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tv   [untitled]    December 21, 2012 7:00am-7:30am EST

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and realized everything you thought you. are welcome is a big issue. europe's energy future is up for discussion in the me. on his first trip to brussels since returning to the presidency. which has already over a million documents being prepared to be really. promises no country in the world will remain unaffected by new revelations and in twenty thirty. russia's lower house of parliament approved banning americans from adopting russian children . from america's so-called magnitsky act.
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now in h.d. with world news and much more twenty four seven this is r.t. . relations are up for discussion as president putin talks to the book's leaders during his first visit to brussels since returning to the kremlin energy issues are expected to dominate with russia the largest oil and natural gas supply to the european union the partnership is in countering some big hurdles and. explains we're up for a very interesting a russia summit here in brussels with several very important issues on the agenda one of them will be the energy corp i'd like to remind us that gazprom remains the biggest supplier of gas into the european continent and despite that gazprom has already built several pipelines delivering the. e.u.
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has certain claims and accusations towards the russian gas giant in particular it wants to but it wants gas prom to diversify the means of control over its pipelines in europe certainly gazprom stand strongly against it and we understand that the russian president will be discussing this with his european colleagues. we are somewhat puzzled to put it mildly by their retroactive effect of this decision then you know if you pass a document and everything that existed prior to it just creates a mess and undermines the credibility of our cooperation this summit takes place in the times of economic crisis in europe and we understand of course that the global cooperation between moscow and brussels will be one of the most important things on the agenda the something which has already been speculated by the media and the analysts is whether this summit would show that e.u. would like to put some differences aside and see russia as a key strategic partner in the dark times of the financial crisis and certainly
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last but not least the foreign policy the major international geopolitical issues will be on the agenda of the summit as well we understand according to the russian president that he will basically read to rate moscow's stance on the syrian dispute there on the syrian conflict that it needs to be resolved at the negotiations table in full accordance with the international law not through the. means and not through. something that has already said during his annual press conference on thursday of course we'll keep you posted of all the details and all the latest information of the summit in brussels as we get it. you can hear russia corporation is heading put it in blocks leaders themselves and news conference is expected in less than time we'll bring it to you when it happens live from brussels here naughty. the conflict in syria has been raised by russia's foreign minister an exclusive interview with r.t.
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so again lover of believes that nato has recent decision to deploy patriot missiles on the turkish border may not be designed just to protect against rights from syrian territory he suggests there are indications the systems may also be useful against iran while talking about the push for regime change in syria the foreign minister insisted that russia will play no part. in the business of regime change and some of the. regional players were suggesting to us why don't you tell president passed to leave we will arrange for some safe haven for him my answer is very simple if indeed those who suggest the stores have this in mind they should take a directly to president person by shoulder use us as postman. if present us of
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those interested this must be discussed directly with scheme. and you can watch artie's full interview with a surrogate lover of hair on monday. sanjay is promising wiki leaks will release more than a million secret files over the next year in publications that will affect every country in the world he gave a christmas address from the ecuadorian embassy in london where he's been ensconced for half a year what was his first public appearance since august. has more than. the world's media and a lot of supporters have come out for him this evening also holding a candlelight vigil he called the crowd when he came out a sight for sore eyes and then he marked his six months in the embassy by talking about it saying that he entered the building and it's become his home and his right to the principles of the dorians is people who have taken him in and then he said
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that he is able to communicate to the people here unlike two hundred thirty two journalists who are currently in jail all over the world he named a few of them and he also spoke of bradley manning who have put is accused of leaking documents to wiki leaks and he said he submitted journalists and others to stand up to oppression let's listen in to what he's got to say people often ask what can i do the answer is not so difficult to learn how the world works. the statements and intentions of those who seek to control us behind. democracy and more nikki you know in common purpose and common principle to design document for and. learn. back now two thousand and twelve. which really he has written a book he's also made a show and wiki leaks has continued to release documents but it seems that two
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thousand and thirteen will be no less busy a team have prepared a million documents which they promise to release with information that he says relates to every single government around the world and he also reiterated his plans to run for the australian senate so the message here is he might be cut cooped up inside the upper story an embassy but he certainly not resting on his laurels. we have christmas address in full on our website r.t. dot com or you can also get more on the top level exposures he's planning. more news today violence has once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. giant corporations rule the day.
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the russian lower house of parliament has passed a bill targeting americans accused of abusing the human rights of russians abroad they also bans americans from adopting russian children when the move comes a response to the u.s. is so-called magnitsky act that's now top teams in france outside the russian parliament more on this. with a new russian retaliatory build it is post controversy within the country so what's it all about really. put the world. back on adoptions of russian children by american families indeed it's actually split the russian public was approved overwhelmingly in the duma four hundred twenty four to just seven but opposed by the education ministry and human rights activists but nonetheless it has now booted president clinton thinks that targeting the adoption system is appropriate in this case now it's important to remember nineteen children
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have died in their american adoptive families in recent years from children adopted right an adopted right and out right out of this country moscow has been very unhappy with the way the u.s. has handled that the way the u.s. was monitoring the fumin rights of those children within those adoptive families in recent years the rules of the adoption. britain a couple of different times and unfortunately for some of the children now that may have been soon adopted to the united states looks like they're staying put. while russian lawmakers say the bill is a response today to the recently adopted u.s. no i mean what does that imply. with this essentially stems from the u.s. a so-called magnitsky act now it all comes from the wrongful death of sergei magnitsky who died in pretrial detention here in moscow in two thousand and nine.
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us passed a law that essentially targets those that it feels may have been involved in that wrongful death by freezing the assets and revoking results of any russians that may have been involved now moscow's response to what it sees as a poison and of the resets it is this new and take magnitsky act that will also revoke freezes and freeze the assets of any americans it sees as threatening if human rights of its citizens abroad and up next work for this bill is to go to the federation council for a vote not that on to the president for a signature. or even there are.
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hundreds of british soldiers killed and millions of pounds spent on the war on that's right you spent on the war on that social but. i never thought i could earn a living this way not on the issue of oil as a lawnmower should just small arms so there's a lot ost machine building plant a lot of these last count of all the weapons just fired over the past twelve years when i got so used to it sometime. the rifle range and i say no way i'm so tired of shooting the plants history goes from making firearms during world war two to ballistic missiles from nuclear submarines during the cold war the bulk of the soviet industry was moved here in the 1940's to flee the advancing germans south
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here also became the heart of soviet military production closed off to foreigners for half a century it thrived on the massive moods of the soviet military when the u.s.s.r. collapsed but life here was shaken to the core but some adapted to better than others. this is the fuel truck factory russia's number one truck maker or rather than look at how well the workplace is organized everything's gone to make sure the workers don't waste time waiting there was old production is booming in the factory has largely managed to get on to civil rails these johnsons sold around the globe hey are both a brand new breed now wait for it to be delivered to acquire seventy trucks like this one roll up the bronx conveyor belt every day look at about this things that absolutely huge. well i'm no formula one pilot but hopefully
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if i can get up that car to drive. whoa that was fun perhaps i should get one of these to travel to work every morning but with the cost of about forty thousand dollars i should start saving my. welcome back more world news for you now. yemen is in for a defense shake up has its u.s. backed the president tries to break away from the legacy of the country's ousted leader the former president stepped down the following last protest almost a year ago under a power transfer brokered by washington and the country's gulf neighbors also he's going to expose all the u.s.
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is sowing gaged in yemen's internal affairs as washington continues to make a moral case for its covert wars on terror yemen is presented as a place that is full of terrorists getting ready to attack america but very few think of yemen as a chokepoint of vast economic interests yemen is the poorest country in the middle east but it's sitting on one of the brute in the wall the bubble mendip straight most people have heard about the southwest can now world war three almost broke out over the canal right that's how important it is but bob amanda doesn't instantly ring a bell although it's basically an extension of this west canal and is a similar strategic importance almost all of europe's trade with china japan india and the rest of asia passes through babel manned up every day that's how important it is some argue that washington sees terrorism in yemen as a problem in a sense that it could have an adverse impact on economic interests at stake the
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united states wouldn't be engaged in such a conflict in yemen if it didn't hold very specific geo political and strategic necessity for the us i think most importantly of course is access to the strait which is one of the highest. waterways in the world. the u.s. already has a vast military presence in the persian gulf to secure key oil shipping lanes under the banner of chasing terrorists the us is setting up new drone bases on the arabian peninsula including one in djibouti which is on the other side of the strait of the arrangement of the united states government has with the yemeni government is basically one of bribery we bribe them with money and weapons and in exchange we get to bomb their country with impunity. but it may be a dangerous proposition for the yemeni government because of the uproar this crisis caused among the population. an american plane bombed this place and killed
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seventeen people they were innocent they did not deserve to die we wanted so late to go we were protesting a year for it to happen he left what we have now americans are coming to our land to kill us the journalist who shot these images of a two thousand and nine drone strike in yemen that killed fourteen women and twenty one children is now in jail abdullah hyder shine was accused of aiding terrorists he was about to be released but the yemeni government reverse this decision after a call from the white house. because of the secrecy surrounding the program there is no way of knowing when the administration is out of targets and some fear washington might continue the bombings to maintain control in the region the challenge here is something similar to what happened in. former yugoslavia when when they were looking for targets. in serbia prior to the dayton accords and the
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military. planners came to to richard holbrooke and they said well you know honestly we've run out of targets we've bombed everything. in holbrooke so we have to keep this bombing up and they say we've already hit the start he said bomb them again find secondary target because they needed to keep up the pressure now my fear is that order to keep up the pressure on al qaeda or its associated organizations the united states will expand you know its definition of who is a legitimate target washington is helping the current yemeni government in order for it not to fail and to be friendly to the us friendly enough to allow the u.s. to bomb them as washington see fit and friendly enough not to mess with this vital trade route but historically that kind of a prop by the united states has often led to alienating much of the local population that sooner or later gets the sense that their government is serving its own interests and the interests of those thousands of miles away in washington i'm
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going to. online a few today the number of deaths from iraq since may be on the decline in the u.s. but there's no cause for complacency starting research suggesting american citizens will soon people would like to use the knowledge of shootings and the internet so that it's done murders on the streets. and with the students celebrate graduation in front of a replica of the mayan pyramid as many around the globe brace themselves for the end of their just end of the world. we've got more stories and. two of greece's largest banks could be in line for bailouts after reporting huge
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losses this year together they'll need about thirteen billion euros worth of loans to stay afloat but greece has been relying on international bailout funds since twenty ten exchange for tough austerity measures being forced upon the population well for more on this we're joined now by greek political analyst and journalist christophe the try this thanks for joining us here on r.t. well much of a blow with the bank bailout b. for greece if it's requested i think. you know. nobody knows for sure how much money. we all know how much money we are. approaching believe the amount of money but. what is a big figures we're talking about isn't it i mean international creditors have recently approved another tranche of aid for greece which comes at a high price for the country's population while struggling greeks now bear the
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brunt of the bank's losses do you think. we had a few technical problems there we just lost our guest but of course try and get hold of it later. ok well let's move on now with britain preparing to pull its troops out of afghanistan the u.k. is counting its losses in more ways than one when the full one hundred british soldiers have been killed in a war which has so far cost the government a tremendous seventeen billion pounds and artie's a explains the sum is raising a few eyebrows especially with austerity cuts being felt at home. seventeen billion pounds the british government has just revealed that that's been the cost of the so far eleven here war in afghanistan now it was a very field at the same time as a clearer timetable was announced for troop withdrawal from the region but it's those seventeen billion pounds that are being spent that have been spent on for the
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war on top of the existing defense budget which means the estimates for the final price tag for the afghan war might be something around twenty billion off now and of course the u.k. is going to keep sending money to afghanistan after twenty fourteen they're going to be sending from thing like seventeen million pounds for aid towards the afghan national security forces after twenty fourteen and this is all at the same time as the government announcing prolonged or sarah here at home that's going to continue until at least twenty seven hundred twenty eighteen and the chancellor announcing that there's going to be extra welfare cuts and an extra ten billion pounds slashed from the welfare budget i'm joined by john hillery who's the executive director of thank you for your charity four point one georgia eleven years later seventeen billion pounds down the line about money have been better spent elsewhere you could hardly really think of any worse way of spending the money as you say if you
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pointed out here in britain we're seeing an enormous cuts to government spending and to the world budgets about twenty five billion colds can total which actually is almost the same as being spent in the war in afghanistan defense when they can be justified but this is seventeen billion over and above the existing british defense budget it's a completely only popular people in britain wanted the troops and people in afghanistan want the troops out and now will be facing these massive cuts until people really angry differently goodspeed team already even if a secretary has said that parts of afghanistan won't be under government control and so that means a lot more questions from the british taxpayers about the eleven years spent fighting the war and the twenty billion pound price tag for it. now to some other international news at this hour there's resurgent anger in egypt this time after the country's top prosecutor would use resignation allotted to him had pressured
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judge as opposed to present this rates will now be decided by the justice minister but egypt is preparing for a second round of voting on a controversial draft constitution which is split controversial draft it's opponents think it's hasty doing that creating an islamist state. u.s. citizen has been arrested in north korea for unspecified crimes state media says. into the country last march as a tourist officials say there's evidence of proving that he committed a crime against the state. firefighters are still battling a massive blaze on the outskirts of the nigerian capital after an oil pipeline exploded there on monday you saw thieves trying to siphon off fuel caused the blast at the nigerian national trillian corporation which owns the pipe to the recent rise in. the supplies to some parts of the country.
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but coming up in just a few moments abby martin is breaking the sit stay with us. all. the. motions would be soon which brightened if you knew about someone from funniest
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impressions. for instance on t.v. dot com. divine power in action. i am and she says we need these we are under the control of those governing us service space mafia i found. the magnetic field. to create disappear. after the second coming it will be a beautiful place it will receive its glory it will be
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a renewed world and it will be a beautiful place. ammunition . is good business for us it's kind of like being a doctor you know there's a disaster businesses. better unfortunately. you live on one hundred thirty three bucks a month for food i should try it because you know how bad the last. i mean i have my hands at thirty pounds i believe that i'm still really messed up. in the old
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story so i'm sure the people of the. worst cheaper to live through the white house are the. radio guys and for a minute. i want what we're about to give you never seen anything like this i'm told. look up guys and abby martin luther king today i want to talk to you about one of my biggest pet peeves speed cameras and it's not just because these cameras are becoming so frequent that they're almost no where you can go without being watched trucker data mine it's because of instances of drivers getting duped into the money that they don't know take for example one maryland driver just received a photo ticket for speeding one problem here the driver was stopped at a red light he was even driving at the time this picture was taken about this
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a virginia woman who was fighting nine take it from the same speed camera and for each one she received a notice the ticket find a double without ever receiving the original ticket so perhaps these are mistakes we have to wonder specially when you know that in washington d.c. traffic cameras generated eighty four point nine million dollars in fines for the past year in fact a single camera was responsible for six point two million dollars of that total so are these cameras really about ensuring safety or is it just about making money i'll let you be the judge of break that. the largest producers you've never seen anything like that. so guys believe it or not we're now at the end of two thousand and twelve and looking. i have to say it was a monumental year to say the least gyptian zz were able to democratically elect
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their first president afghanistan and war continues at no end the global war on whistleblowers escalated we saw protests erupt in europe over proposed austerity measures and of course we saw americans reelect president obama for a second term and while it's important reflect on the events that have defined this past year in history it's equally important to take a look forward so to talk about what we can expect in the next year two thousand and thirteen as it relates to war the global economy and much more i'm joined by gerald celeb day publisher of the trends journal and founder of the trends research institute gerald thank you so much for joining me. my pleasure so on the cover of your autumn issue of the trends journal there's a photo of mitt romney. in the lesser of two evils i mean i hear people all the time tell me obama's in a do more or now the has a second term he doesn't need to worry about re-election or people thinking that he's going to do less because he doesn't care about real.


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