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tv   [untitled]    October 29, 2011 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT

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police crackdowns and anti corporate protesters across america failed to stop their spread as authorities lead demonstrators in the heart of the occupy a movement out of the called. the stern warning the arab league calls on syria to stop the bloodshed as dozens of civilian deaths are reported in fresh government crackdowns on protesters. and history repeating itself the man who built the biggest financial problem it in russian history of his old tricks this time with his sights set on investors in ukraine. welcome it's nine pm saturday evening here in moscow and kiev you know in here at r.t. tonight in our top story for us police are upping their efforts against the occupy movement gripping the country for
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a second month now in new york where the anti corporate demonstrations began offices literally leaving protesters out in the cold knowing forces there swept through zuccotti park where hundreds have been camping out and they confiscated power generators and gas canisters authorities cited firehouses concerns but activists say simply an excuse to freeze them out of the park as temperatures hit subzero the police force has also come under criticism for cracking down on protesters across the country the mayor of california is even being forced from public gys after demonstrators there were tear gas this week despite the violence the movement's picking up momentum i think solicit churkin reports on how war veterans are helping fill protester ranks. america's arnim faeces covered up protesters from tear gas shot into the crowd by police. at least ninety seven arrests in oakland california. on tuesday night. a twenty four year old marine and iraq war vet. scott olsen shot in the head by
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a police tear gas canister unable to even see his name. a march of solidarity with the oakland protesters in new york leads to ten arrests . protestors slammed into the ground and netted by police earlier in another marine confronts police treatment of protestors and a video now gone viral on the web. to risk their lives for america now part of the uprising marines and others who serve the u.s. go public in their fight for the occupy wall street cause let's find out what this means for them the fact that more and more military personnel are joining us shows that they recognize that this is an american movement it's not about hippies in a negative stereotype thirty year old gary briggs has served in the national guard for the last two years he's spending his short vacation at occupy wall street guys
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marines national guard maybe. more the better the guardsman is outraged at the fact that marines are getting attacked or who look out that better should be fired and hung up by. others here believe it won't be long however until the police join the crowds instead of restricting them you will see a lot of this is protesting they're going to work for years and they're going to see that. zero but even if this doesn't happen the movement won't be scared to wait any time soon with marines and other military vets pledging to have the protesters back. everybody has banded together and the rope that's being created here no sword will see a church archie he or. its author david cotton and studying the root causes of why i thousand protesting across this country says please crackdowns on the
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demonstrations or any fueling uyghur against an unfair system. the bulk of the protesters are deeply committed to nonviolence which is extremely important and i think the police sometimes fail to recognize that when they attack nonviolent protesters it really exposes the corruption of the system and the fact that the police also mostly are fielded to protect the one percent and not to protect the free speech rights of the rest of us that actually draws more support for the protest they are finally drawing attention to the fact that we have an economy actually not only in the united states but in the world that is predominantly working for the for the one percent of people who control the financial system it is not working for the ninety nine percent that we've had so much conversation in the united states fueled by corporate media focusing attention on the problem as obama as the problem is the government is skipping over the fact that wall street has created an economy that is devoted primarily to making money for rich people
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through time financial deeds we have to address that issue you know people are complaining that the occupy wall street people don't have clear demands it's actually quite clear what they want they want their economy back they want their government back they want their future back and they actually want a country that operates by principles of are true democracy and and real markets which which work for everyone us author david cohen springs me there and later in the program to give the demonstrations new york a chance to get their voices head again. these people are so greedy in soul. money and wealth in materialism and consumerism. laurie half of us heads down to occupied zuccotti park in the. past protestors from their message to wall street. and germany's was
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a cultural melting pot boils over as immigration anger drives a deepening divide through communities r.t. reports from berlin. and attack by army does it isn't serious reportedly left seventeen soldiers dead according to human rights groups it comes after the arab league condemned the continued killings of civilians in the country and in pro regime protests and the arab ministerial committee is due to hold another round of talks with syrian officials over the weekend to try to end this crisis the u.n. estimates more than three thousand people have been killed since march when the uprising against president bashar assad began some of the protesters have also been calling for a no fly zone over the country there ial support from nato planes this is in syrian writer and democracy can train or shall kill or told r.t. that most of the population doesn't support for inferential. the cycle we're against military intervention but this is a day to morrow or in ten years time even if the regime is to ny late every one of us would still be against military intervention we fight for freedom and we don't
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want to add external slavery to our domestic law we don't want it to become a part of the struggle between the international and internal forces syrians are peaceful they want to progress under conditions of freedom and development and they don't want to turn into a concentration camp a public on philology countries. back of the us based antiwar coalition and so believes that unlike libya syria is too strong for the alliance to intervene that's why the west wants to spark a civil war to bring regime change. where using the same lingo the same scenario would be syrian opposition is borrowing a page from the playbook for libya they know that they can come to power only with the advance with the support with the intervention through multiple means of the nato powers of the western powers and i think what we can tell the syrian people is look at what happened in libya the issue of a no fly zone sounds like go a way to defend civilians it's really
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a way to begin the war to begin military operations against the syrian air force or air defenses and i think the first out and this is the plan of the obama administration is not direct military intervention but to promote a civil war inside of syria i think they realize that the syrian government is substantially stronger militarily and within the arab world as compared to put down feet but they can use the human beings who have grievances valid or not to be the human materiel for a civil war and i think the u.s. government officials signaling the syrian opposition and the syrian president that they should learn the lesson of libya is a clear message begin the civil war they want to weaken syria first as a as a prelude to a more direct intervention for regime change massive protests for economic justice is to take place in these ready capital later on saturday the organizers are calling for a repeat of september's rallies which sold me half
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a million people march over social conditions called the student right to bradley burston says people are now questioning everything they've previously to the blind eye eye to. the automatic and and basically behind the scenes allocation of resources from many government ministries to new housing developments in the occupied territories may be very much more difficult to carry out without scrutiny the questioning has a lot to do with transparency the question has a lot to do with what actually is happening with the resources that are going to defense and we're going to the settlements and even if the settlement activity is not blocked the fact of the of the allocations the rights spread nature of allocations from many ministries and the nature of the subsidies that go out to the settlements may change people's minds of eventually about the wisdom of
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continuing to build their a massive financial pyramid scheme which wiped out millions of people's life savings in russia or the ninety nine he's back in six and found this very dodgy accounting but say it was in ukraine queuing up to hand over their money. explains why. the twenty live in russian hit movie the pyramid depicts a robin hood of the nine hundred ninety s. a businessman who promises well for people and confronts the oligarchs. the real story behind the splotch was a sad episode in russia supposed soviet history the financial pyramid called attracted millions to multiply their investments many times in the end it went bust after fifteen million people lost their life savings they believe i don't feel like i'm a sinner what about the command ninety four it was undermined by the government so i knew him and emerged with virtually unlimited resources absolutely uncontrolled
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so the situation was not acceptable and everything was done to eliminated silicium of already the driving force behind the m.m.m. movement spent five years in prison for fraud but now the man often called the russian bernie madoff is back seventeen years since his financial pyramid had a post soviet space in a game already at the back with another financial scheme and whilst in russia could hardly find any commercial enterprise this thing so he craned cities have been literally flooded with the calls to join in with the m.m. and twenty eleven. we can do more is the slogan of the new complain of rodeo admits it is another pyramid and is a risky venture but still promises people that they will make money this. is a virtual currency called dollars which constantly goes up in price from twenty to sixty percent a month this price only i can see it some individuals exchange money between themselves without any obligations got into some conditions it is
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a fundamental point when there is no legal entity to joint account and office in other words everything is shared between millions of private accounts that means no one can commit a name to it so. financial experts in ukraine see little surprise in my body's latest scheme given the rough patch the country is going through the national bank is like you know ordered not the depreciation of national currency is like introducing in the euro threatens and then other people understand. the bureaucracy is against. the press in the financial markets and people looking for an exit vote he claims his actions are legal ukraine's politicians disagree the ruling party wants current laws tightened to block every man from making off with vulnerable people's nasty bags in. two thousand and eleven as a provision for a national service and requires a license providing financial services without
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a license is a criminal offense. m.m.m. twenty eleven already has one point five million investors and counting. again convinced it is a road to riches try telling that to the many millions of victims left with nothing and still reeling from his previous ponzi. alexi russia skee r.t. reporting from here in ukraine coming up we're a pansy economy it's an odor of decay right now as fears grow that the world's third largest economy is heading into a massive financial crisis unable to deal with mounting debts to report on that coming up. next the germany's or the damage limitation drive to curb a rise in your nat says of a nationalist groups during decades of the now defunct multi culti policy the more the country tried the united states can you give these more of force them apart voters eyes are now turning towards hardline right wing parties as it is time but reports the worry is that the cultural divide could violently society.
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how what do these two very different pieces of music have in common they're both performed in germany and the increasingly represent clashing forms of society here we want. the immigrants coming across the illegal once it was and after the other levels that's the view of the national democratic party p g here in germany they've supported many concerts attended by right wing supporters but their opponents argue they promote hatred they achieve in some regions in east germany there are no immigrants. it's not because of economy reasons it's because nobody wants redy to go there because it's there always threatened one and the nazi group recently managed to do that right when concert goers it's wearing their bogus chief
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shirts when they were washed and right wing slogan dissolved to reveal a message urging them to leave the neo nazi group. however german police intelligence estimates that there are eight to ten thousand hard core militant neo nazis in the country those behind the systems say that those numbers mean germany's problem is in the top three in europe every year in germany statistically you have about fifteen thousand twenty thousand hate crimes. of them about eight hundred violent crimes so that's also been in the top five from your own report accusations of inciting hatred to the n p d yes they were unmoved germany is the state of the germans but if you are today you have parts in berlin with more than thirty forty percent of foreignness when it's just too much germany has large ethnic
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minority populations from turkey the arab world and beyond and many families now have second and third generation members with german citizenship and they're gaining political representatives who defy anyone who says they don't belong here m p d or other party is. maps to say to me or take to me this part of me to be german whereas most political parties are now finding candidates from the ethnic groups they represent those on the right opposed to not banners and slogans with the message go back where you came from with such a political divide the potential is there for german politics to become a lot nastier it's not immediately obvious that this fruit and vegetable store is at the edge of the turkish district in berlin it looks much like a fruit and vegetable stall elsewhere in the city but the question being fought over in political debates is will this region become
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a route for cultural exchange or a border between essentially foreign territories tom watson r.t. . and intense ethnic division in africa's newest countries reached disturbing levels of violence this last week where a suspected rebel. killed seventy five officials say was a strike on an oil rich province most of the facilities there fatalities were rebel fighters but fifteen civilians also died so sudan has been plagued by tribal violence since it began declaring autonomy from sudan in two thousand and five around three thousand people are thought have been killed in the country this year alone. there's been a series of insurgent attacks in afghanistan and one incidence of taliban suicide car bomber struck a convoy of foreign troops in kabul thirteen service personnel are dead along with three civilians and a policeman hours later a man in an afghan military uniform fired on u.s. troops in the south killing two the attacker was killed at the scene they've also been reports that a woman suicide bombers targeted government offices in. thailand seasonal high
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tides passed and was no worse than expected reducing fears that bangkok would be swamped in the worst flooding in decades nevertheless parts of the capital remain underwater officials have asked the u.s. military now to help survey the damage the prime minister's abortion is expected to receive in the first week of november claimed more than three hundred seventy lives since july. one look at their most influential son claims that he's not guilty of crimes against humanity have been in direct talks with prosecutors at the hague to bring saif al islam in but his whereabouts remain unknown wanted for suspected war crimes during the eight month libyan war which he says killed over thirty thousand people and ended with his father's violence. from what's happening in libya had a web site r.t. dot com there we've got an exclusive picture gallery for you from our correspondent tripoli with images of the country's reaction to its new leaders as libya faces its next chapter also online tonight the russian cinderella supermodel natalia.
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helps bring the real life story of a russian offer to the wider world after getting some help to get the tale published but not because of what are tonight and russia's most historic fears of throws open its doors after a massive renovation with regard concert yes they've got the highlights of the limelight. clouds are gathering over the land of the rising sun which is lurching worryingly towards a financial crisis the country's one of a huge national debt as it struggles to try to recover from this year's earthquake and tsunami disaster so who will come out soon looks at how japan's dire circumstances leaving it trapped and teetering on the edge thanks in
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many ways the japanese economy is like this fish. caught dried out frozen and now having a great chance of value sliced clean up. take the industry itself japanese sushi shops are raking in about seventeen billion dollars annually with hungry customers consuming nine million tonnes of sisterhood along the way. it's an addiction repeated all over the world but it's not helping the main exporters with a thing left floundering. japanese food is the most popular food in the world and definitely i think there are many other companies like ours doing the same business and everywhere else in these companies are suffering major consequences from a stronger you know when the national currency is up it pushes exports down japanese goods just too expensive to compete on the wild stage and its profits
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disappear so people's livelihoods stagnant growth that's stronger than the massive national debt some economists korea japan maybe all the theory is all right but it's own major economic crisis and says this east asian nation remains the world's number three economy the consequences of the big global this is something japan's political leaders are determined to avoid and many are calling for urgent action mother. japanese industry can probably enjoy the current seventy five years of the dollar level for a little while but if this situation doesn't change over a longer period i think we're going to see japanese factories in large companies move their operations overseas places like vietnam thailand or china this would lead to a hollowing out of japanese domestic industry and create unemployment so that japan is facing an extraordinary economic crisis. that despite the hoary of ruling party
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lawmakers it is not clear there is anything the japanese government can really do to prevent the story from leaving japanese businessman stop. money. there in japan there when in supply industry is gradually losing its ability to sell their products and machines to just start selling and see the world faces these conditionals japanese companies have to look for whatever opportunities they can discover go but that's not going to be easy in a country where the government itself it's the plea in the red japan has the highest national debt among major economies owing almost twice as much as the economy makes in an entire year coupled that with the funds needed to rebuild after the devastation unleashed by the earthquake and tsunami earlier this year and it seems japan is fighting a battle it may not be able to win. couric math says r t tokyo
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now thousands continue to protest across america as part of the anti corporate occupied movement the mainstream media is it pains to point out there's a lack of a unified agenda there are for this return to work all started in new york to discover that every demonstrator has a special something to say to wall street. the protesters of occupy wall street are clearly bad out with wall street and with washington so what do you think they would have to say to their would be oppressors this week let's talk about that i would like to say your human being but also do you see the suffering that people are going through you know what it's like we want the health insurance that you have everybody should have their health insurance we should have the basic rights and the basic care we the people more than your banker we need you to join us because they're just people to be an us versus them we
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need your help poor pretty personhood what is that and corporations that are have felt as though it's ok to exploit people and exploit the planet for profit and profit alone so what you have to say to those corporations well i don't have to say anything other than i don't support them how do you say be fair and share to someone or something that does not know what kind of concept this is and to cause the we practice we're a community where we share our resources these people are so greedy and so. money and wealth and materialism and consumerism you still have a massive search for all these corporate bigwigs who are taking millions and not supporting their my messages and so then my message is to make sure that the soldiers that are here and they continue to believe that this conversation is important and that these people are involved in a process of constructing a role where dreams are possible right now dreams are impossible in america for
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a lot of people these people need to believe that dreams must continue that's why we're here so it seems like the bottom line is the protesters are less interested in talking to wall streeters and washington themselves and more interested in keeping the conversation and the power among the people themselves. coming up next a stay to discuss what should be done with the pertussis see the plagues the world economy about that in a few minutes for you but tonight is southern evening the twenty ninth of october if. you're.
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going. see wealthy british style. market finance come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with meit's cause or no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to kaiser report on our team. but. let's start with the idea australia do want to tell you there's
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a loan no wait until you see the little monkey stories if you want to have sex go and have sex.
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in the united kingdom all she's available in fact the only house the land forty one hotel on the old way even a hotel they can also turn the mill stone hotel some old country house holiday in the full good old gold mines house the rim brands the creamy the chesterfield the montague hotels the royal poland the rubens hotel.


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