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tv   News  RT  May 7, 2023 3:00pm-3:27pm EDT

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of the the, the, the hopper last thing reveals that he was the one in the driver's seat when it electric ukrainian. the agent designated the comp on entering the restroom, going to, um, politician won't killing his tough we killed wash and we will keep killing them. that's the message from ukraine's intelligence chief when questions on kids involvement and last year, that's not the nation of russian jew on the list didn't audio to the arab league agrees to reinstate theory as membership and allows loc reconciliation following 12 years without ever the military conflicts in the country and with bills announces
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the lack of benefit to release julian, a strong defending between and his actions and prevailing information in the public setting for the a will welcome you, watching the weekly on all the international. putting into the latest world news, along with the stories the shapes, the weeks. great to have you with us, our top story, this, our russian voice on politicians, the harper left and has made his 1st social media post off to recovering from surgery, sharing new details of thought. today's comp, wyoming, allegedly perpetrated by you or crated intelligence. they killed his friend and left him heavily injured. a very dear person, such as schumann or a now well, russian authorities investigating a bomb went off just to frankly, it's the height of the hunting season. so strange is lacking in the woods. they attract no attention and they raise no suspicion. so there were literally no
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witnesses here. and so they did everything so that the law enforcement so that the security services have a hard time finding the cold parts. well, they failed because at least 2 suspects have already been detained. there being questioned, at least one has already confessed, and has shed some details as to how he carried out the attack following cubes, orders. in 2018, i was recruited by do cranium special services in 2022. i arrived in the russian federation to assassinate is the hard per 11 using to remotely detonated antique tank lines. i regret my actions and now few hundreds of meters over the cost in which for life and was in it is still the see a good chunk of land. it has been made completely off limits to anybody but new enforcement because people hear the security services. they're taking every precaution to make sure that well, there are no more bones. no more in these old mines, you know,
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dug into the sand here is well hidden in the car, so we aren't being allowed anywhere closer. so the investigation, of course, is still ongoing. the height of protecting himself is still in the hospital. he's just at the beginning of his long journey to recovery, he was delivered with the multiple traumas. most of the impact from the blush was absorbed by his legs. he had to undergo several surgeries. the attack did claim the life of the body guards of the how to free life and who was a long time family friend, and was rushed to has repeatedly drawing attention to all the international community to these acts of terror that t, it's considered as recess game in this conflicts about so far, the western nato allies, they have remained oblivious. the sauce has happened, washington, the need to have race to nothing to national terrorist unit. the key regime beloved in all cases knows the landscape with his thoughts. the united states and britain
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opposite directly responsible were praying for the har stopped the stine, but the key of authorities use there a sleeper cells to carry out attacks targeting rushes, big media figures last august, study a. do you know, who was a journalist and activist. she was killed in a very similar bombing accident, and just over a month ago, but 11th, i thought of ski who was well, a russian millet, she blogger, a prominent millet, she blogger. he was killed in the bombing in st. petersburg back then a key of age and she smelled a small statuette which she gifted to loveland petoskey. and while it went off, killing the man the
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older and well correspondence, thomas worth essays. the terror attacks committed against russian journalist supposed to be orchestrated by ts with west and support. all these incidents that happened during the last year, whether it's to be now whether it's a tough task. and this one now and all the other attempt with attempts we have, it's clear that hand from, from ukraine. and it's clear as far as ukraine is supported by the west, that this at least is done with a green light from the west. interesting is that the moment, not even one incident and you create happens like this. so no, nobody blows up. ukrainian journalist who is important to you. so we see that you
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create this, making terah and russia, and russia is not, not doing anything that is restaurant's trying to protect himself in this case of carol trying to keep security high. but there is no 100 percent guarantee. as i said. meanwhile, the head of ukrainian intelligence has said that russians around the global continues to be killed or responding to questions of the key ups involvements in the assassination of russian journalist darya duke. and all i have to say is that we've been killing russians and will keep killing russians anywhere on the face of the planet until the complete victory of ukraine. russian foreign ministry spokesman is maria. the, however, has said that new quite in statement is pros, but the us is sponsoring terrorism as a country delivers massive aids. 2 kias political out of is dimitri biopic, stacy ukrainian intelligence chief statement. it's an admission of terrorist tactics. there's not much use in the present being in the world. we use lean
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batteries dash, what a surprise it is. is that the west some of us keep saying, well, we've got the, the uh, the suspicion that, uh, the premium special services are available. we have no pre size information and they keep saying that your brain is a downgraded state defendant itself. democratic states do not defend themselves by keeping directions everywhere on the face of this planet. or any automation on the side of the process. if that is not, there is then what these, these people are going to be, your go to the will, you know that, and obviously it's very sad that the huge majority to worse than congress still view of these kind of people that's acceptable and deal with them all sorts of of was and meanwhile, 22 ukrainian flows have been destroyed over the black sea. according to the russian defense ministry. the sounds attacks within rushing board is becoming increasingly frequent. with the 2 you avi's attacking president putin's criminal office earlier
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this week, we'll skip planes. the store icon, ukrainian linked forces, the to drones with downs by electronic defenses inside pick from names, bowls, authors. he said that would no casualties or damage this, but it shows one of the dwellings exploding rise above percent as pilot is which house is vladimir putin, his work residence. he wasn't that of the time. most of it was called it a terrorist act under the attempted assassination of the russian need of your cleaning officials deny any responsibility full be a tough with the russians saying, it was, that's the right to retaliate. so that samantha lensky said, ukraine doesn't talk in russia or vladimir putin and his waging a defensive war. and when asked about the incident, a senior us officials that american enforcement is ludicrous, dismissing it as a possible falls flag attack, which the russian and boss of the, to the us rejected as opposite to look we, we know that russia has a history of doing this they have a history of doing false flag. it is not unusual is incredibly common. i just don't
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want to speculate at this time. it's citizens, as men, women and children being assaulted on a daily basis by this russian aggression. well, we leave it to ukraine to decide how it's going to defend itself and how it's going to try to get back to the territory. the statements by washington's official representatives striking in their cynicism and absurdity. the us did not find it possible to recognize the obvious thing. this was a terrorist action blend by the zalinski regime. and then this as a nation attempt targeting the president of the russian federation that these, these, that this act of terrorism was allegedly of false. lego operation are blasphemous and deceitful. that is, it was rushing itself that stage the provocation against the heart of our statehood . how would the americans react if a drone hit the white house, the capital, or the pentagon? the answer is obvious for any politician as well as for an average citizen, the punishment would be harsh and inevitable. will form a c i a analyst on c o, a bug associates, larry jones, and shed his thoughts on how this wrote incidents could escalate. the conflict to
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this attempt to blame russia? typical, i think of the us clumsy response to these instances. what, what i think is really going on is that you creating did carry this out. it was in the able by the united states, but it did not have the knowledge of the key leadership of either blanking and or boston general. really at the pentagon or lloyd austin, the secretary defense up. i think the reason ukraine did it was to try to spark a reaction from russia to force it to escalate it in a way that would make it more likely to bring in us and nato direct involvement in the conflict. because you cry and realize this is lucy, and it's losing bad across the board. and it's under enormous pressure to carry out an offensive. and yet likes likes to manpower and resources to carry out and sustain a successful counter offensive. career has rejected
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a us off with the hand of a took, he has a russian made the s 400 defense system to ukraine. that's the revelation from the turkish firm minister. there were several proposals from the united states on the s 400. we were told, give us control. this is a proposal affecting our independence. where is our independence then? we were even offered to send them to ukraine. we said it was impossible. it's like in 2017 on trans moscow seal to $2500000000.00 contract to buying brushes, advanced as $400.00 systems which relate to deliver it in full. the deal sponsored by flash from turkey as a nato allies, especially the u. s. which doesn't, was any member of the alliance to get lessons from russia. washington was founded by sanctioning, took the defense industry and excluding the country from the f 35, a flight the jet program. so y'all t, well the other to use of our him. so he's the s 400 so crucial to to he has
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a defense system, as on korea will not take orders from washington. but when we look at the proposal to send the s 400, so you can, you have to look at it from a defensive perspective in a geo political perspective. when we look at it from a defense perspective, vs 400 right now is the centerpiece of today is air defense systems. so sending something that is a critical needs that you get at a time when the region is a task, isn't on the start and not started from a national security perspective. now from a geo political perspective, uh, to get tried to maintain a balance position since of fighting broke out to ukraine last february and ascending a rushing made as 400 system to you. great. would be a direct violation of that balance before admitted to showing that truth is foreign policy is stronger, that it's not going to be pushed around by any one. whether it be united states or any country, it's going to reach its decisions regarding its own personal interest. they co
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signed off rushes. vaughn gonna apply that to military company. you have any pretty goes and has said that he has been far less than necessary ammunition and weapons to maintain his finances in alton law schools and known as bach. mood policies were rena called whoever has the dfcs earlier in the week a if you need to go in and publish the video and the letter explaining why wagner pmc would be retreating from a to almost or boss more than he address thought. so rushed as defense ministry, and the russian army and he justified, that's why that would be leaving the office almost after may 10th and handing over their positions. so, russia's defense ministry because they software the heavy losses, and he accused the russians defense of an issue of not supplying them with enough munitions, which is why they wanted to retreat and read through the full. now overnighted benefit abortion has said that he has been promised about 500 p. m c will get all the munitions that they require so that they can continue with our funds. if at the
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time when precaution issues, that statement, he said that they only had about 2 and a half kilometers left to capture in uh, almost or bus mode. so uh, now it seems things will continue that will not be hand in their positions over to rushes defense industry. and what's more, according to see if guinea pig was in the head of the russian army. well, now personally oversee all the communication between 5 european c and russians, defense ministry with us, the warning from treasury secretary, john, it's yellow, who was just called course to raise the country's mazda. if the ceiling even higher, the treasury finds itself in a position where we are unable to pay all of the bills that come do that day. and this would be really the 1st time in the history of america that we would fail to make payments that are due and you know, whether it's defaulting on interest payments that are due on the debt or payments
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to for social security recipients or to medicare providers that we would simply not have enough cash to meet all of our obligations. and it's widely agreed that financial and economic chaos would ensue. let's find out what this will means and bring it all to contribute for us. and these things to come into the studio tonight, chris, so i think sounding very bleak, if you listen to john, it yelling, now most will take on this doomsday scenario being painted by the us treasury secretary is quite crazy, isn't it? nickie? it's kind of like if you and i went to the bank and we took a loan and we went to the casino, had a really big nights out and lost the money. and then went back to the bank again and said hi, can we have more money? that's kind of what she's doing. but it seems like in the us, that's just what happens every single time these on elected people in the treasury go to the elected politicians and say, the week we took the money you gave us,
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we said we fix the problem, but now we've lost it all again, come we have some more and it's kind of sort of the scenarios where does this end? right? wouldn't fly. so i mean, you would, the cost would have consequences with the us economy. 20 phase if low make us do fail to raise to that say they're like, that's a really great custom to keep the truth is we don't really know because they've always raised that ceiling every time. i think the figures something like 60 or 80 times they've done this, so we don't really nice. but if we listen to sort of the full cost coming from the treasury, they'd say that the entire us economy with employment and to be honest, that property right. because the minute the us comp services that, i mean, what is the value of the us economy? what is the value? more importantly, if the us dollar, if the us dollar is the driver's ed kardon, say that he's invested in his, i'm able to pay his bills. so it's so realistic that we've read as the pulse. but the b us could default on his death. and if it did, would that potentially track down the entire global economy with the dollar? well, i think i think it, is it realistic? put possibility. well, but like i just said, it's never happened. but if,
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if congress decide to turn around now and say no, then it could happen. i think you're completely right and what you say if that happens, the entire well look forward, it's a free for all markets with price. because again, the us still that, but, well, let's say well market, so i'd say that probably at tags to tags to the 5 of the, the us as down to the roster in china recently, those markets are somewhat immune now from that paid me but, but you know countries you're of the u. k. any other car in the country? that is the problem, the allies with the us. we will suffer huge consequences for that decision. speaking of which japan, john ellen, is planning to visit japan for the g 7, finance ministers summit to show a defined relay that to the u. s. financial system is safe and sound despite the fact that several banks have recently collapsed that spock and quite a lot of panic is there. so just how well is the american economy really doing? well it's, it's really weird, isn't it? because she's gotten on tv as we've just played at the beginning of this. yeah. and she's saying the economies is in dire straits. it's ending we need more money. and
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then she's going to fly to japan and tell the rest of the world. everything's okay . yeah, i suppose that works in a day way whether well didn't have, you know, 24 hour and using social media. you could probably say that and get another new site for it again. but you can't do that these days. so i think, you know, the us economy is clearly in a mess as united the fiscal policies that have been employed by the us administration of the sauce risk we so even from call you, with the printing of vast amounts of money, hasn't stopped the, the fiscal irresponsibility of giving money to the f regime and just handing them paycheck off the paycheck. weight doesn't seem to be that anyone was taking it to the balance sheet and all of these things happening. meanwhile, the cost of living prices across the us across the west, but specifically in the us, is affecting millions and millions of americans who are struggling to get by it's really unfair and i think it's a complete disaster. absolutely. yeah, chris, many thanks for coming in with the details. us all to contribute to it, chris, on august the mid least, not worthy of all k foreign ministry. spokes person has said serious were tons of
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the arab league was approved during a meeting of the groups foreign ministers, and they follows the retraction of the countries membership back in 2011. following the outbreak of the syrian war, the decisions are reinstate, damascus was made ahead of the 32nd, our bleak summit, which is expected to be held in saudi arabia on may 19th. however, the us state department has kind of syria does notes quote, deserves to return to the arab league. so we and politicians hard. ok mode has hit by claiming washington. so the outbreak of war in the arab country, it is, uh, has a no right to to say anything good to see any. uh, not just, not just the, uh, the issue of the uh, you can see the through the out of the out a leak because us is the, uh, the uh, the company which is responsible for the war inside city uh for 12 d. and they are, uh, really uh, the country which causes all these uh walls which ink cartridge and which really
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was a bit behind that 0. it is and which uh was uh inside of syria and insides out of uh, company. and we are really happy because at this uh, out of gun companies, now they are more, i'm more independent from the policy of america. most of the leaders of the other companies they are convinced of that was the, that this relation was, syria is in their brain. is it so they are now really wise enough to take that decision to, to make that a consolation between all the other countries and especially on the 1st of all, was city. meanwhile in moultrie, by several 1000 people took to the streets, quoting on the president on to accommodate to resign. the
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the process is totally down to government slogans and laws through the multiplan capital using the yellow flags which represent the ruling policy to sweep the streets. country wide protests began in september of last year, the previous prime minister as a cabinet usually please. the one i mean, we are tired of this forest selling dolphin slaves and they stood loads, region $137.00 vehicles continue to work to extinguish the fire as a special fire prevention regime is an effects in the area as well as in the neighboring, a 2 men on the good co gone regions, so casualties have been reported so far. where is the presidency that is silva has declined? the fox, the julian assault was put behind, falls for revealing trickery by the us. a good boy of joseph leashed.
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some embarrassment, the joined the list for the analysis recreate by want states against the melodies arrested some condemned to die in jail and will do nothing to free him. that's a crazy thing. the guys in prison because he didn't else recurring the guy doing the analysis and it's in vulgar. you denalis the stage most of pine and all those. and that became a crime against the journalist. the past was the fast freedom of the trash does nothing to free him. ok to us as long as could face of a 175 years and a us prison off to his website, which he leeks revealed classified information on us war crimes in iraq. and afghanistan, another man, me a abu jamal, a renowned american journalist on civil rights science surveys to cover police brutality and corruption, was convicted of much despite contesting the credibility of much of the prosecution's evidence. this, the international concluded the case was highly politicized, and violated fetch file standards chief of the out codes newspapers,
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washington bureau science are attached phase of songs was jailed for publicizing a real story, a 1000000000 assigned to me, that is the start case. he's been present for so long and for what see, he did what any good journalists would do, which is you look into the real story and not to be able to sources. so that's why you get, that is really and that is a hard and it is the hard core of the 1st amendment and this country for americans and so, so you know, a good for the good should be good for the. yeah. and or you can have certain standards for the us drivers for an extensive operating in the us and for non us citizens who are operating outside ad, but able to do it. yeah, you get to the bottom of the story and not be obligated to be alert sources. so yes, julie and assigned is a perfect example as the hypocrisy of such an initiative. meanwhile,
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earlier this week, the us state departments lots of program to assist journalists outside the us. the announcements came as the world monster press freedom day on wednesday. both the shells items to provide legal assistance and kind of a cold expenses. for journalists, they may be targeted by that and government's eligible media outlets must pay an annual fee to be supported on beach searching criteria or facebook. nick and other russian not lives have been found in the us and european systems of ukraine conflicts bounce. the american officials have underlines the importance of fighting so called russian propaganda urging the shut down of such channels around the world . the russian foreign ministry of shoes, the west of tracking down on any one, he doesn't support that narrative, a legitimate, let's go get an estimate of scriptures, which is some kind of mockery on a slight i do not have nations to china. rule assembly, such as may freedom of the press unesco, drawing attention to the problem and all of them and their refusal to issue these
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as to russian. generalise who assigned to the gnostic nations. all is m as many as a for real sense of one of the world's leading investigative journalists, jeanette and the song she point molded. i'm at the bowling of nannie media, which doesn't fit into the global term that you not to number of media representatives of the collective west of which those who don't fits in a black south crest out past the key says he, the big, big venture for our freedom of a space uh worldwide, because now we're being told who is allowed to say what the truth is. who is a journalist and who is not. who do we protect, who we do not. so this is uh, this is a brand new uh, strategy from the us government at a time when he sees that uh its, this information is not catching um is not having as much traction as it used to have before uh before there of social media before the error of uh, of, of the weekly leaks of, of all of these are new, new,
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new methods of obtaining information for everyday people who you as a way to deal with the privacy comes down to subservience. if you are willing to do what we tell you, then you are a good journalist, but the moment you step out of line, then we, then, now you're something else, then you're a russian agent. then you're a chinese agent. then you are anything. but audrey was those courses when a regulatory bill that would force internet company such as google to find a report illegal material and posing heavy fines for failures to do so, if possible, even though it would establish penalties and deadlines, but we're moving in with information from social media and messaging apps and require tech companies to file transparency reports. google try to sway public opinion by publishing a full page at the advertisement and a local resilience paper, asking people to speak how to get into the legislation. i propose accuse the american company of and do interference of the debates in congress of its public campaigning.


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