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tv   [untitled]    November 11, 2011 8:30am-9:00am EST

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infrastructure construction the small region special economic zone traumas is exceptional of that unity's who did building your business in russia will come to the similar regions for more information log on to the leader of the investors some are at the core you. are five thirty pm on friday here in moscow you without a quick rundown of the top stories now the italian senate approves his harshest new austerity law yet hoping to stem a growing consensus that the euro zone's third largest economy is falling to the rough edges of the euro crisis and. palestine is expected to push for a vote on its un statehood even if it loses it once the been so ponens to justify the decisions which are believes will be dictated by the united states. and western corporations descend upon oil rich libya seeking to skim the cream off the riches
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left following nato's. ok our next here on our we report on six major chemical companies producing cancer fighting drugs but who also thought we were high decades of cancer causing pollution by the first part of our special report coming your way my mother was diagnosed with cancer at the age of forty nine she did not smoke she ate five fruits and vegetables a day exercised regularly and her parents never had cancer and she was diagnosed with the disease what caused her cancer and no one could say i kept wondering why.
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a. every day about three new synthetic chemicals enter the consumer market of the one hundred thousand synthetic chemicals in heavy commercial use only about two percent how toxic alogical profiles in other words every day without our consent were exposed to about ninety five thousand untested chemicals.
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who exactly are the world's leading chemical producers. now a new product is on grocery store shelves genetically modified foods. who develops most of the world's genetically modified crops. well only and then cold independent studies have been conducted health problems ranging from infertility to proliferate of changes have been detected to these foods cause cancer we have no idea because no long term health of these have been conducted anywhere the rest easy because if someone in your family is diagnosed with cancer a number of treatments are available and you're the companies that provide them. it's. it's. it's.
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see it's just so. it's. the same. the same.
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this is sarnia situated three hundred kilometers from toronto. you and i may not live in sarnia but we use the fruits of its labor. to carve your furniture pesticides chargeable batteries plastic food containers compact disc cases paints and jet fuel and gasoline. to make these products over five and a half million kilograms of suspected and known human carcinogens which are so. senses that cause cancer are emitted each year. dioxins one of the most toxic
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personages known to science is also limited to in these chemical processes. sitting in the middle of these over sixty chemical plants is the origin us first nations reservation. we're. eating. issues we were reason our concerns. you know. experiencing. they did want to use concert. just in my view concert so this would be fun for me because i actually that's how almost every one of our meeting with the government has been. for the industry. they were
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trying to tell the industry that they have to be more technical tell them. that and . but they only report what is it over ten thousand pounds. and the industry was kind of step because they didn't want to give away their trade secrets you know this and they said and you thought you were talking about who's going to actually believe. you know you just let industry do some follow the leader just in your butt in your office and wait for them to report to you to tell you what's going on shouldn't that be allowed at home. we actually sold them the land i don't know what year it was they did hold a vote down here and ask people to sell the land and i don't know how much land that they ended up selling to them. about our elders and they said
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that they were told that there was going to be time i called what did they tell your boat chemicals that their chemical. opposed it they didn't really tell the whole lot more. and. then everybody had bad time i guess they must've been lookin at thinking of dollars i bet they're going to get some money. i don't know much anybody profited from it. when the kids ride their bikes in the town and that they say it like if there is a mist sometime there is that mr nick berg and then they have all these little walkways around here they have a come in from sarnia and they want to put it through chemical vault to the radio to kill everybody. every single facility that does any any kind of culture come find and it's fancy i
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tell you what on benzene in particular there's no law limiting how much facilities can invent i mean the benefit that the industry and house down there in having so many different facilities is nobody can point them out facilities so you're caught because of the problem so everybody had it only industries down there have the ability to change their you know it's considered there are many more that we are an issue they should clean up the mess we have all kinds of evidence that our emissions have been at reduced substantially one by measuring them. by working collectively as well as a group of companies to keep improving our performance there have been examples over the years in our reports where companies have looked at the responsible care ethic and decided well this we can't do it this way this is either too risky to the community or transporting something that's in a way that's not. we can't defend or a product looks too risky i'm not sure i can manage it so let's just limit it so
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there are countless examples i think where people have continually challenge themselves and prove their performance and ended up in their view a better company for. what we're finding out from the bucket sampling because what we do is we take a sample. and we ship it off to california and then they tested to see what chemicals are in there and at what levels then we give a back to global community monitoring and they look up the chemicals and how they can affect your body and what the standards are in the states for these chemicals. that are really turned around and headed to the people here are strong old people
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justice and they love the standards in canada or terrio or whatever yeah they're farney that there is a lot of there is no standards for a lot of these chemicals here so that's what they were they were short as the slides. are showing all the chemicals that are produced and how they affect your body and i was i was looking at that and i know my mother's a whole bunch of people on the reserve that have these bonuses. in two thousand and four ada compiled a health survey of the nine hundred residents in the adults she discovered severe chronic headaches chronic respiratory problems severe skin problems near logical problems infertility in miscarriages birth effects cancers and loss of children tilman. in the children she found severe chronic headaches. chronic respiratory problems neurological problems
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developmental problems severe skin problems arthritis birth defects kidney and bladder diseases and cancer. what are you thoughts on the relationship between health and the petrochemical industry i'm not so sure what the relationship is we do know again we just really go see issues and you know mesothelioma is an issue related to the use of asbestos in industry and you know that's well documented as well understood and we know that there is this legacy issue out there you know it's unfortunate we have empathy for those individuals who are suffer from as i feel you know and but we do know there is a legacy issue there with respect to other health issues that you know i think there's been a lot of inference is made of both the connection between health and potential
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emissions coming from me coming from the petrochemical industry this is one of the reasons why we and many others in the in the community and major major major players in the community are advocating for a comprehensive health study a scientifically rigorous rigorous peer reviewed health study. in sorry it's not if you're going to get cancer it's when we found a cat in my mom's field on the calves and that's very down at the end of the season and she was drenched with pus decides we brought her home to died so couldn't stand the thought of her dying and the field. we managed to save her life but she has ongoing neurological problems she has seizures and tremors and if she's around any pesticides or any type of a harsh chemical she has seizures and i started thinking if it's happening to cats what is it doing past so many start looking at cosmetic pastor sites and the science behind i don't know master's degree in science so reading the stuff you carry it over or think you know became very interesting in my life to learn what
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actually happens to chemicals on a hair body so and then with my husband working in chemical i was even more interesting learning the stuff that happened there and then my mom got the first of her three cancers and then she got second and then i got cancer and then she got a third of my considerable cancers in this community on a personal level you know. and you know that's got nothing to do with with with my job here or anything else you'll regrettably in our society there's all kinds of potential for different exposures lifestyle issues and genetics all have to be factored in i mean clearly i have had relatives who have curable diseases what their relationship is i couldn't tell you you know what i mean and again but i don't have a concern living in the city of sort are you related to the kinds of things that you're talking about we know that the levels of contamination there are among the
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highest ever recorded for as best as for benzene for the dioxins so why are we doing this we really it's supposed to be illegal to experiment on people without their permission. that's the nuremberg protocols sarnia is violating the nuremberg protocols we passed a number of laws that were basic environmental laws to clean up the air the water soil and provide for protection for consumers and workers the fundamental tenet of those laws was it's better to be safe than sorry the basic precautionary principle was in those laws in the one nine hundred seventy s. but in the one nine hundred eighty s. we moved away from that approach and we took the position in the government that we have proof in terms of human harm and dead bodies and we've now got to come back to the precautionary approach in europe they've passed legislation like the rich program to require evaluation of chemical hazards but over the past eight years the
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bush administration has hammered away as has the canadian government at the european union saying that's a restraint of trade it's going to interfere with our ability to have commerce so the european principles have become a slightly weaker because of that but they're still better than what we have in canada the us today and canada and the us today it is legal for you to use a bubble bath on your baby that contains a known carcinogen something that causes cancer in animals but not in europe it's not legal so why should european babies bottoms be safer than my grandchildren. midland michigan is home to dow chemicals world headquarters well dupont p.s.
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the bear monsanto and i.c.i. which is today owned by asco nobel are all responsible for releasing dioxins dow chemical is thought to be the world's largest root source of dioxin. it was also thought to be the world's largest producer of chlorine one of the root causes of dioxins and the largest producer of chemical feedstocks to make p.v.c. plastics whose life cycle is associated with more dioxin information than any other manmade product on earth. because of these modern chemical processes by nine hundred eighty seven dioxins were present in everything from daters to coffee filters to tampons. in two thousand and three dar released an open letter to midland residents stating that thousands were naturally occurring substance the letter however forgot to clarify a few important details. forest fires and volcanoes do produce dioxins they're not
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the same dioxins created during chemical processes many doubts and also a number of the natural variety by a hundred to one. the letter also forgot to mention that the first health assessment of dioxin completed by the american environmental protection agency estimated that more people will get more cancer from dioxins than any other chemical on earth. it all signs up there are the doubt property of this all doubt property. dioxin is a molecule it's a byproduct of topical processing it is a known carcinogen although i would dispute that dow has been able to manufacture so much uncertainty about this chemical that if you look around the rust rust of the world nobody else is debating the toxicity of dioxin except here and michigan. in fact one false toxicologist in the seventy's said that this is perhaps one of
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the most toxic materials he's ever seen. why do you think be disputed now. you cuz there's the financial implications are you know there's the pending class action lawsuit against dow chemical from residents on the river. and i think the implications or. denying the toxicity of the chemical now has bigger broader implications worldwide i mean there are a lot of dioxin contaminations are on the country that you know not that not just dollars responsible for that could be saddled or you know could have to have ramifications from the subtle that are agreement on the toxicity of dioxin or on the somewhat of a class action lawsuit here i think the ramifications are huge for the chemical industry.
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but. margaret. and we came here it was like an ideal spot the only thing we didn't realize the nineteen sixty seven when we bought it that we were three miles downriver from the chemical plant. i had five children in three of them have immune disorders. and my husband when he was diagnosed with colon cancer. my sister in law when i called her to tell her she said oh no i i would expect diabetes or heart disease not cancer we don't have any cancer in the family and he actually went there and into a pilot's early that the health department in michigan was doing.
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and they came out and took his dioxin levels and the thursday before he died and he . thought he was really pretty weak but he said that he would do anything if it would help prove that you know there were problems with. living here and the chemical contamination in the area he had a high level of different dioxin contaminants in his blood of. high for his age a level like in the ninety five percent. my husband died at seventy his that uncles lived to be in their ninety's and as i said he wasn't sick so you know you say well of seventy that's a good life but if there were twenty more years. that i would have liked at that
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time. i would in a corporate jet for dow could be interesting and rewarding particularly when it's a. corporate angel network uses empty seats on company business trips to fly cancer patients which i feel i should treat the patients like christy this company does great things this is one. now declined to be interviewed because. if given the opportunity we would have been curious to know what that little girl dioxin levels were.
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you know we've heard people say i don't see dead bodies floating down the river is that what it takes to get a response from public health officials from a lot to fear so i don't know but again cancer is very ubiquitous in our area and we have you know these tremendous cancer rates and is dioxin responsible for all of it no part of it oh probably but we have p.c. bees we have many many other contaminants out there in our environment that could be responsible for this the dioxin is just a part of it one hundred percent of cancers are genetically determined which means that for this cell to become cancerous we need to have a genetic change in its general ok it doesn't mean that hundred percent of cancers are a retired completely different story so even so hundred percent of cancers are genetic
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ready to turn and only five to ten percent of cancers are error at the time. importance of so knowing this is that a lot of people say oh my god a nobody with kids from my father therefore i protect thought because ninety to ninety five percent of cancers occur among people without a family history of cancer childhood cancer has increased thirty percent in the past two decades testicular cancer cancer of the young men has increased fifty percent in every industrial country and that's not because of aging and we are seeing an increase in cancer in the elderly adjusted for the fact that there are more of them yes we have more cancer because we're living longer and there are more older people but that does not explain all of the increase in cancer that we're seeing today the romans a new foundation is the only research facility in the world to perform full
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lifespan rodin studies on the carcinogenic potential of chemical substances for the foundation is also unique in that it does pathological screenings of every organ in every road in tested. long term health studies of this kind which can cost about a million dollars are not required by companies wishing to license a new synthetic chemical drug or genetically modified crops. or two thousand and five study on aspartame the artificial sweetener involved one thousand eight hundred rodents previous experiments on aspartame have had twenty rodents per group or forty rodents per group and so when we came in and did one hundred fifty roads per sex for a group it was very important results as a rule the u.s. in t.p. sacrifices their rodents aster two years of life so their experiments are usually take one hundred ten weeks that's considered the gold
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standard. whereas our sprints are lifespan and rather than interrupting the experiment and sacrificing the animals one hundred ten weeks are our rodents live out their natural lifespan about fifty percent of what they have studied has proven to be carcinogenic and about fifty percent of what we have study there is data that shows that we actually only have scientific information hard data about two percent of all the chemical known chemical substances so it is a huge discrepancy between what we know and what we don't know and fortunately we as citizens tend to confuse the absence of evidence with the absence of risk that is an agent has not been adequately studied adequately and
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i would add independently study it does not mean that it is safe. their tentative obviously is always to call christ to me zip i told him many. about chemical agent chemical compounds you know implicitly you'll soon have to do the work and understandable what is not understandable he's a. shame doesn't do that i work and that is why most of the shanties i've not independent they are sponsored by industry and most of the they don't claim it's a conflict of interest. petey's
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. fifty two feet.


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