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tv   [untitled]    October 15, 2011 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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a result of the culture of corporate control reverberates across the globe as hundreds of cities join the occupy movement has pulled over in rome with riot police using tear gas against protesters. and in other news this hour syria divided the several months long revolt sees the regime's supporting capital ready to wait for reforms while cities outside damascus want the president out. plus ukraine's attempts to spruce up its image ahead of its hosting of the euro two thousand and twelve football championships come under fire from animal rights groups who accuse the government of the earning stray dogs a line. around
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the clock around the world this is our live in moscow good to have you with us the global outcry against corporate greed has risen up and almost a thousand cities worldwide people have taken their anger to the streets saying their governments are being taken over by big business and you'll keep our wall street movement began in new york quickly spreading across the u.s. to los angeles denver and washington among others it since gone global with asia joining in the demands for change in europe to hundreds of cities are taking part in the protests and will now take a closer look at what's happening around the world with correspondents and first i understand that we will be going to daniel bushell and he is in brussels. i'm sorry about that we will be going to first i have
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a bennett he's in london i have there's obviously a high level of public discontent around the world a lot of people saying in london. well the mood of discontent is definitely spread to london it seems like it's here to stay the moment is around it's always hard to pull a number on it but it seems like it's around a thousand protesters gathered in the square behind me you can't quite see it from from here though because they're trapped in by police called never mind the line of police vans and sitting behind me the police have set up a cordon hemming the protesters in there but there's just been inside they're speaking to some of the protesters and there's almost a carnival atmosphere going on they're saying that it's finally their chance to have their say in the slogan they're putting on this protest today is is paid back and what they're referring to is what they're saying is the trillions of dollars has been paid in bonuses to banking sectors over the last few days she is at the same time then only the taxpayers' money is being used to bail out these banks and
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so they're blaming the bankers who've told us in this situation essaying somehow they're the ones being rewarded now they're also calling themselves the other ninety nine percent i.e. the vast proportion of the public get the tower at the moment is out of their control nay want to wrestle back some of that power and they say it's now their time to have their say no earlier i do have i have a chance to speak to some of the protests this is what they have to say. here because the upper classes in england have completely decorate the lower classes they have made this banking crisis and we're still paying for it students i'm gasp a fifty six thousand pounds of my own university education and she wishes to use the slogan that began on wall street we are the ninety nine percent echoes in britain as well because we know that the bankers and the bosses are getting bailed out by the government and we are being forced to pay the price for that but this is not just about the bankers this is a bear capitalism making coffee globally it doesn't happen overnight
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but it started. the police presence today has been massive earlier they were employing a controversial tactic known as kettling whereby they seal off the protesters came the mean using a police cordon. and they say it is a method to just to defuse the situation to try and keep violence to a minimum however these protesters have been peaceful throughout it was never their intention to be violent and they say that tactic is a controversial one because it really incites violence it prevents other protesters joining up now they have managed to join up an earlier actually julian assange screen appearance here there are some other high profile protesters here campaigners as well including billy bragg reportedly julian assange spoke to the to the press who are waiting there as he was prevented from joining up with a protest because of this police cordon he lashed out at the bank saying that. the problem is these small minority of the rich is keeping
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a hiding assets from the population is claiming london as the biggest culprit and clearly a lot of other people share that same view this around a thousand people protesting here outside along the london stock exchange. and they're setting up tents camps and willing to stay here for as long as it takes so clearly they're saying it's now time for there to have their say thanks very much indeed for that live update from london artie's correspondent ivan bennett there now the movement was born in new york a month ago marina portnoy has been following the protests since then. a lot has happened well it's certainly a lot has happened since yesterday and certainly i have a lot happened during the day yesterday celebrations over winning the right to come near wall street clashes with police arrest so what's planned for today. well i clearly guessed this movement is just gained on force the people here in zuccotti park right now with me where i'm standing are feeling that eight one their
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major victory yesterday their first major victory. when the city of the ne or of new york city michael bloomberg launched a temporarily evacuate they clean there are thousands of people came down here in support of this occupy movement and the last minute the city retracted and said that these protesters can stay and they are staying they hosty and i have to say that cost for weeks we were covering this movement this is the largest crowd i have seen thus far people of all ages all races our religions coming down here with the same frustrations with the same support but it's not just limited to this crowd there are a few hundred protesters that marched down to the chase bank a few hours ago some some protesters were moving their their money from the bank to take to withdraw their accounts others protesters protests taking place in other parts of the city but it's all leading up to a mass convergence that's being planned to take place in times square in
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a few hours and thousands are plenty of people are expected to watch the turnout in times square there's a huge police presence right now around zuccotti park here in wall street and the new york civil liberties union says that legal observers will be walking with the protesters all day long to observe what is taking place and of course that moves being made because of all the clashes that have have taken place weekend after weekend between police and the peaceful protesters but i've spoken to some people here today they say this is not they don't consider themselves protesters any longer they consider themselves revolutionaries they consider themselves the ones that catapulted a movement here in new york to one that has now spread all over the world people all over the world uniting with one same message and that's a message of equality they want the huge gap between the rich and poor to too narrow they want corporate influence over politics not just in the u.s.
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but all over the world and and this is a message they've been hostile. king for several weeks now and it's a message that has gone global. thanks very much indeed for there reporting from new york now in the u.s. people are angry street corporate structure in europe much of the anger has been centered on the company part of the e.u. and daniel bush is in brussels daniel already signs of concern among the politicians and bureaucrats there. yes the protesters have come here they are turning up at the central park in brussels from the european parliament building where they've marched from they want to create here i know told it's of paul what they call a people's parliament which doesn't serve the financial elites but the thirty's are saying that they're actually bans protesters from camping here on the grounds that there is no running water available for them no protests have been saying that skeptical that this is the real reason they just want to excuse to stop the sorties
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or to stop them getting here or not the grouping here you know the reaction was also shocked from the european union itself officially when almost about the significance of the protests a european commission official also how does that concern also disregarding their concerns and also people have been shocked that the e.u. employment commissioner joked the protesters should go to frankfurt the home of the european central bank instead of brussels so the police reaction is also being called excessive feel police on horseback told by a group of protesters who are actually voicing one member of the european parliament to join him in the parliament here in brussels for discussions to discuss their concerns and we've been speaking to some of the protesters who have come from different cities. politician should be for the people and not for the bankers liking any priest if we can start there you can be a really good beginning we're a group of sending young students the telling difference if we. defeat
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against the system that. just. banks. and. mysteries that leave a little bit people laughing at me like i'm not the people that. is a focal point as the home of the european union people have been mourning here from very many countries in fact from as far as spain. and we can now cross from brussels to madrid no two going to go with protests protesters in spain campaigning since may. people there really believe that voices will finally be. well out as a matter of fact it looks like they actually do believe that like you said people
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out here have been have been camping out on the streets of various cities not just in the capital madrid for months in fact when the movement's first began the it's dean m. movement which took its name from the fifteenth of may when the protests began in spain after their sturdy measures have been implemented people after that have been camping out here for several months i am until after the assault which is essentially the heart of the stylish capital and people the protesters have actually set up camp here and they were here for months trying to make their voices heard and those voices have been heard by some of the political parties in spain a some of the politicians have been. have been talking about the issues which the which the protesters have brought up those issues of course are the a series of measures the lack of a moment especially for for the young people in spain of the country has one it has the highest youth unemployment rate in europe it's over forty five percent so those young and educated people are the ones who are taking to the streets in protest of what's happening in the world and some people world over have been saying that in
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fact other movements occupy wall street actually may have been inspired by what has been happening in this space over the last couple of months and it wasn't just in one city that movement has to take it over several cities it has spread over to the neighboring portugal and as you have heard even to italy a country where knowledge not where the movement the protest movement hasn't really been so significant we haven't heard about it on the news until probably today when hundreds of thousands of people literally there have been reports that a hundred thousand people have turn. out to the streets of rome and the protests to the island term you talk about talking talk about global revolution people have been throwing paper bombs and they have been violently dispersed by police or what we're hearing police have used water cannons tear gas gets to get protesters off the street but that hasn't been that easy because people have actually taken to the ministry of defense in the italian capital they have been attacking those various
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shops and buildings. in situations throwing rocks setting cars on fire so really it's looks like looks like a sort of a mini revolution in rome and that is just the beginning it looks like of what is going to happen in the european countries we're still waiting for anything like that to happen in madrid we're hoping that things are going to be peaceful but it's just now actually right all the speakers have started to move into the soil where protesters will be converging in about a couple hours and of course we'll bring you all the pictures and all the information concerning the latest protest movements in europe as soon as we get them. in madrid. in brussels in new york and bennett in london thank you for the moment. well so as the occupy movement goes global let's try and track what's going on and where people in almost a thousand cities and eighty two countries from asia and the americas to africa and
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europe united in the protests in germany thousands more through frankfurt to the headquarters of the european central bank one of those joint demonstrations in munich. crowds in athens raise against the bankers finances and politicians the queues are ruining their economy and condemning millions to poverty hardship greed in hong kong people gathered in the financial district around the buildings of multinational corporations protesters have also taken to the streets of tokyo to cry big business and income inequality as well as directed. taiwan's capital taipei also played host to an occupy movement many rallied outside the city's financial tower which think it's a symbol of corporate greed. well throughout the day our correspondents in europe and the us will bring you the latest on the occupy it together rallies stay with r.t. for special coverage. structures like rolling
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poverty and doesn't. buy their country's wage inflation as well putting jobs and social spending people across the globe rise up against their government's economic policies follow the worldwide action against austerity live or cartoon. this is r.t. in life here in moscow fifteen minutes past the hour now let's check out some other news this hour after several months of regime demonstrations and over three thousand killed in crackdowns the u.n. is one that syria is heading for a full blown civil war and rumors of army defectors joining the opposition the gap between the two sides in the conflict appears to be widening. reports small people in the capital are calling for dialogue and other parts of the country demanding an end to the rule of president assad. well here in the center of the syrian capital it is very quiet today it's a day off for most people but of course beneath that calm is the co-author in the
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country goes on between the government and its supporters and the opposition now what it one thing is clear though when we try to approach people here and bring up the issue of the cause they could almost always turns into a heated debate a very emotional discussion depending on the stand that they take through those three months i see the good their opponents not oppositions we don't know who they are yet syria's on their turf three storms but we will not give up. i wish the opposition comes down be rational and go into a dialogue with the regime i was the government position and be more open minded. but again we're into mass the opinion we hear most here is that people are asking who is the opposition who is causing this instability and many of them bring up the words armed gangs they think that these are just people who want to destabilize the country of course this is a position that the government had taken from the very beginning of the conflict but it is a different story when you go outside of the capital we went to the city of other style it was
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a site of five days of fighting between security forces and anti-government protesters and we felt the tension there there were so a lot of armed forces according to of course again the government they said that they were fighting against armed groups who were trying to create trouble for the locals there but according to some activists they are saying that they use are not armed groups of these were peaceful protesters as well as army defectors with a strong army defecting defector contingent in all just on is very difficult to verify these are the exactly what happened in this city because people are very hesitant to talk again there is still a lot of military the army still in that city are but that is what's happening on the ground it's not very clear it's hard to get the truth on each matter but on a political level though president bashar al assad has said that he will set up a constitutional committee within the next couple of days to debate with the opposition various sides of the opposition. constitutional reform there were a dialogue should have a program and a timeline we must clearly understand what kind of results we want to achieve that
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one of the sticking points of the constitutional reform is article eight which states of the ruling baath party is the leader of the state and the opposition says that this no matter even if a multi-party system is introduced without repealing this article it won't change anything but again that depends on the dialogue that both sides are going to have to take and both sides go and see the government's aside i always say at the end of the day it's not what is said it's the sincerity of both sides in doing what they say it will do so it's down to the action in the next few months. reporting their present dimitri medvedev has addressed his supporters telling them russia's course of mobilization will continue is preparing to take over as head of the ruling united russia party for december's parliamentary elections trying to achieve or was there. these meeting could be described as an informal gathering of the president with what he describes as his supporters and those ranged from musicians and bloggers to the hads of such companies as call cover representatives from oil and
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gas companies those who support change supported me this was the key message of the president and the change according to dmitry medvedev is modernisation these informal meeting with journalists and interpreters was actually the first album to dmitry medvedev announced at the united russia party congress that he would not be running for a second presidential term so in a way it was the place and the time to cross the t.'s and dot the i's so why would a politician whose popularity ratings with the voters are still so high give up the country's top job. i don't want to underestimate my own potential which is not usually been realized to the full actually i can frustrate pictures of millions of people who brought me to power and you voted for me. as well as those people who believed in the need for countries modernization of our economies modernization and our societies musician make you feel that i'm responsible for it and i've taken
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a decision to stay in our tradition to continue my work and the ruling party strategical on with me from the ballot as its new leader aims to show that the country would want to reduce its direct presence in front of me would want to would use. the state of shares and promote independent professionals to the board of directors of state owned companies. coming your way later in this hour i don't know rights activists are all fired up now to reports that ukraine is preparing to host euro twenty twelve football by throwing stray dogs into mobile incinerated. but first let's have a quick look at some other headlines in brief from around the world in our world update this hour financial leaders from the world's twenty richest nations paris to try and find a fix for the world's financial woes delegates pledged to siphon cash into the i.m.f. to ensure it was able to bolster the flagging economies of the euro zone's most in stable countries the u.s. opposes the fund coughing up more money it's already met about
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a third of the cost of bailing out struggling nations francis' finance minister call for decisive measures to tackle b euro zone debt crisis. at least nine demonstrators have been killed and dozens injured in violent protests across the yemeni capital sanaa security forces reportedly used live rounds tear gas and water cannons in the city center presents have been back in street demonstrations for months as this thing sustained international calls for him to stand. clear while fighting continues as the fierce lengthy battle for the city of sirte drags on several people were also injured when gunfire broke out in tripoli for the first time since being taken by the national transitional council when this is say the shooting began when a man was seen raising the green flag of gadhafi regime a rooftop the new government is still facing pockets of resistance across the country. ukraine is cleaning up ready to host next year's euro twenty twelve
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football tournament but that includes the burning of stray dogs in a mobile incinerator with locals claiming in some cases the defenseless animals of burned alive you may find some images in attics you have just report disturbing. the waitress president michel platini was all smiles while inspecting cleaves new stadium the grounds of the you were twenty twelve football championships final match but a box of a much smaller size has been delighting the authorities in rural ukraine several months ago a local t.v. in the town of recent johns capital reported a purchase over twenty thousand dollar immobile crematorium three destroying biological waste namely the dispensing of dead straight animals. discriminatory among wheels and are now able to cull the large areas including neighboring towns we had many objections but they all come to nothing in our fight against the lights from stray dogs and the spread of infection tens of thousands of
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stray animals roam the streets of ukraine cities in this it sounds cologne hundreds of residents are bitten by dogs every year the sounds of. the first shooting at them as dead and then destroy their bodies in the more wild crematorium but in reality it turned into gruesome killings sparking outrage among the animal protection societies closer to the should. believe that the dogs are still alive but we don't have any evidence of what poison is used to kill them so we cannot say for sure the only efficient way of regulating the number of these animals is to sterilize rather than to kill them but we will stop demanding this happens in europe over the past few decades stray animals practically disappeared their. the animal lovers outcry had a massive response on the internet an online petition was signed by almost two hundred thousand people some of them suggesting you were twenty twelve should not be held in a country that is so cool to its creatures that have only over their demands to
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cancel your two thousand and twelve is not unexpected as a rule letters from citizens don't work back in two thousand and ten unable defenders are dressed officials are just to plan to meet ben our deputy prime minister kalashnikov to stop this outrage against animals it's been a year and we haven't seen any results so far and it has been a sustained campaign at getting you a first chief to use his influence to stop this cruelty animal rights groups have been staging small protests against school to kill three years but they're not implying a number of those signing the petition now would alarm europeans food rules governing body at first there had been strong doubts about ukraine's ability to host the championship some had even suggested it would be moved elsewhere now with all the new stadiums in airports springing up it seems there is no going back even with all the course to deprive ukraine of the tournament but animal rights activists say they will continue putting pressure on the authorities both in kiev and at u.a.
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for to have their voice heard let's see russia ascii art see reporting from here in ukraine. more stories eye catching video blogs and analysis all there twenty four seven at r.t. dot com that's our website online all the time here's just some of what's there at the moment was preparing a military response to washington's planned missile defense system in europe a kid sees as a threat to national security. find out why one of the colder so much in spite of all places in europe now extends a warm welcome to hundreds of immigrants from around the world that's all now if we . come. back to our top story is the u.s. based corporate occupy movement goes global the president post to the streets of new york's visitors what they think about the protests.
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as the occupy wall street movement sweeps the us what is the rest of the world think of it this week let's talk about that the banks are stronger than the political people and this is not a thing it's the same situation in germany you think and many people. angry now is paid to put the hard work in actually and something everyone wants to come at a university and land a top job on top dollar but it's not just about jobs it's about banks having too much political control is it just about being so or is it about corporate corporate is what i think it's about it's this disparity capitalism we want we all want capitalism we all want but we also want we want to more socialist society where we have a quality you can't have anything is a mixed message coming out because you've got so many things they're asking for get
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out of afghanistan i think really to the financial side perhaps unlike a more people on their side do you think something like this could happen in sweden people there are pretty complacent. you think that americans became complacent and that kind of contributed to the problem. i can't speak for all americans i do know that i didn't see a movie that was a follow up to wall street. he was greed it's good you know it's a way of life. in the world you know what people think of occupy wall street the bottom line is here in the us the movement seems to have only just begun. and special coverage of the marches in europe and the us continues a worldwide stay with us here on alt. sponsored by growing poverty and unemployment. figures by the country's wage and phone as
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well cutting jobs and social spending people across the globe loizeaux against their government's economic policies follow the worldwide action against austerity live on cartoon. twenty eight minutes past the hour here in moscow i'll be back with a recap of our top stories for you in just a couple of minutes stay with us not here most.
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from the days of the manhattan project thanks in forty two the university of california has been involved through the science it's a provision of scientists and their relationship to the versity you see since day one has been in charge of researching designing and testing nuclear weapons and sure some extent producing weapons every single on nuclear weapon in surveys arsenal was designed by university of california. we don't warm go. back. to the first to california was selected as the contractor because the army needed scientists of the it's their first positions. big.


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