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tv   The Modus Operandi  RT  May 29, 2023 12:30pm-1:00pm EDT

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is there a lot of vitamins ready, of course in the cities, like in the headlines you have the last here? well, nobody knows then what since when they come from i think actually dyslexia and so on. so it's a very worrying thing. and actually really alright. sonya of on demand independent . that's journal is thanks for joining us on the program. thank you. the roar of boeing could be heard at the french open after ukrainian tennis player, marked our cost joke, refused to shake the hand of her belly russian opponent. this incident came at the end of their 1st round match, which was won by anya, somebody and cost jokes came over to shake the empire's hand but ignored her opponent provoking the wrath of some of the crowd ukrainian, commended her fellow athlete for not condemning the conflict a new crane, she also refused to post for the traditional pre match picture with the ball boys.
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that's all for this our, my colleague or roy associate will be taking over and just about another 30 minutes with more news here on our to international the the,
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the hello, i'm the miller chan. you are tuned into modus operandi. this week we'll examine africa and the content. it's quite for energy independence, a land that is so rich and resources has been kept economically stunted by many players in the west seeking to exploit those fossil fuels for themselves. as a modern africa 6 to use its own resources for its own people, find out who is getting in their way. next. all right, let's get into the m o. the . it's no secret that the united kingdom, the french and the dodge, have all, at one point been colonial powers across the african continent. and while these places have given up their imperial claims, a new type of colonialism has emerged. it's called energy colonialism. and
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developing nations called this out at the cop 27 climate summit in egypt, was that we had placed our trust in western experts who have pushed for solutions and urged us to compromise for the good of the process. it's hard to conclude that this strategy has been anything but a failure. the decision makers, those in real power, simply to not care. now the issue is this. wealthy western nations want africa to quit their fossil fuel ambitions ignore that. some african nations are sitting on a wealth of natural gas, a band, and a reliable source of energy. the continent needs, which would provide a new sense of independence for the entire block. and instead, turn to green energy. for more on this, we will bring in mr. n. j, i you, he's the executive chairman of the african energy chamber based in johannesburg,
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south africa, thank you for being with us and j. thank you so much for having me. africa is rich and natural resources. the whole world knows this fact. yet the continent remains what they say is energy starved or in perpetual energy poverty. can you please explain for us what energy poverty means and why the content is a patchwork of access to electricity. and it's your poverty is a big problem in our continent. and then as you part, it comes from the 600000000 people in africa that do not have access to electricity, 900000000, that you don't have access to clean cooking. and even those that have some kind of electricity use, you'll see a lot of problems. for example, in johanna's exile, africa, we, i'm right now we're still seeing issues around locating and so the big cities use still sending adequate energy access. that is a big problem. we somebody that by we college and i get poverty,
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why we are resource reach, we have still energy pool, and that is an african problem that exists in this compliment today. a cop 27 in egypt concluded, and it was my estimation that many western leaders have effectively called on african states to abandon use of their own natural fossil fuels. please correct me if i'm wrong there, but given the inconsistency of access to power on the continent, is this a realistic demand from these western powers? no, that's not a realistic demand. and i think africa should not have a car to a band, and it's not tro resources available for the will of been a loans. and i'm a big support from europe that wouldn't never. com. i think we are the mom in the history of way, only aust, i'm going to be able to lift ourself out of pop image of poverty. i'm really industrialize. we think image of poverty and climate change are 2 sides of the same
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. coined. i need is a little bit goofy cartridges for every, the adverb can sort of a stand that western categories of used. oil and natural gas and coal to be able to power the economies develop and build big cities, have massive, massive solving what funds on now do 9. i forget the same opportunity in the name of we of climate change africa's greenhouse gas emissions are very low. african countries will not be a band ended by banding, the natural resources, and they won't deal with them in a, let's not forget room and eat as a promising to pass by in cop. i'm seems they had these and climate mitigation phones of one of $100000000000.00 for 13 years. those phones never came. it is $1.00, and does have not been paid. but even with those funds, it's still not going to get us into development,
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so there is no way on earth african kendra who, countries we have banned and getting natural resources and gas, especially when even these same develop nations have gone back to using natural gas of pod yeah, economies. during this winter, i recently heard the term energy colonialism. how do you interpret that? does that term resonate with you to it does resonate some of the, some of the rhetoric that we've seen during this entire climate. an energy debate has been very clear on the nature. it has been that somebody from a while to country would dictate to poor countries in africa that kind of images solstice. you use that kind of entity choices to use. and also there is also being threats and have been lectures have been missing information and sometimes personal attacks. and then there is that sense of like, it was not even letting africans make the choice with thing. we smart enough,
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we educated now we've come along very well. some of us have been lucky to get ready to taishan from african university is your opinion, versus russian university's chinese university is that we kind of really be able to make out one choices and choose what is good, what is good for ourselves. the rhetoric that we've seen come from very wealthy countries have been something god spinning shamefully on this, on this honestly colonial. i need something that we regret and was because we never failed after the fights of civil rights. human rights independence generation of africans would have to leave. i'm have to deal with this kind of rhetoric on would have to still experiences. it is something that is very disappointing. that in 2022 of 202023. the young africans have to still deal with this legacy, and it looks like is it is, it's range. i'll be heading back again. i was speaking of colonialism. a manual,
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my kron seems to be making a pitch to francis former colonies to strength and ties. do you suspect his efforts are rooted in gaining access to the francophone era regions? natural resources including but not limited to natural gas? and absolutely, i think france has been a very, very t important pad in africa as a, in, in, in the environment in africa. they have this strong sense of what the car friends of freight and he does play a big role in how you develop some of these countries. i think there is a new generation around africa, especially young people that are basically questioning those ties. because some of those ties have resulted in them not being, having opportunities of the home and only of what changes have lie out for them. is them crushing community terrain to go right back to france and all that wisdom countries to look for per trinity. they want to change the i do want to do
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a reverse immigration, so let's build it within africa. so anything that comes with a strong approach on keeping for my call not ties, that is going to be based on grabbing african resources what ideas and critical me ran out some interests cobalt, lead to plot the on the uranium and different things that we could use to pi economies and drive the supply chain. it's something that we knew we was guided games, but we're not going to get involved and resource nationalism. but there must be a respectful relationship between africans and france, especially if it's for my friends calling is that is what i hear every day people as i travel around africa, i'm most african officials i'm, it's important that that means that she's saying under french governments respect to all right, n j i is staying with us. coming up next as the world bank and european investment
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bank divest from africa, russia and china are moving in. we'll discuss it when we return, sit tight, the m o will be right back. the a the
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6 is sort of the code we're getting a great many western visuals obsessive by and mark out loud or subtle. ukraine is merely a small puzzle piece of a much more grandiose agenda, the welcome back to the m o i manila chance. so as wealthy western institutions attempt to push africa towards green energy, africans are pushing back and j. i you thank you for sticking with us. so the entire sub saharan region produced is just about point 55 percent. that's less
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than a full percent of the world's carbon emissions. yet both the european investment bank and world bank have chosen to div fun developments in africa in favor of what they say combat and climate change. why and how do you view this move by them? and that is a great injustice that you can do to africa. and that's the most important realize that their cost of funding it gains coming in to african force or fuels. it's usually natural gas projects. when we needed the most, you'll get a natural gas by products uria, ammonia in p k. pretty lights of plans that can drive traffic of bush jobs to generate opportunities. applicants have been shut out, africans have been cut out, and this is really hurting africa. the most that is hurting, and western countries take, for example, the pop pressing these on how the, how, how we've been approached by ideas year of declared the gas is green and so deep,
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but, but now you've got this green for your, why is it not greenville africa, the getting funding from the same, your opinion, investment banks with the same. what's the financial institutions when he comes to europe? when, when it comes to the poor people of the world living in africa, gas is bad for, for them. but at the same time, they turn around to see the image of gas available for africans to be able to get out of the energy poverty and drive up the economies and create jobs and critical charities. and leave people up and give them a whole year up your pin countries a asking to of take on kid, just guessing to european economies. that dick and happy bit, i pointed to flies when the out one financial institution refuse and the band cut them funding coming into africa. that is the great that is a grid of injustice to this consummate show. can you wave from financing when he comes to his natural gas when he comes to sports or feels such sought after guys
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and the docs and will be a great cold? and cord is being exported to germany in order your pin countries, weiss, africa cannot have a great cold to really drive up south africa and empower south africa. so using 678 hours a day with people in the top that is africa's most industrialized nation. that is very, very tough. and i think every day africans are very connected, african and business is very connected to d and d are looking at these on do not in your head, in disagreement with what is happening in the different how can we that is unjust. i mean, it's a change right now. conversely, russia appears to be expressing interest in working with african states. our project being considered is a massive nap gas pipeline from nigeria to morocco, which runs approximately 5600 kilometers. and this next question is 2 parts. first . what would such an ambitious project, such as this mean to the continent? and 2nd, if this project came to fruition,
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would there be any fears that the west might sabotaged it? similar to what happened with the north stream pipelines which so far evident, seems to point to the us and u. k. having worked covertly to destroy we don't believe that any parties would sub latasha, but we don't take that off the table. but here's what we believe that pipeline is sol, credit card is so important for each. we've bowed and we've seen russian companies . we just some of the best when it comes to building pipelines, getting involved part of the conversation in the past about 10 years ago. gas from what's heavily involved and discussions with nigeria and new share on morocco in moving data in moving that project for to get our dog area. and i'm very happy that those discussions are on going to be able to build a pipeline to evacuate. a lot of gas resources on stranded gas, that is, that is needed in the world market because every day people need it. one of the key
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things we have to, we have learned on the stories that we come into, often mistakes around with not sure and pipeline and do everything that is just to be about the also we have to look at some quick issues that are going to keep this pipeline difficult, that is at access of capital access to funding. i'm getting you done fast on we in getting that project moving again, this time for us to get that done and we cannot wait to get that done. i think most africans are really, really excited about this because it will be a good way to if i pick gas and be able to get that far, it's very same times. it's going to be domestic gas obligations that a lot of africa who'd be able to benefit. you know, you had been quoted in the press as having some skepticism over on kept promises by the us and other western states. can you elaborate on what those uncapped promises we're? we've been promised a lot in the past when we we climate funds that nearby came kind mitigation funds. the problem is $100000000.00 africans. and it came with
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a balance check that check bound. wouldn't see any of that been well over the idea done. we're going to get out of these crap maya by expecting funds coming in as a it has not helped us $800000000000.00 has in spain on a programs across africa. and we still, we still need to be compensation, so you go to have to look at how you deal with markets on the african me get on charges to the bill just by themselves. then also banding on natural resources in the hands of these, of the, of these, of these, the 8. the problem also is that it never comes in a lot of progress is made by a lot of, by love to west a wealthy countries. a to, to ask you to ask, in confidence, those promises how, how have come up shot. and this is no time for us to abandon our resources in the name of mark pharmacy is that i am personally very skeptical that deal with comply with the promises that you have made. the 1st things are what about the ones that
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made in the past and didn't comply with? how are we going to really deal with that right now? i think many people around africa would write up for fare. we driver by energy future will create all markets. we build pipelines to connect africa, use the i to get the free trade free trade act. we cut with shut down carriage, opening it up for us to get natural gas. and for us, we didn't look at nuclear energy for it with a slight water. we've been discussing with many countries, including russia and china, to see i knew be some west of the country. so we looked at s, m r levels develop that rather than wait for 8, that would not come on promises to save africa that never happened. china has also been doing a lot of development work in africa, a number of multi 1000000000 dollar projects and deals have been struck by the chinese. any thoughts on how this will impact the economy of africa and the future
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relations with china? i think china continues to be a very strong partner of african countries going to used to be a very strong partner of icons. and that's the whole, you know, i'm someone who went to school in united states everything. i know it's about america on europe, but we have to admit $260000000000.00 investment from china, just the c alone compared to maybe $40.00 to $50000000000.00 from auto wisdom countries. that is a huge gap. and i think the chinese upland a student that you can walk with africans and really get conditions may have, has everything always in perfect. no, but it can. we continue working on these relationship years and i to, we then now recognize that you, we walked together. if we look at really finding key infrastructure and energy projects that walk, there is a chance to build it, but at the same time we are as one to ensure that these benefits africa strongly on
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bickley, i'm part of that is looking at how to rekindle this relationship to tell the chinese that a lot of the supply chain has to be done in africa. so we create african jobs. so africa cannot just be a consumer, but also producer using tide, use chinese technology to drive that. so give you example in the cling and if you decide to try and these are looking at buildings, my stupid electrolyzer is to produce hydrogen across economy and green hydrogen, blue, hydrogen. but do you want to start seeing how we can store that within the content? and drive that renewable supply chain, we can have content. that's something that i work on. and i think it will go a long way to define intelligible experience in the hearts of many africans. because we see ourselves as part of our group. i'm. we are walking hand in hand short of to show that we didn't can, if not partners, that is very important. if african states are able to access and harness their own energy resources, hydrocarbon, and others, what was the continent look like in 203050 years from now. number one,
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we'd be energy, poverty, 600000000 people without a tricity we'd be yeah, that is what that should be up or by 2050. we don't have much time. no, but tool. we become part of the climate solution because producing natural gas, if we produce or the natural gas boy in africa, climate and our greenhouse gas emissions would go up just by point 65 percent. that is a very tiny beat number 3 die, or that thing that we have to look is that we bring home to so many young girls that don't have any hold on. we drive what industrialization western nations need to do a couple of nice on the meet you did have a nice today optic, a new african nations need to dr. lice and industrialize quickly. but we copland this integration problem that you all applicants have to only dream to go. i brock, a year on mary called the by to find that out. greener pastures and been
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opportunities. but in africa with 2500000000 people by 2050. we start driving an african feature set performing the real change i started coming to contribute to put a wall solution rather than a problem. but most importantly, africa becomes a strong and a core partner on the global stage that stand shoulder to shoulder with every kind of intent, if not partners, and get their respect and the dignity that is yeah, they deserve. that would be amazing because we have an africa that's, that's good. and that's beautiful. lots of people that, that believe in it. now as a follow up to that and j by in dust realizing having access to electricity. how does this impact poverty on the content that we don't have access to electricity, we are nothing. that's why you look at poverty, gro continues, but probably, you know, best continue to grow. we trying to transition from burning wood into natural gas.
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that is really nafrica, that is real. they don't have to be issues there without energy, we can have industries, we can have jobs, we can go on vacations, we can. so those can, can, we can read in school on a lot of issues around content. what do we do with transportation? all would you be technology cod devices? you cannot use yet, but it was a little closer look at a heavy indoor for light steel. i'm not sure me and my other metals on even power in an industry like the mining industry that can play the big road in energy transfer you to any accounts or batteries, storage. and on all of that, we are massive reserves and co pa and leaf human flap you mind or our credit card, right? i mean there was a came, you came power that will be already the electricity. so this is not just about us trying to get reach by saying we need to produce natural gas. is also by always being part of that solution. then people have to recognize that it's advertised plates rule,
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it needs energy. we need to drive up natural gas because we need that right now. but at the same time we embrace renewables. we've never been to people that do not want to see sol on wayne. we've been embraced that, but we also recognize it and tell me 10 nature of it. and we have seen that image of poverty every day in south africa are right now on the dot before, i mean use, look it up for that reason. the ceo of s. com, i'm actually not public company just resigned because of using our ability to provide power to south africa's was seen 67 hours a day in the dock. now, last, if and when africa is able to maintain consistent energy and, and power to the population, how does this change geo politics going forward? will it be consistent with the estimation that the 21st century will become a multi polar world? absolutely, it becomes africa becomes a nix trying to our for our cap becomes. and next india, it becomes a heavy weight on a could be puts
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a balance in power and that would bring what peace was, brings it quantity robot died. okay, well being a quantity in global discussion, we would be able to walk with each other that we, that me try respect instead of dick's is system that we are being bullied or sometimes being lecture on being seen as 2nd class. will become press class nations . first class content for us class people that are being respected and we start driving out one feature on the 2nd part of the daddy now on the hands. that is what walks when we do with that. and i think the struggle for the student region for africans is to get there and we are very close. but we need to order firm, we need to drive up energy, we need to actually just energy translation so that we can get the we can make all 4 fathers an onset, those proud that the i children knew about get with defied, of the strong, independent african continent
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n j i a thank you so much for sharing your expertise with us. all right, that's going to do it for this weeks episode of modus operandi the show that dig deep into foreign policy. i'm your host manila. chad. thank you for tuning and we'll see you again next week to figure out the m. o. the, the russian states never is as tight as one of the most sense community best. most all sun set up the in the system
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must be the one else holes. question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on russia to day and split the ortiz full next, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube, the senior said this was for what question did you say a request for check the message to search as well as the samaritan. so see what's printing what was are up at the moment. this was sent over there. so basically of course we need your last name was needed. read it was can move
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used. well, imagine we have some more for someone who was this, we weren't sure i knew people to the the the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the, it's a little bit tough to make out on the pictures that but it is a case of tear gas and it's done grenades and calls about that, so it'd be under protesting against the presence of nato who led forces in the region. your gun does comfortable, mike has the welcome not pulled right out from under his feet in washington. and is a visa, or it's become sold over a controversial a new l g b t bill incoming pilot,


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