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tv   [untitled]    July 12, 2012 3:00am-3:30am EDT

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pushing out paraguayan pan-american trade long song you whether they presidents from or what was a crew as r.c. talks to the deposed leader in his vast major interviews is being forced on. rubber bullets fired at the thousands of protesters marching across madrid as people demand an end to cuts imposed from brussels and with many more on the horizon. and the warning to the syrian rebels and regime that they face consequences if they don't stick to the peace plan are the u.i. and disappears a council to get them to add here. that they were pretty in ukraine of the players that unit covert called gas prices vary on stoking fears of the supply got more business in about twenty minutes.
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hello and welcome to r.t. twenty four hour news live from moscow my name is our tom main story now i washington based trade and security group is refusing to follow similar blogs and what they see as part of wise isolation in the wake of last month's ousting of president kluger some have suspended the country saying such an institutional coup threatens democracies across the americas spanish language channel talks to financial lugo in his first major interview since he was deposed again and stricken now reports. many describe what happened in pair of wires a quick and quiet revolution the country's democratically elected president was voted out of office by the parliament in a trial which lasted a few hours for poor performance as the opposition said paraguayans neighbors in
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latin america called it an institutional coup that threatens democracies around the region just three hours and paraguayans predominantly right wing parliament voted for an on a little out of office analysts say it's partly because these powerful opposition didn't like the fact that president bush who was working to expand trade in partnership with other latin american countries like or ally venice well argentina brazil as of now regional trade groups you know sore and marcus or suspended because of president move those impeachment in an exclusive interview with my colleague from r.t. spanish ousted president or not a little told us that he was basically threatened by the opposition to accept the terms of this parliament trial he said he was warned that if he didn't stand a trial the military and some of the opposition groups would take to the streets with weapons and create havoc take a listen. to the new mosque it was being prepared the intelligence service told us
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that more killings like in the could district were going to happen this time would be much more serious i'm a pacifist i don't want to drop i want to be spilled due to violence that is why we went along with this illegal and bruce's he's done so for a nano logo essentially says that he accepted this snappy trial to avoid provocations and eventually blood on the streets and this is most interesting because parent why could be an example of how even the threat of a provocation can be used as a tool to remove a democratically elected leader. full interview with parv wise ousted president who not an. independent journalist james corbett says trade interests and power of white might mean for and forces were at but whether or not this particular cool coup or any particular coup was engineered by outside interests i think we have to be aware of the outside interests that do have economic incentives and political
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incentives for making sure that these types of coups happen and that the political elite who again are the ones that tend to benefit from from a lot of the legislation that gets passed in these military coup type administrations to stay in power and get to pass those types of wants certainly it does the stabilize relations between those countries that and obviously a lot more in common with someone like lugo than someone like franco and of course franco no we're taking it to another level and intimating that he may be happy to take paraguay out of the markets or altogether and to open up direct negotiations with the united states for example on free trade agreements direct bilateral trade cut free trade agreements certainly it doesn't seem like this will be a good thing for any of paraguay's neighbors who are obviously concerned with the destabilization that's happening there in the retrogression that this represents in terms of paraguay sliding back into the type of all of our coal rule that's been in place for much of its political history. this is. our selective hearing
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over saudi arabia to turn our activities funeral but it is the closest ally turning a blind eye to the violence in our country. taking matters into their own hands or why russian citizens are organizing aid and action to the devastated sounds after last week's floods. there have been clashes in madrid as police stereotype demonstrators marching across the city security forces fired rubber bullets at thousands of people who walked hours to support coal miners angry at the loss of industry subsidies a prime minister announced a new car tax hikes to save sixty five billion euros in return for an e.u. bank bailout and sociologist colors says the government is losing its the church missing. if you had any sense of decency or even a fragment of the dignity that miners and the the protesters the indignados have
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that he would resign with the rest of his government he's broken every campaign promise that he's made some even a comical levels you know his entire party was saying that raising the sales tax was you know one thinkable and all that and now we have a twenty one percent sales tax i think what we're seeing is really the impunity of a government that has a lot of people that pertain to you know. that had affinity with franco's government the fascist government forty years ago and have never had it before trial since then so i guess there's a culture of impunity amongst these folks the tendency is to think maybe that. protesters have become desensitized to all of the police violence because we've been dealing with it for a year but we saw pictures of you know images of an eleven year old child shot in the head with a rubber bullet and we've seen policemen with no with no badges of course that's become you know standard operating procedure for them basically i guess
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a lot of the time slot easier to get people talking about the violence and debating that instead of debating you know the livelihoods of working people in this country . people in spain worry their country could reach greek levels of financial turmoil with public anger growing in the streets and greece meanwhile is struggling to boost confidence and its the league banking sector nobel economics laureate edward prescott says the euro might collapse if we can and these are allowed to stay in. if you have. four children and give more credit cards. but tell me that they have to behave responsibly and one of them does. there's going to be problems the problem is that the germans and the french to somebody they should have one too and somebody who should be borrowing should when people monitoring the market i think there's a good chance of the following they may call don't report the fall of the stay in the euro but the euro may just completely collapse.
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and you can watch the full interview with nobel economics lowered edward prescott interest. the u.n. special envoy to ceres in the security council to send a message to both syrian government and the opposition that there will be consequences if they don't comply with the peace plan kofi annan also says president assad has discussed with him the forming of a transitional government and appointing someone to the middle as a middleman for the. first and foremost it's most important for the u.n. security council to act with one voice right now applying pressure on all parties in syria to comply with their responsibilities of the six point peace plan a plan that calls for an immediate end to violence the joint special envoy says that this curity council of course could even include consequences on parties that
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do not comply with their obligations to to end the violence in syria mr anon also indicated which he has over and over again that he believes that iran could play a very positive role in helping to violence in the crisis in syria but as we've heard the u.s. and european countries say they do not want iran involved in dealing with the syrian crisis essentially the u.s. wouldn't sit at a table with there are big sticking point between security council members they still remain very much divided and what indicates that is the fact that there is to drop resolutions circulating right now within the security council one has been proposed by russia which calls for and three month extension of the u.n. supervision mission in syria the other which is now drafted by the european countries and supported by the u.s. calls for economic sanctions among other things against the syrian government if
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the government does not comply with kofi annan six point peace plan what's missing according to us for. reported is that the draft proposed by western countries does not indicate any consequences for the opposition if they do not comply with the peace plan so while kofi annan is asking for the security council to adopt with one voice you still have a huge division taking place within the united nations and of course this is this is coming more than sixteen months after this crisis began in syria syria's main opposition alliance has failed to persuade russia to hold the president assad during talks and most of the syrian national council insisted asuna must go before they can be any transition which russia doesn't agree with and some analysts believe the opposition isn't really interested in mediation. the only thing that the opposition wants at this point in alliance with the western countries and the countries in the gulf that are backing them is regime change in damascus they have
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rejected the initial peace plan that was put forward by a coffee and the united nations that was indorsed by the syrian government by other forces throughout the region by russia as well as china but the backers of the syrian national congress and the syrian so-called free syrian army have poles in the effort to dialogue to bring about a political solution to this crisis they are refused to acknowledge any type of cease fire they have continued their aggressive activities against the syrian government and as a result of that the syrian government has had no choice except to engage in these military maneuvers that we've seen over the last couple of days the onus of the resolution to this crisis strictly with the armed opposition and also the opposition that is around the syrian national council as well as the other islamist
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groups which have refuse all peace plans that have been put forward by the united nations envoy kofi annan. and a little later in the program we picture the conflict in syria from a different angle but the country once popular movie industry now ostracized and the arab states which support the rebels. tens of thousands of people attended a funeral in saudi arabia for an activist killed during recent demonstrations the rest was fueled by the detention of dissidents and growing calls for political freedoms and civil rights and political analyst talks at mawson sunday thanks united states backing that contradicts a democracy it preaches. they sold the saudis with the backing of the americans they thought that this lands and people slaves under their government that's why. we're demonstrating.
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very sure. they want a certain time dignity and honor and right to have social welfare in the place where the. produce the sun their district the united states backing this monarchy they say they want democracy and freedom at a time when their friends in saudi arabia they are preventing their citizens living this kind of life there is a revolution covered up revolution where media does not cover all of this evidence and they are putting some masks on their eyes in order not to see and i guess there is a kind of revolution going on in saudi arabia and in other places will happen soon . and you can find more footage of those protests call on here's what else we've got the line for you scoring on the pitch while the germans were glued to their
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t.v.'s watching a football match the country's parliament swiftly put a controversial privacy law through a new and to been to start. the russian anti putin punk group sariah that will stay in custody while prosecutors build a case over the storming of the s.c. draw as a quarter of the times that. news today violence is once again flared up. and these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. trying to corporations rule the day. there hasn't been anything yet on t.v. . it is to get the maximum political impact.
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the full source material is what helps keep journalism honest. we want to present. something else. nearly a billion people in the world are going hungry every day. in the united states even our trash cans are filled with food you just have to go get it with all of these perfectly good eggs because one was cracked didn't even get all over the other ones just grew more with rotten choose from the german oh yeah we really like that up with fire. in the dumpster at one am this morning three pm this afternoon on the grill to the cake that is made from and one doesn't dumpster egg white.
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and delicious breakfast for the family take some toast for about a week every year in america we throw away ninety six billion pounds of. welcome back the massive flooding in russia that killed more than one hundred seventy people but growing numbers of people into action hundreds of volunteers have been talking the black sea crisis themselves. say has been among those organizing a tour they cross no doubt that tens. this is now the biggest camps where volunteers have come together to try and put together packages for the people who have been affected by the flooding up to twenty tons of food supplies and clothes have been coming from ordinary people supplies include warm clothes baby food hygiene
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products and water as well as children's toys people who brought goods to the drop of points said they were driven by need to help one of the organizers of the camp said they've seen an unprecedented amount of goods and people who are putting politics aside for greater cause all the guys come to work for me right now over words over works everybody are united. the unexpected arrival of russians i'm on riot police raised eyebrows at the camp however after the initial and even is obvious presence the volunteers realize there with a tip lend a helping hand bringing in possibles as well as serving food the now over here you get all the paktika so what they do when they receive a package out here they get separated when the fire all the boxes for you have everything from you know the baby is having to pay for the things you write that you are taking the stuff you know which are needed by all the medical supplies and
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you know people who are working with kids we're working with and you need to look at us but why is that actually people what are the volunteers of the emergency services is out there have asked for the transportation for the aid was paid for by the activism volunteers and will be leaving for groups that are the most affected town in the black sea region the flooding the worst to hit the region in seventeen years as cause an upward of four billion rubles in damage to benghazi ot moscow. more of the world's top stories for you now six masked gunmen on motorbikes in the start up opened fire on a house where police officers and prison staff resided at least nine died and three others were wounded the gunman then escaped on their vehicles the country's top about it says it's behind the violence in the bench with the police torture fighters in training. so side bomber has killed at least ten people in the others capital in a targeted attack on training police dozens more were wounded one day bomber blew
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himself up in a crowd of cadets as they left their classes no group has yet to measure their time but al qaeda activity has been growing in the political turmoil that followed last year's uprising. also ongoing chile as demonstrations demand more of a share of the country's crop of police used tear gas and water cannons to break up crowds of students who say education is being squeezed while profits are drained by the metal industries foreign owners miners later joined the rallies saying the wealth from copper is not trickling down and those who needed a separate protest to launch a vast coastline saw fisherman demonstrate against a new law they think favors big trouble. dozens of occupy protesters in seattle poured onto the street time to armed police raided an apartment and hunted by some of the movement's anxious residents leaving inside work in front of them with automatic weapons. used as a hardcore organizing
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a summer festival to bring together for a cultural and political event to lockerbie or. dramatic pictures from syria have been streaming to our t.v.'s for sixteen months now but there's a different kind of drama unfolding behind the camera some opposition supporting arab nations i have by and syrian programs and movies but there producers say it's only hardening their resolve maria for national reports now from damascus. right t.v. soap operas something syria has been famous for all around the arab world they are considered a regional emotional and funny in all syrian society there would be a man a storyteller who would sit at a cafe or just outside his home and tell stories and everybody would come to listen today this is what syrian drama does it tell simple and timeless stories about good and evil all ages and genders like it and it in it's all arab people but during the conflict in syria its trademark dramas have become yet another divide in fact are
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the gulf countries which had traditionally helped fund them withdrew from production live in a huge financial gap and matters were made worse when the arab league called for a boycott of syrian satellite channels including drama ones they want to fight everything good in syria they don't want us to be. shows our drama to the word to show our history or the way we live the way we love each other the way we taking care of each others' god's way they stopped they stopped their fighting i was actually. at them with you wanted to destroy not just our country but all of the good in our country and even any positive images of syria in the minds of other arab people. now of countries headed by qatar and saudi arabia were among the first to condemn the syrian regime for its packed hour and on protesters they were also among the most active supporters of the syrian armed
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opposition sponsoring and arming the rebels this is the second crisis the syrian rebels suffering from the first one was through two thousand and seven after hariri was killed and it was also there was a bar court for syrian drama and this time so we were hit very strong actually more stronger than two thousand and seven because this time it was. yes it was a hidden. flourish an industry with a turnover with millions of dollars has quickly withered what used to be thirty five fully fledged projects spear has become just a few small scale ventures but determined to keep the show on the road industry professionals have united the syrian drama is an ambassador we have to protect syrian drama because it is. our. invoice to the
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world producers say salaries have also dropped drastically but most staff actors engineers and even directors have agreed to work almost for nothing if only it allows the programmes to continue this year in drama shows the lives of ordinary people who live in the old damascus at a time when the country was under french occupation at the beginning of the twentieth century a common enemy and the fight for independence united people they got together showing the best of their qualities filmmakers wanted to keep away from politics but the passage this sense is very much up to date. r.t. damascus syria. time for business of danielle and president putin means his ukrainian counterparts to stave off another supply of war tell us what it is unhappy with the price kiruv pays for russian gas in previous years that's led to ukraine stopping transit and cutting supply to homes in europe ukraine wants
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a discount on its existing ten year supply contract because from has already advanced the country two billion dollars to help pay. his check markets because you're just opened in the red in fact all you markets are lower this hour led by madrid ibex which is already down over one percent. in the opening hours on news washers trade surplus fell in made major movers banks suffering on poor economic data led by v.t. be more for gazprom the euro bomb placement reportedly exceeded supply fifteen fold and the bank of moscow says first home profit almost tripled and the super to crash in may hasn't hurt the plane sales the new midsize passenger plane crashed on a promotional tour in indonesia but at the former international air show near london the makers have told r.t. the real reasons for the accident and says sales are strong. in the preliminary crash investigation says there was no technical failure so i don't
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think the case will hurt the plane's reputation moreover all our customers confirm their commitment to the superjumbo program we have orders from major russian air carriers from companies in asia and latin america this year will start deliveries to in the new and laos and plan to start supplies to mexico in twenty thirty years so i think by the year end the order book for the sukhoi superjet will stop two hundred planes. so the ruble is extending yesterday's games to the major currencies you're of to get into the goal of this age as selling ahead of china second quarter figures to morrow which many feel hit three years. loz hundreds of farmers have blocked the streets of brussels over e.u. overproduction policies the price of a liter of milk to twenty five euro cents to produce it costs almost forty dairy farmers from across europe sprayed hundreds of liters at the european parliament building sheltering they're going past the so-called milk lake running down the
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gutter symbolize the oversupply in the market and you're up to date news interviews on the web site all right thanks very much daniel and i'm more money on the way as a mark cents stacey take their weekly sideswipe and the world's banking bigwigs that they had lines in a few moments. one
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needs of spear trying to obtain inner peace and the spirituality. pressman chip and creativity requires special conditions. are met accuracy and knowledge are the attributes of some of the duty here. those who are behind bars get freedom of salt expression. it is started. for going to local and now pulling fire. in.
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the rush of. choose your place take your stand. the movement. makes your statement. with the words. few final straw among. you know how sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom harvey welcome to the big picture. wealthy british style. that's not on the title of.
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markets why not come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with my next concert for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars a report on r g. h.


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