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tv   News  RT  January 18, 2023 8:00pm-8:31pm EST

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when a bundle of 11 ask is enough with a with so use a use now completely following the american dictates. europe has lost its independence to serve american interest in the geopolitical containment of russia and china. russia is foreign minister. it states that you is a vast cell of the united states that is conducting a proxy war against moscow in ukraine. also ad on the program this our beijing plains washington for stealing oil from syria, saying 60 tigers, full of the country's top resorts been looted by us forces since just the beginning of the year. a recent survey shows that people in india, c, the u. s. as
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a military threat to the nation coming in 2nd, only after neighbors, china with africa seeks a substitute to the american dollars dominance. looking to the bricks, group of countries with broadcasting from the russian capital. this is our team. my name's unit o'neill of 30 minutes of news. i'm views start now. the european union has lost its independence to washington on the nato military alliance. those direct words coming from russia's foreign minister during an annual news conference, where he summed up the events of the pasture. you want to say use the you is now completely following the american dictate. europe has lost its independence in
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a joint declaration explicitly states that europeans are subjugated. nato's essentially continuing an obligation to serve american interests in the geopolitical containment of russia and china. one of the main points it seems to be that 2022 definitely showed a tendency that has been developing for many years to create a development to bring to the forefront that the west is trying to impose its way of thinking. and it's imperialist views on the rest of the world. for example, our sergei elaborate mentioned that nato has been fighting russia through you crate . and that even an academic study that was published in the west has shown facts and details revealing that. and also that would that help all that's proxies and it satellites, they've been developing this for years to new english. that's for the u. s. has now ship to coalition, including virtually all european countries about natal member states and e,
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you states and others. and now they are waging a war by proxy against russia using ukraine as a proxy in order to solve the russian matter. just like hitler wanted to find the solution to a jewish problem, they're doing the same right now. sir gallagher of also mentioned that the sanctions that are being used by the wes are aimed at not only weakening russia and trying to get it to play along to what it wants. so russia to do comply, but also with rushes. i lies another so called undesirable nations, trying to force them to follow suit and do the same thing, follow washington's rhetoric. there was an interesting question at some point when the journalist asked, how can russia claim to respect the un charter and international law. when it started this a special military operation, and the journalist asked, how can the russia accused the west of doing something that it itself has done now? just women in the city, the mortgage europe, there is an opinion among europeans that russia did not show its best side by
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deciding to take military action. while the rest of the imperialist countries that have bombed health of the planet, or violate an international law in the same way in order to cease territory with them, we are victims of disposing griefs. we have a threat from turkey, n. how would you argue with this position? cuz as though she had russia has not shown its best qualities that an interesting formulation of about $300.00 times after the end of the cold war of the united states invaded some one else's territory, lay up with him. their goal in places like central america is the liquidation of threats to the world loose. and they were offended. for example, by saddam hussein and gadhafi. in yugoslavia, they simply decided to destroy the balkans for the sake of german or you, but there was no question of any tribunals or decision to investigate crimes. they said we will put you under sanctions. we defended our security from ukraine, but after they made a spring board for an attack on russia. and secondly, the humiliation of russians and the kuda tar in 2014. when the west sided with the
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anti russian regime without an attempt to dial back the bombing of the guards can odessa, lauren investigated. there were no tribunals that minsk agreements was just to give you a korean war. time and weapons. years ago we were the only ones who saw the implementation of the minsk agreements. all the others were cheaters. but another to some point was that to us regular also that wasn't globalization as collapsing, and washington is trying to retain that top spot by. going as far as a legitimate means to achieve that, any means possible, trying to create a rift between countries to make sure that the majority of it still is a rhetoric. also understand you were there among many, many journalists from all around the world. what is it, was it just ukraine or what are some other topics that level of touch down on as well? no, i was not just the crane. we also heard about the standoff between us that of i, john and armenia. there were questions about japan,
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but we could see that there was a particular focus more on asia and not a natural because as we'll see in russia has been shifting more towards these, especially after the special military of operations began. and we saw the reaction from the west with the sanctions and tried to restrict russia, and so we can russia. so there was a particular emphasis in particular on and china and the rosters relationship with china. the shuttle sure news. this little news publication are relations with china are going to the best times in history. the leaders of our country say the same thing. china characterizes relations like this. the alliance is not an alliance, but in some ways even stronger than our relations are respectful. based on a balance of interest, there is no need to look for information about the west attempts to bring discord into our relations. they don't consider us an immediate threat. china is considered a long term challenge to lose. they understand that their forces are running out in opposition to the historical trend of the formulation of the multi polar world. we
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see that the west is trying to bring the score between us. they are trying to defeat us in order to then convince russia to become a partner of the west that has forgiven sanctions and will not interfere and ideally helped to restrain china. i do not know which of their analysts developed these theories, but they are out of touch with real life. my colleagues, marina cost forever and rory, sushi, talking to the many topics, touched upon by surrogate love ralph of his annual media conference on wednesday if you'd like to dig a little deeper into that as well. r t dot com. as you cover german chancellor olive shawl says, urged allies to increase military supplies, ticky of bowing to back ukraine for as long as is necessary in the conflict. in order for the war to ent rush, us aggression must fail. that is why we are continuously supplying ukraine
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with large quantities of arms in close consultation with all patmos. however, germany reportedly will allow its leopard 2 tanks to ukraine only if the u. s. sends their abrams tanks that are not on this supposed list of new, at batches of the military, a dancer, some german politicians have spoken night against washington's pressure campaign. seeing the u. s. is trying to force berlin sam to day stag deliveries are reminiscent of the wound. 1914. this means direct participation in the war. this seems to be the deeper reason why washington is so reluctant. on the subject of tag deliveries. beth force is its ally to make sacrifices like a vassal, while washington's efforts to get allies to sin, more lethal laid comes amid tough economic challenges in germany, which is facing rising prices and soaring energy built. despite what we've just
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heard, the u. s. secretary of state denies, has countries pressuring anyone to take action. germany suggested today that sir, they weren't allowed tanks to be sent to ukraine unless the u. s. and 1st, i was a response to that. so on the question of, of tanks and for that matter, any women system, these are sovereign decisions for each country to make. well, we spoke to a member of the european parliament for the alternative for germany party essays that while the u. s. is asking countries to send their top heavy weaponry to key if it's not following its own advice. well, washington is certainly encouraging us to sand tanks 1st or to send tank tanks while washington isn't prepared to do so far as the german population is concerned. most chance do not want to get involved in a more germany or job government. i should say above all,
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seeks to he's nato and the you. they believe that's what i would call wishful thinking. ready that they can, these nato, and the you and the friends of ukraine without being getting father ray bold in this conflict. i think that's any dangerous, wishful thinking. the reason i think is a conviction that ukraine can win this conflict. so i think that's at the hall county, methane supplies watching is concerned, of course the west is well path. well, palace claim and often wish to extend this fear of influence, lucy to be at the source of that policy, you cray. okay, another story we're across to day china is foreign ministry spokesperson has
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slammed the u. s. for the quote, illegal plundering of syrian oil, saying washington is interested in reaping the benefits of its actions regardless of the collateral damage calls may what they should were struck by the blatant sea . an egregious news of the u. s. plundering of syria to be at the level of u. s. greed and stealing resources from syria is a striking this. it's generosity and giving out military aid, whether the u. s. gives or takes. it plunges other countries into turmoil and disaster. and the u. s. reaps its benefits for its hedge. ammonia and other interests may wonder, not. yeah, the ministers says spokesperson didn't hold back. also accusing washington of ruthlessly trampling on the lives of the syrian people of damascus sees more than 80 percent. busy of its daily or like put, was smuggled out of the country by us troops in the 1st half of 2022. while already this year, just weeks in official state. the u. s. has taken 60 tankers trucks full of oil and
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wheat of syria, the u. s been present in syria in 2014, leaving a coalition focused on regime change involving the military of most nature countries and regional allies. made accusations of stealing serene oil in 2021. the pentagon said that the american troops weren't there to protect syrian oil fields, except on rare occasions when civilians were involved or syrian american journalist and political commentator, steven so we need say's washington's actions are stripping syria of the resources the country needs to recover. they are serv within the city, people from heavy added to the fuel number for a warming to houses in the winter for tourney, on the factories for the rebuilding of syria. and that is particularly what a washington d. c wants to a country like steel. yeah. that is a huge amount of money that is there. that could have rebuilt year to 2 or 3 times
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. and the doctor, we could have got a medication medicine. we could have got dead stop our hospitals in syria. it could have got fuel for the cars. are our schools and everything we have a shortage cd is getting one out of electricity of the 24 hours, the ceiling people. i'm talking about the student average people. they cannot and they don't have fuel. it don't have electricity to warm their houses. there's some areas in syria like allah po, damascus, homeless, almira hammock. in the central of syria, the temperature are below 0. they have no way of the warming to houses. or i turning attention on the program nor to india for a recent poll among citizens has thrown up some eye opening results, including the u. s. taking 2nd place among what people view as the top security threat to the nation. ortiz, india corresponded room june sharma,
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picks up the story. and now the ball is saying that us is considered as a 2nd top thread going ahead of focused on and focused on. remember, in the shares of history of military conflict with border disputes as well. induct ever since the creation of focus on $947.00, india had trouble diplomatic relationship with the and us. in fact, interestingly of comes ahead all boxed on and in this particular. so the ordinary citizens from across the country was interviewed. of course, they saw china as the top thread, but 22 percent saw us. the 2nd most threat, as far as this ball is concerned, while the world's 2 largest democracies would seem to make for natural partners, especially given their mutual mistrust of china, indians have strategic reasons to be wary of the world's western superpower as tensions between washington and beijing increase the indian public may be worried
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about getting caught in the middle of a us china conflict that the stabilizes regional security. putting india risk. well, that's interesting considering india has rather warm relationships with the west. also us as india, as top treating partner in the world and you and then when you look at this, so be a people are seeing that us as a 2nd most threat when it comes to india. also, when it comes to china, now the talk that lives in the so be 43 percent. the indians come to the china, the top military tract. remember, india in the recent boss has had trouble a border situation with shy not in 2020 india on china shore, one of the bloodiest commissions in history, whereas several soldiers also had lost their life. and also last year in 2022. another clash between india and china we saw now another interesting aspect of this
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particular service is that indians are likely to blame us allies. and he, for the conflict in ukraine, and it's only around 38 percent. so less than 40 percent indians that come to the more school responsible for the ongoing conflict in ukraine. now it's around 26 percent people that say united states us to be blamed and around 18 percent people thing nature was to begin. so 44 percent there compared to the 38 percent people think and jamie, more school for the conflict. now another reason that people think in this direction is because indians have often been all to by the west by the u. s. a. for the constant threshold its force on india to condemn the rush shells offensive in ukraine also to north by discounted oil from russia. now 60 percent of people in india believe that the indian government should continue buying oil from russia and
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around 49 percent. see that india should continue military exercises with more school just to quickly underlying that as far as new delhi and more school friendship is concerned, you'd have withstood the test of time and also geopolitical jones in that sense, for example, in a 971. when india and barcus on had gone to war or the manager and prices in eastern office on countries including the u. s. b, all supported. they provided military as well as moral support to boxed on. and that's when india had sent out and with call, and only one country came to the rescue. that was so with the union. so this ball in a sense, whole testimony of the people in india haven't forgotten history. the south africa is foreign minister, has called for a dollar substitute in global unreachable trade now and is looking towards the
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bricks group up solution of countries for that solution. the rt contributor chris sam spoke earlier with my colleague bracy share, but what the following words from the lady, pandora mike justin to we've always been concerned at the fact that there is a dominance of the dollar. and that we do need to look into a tentative, i think this is one of the reasons why we creates a new development bank of breaks. i think what she's referring to is the fact that let's take south africa, the largest economy in africa, which is, you know, in so many ways such an important concept for our entire well to provide us with 70 riches and resources that i think they just fed up the fed up with the fact that their entire economy is dictated to by us fiscal. why, why do you think that set up, chris? because the dollar saves nations all around the world? is the king couldn't currency? why would they be set on the fact that this policy of most countries that trading us dollars pretty extractive wealth from that country?
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as opposed to that, take china that is invested millions, they thought trillions of dollars in the economies about the connection where it seems to be instead of extract from their policy seems to be one of investment bank winning the hearts and minds the way china is working in africa, building infrastructure, schools, roads, hospitals, clinics, these kinds of things. it's almost like winning the hearts and minds of the people that i think that's totally the, the correct way to look at it. i mean, that's where we're from a town or a village in africa, and you'll down down the sound of mine or your what in some kind of mineral fraction. and in the pot food you've really seen is western company come employees and just extract that, well, where's the chinese company coming? employ them and actually re invest that money in new homes. like you said, new roads, you infrastructure, new school, new hospitals. you think that really improve your life? i think if it were you or i'd, i'd, i'd know which side i'd want to be on. but chris, talk to me about bricks, brazil, russia, india, china, south africa. potentially it's going to be saudi arabia,
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potentially, argentina, potentially iran. what are the implications that chris re bricks as it is right now, covers a far larger expense of the well population that the united states could ever dream a little bit different trade associations in different ways in which tried to manipulate the world. the fact is, if saudi joined organization who got south africa, the largest economy in africa, in that we've got china, we've got these big brazil, the largest country in south america. if the south has come in there and all these other countries that are requesting now to join, i mean it's really unstoppable. i don't know the fiscal level, which is probably more important that i think this might be what the formalist of south africa is also referring to. on a fiscal level, there's really nothing stopping these come countries coming together very similar to the year, right, right. the european union has its own currency the year, right? we could have the bricks, currency, right? at that point, that is incredibly powerful. and for me, it's very, very difficult to see how the united states federal reserve could ever counter act a currency with that much power in rehab less than 2 months ago with a grief ago. essentially 2 national currencies. it's almost like by by petro dollar
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. hello petrow, you one, and yet all these opec countries, they're all joining on board here. they're all looking to trade in national currencies. this is like, this is like a snowball, roaring down a mountain. i'm getting massively more more pick a big a big a big as every day goes past here. it looks already to me anyway. it looks like the petro dollar, which is the spine of america's budget on foreign policy, is being shattered. yes, i agree with you entirely. i think we only had to see that as well from the law. so take me think we then biden's visit suggested to c. b s. prior to the fees we saw in those meetings before, the pick up count countries which are obviously led by saudi arabia, chad. but through basically say no, they did that with oil pricing, they refused to lower the price. they said, we can't do that because we're not going to gamble with our economies anymore. we're not going to allow you to be tight to off through the us dollar, which is exactly as you pointed out how they've done it, to dictate how we run our fiscal policies and how we look after our own people in
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our own country. and yet more interesting remarks on the day from south africa is foreign minister who condemned a u. s. bill designed to punish african countries for any cooperation they have with moscow calling it and on lawful initiative with i believe the girl should really be killed her because i think it's totally unwarranted. i think it's an intrusion that goes against international law, and we've made this clear to our colleagues in the united states. we even met with the drafter of the initial legislation and indicated our fence with which we view this particular proposed piece of legislation. it's called the malign russian activities in africa act. what we in africa called the anti africa bill. and those were the words that have been used by
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several commentators to describe exactly what happened last year in the house of representatives in the united states. the bill got an overwhelming majority support in congress infected with bipartisan winning by some 419 volt to 9 and it was passed through. but the interesting part is what happened to that bill as it was lightly seem to be going through is way to the senate and then throw them apart. i had a working visit to the united states and he and his father and his foreign minister doctor, the lady, ponder poor, did squarely to the americans that this is an anti africa bill that they cannot force africans to choose, that africans have a right to determine their own development and determine their own partners. we have been the main thing that bill ever since it came. and before that trip by ceramic was a late last year in november. it was said by some of the officials in the white house that, that president
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a joe biden will take as much time as possible to delay this bill to make sure that it never ends up on his desk to possibly try and stop it with in the senate, but it really looks at anybody who is potentially making friendships with, with russia and south africa, has a vested interest, especially when it comes to russia. as part of the briggs membership and south africa has been really keen to really leverage on some of the memberships that you find within breaks to make them come up issues that are rather continent wide. they've continuously encourage the janie to invest more on the continent. and then continuously look towards russia as part of the military fortification of south african army. and here is the lady ponder, speaking about what they hold to bring as part of their chairmanship, which they took over just at the beginning of this year. the chairmanship of bricks which they will be holding until the end of the year. we very thrilled that the
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progress of character, of the forum has been recognized and that many countries wish to be part of it. because there is concern in the world about changing geo politics and almost a unit quote, polar framework where one or 2 regions or countries wish to be dominant in terms of ideology and political thought. so the fact that there are countries, especially in the developing world that have recognized that greeks offers an alternative because we don't force ideas on anyone we discussed corporation. we see global amity. we see more and more that russia is getting and traced on the continent as well, becoming a member of, of preference, especially when it comes to issues of security. as we've seen around the sa hell region, with some of the numerous country there that have been really taken over by the
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insurgency and as long as extremism that has been part of that region. and is not surprising that the lady, pandora picked this moment to give this interview because she's always been measured, always been deliberate and never gives an interview for its own sake. u . s. authority, you have arrested the head of a whole kang registered crypto currency exchange. i'll actually lead to deem of has been charged with illegal money laundering. the russian national is accused of facilitating the transfer of, quote, illicit funds worth hundreds of millions of dollars. the business bill was arrested in miami. now let's report it. he will face charges for long bring funds through his company bits late. so this scheme reportedly enable russian actors and business people to send money to the u. s. which is currently illegal to do from russia. when more details emerge on the story will bring them to not because of
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sanctions imposed on of get this done on the financial tool they're taking regional unless they even tell about government can control the numbers of local people growing puppies and treating opium. fueling her with usage worldwide. the telephone itself stresses it's the previous government, which is responsible for the extent of the current opium problem. a horn at a home right at the beginning when the islamic government had taken control of kabul in afghanistan and victory was announced, the supreme leader of the taliban declared an immediate ban on all kinds of drugs. the seating of narcotics was no longer allowed. following these orders, we have not allowed any new opium or hashish crops in any districts of the country . whenever some minor violations came up, the taliban took immediate action to burn the crops. during the 20 year rule of the previous regime, narcotics were being produced on a large scale in afghanistan,
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the law against the production of opium. poppy was not strictly imposed on our governments stood up against this. with conviction, strong will and determination. we activated our counter narcotics force and seized a large quantity of hashish, heroine, cocaine, and alcohol. considering these efforts, we hope to fully stop the drug problem soon. burns, sorry. well, after the telephone return to power in 2021, all the financial assets of the statement tend in us and european banks where fruits and that includes $2000000000.00 in. 2 europe and also 7000000000 in the u. s. big and mines, most western donors including the world bank of also stop sending aid to the country. despite that, the telephone government still paid about $5000000.00 to the world bank to service up kind of some debt last summer. and the western economic pressure has only worst in the countries opium trafficking problem. the taliban say they
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a nationally target the legal industry. but despite the reference of kinda thumb still satisfies about 80 percent of the globes open demand and know the price per kilogram in the country has skyrocketed from around $60.00 in 2021 to prices reaching 10 times that depending on the region while a senior member of the countries drug fighting for spoke to r t about the issues facing the asian nation to some orders of those around 4500 drug addicts have been arrested and sent to jail, including dealers, cars right on the streets. as you know, it's a harsh winter in afghanistan and temperatures have to rob to minus 35 in some parts of the country, while cowboy has experienced heavy winds and snow fall in this weather, we are really worried about the drug addicts in the prison. we are trying to transfer these people to some other area to save their lives. according to
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a survey in 2015. we have 3500000 drug addicts in afghanistan, but i don't trust these numbers until we can get our own updated survey. and that is a ramp, a stay close, so to see what showing revery you are to they after the shortest of breaks the baton with oh, well the conflict in ukraine and a cease fire pharmacist frozen conflict or defeat, or either ukraine or russian. this is the question so called being tags all across the western world are asking the problem with this approach that it lacks intellectual and moral honesty. we must address why this conflict started in the 1st place.


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