're also pretty sure then making sure that the neutrality in their own interest are respected. no, i, i think um, as to the result of my intention to say that india is to,
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has invited yet. i think it's, you know, thinks always throughout the weather. yeah. they would have a get onto the boat of washington. i'll give you one specific example on, you know, anything. this is dictating, and this is where we have this casting rise. the united states, australia in japan and, and india. and i think one of the meetings recently is didn't go when they discuss policies against china and ukraine regarding ukraine. so i think, you know, there might be a, a difference between india and other plan members and also on united states also has of, i would say sort of a preferential, differentially treatment was back to his allies. they had the 1st way to the like for example, u k. in this case, australia, they're talking about this august. your right did only include india. it only includes a penny. and it's that even, you know, did this on the back of the french thing just now. um,
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we are all mindful of the difficulties between that or differences between india and china. for example, in the is to know the region where you have thousands of soldiers that have sort of jack suppose, one across and other and for a long time. cause things like this would be seen as a result lable. but after a, china is recent, the foreign policy successes, for example, of, of the sound is in the rainy as many russian i was asking if that was possible between. so here a being there on why is that's not possible to solve those long standing and difficulties and differences between china and india. wouldn't. that'd be a great benefit built on right to the region but to the whole world. yeah, i think um, you know, the border clash was, um, you know, the soldiers sort of shuffling each other. i don't want the dental 5 fights says there's, if i shall say there were this. why the? yeah, that's the fuel right. of the casualties. i mean, like quite a few pumps like right. so what would it be? you know,
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exercise force quite the english drain way. i think. and this is actually quite a few years ago. it's been quite some time is, is uh, you know, this piece between the 2 sides and onto the board. and so i think on both sides realize that it's important not to escalate things to set aside the differences. and, you know, coy a 6 piece for optimal, we're talking about no man land actually in that, in that region. so that this is something that we can talk about or negotiate for the wrong is it doesn't have to be standing. the weight of the 2 countries a relationship. so over the last, over the past here, i think the chinese foreign policy itself has changed quite visibly. i mean, like i've been covering a foreign policy or for quite some time and it's visible in the, in the statements of uh for an impulse as spokesman. it's far more outspoken farmer, proactive, and i wonder if the calculus, all one piece has also changed. i mean,
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isn't it now more expensive for the f one for the chinese to have india as an adversary then it was, let's say, 2 years ago. and i think one thing on which includes clearly recognizes that china is facing a very difficult international environment. because washington has intensified his efforts to essentially establish that lines, as i said, in a sense that even established in the lies somewhat analogous to the nato in the, in the pacific region. so that's a big challenge and i think to tell us probably of, um, we just some of its, uh, uh, following uh, policy stats to in terms of tactics and policies and, and the mattress. um, i think of the space that having one more plan from child's perspective is very important. so i think respect to india. uh, you know, the more important things, as i said, we can set aside all differences and you know,
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work together especially to prevent india. the important piece of, i guess a ton of policy. um, you know, it's a horrible scenario thinking from pages perspective to see india visa photos and the day of washington's allies. they, some of the defense alliance is trying to establish in dismay or from my conversations with india and experts, uh, new daily is in no rush to be an american proxy, especially given oh, uh, what they saw in, in, in the ukraine in price is um, this is something that i wanna finish on um it's a huge, huge problem for russia. obviously not only drill political, but also a moral problem, a human problem because we have uh many ukrainians living here. we have most of us have relatives living there. china has proposed its own peace initiative and i think china has a sort of different strategy of approaching countries down the united states. do you think there will ever come a point when the ukrainians may be sort of
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a responsive to what china has to offer either on the front of a rec instruction or on some other front? do you think there's a possibility, any possibility? and i was asking, realistically, for uh, the ukraine is to, to accept somebody else's help other than the west. um, i think of 1st of all uh, keith. so what do respond of present is there any scale has said that it, well comes this plan and the is this adam is in this plan that he likes, right? i think in a, if you look at this plan, it's more of a set of principles. you my view, it's a, it's a set of guiding principles and a which a negotiation process can mean for these thoughts. and in a way, i think this a very typical chinese of the way of negotiation that's 1st set of cider. and so a sofa goes some standards, some, some principles as a foundation upon which we can, you know, talk. so i think this is the 1st step in terms of
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a concrete negotiation. i would imagine that b g is willing to take a more active role. but ultimately, i think it's very much up to washington to endorse the ukrainian aside from starting the process that's done being very abrupt and then they're not. and the straightforward on absolutely. you know, she cannot keep fighting for one day. if washing that doesn't wants to support it or at least to support a continue fighting like it can continue fighting, but they can always, you know, say that we don't want to fight anymore with or without the weapons. do you think there is enough leverage for training keith to try to persuade them to disagree with the statement? i think you know, you're not think washington? well, it's tremendous influence on keys. um so whether keep fighting or stop fighting on washing, that's a big thing. oh, i truly believe that's the washer and has a big se. uh at this point. um, i think a washer. it's
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a still wants to to fight. but there are still mean american policy is, is always just the selections going on. and we're starting to see and in this, in the launch voice from washington, especially on the g o. p side, talking about a piece solution, right? so talking about findings of access strategy. we have to live in there. thank you very much for your time and thank you for watching hope to share again. and well, the part the, [000:00:00;00] the,
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you know, probably maybe you say the week monday or is cisco web shows or some are used to work. what's the weight and the email as well set up with that for general, but the most of the tools on most of these, the windows have both employees unique us. usually the media games . why? why would you be to see it but not least screen
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that that was the, [000:00:00;00] the, the headlines on off the international as ukrainian forces are planning to strike rushes non complex owns with western and made store shadow based files in the high mas rockets. according to the russian defense ministry that says the move wouldn't vastly escalate from nato's involvement in ukraine. but to see the fossil praises molly, if a demonic the un remove troops from its country west instead a to repair the pending the blame for molly's decision. on most of the people that
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killed another full wounded in a shooting outside of an as riley settlement into west. if i get is a made an escalation intentions and resumed back the news around the clock. here. one off the international that started to have humans and well continues to attack various russian border territories. rushers, defense minister is warning of an enormous escalation. he says, attacks continue to be, repel. however, cautions that ukraine is planning a massive strike on crimea and other areas using of bonds, western weapons, a couple of those red ukrainian forces continue to attempt to carry out defenses in the south. the next step of rosure and the next regions in doing so. in the cat version, use is a large number of western weapons and the units personnel would trade by nature
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specialist takes you in the 40 ukranian forces. everyone's 263 insects against russian positions. thanks to the company and then sell for his actions of all units . all of them were repulsed and the enemy didn't not reach his target. certainly, university russian defense minister survey shall go, has warrant, i guess, or craney and military leadership planning to use western weapons to attack certain parts of russia that are not in the active zone of facilities, including cry me. and now they're planning to do this by using high mars rockets as well as thorn shadoan air launch cruise missiles that are delivered by the united states and united kingdom, respectively, only accelerating nato's involvement into this conflicts. now, according to the defense minister, an over ration to reich, probably me a, for instance, will result in immediate strikes against the decision making centers in ukraine, nursing the, according to the information that come on to the ukranian forces is planning to launch strikes on the territory the russian federation, including crime, if with high mazda and storm shadow missiles,
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the use of these missiles outside the area of the special ministry operation, when indicate the full fledged involvement of the us. and you can the conflict and with the amount of media strikes on the decision making scientist on the territory of ukraine. ukrainian, the tax on the done yes, question has been a successfully repulsed by a russian military. but this title of that ukraine is still the case continues to carry out. it's offensive in that same region using not only western weapons, but also a military that was trained by nato. now, this side, the very long awaited ukrainian and counter offensive that started earlier this month. it really seems like ukraine has failed to achieve. any significant advances on the ground of the un has reported extensive damage to energy infrastructure all across ukraine, including an active combat zones. it also disclose the number of civilian casualties, i should say, the number of casualties since the calls later up that last year,
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just over 24000 people. the u. n. had conflicting reports about where those civilian casualties wearing could the un development program said the number was only and ukrainian government controlled areas. whereas another statement by the office of the un human rights commission has started with them both ukrainian and russian areas. but i discussed this with independent journalist as sonya vanden and that you said western countries need to account for 1st of all, the thousands of casualties inflicted by t, as in the dong bass since 2014. and they then say, officially everything it is in a crate because they their figures. another part of the board is saying that this is from the 1st of january 2022. so before the start of the vin ration, so they are not accurate, they say, and they do not take into account anything them is 45, they say by the russian, by russia, they don't even recognize that it was, it was actually the civil war in uh, in a little while since 2014 of to the cool cool data. ignore the whole thing already
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for now. 9 years. and they don't, maybe they have since it is, we don't know that of course, but they never mention it never because according to them it's you create a new credit is ukraine and like try me and also it's all ukraine. so they soon start thinking about people in the little box that, you know, a lot of casualties have been there. this is what they should do, but we know the west, they won't, they will never do it or to africa. now where molly is looking to kick un troops out of the country, it's neva booking and fast. so we're supporting the move and even calling on other states to show respect of the government. the working of fossil, hales discourages decision taken by malice, transitional authorities and congratulates malik for this choice, which is in line with the strategic vision of the mountain state and the fight against terrorism and for the restoration of peace and security in the socket. it encourages the government and the brother of the people of male in this information
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of the silver and the male in state and expression of the will of malians inform allianz to be the soul masters of their destiny. the government of booking a fast. so in vice, the international community district, the respect the choices made by malley. however, and the western countries are actually putting the blame from molly's decision on most of the drum. and he says, russia has been stoking anti western sentiment in the african nation. now saying it's german troops will stay in molly for at least another here. mean time ocean has done what comes naturally, it's condemned molly's decision to kick out un troops. the united states regrets the transition government of miles as decision to revoke it's constant for me. newest my newest, most draw down must be orderly and responsible. prioritizing the safety and security of peacekeepers and millions. we are not surprised that the molly and transitional government in russia will use the forthcoming extension of the un
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mandate to make political capital out of it. our interest is still in orderly withdrawal. but he went and the peacekeeping mission has been embodied for a good decade. the job is supposed to be combating terrorism. the national government is fed up with foreign true. so officials, they've done very little to crowds of violence and therefore they should just go home. it does come a bit, escalating anti western sentiment in the region directed in particular because the former colonial power of france, the government of molly calls for the withdrawal of the new summit without delay. newsome, it seems to have become part of the problem by fuel and community tensions exacerbated by extremely serious allegations, which are highly detrimental to peace, reconciliation and national cohesion. and molly, a layer. we spoke to a local john list to explain why molly considers the un troops to be a part of the problem. go sending to situate the situation un, stop the fight scene between the uh, do you, how do you see more 1000000? so that's what's happening in molly. so for the mean for the populations,
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you and he's almost a big part of the problem because they never responded. wind is on a type of plans when they get some targets in ways you how do you improve this in limits or it's just after when the problems happen. that's you can see us coming in to a point to make a report of probably 2 people with uh, uh, fluids or any kind of for these guys. any kind of seclusion. was any of the communications or whatever. and that was the predictions. what aspect to you from the you when? so is the say that's a really small, i don't truth as, as the money and i was thinking we can foresee that the main thing is i the situation of the system free. but this is, do you think you, we think it's very, it's not a real, it's all to it's, i mean it's, they work a lot, they work. we can just give this a dispatcher to to do money for it. so not to the not so the union forces, the appraisals needs the money and government seem to be assigned for many spots
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a go. i think they know what they doing because they i didn't want to invite them here. it's it in the for the budget. so which media and really so and the list really by himself the you has a snob, the arab league over it's re admission of war, torn syria, one member of the leak is described the use cancellation of an upcoming meeting with its officials as quote regrettable is enough, the re admission of syria was the decision taken unanimously by all the members of arab league. the legal decision had to be appreciated by the european union, but cancelling its meeting with the arab league, which had not been held for 4 years. was a regrettable decision of the arab league lifted the suspension of serial last month, following more than a decade of the tensions between while the will to a nation known as naples. the syrian, the president bush auto sat, attended of reason arabic meeting, and saudi arabia that he described as an historical opportunity for peace in the


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