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tv   [untitled]    December 19, 2012 1:00pm-1:30pm EST

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ten pm moscow time tonight israel says it's pressing ahead with plans to build six thousand in the west bank in east jerusalem following the palestinians a u.n. upgrade to call the latest. also time magazine chooses u.s. president barack obama twenty twelve person of the year as a gyptian counterpart an apples. to gauge reaction. lawmakers in moscow give preliminary approval to banning americans from adopting russian children it's in response to washington so-called magnitsky act sanctioning russian officials.
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in a very good evening for me kevin i will hear the new center tonight israel says it will continue with plans to develop six thousand more settler homes in the west bank and east jerusalem despite international condemnation the settlement expansion seen is illegal under international law follows the palestinians upgrade of the un nazis pulis leah reports now from tel aviv. israeli officials say that they're pressing on with plans to build six thousand new homes this defines criticism from western powers to fear that the new one can already claimed hopes for a peace deal between israelis and palestinians you'll remember that it was just last month off t.v. . recognition palestinians are going to take too much information that israel made
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its move and sometimes its building its editor for the first time it's in the occupied west bank as well as in east jerusalem and at that time it was international on quiet the point needs to be made that israel continues to bow out of defiance of international law and as well as of united nations resolutions so critics are pointing out that is also assertiveness with settlements is part of the reason why it's becoming increasingly isolated by its first count those primarily can do it but that's not to say that washington is also not losing patience united states was clear that these complete disappointed by israeli construction plans in unpredictably sharp reaction to be a bomb was placed on the system as well saying that these construction plans run counter to the point also needs to be made that makes months jenny if you're going from being having a few elections which is why i mean you know it's interesting that these
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announcements by the prime minister netanyahu on the moons of trying to gone to wrap domestic support as well as change the reality on the ground one of the options is that. in like minded people. i'll creating a sequel as well by the amount of. thank you if you want this this is this you from. me because this is the world it's in this step you screaming for the poster rather than evacuate them to new areas which will be next to his way most of the international community see the settlement construction by television as illegal certainly the palestinians see it as a real obstacle to creating a viable capital in east jerusalem course the r.t. television. u.s. president barack obama's been chosen by time magazine as person of the year for
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twenty twelve beat seven other contenders than among them his egyptian counterpart mohammed morsi also a pakistani woman's rights activist and apple c.e.o. tim cook north korea's kim jong or who won the magazine's online poll for most influential people don't even get onto the list got a teacher can report. it definitely looks like the time magazine's declaration of love for president obama there choosing him as a person of the year second time in a row first time they gave him the award right after the two thousand and eight election as to someone who had the most influence on global affairs although at that time he hadn't really had that tired to exercise all that influence but then president obama also received the nobel peace prize in two thousand and nine shortly after his election although again at that point he hadn't made much p.c. in the world the award was seen as more of an advance credit than in the knowledge meant of actual achievements on the peace front later president obama went on to spend credit surging the troops in afghanistan and carrying out
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a regime change in libya under the arguable banner war for the sake of peace as far as the time magazine they've always seen system that the title person of the year doesn't mean an endorsement on their part but in the case of president obama it very much looks like an endorsement the magazine calls president obama a call trolls a cultural figure of the symbol and in some ways the architect of a new america and they had a poll on their website and guess what the new leader of north korea came emerged on top of the list at the time magazine apparently north the choice of their readers hinting that the web site may have been hacked the readers shortly is also included mohamed morsi bashar al assad and jon stewart by the way the comedian came second after the north korean leader time editors have the final say on who makes it to the shortlist of the person of the year and their short list also included
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a pakistani girl malala yousafzai who was shot by the taliban for four advocating for women's education but the title went to president obama as critics argue the times choice by default. gonna change you can in washington d.c. russia's state duma has given its preliminary approval to a ban on americans adopting russian children it's part of a draft law sin is a response to the so-called magnitsky act a list of russians under sanctions by washington the bills drawn both support and criticism from lawmakers here causing a rift in the russian political elite and he got piskun off reports. it's really not clear at the moment if this draft in its current form will indeed become an acting the law because this issue really has put russia's political elite we have heard from several ministers including the foreign minister who spoke against introducing it prime minister dmitry medvedev hasn't openly supported it but he did
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talk about the need to focus on improving the living conditions for children without parents here in russia the president's spokesman has also said that the evident and the russian rhetoric coming from some members of the international community the emotions of the deputies and some of them are showing quite a hard line approach these emotions are understood in the kremlin but at the same time the spokesman said that the corrections approach to this will be more reserved just a reminder sort of the monies he was a russian lawyer who worked for foreign investment funds he claimed to have revealed a huge money laundering scheme allegedly involving russian officials he himself was suspected of large scale tax evasion but died in prison before a court could make a decision on his skis magnitsky seen by many in the west or especially in the united states as a victim of various human rights violations and just recently american lawmakers passed the so-called magnitsky act which gives way for sanctioning russian
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officials suspected of being connected to violations of human rights but since it's not clear on what grounds this list is going to be put together and we know that some of its forces are going to be classified here in moscow this act is seen as a derogatory and the russian law and russian lawmakers have been working on what they say will be a proportionate reply adoption really has been a huge stumbling block in the relations between moscow and washington due to these so many cases of abuse and sometimes even disaster. children after they were adopted by americans and brought to the united states for instance the story of twenty one month all. died after his adoptive father left him in a locked car on a hot day or another case one american adoptive mother put a child on a plane back to russia and some wonder where. all of this has been causing outrage
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here in russia not only the police of themselves but the lack of a proper reaction from american troops to prevent them from reoccurring including heavy sentences. stories while online for myself at r.t. dot com coming up with me kevin the internet. proposed to deliver a christmas address julie the son might have been in school. or an embassy in london for six months but he's been keeping busy number less find out what the christmas message could be about shortly live chat about that coming up also a twenty four hour nationwide strike in greece six people vent their fear a despotic tranche of bailout cash. you can tell an ordinary russian siberia in the blink of an. anthropologist in those days siberians were different clothes eight different food
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. different animals. but what about. my journey began in two men but the big city was all shiny oil funded school scrapers and shopping malls much like any other prosperous russian post. so i decided to. a small town just outside. dumplings came from here to dominate the russian cuisine but only in siberia. with cabbage and jam making sure you can have as a starter main dish. was although it may draw. most people in siberia see nothing wrong with hunting only if
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you decide to participate. in pine martin. as in the middle of a swamp only accessible by. a. it's inhabited by siberian a large muslim minority that migrated before the russians. this. is real siberia maybe not the stuff of tourist brochures but distinctive enough to show that through all these yeahs siberia still not quite like anywhere else.
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choose your language. week over though if you're going to. choose the consensus. choose. the great. choose the stories but if you. choose access to. news today. these are the images. from the streets of canada. giant corporations.
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love again you're watching live from moscow now despite having been holed up in the ecuadorian embassy in london for six months during this has been idle he hasn't let up on his wiki leaks works even published a book as well indeed on thursday the whistleblower well announces plans for twenty thirteen as he delivers to prepare a christmas address is at the center for. it's been six months to the day since julian a son's thought refuge behind the doors of the ecuadorian embassy it was a bid to avoid extradition to sweden where he's wanted for sexual assault allegations that he continues to refuse to travel to sweden because if it so be extradited to the u.s. america investigating the wiki leaks website for publishing documents including dossier on the wars in iraq and afghanistan now despite having twenty four hour around the globe acted in
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a visit six months to julian assange and we've had him publish a book we see concerns over his health we seem to live in a sound addressing world leaders as well as giving a number of personal it's nice of into the city and of course we've had the ongoing process victories in support of both julian assange and the wiki leaks website and in the next couple of days judy the sun is expected to give a christmas address normally the territory of mourning but in this case julian assange to be summing up his own going predicament and outlining his plans for the year ahead now what is that remains relatively unknown we see in the dramas unfolding over the last six months so you can be pretty sure it will be predictable it's a little bit more it was a lot of hope at the moment that we could see twenty thirty killing innocents running for the australian senate and forming his own wiki leaks political party although it will be the next that sort of course he is going to be there every step
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of the way taking you through this ongoing story. a ground to suppression then about what this christmas message might hold what's in store for wiki leaks and twenty thirteen let's talk twinkling spokesperson christian happens and is live on the line with this guy should we be prepared for any major announcements tomorrow they're going to give anything away yet. i'm hesitant to give anything away but. i don't want to take the way the element of surprise you might be talking about his political ambitions in australia in the coming election next spring. he might also talk about the the recent developments in our battle against the economic blockade where there was a very important development earlier this week so as we've been outlining just now it's a very busy year do you know what the aspirations are for the coming year outlined some of what might be said tomorrow but what what is is he really on top of do you think well let's hope that we see
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a solution into the current situation. of him he's stuck in the embassy at the moment there is a. discussion between the ecuadorian authorities the u.k. home office and this week to find a solution to the situation and. i'm confident that it will be a solution in the in the next weeks and months and has to be. long and we will continue our work as we have done despite the difficult situation that has been in the ecuador embassy now for six months but right with the house arrest that hasn't stopped us we have continued to work. the economic blockade has not stopped us either even though we are getting into a dire situation financially but that's a battle that we have decided totally into an all out war until we have a victory there as well in the new year think it sounds will ever go to ecuador. let's hope you will next door is a very nice country i've been there myself. there will be
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a solution to this situation but i'm sure i let me put it another way to think sweden will be the first port of call. well it depends i mean that has been the. urgent message to the swedes too to make given assurances that if julian goes to sweden to face the question that he's wanted for keep that in mind most charges being brought forth against him that this was the tories will give an assurance that he will not be extradited further to the states and they have not been able to give the us europe but. it's probably possible and it's one of the question about julia himself reporting a couple of weeks about ago concerns about maybe his mental health being holed up there for six months and affecting him you know him you've seen him you deal with him how is he. he's fine i mean he is. busy working he had
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a. rather bad cough the other day which turned out into a major news story. and i'm sure the mentally ill is coping with it yeah he's coping with. it well yes. the last time we saw him kristen was on the balcony of ecuador's embassy cues the u.s. of carrying out a witch hunt against whistleblowers so much pressure is wiki leaks feeling right now which eighty wonder what we know about the ongoing. investigation the secret grand jury you know sundry and. an ongoing
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person haven't seen wiki leaks post person joining us on the line from reykjavik and he gets right by you kristen great has ground to a whole with public sector workers walking out of their jobs in a twenty four hour nationwide strike aimed at putting pressure on the government over tough cuts that recent good news such as the latest tranche of bailout cash and the decision by the rating. now the international community i have asked the e.c.b. m.d.c. have tours of austerity which makes investors happy but of course makes the people angry and soon to see this strike going on and people
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a lot of people get very upset in greece while the investor community is relatively happy because you know there is more greater safeguards that their money is going to be returned to them in the form of laws so i think that you going to continue to see this is exactly where he'll go up and the people are happier but the investor community is less acne and then you're going to have a swerves to the right where you have more austerity making people more angry and more riots and more protests and more strikes and yet investors feeling more secure . in the bonds that they buy and greeks even money this crisis is far from over the europeans have yet to solve the basic problem that the european. our insult is simply do not have the money to pay back the money that you have borrowed and because of that fact which is incontrovertibly we are going to come to directly at some point usually when is that to happen and how far will. you
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keep the can down the road. just checking out a website you've got lined up for you there amongst the many stories an independent panel has concluded its investigation is tempers deadly attack on the u.s. consulate in benghazi you'll remember those pictures it claims systematic failure at the state department was behind the security breaches findings backed as well by the secretary of state hillary clinton i want to read up more about that since they'll developing that story and are. also lying to news about french. could be moving to russia maybe he says the country's president vladimir putin a symptom of russian passport after he decided to renounce his citizenship in search of a better financial future. we'll keep you posted on what will the news a brief now this wednesday officials in egypt say the secretary general of the country's election committee has resigned just days before the second round of voting in the controversial constitution referendum so ugly we'll see reportedly started health problems is the reason for his departure but a year earlier threatened to boycott supervising the vote because of increasingly
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violent clashes egypt bracing itself for more protests as the opposition fears president morsy is controversial draft could turn the country into an islamist dictatorship. in pakistan for more polio vaccination workers have been killed in separate attacks it brings the death toll to eight since monday's walsh of un medical campaign there are contradicting reports about who was behind the a souls by the taliban and previously threatened workers there describing them as u.s. agents following the violence the united nations pulled all stuff involved in the administration campaign off the streets but this time remains one of three countries in the world where polio is still in demick. french judges have decided to press ahead with pipping charges against former i.m.f. chief dominique strauss kahn the sixty three year old allegedly took part in sex parties that we deny is knowing some of the women present at those parties were prostitutes allegedly stress cohen says the authorities are trying to criminalize lust in his words this is not the first such scandal the ex financed he's been
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abroad in last week he reached a settlement for an unknown some with otel maid who agreed to drop her previous accusations of sexual assault. of. supporters of russian football champions in it simply to say they only wanted white and non-gay players in this squad and this shockingly out of the club's management comes as russia gears up to host of course the biggest international football tournament the planet the twenty eighteen world cup the team's largest fan club stressing their demands are about respecting long standing traditions not about discrimination artie's rich a vamp or fleet takes an in-depth look at this provocative development. i don't want any african players black players or latin american players and to be honest i'm going that's an absolute joke i mean because in it fans i think forget probably the best player was born in venezuela which is latin america danny is probably the best russian in borders come into play in the russian premier league over the last
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ten years or so and france is a bear manifesto was correct. but this play i mean they all say that they want to give preference to play based on the team would want to do that it would be much cheaper but the fact is. russian players and even brazil even top nations like argentina that you have to play is it's common knowledge and . you don't have players from just around the store employees this is where the. balance i think the problem is was a group of around one hundred two hundred hard calls elites and spoke fans who are racist and you get this around the world you'll get this in the u.k. you get this in italy you get this in germany you just can't change them. for education for whatever they will say the same the problem is you have a few thousand teenagers who go on to the matches and they don't know what they're doing so they copy what these hardcore races fans are doing and what the club needs
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to do is try to educate these teenagers. the clubs the russian premier league the russian football union they need to get special players involved because species will look up to these players and trying to it's and the racism campaign is going. to flee their offspring to us from our sports team it's coming out so it's just in fact exactly twenty five minutes past ten o'clock at night moscow time thanks for being with us this wednesday night after the break just a couple of minutes time natasha is here with the business. wealthy british style. that's not on the title. market why not come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy
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with max cause or for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars a report on our he. gave to you. to. speak your language. for music programs and documentaries in spanish more matters to you breaking news a little tonnage of angola's kid stories. you hear see detroit all teach spanish find out more visit i to our.
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teeth. pulled. ily. ily. ily. ily.
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ily. ily. ily. ily. ily ily ily ily ily . i. know you're watching business r.t. welcome to the program the currency markets are seeing
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a lot of volatility lately with the euro reaching a fresh seven month high to the dollar on wednesday it seems that investors have a higher appetite for risk thanks to the u.s. lawmakers edging closer to the deal that will help a virtue this so-called fiscal cliff meanwhile the russian ruble has also been pretty volatile over the past few weeks now experts disagree aware it will and the year let's see what dmitri medvedev and co thinks about all of this so actually what do you think where will it end well there are many different factors pointing to both weakening or the strengthening of the ruble therefore experts as you say disagree but i would say that positive factors pointing to a stronger ruble over well first of all we've got the central bank which is in russia very sensitive about inflation statistics and therefore he wants to maintain in place within a certain threshold which is six and a half percent this year already at six point three percent so there's really not much room left for more prices actually if you have seen the past.


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