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tv   [untitled]    October 3, 2011 5:01pm-5:31pm EDT

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following the showdown of brooklyn bridge that saw more than seven hundred people arrested at the weekend the movement called occupy wall street as promising more marches against corporate greed and now war veterans are joining in to show their support artie's i'm ready to port ny has an update from new york. is planning to take place the next few hours is another demonstration of protest by wall street by this one to take place directly outside of city hall now the purpose of this protest demonstrators organizers say is to call on the city to drop all charges against eight hundred protesters that were arrested saturday evening those arrests took place of course when. wall street protesters marched from wall street to the brooklyn bridge it was the largest arrest to take place in one single day here in new york city since the two thousand and four republican national convention from what we are being told in addition to that some new faces that make the scene in
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this gathering will be u.s. veterans soldiers members of the marines and army that have said they will be coming out to protect some of the protesters that many believe are being aggressively confronted by the new york city police department we saw an incident where women were pepper sprayed in the face by a police officer a few weeks ago and then of course these arrests that took place on the brooklyn bridge saturday evenings let's take a look back at what has transpired over the past few weeks. a new season in a different nation the arab spring has become america's autumn and on saturday new york's brooklyn bridge reminded many of a scene from egypt to here square. nearly eight hundred protesters were trapped cuffed arrested and jailed as thousands.
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activists continued their second week of occupy wall street demonstrations the grassroots movement is campaigning against social inequality and corporate influence over u.s. politics in the interim police conduct against peaceful protesters has come into question. just last week a new york city police officer attacked occupy wall street protesters with pepper spray prompting public outrage and an internal affairs investigation many didn't believe that there would be another dramatic confrontation as we can after what happened last weekend after four women were pepper sprayed while they were corralled by the police after the n.y.p.d. used heavy handed tactics punching some protesters i think many people didn't expect that there would be something like that again this weekend oh no reports pepper spray being used there were thousands of people stopped and hundreds arrested arrested activists were charged with disorderly conduct and summons to
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appear in criminal court. by sunday hundreds appeared back on wall street determined to continue their fight against corporate domination once you are at not afraid to be arrested anymore the whole enjoy control of the police. disappears and when that happens there are credible possibilities that are open to us and suddenly you can imagine a different world you can be an agent of change the group says it aims to raise national awareness and change america's economic disparity occupy wall street describes itself as a resistance movement inspired in part by its counterparts we can follow the lead of our brothers and sisters all over the world the hairspring in greece and spain and we can see that it did send a powerful message ordinary people are not going to stand for corporate greed anymore and that we're getting up. we're doing something about it. and the reason
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these activists are doing something on wall street rather than washington is because they say you have to follow the money begin where the largest campaign contributions donations and lobby groups come from its corporate presidency we were told obama was for. four more you know maybe four years old boy. bush. before that his father the bush dynasty i mean corporate greed goes all the way up to the president i think this is more that they are doing that mean pulcifer it started to wall street it is true that these demonstrators come here with a variety of different messages but what is uniting that what unifies them is a growing chorus three shit hole for the u.s. economy social inequality and corporate influence on u.s. politics these protesters say if american leaders can't act it will be the american citizens that stand up for their rights reporting from wall street more importantly artsy. well earlier i spoke to alex my colleague who's an associate professor at
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brooklyn college and a someone who actually took part in the weekend's rally and he told me the ultimate aim of the protesters is to create a different political climate in the country. mystery about what's going on down there there's a clear sense the united states that the power of wall street is completely out of control in the. economy and i think young people in particular feel that their futures of the mortgage to pay for the our ages salaries and bonuses by these wall street executives you're looking for long term solutions i don't think they have short term measures that they are feeling for government to address oh i think in large for what they're trying to do is to create a political climate where a number of political actors can start to talk seriously about six million reforms that hopefully can break this kind of crap marriage between economic and political leaks in our. and now clash of the titans two super rich russians are facing off in
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a london court the billionaire owner of chelsea football club roman abramovich is being sued by his fellow tycoon. for a cool five and a half billion dollars lower and that our correspondent in london joins me now with the details laura we know that the two used to be good friends so why this massive falling out. well this is a really extraordinary story and what we're talking about here are common to christians which just man and as you say this is a case that involves around five in the hall billion dollars we've got i'm on a mortgage on the one hand he's become a household name in this country of course we all know him as the owner of chelsea football club but he's also the former governor of process he called the region and one of russia's most influential men and then the other hand we've got that is also he who is also has had a high political profile in moscow he was immediate mogul who then fled to russia and was. awarded asylum here in the u.k.
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russia have made various attempts to extradite him and in fact convicted him of embezzlement and in absentia so what's happened here is the results keep claims that the two were friends but that the friendship that the partnership collapse when he says wealth and influence became more important than loyalty has been he claims that i promote you sense she calmed him. more than three billion dollars by intimidation him basically they suggest that he met they met in france and he possibly physically intimidated him into selling shares in the sit next to an oil company that they had created together with a partner for a fraction of their market by the e.u. and the a similar thing then also happened which says in a russian aluminum company style. which of course his lawyers are saying that that's all lies that there's absolutely no proof that any kind of intimidation took place it's no joke when taishan to show it now this is a case that's not going to be over with quickly we're seeing in the first month
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that it's also giving his evidence and it's only an early november that grandma which will take the stand and say what he's got to say they were expecting this case to last at least twelve weeks if not longer so it's really brought a battle between two enormous russian tycoons into the court here in london. thanks very much for that update artie's at lower and reporting there from london. now as the forces of libya's new rulers continue their siege of the two remaining gadhafi stronghold we spoke to an eyewitness a woman from tripoli who asked that we call her so much more than a bunny will need a day ago and speaking in a low voice and fear for her life she said that former rebels care little about the well being of civilian. lives from the rebels i believe clinton. amount is no longer clinton key words it would be actually south and be killed in the. east just because he supported kill gadhafi that if you want the statue you.
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have to keep the police along to me anyhow the green flag they just pull me over charge if you believe these people are suffering do you want to do is not a trust issue is no actually attached to one for me is something we cannot interest because if you really believe those were actually true they are happy for me since we're friends in the camp all they care about is if the two children greatest. well the dire situation and search and money when it is being ignored by the media that's the view of author and journalist sufjan rep on the. this is what nato are involved in an action which is obviously contrary to the u.n. resolution which is supposedly mandated to go in and overthrow the government of gadhafi we're getting reports of electric torture electric shock torture being used by these revolutionaries who exactly other people that are fighting nato because they may not like it or feel they may not like the nature of black troops very
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interesting that the most advanced arsenal in the world of nato just six months on and they still haven't won the country this is all about the idea that these great powers of all can divide up the resources and the future of the libyan people why they're quiet about it to be a kind of go forward have to be an issue explosions and we so-called attack that they don't even reporting the bombing of hospitals and of course the today is approaching because it's. well still ahead for you this hour with a palestinian statehood bid at the u.n. is really about our asks them out of mind it would a boss who says he's challenging the existence of israeli settlements. plus history falls victim to political correctness in france with fears the younger generation might lose its sense of national identity look at what pages are being removed from textbooks and why. also other news now the former vice president
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a former oil giant you course has died in moscow at the age of thirty nine was to be a next on the on the one time lawyer. was arrested for embezzlement in two thousand and six he was released on bond two years later because of bad health effects on the other was suffering from aids liver cancer and tuberculosis in a two thousand and ten the court dropped the case due to the amount of time that had passed since his first arrest. well russia has launched another gloss navigation satellite into orbit bringing the total number to twenty four it means it now has the same global coverage as the widely used g.p.s. system artie's peter oliver has the details. well this is the twenty fourth saw so i that's been launched as part of the glue and us system twenty four the number the minimum number the glowing us needs to be able to provide full global coverage now we will see four more blown our satellites launched throughout the rest of the next year and that will be the required amount which they set out to provide the best
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service to customers they'll be looking to use this now it's been a long haul road for glow in the us from its first development back in the eighty's as a as a development project by the u.s.s.r. it was then taken over by russia and they've been trying to get it up to speed to make it a valid rival to the g.p.s. system produced in the united states so it has been a rocky road as well just last december three grown our satellites plummeted out of the sky into the pacific ocean now the twenty four star so late hour in orbit specialists say the globe and us can provide precise coverage up to six meters on the ground now take this for example with the g.p.s. technologies they can place you accurately within seven meters of the target for glowed us now is to convince consumers and convince manufacturers of products that need global positioning technologies that glowed apps is the one for them and that
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they should move away from g.p.s. artie's peter all of our reporting there now the arab league says it will compensate palestinians after the us cut its aid payments america for two hundred million dollars in response to palestine statehood bid at the un officials say they won't follow suit the stated application was submitted to the un last week and is now being considered palestinian leader mahmoud abbas told r.t. arabic the bit should not be seen as something that question is israel's right to exist but the full interview is coming up later in the program but here's a preview. of in the manner that we do not want to challenge to the. the state of israel israel is a valid state and we have recognized it if the arab peace initiative had been adopted fifty seven arab and islamic states would have followed suit and recognized israel that means that we support the existence of the state of israel and do not want to challenge its legitimacy or seek its isolation the only thing that we want
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to challenge in the legitimacy of the policy of occupation the legitimacy of israeli settlement activities this is our rights and we demand. now whether they realize it or not a french school pupils are learning a serious lesson in the power of political correctness across the country parents and teachers are enraged by some important pages of france's history being removed from textbooks to avoid insulting minority pupils as artie's daniel bushell reports many french people fear their national identity will soon disappear along with their history twenty pages on the history of black slavery and just six on the time of napoleon shown here sitting on a toilet from says new history school books parents and teachers who cool it's political correctness gone. this bestseller on the. front of
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boylan's ahead although. if we doing teacher are a minority the history of their adoptive country they don't feel french we are already seeing riots in our streets. the crusades the called insulting to muslims the sun king louis the fourteenth to imperial and the pony and smoked as the colonel gadhafi of his day focus is now on the previously little known king came kumu thought of thirteenth century west africa. the purge even extends to reuters studied round the world including les miserables all through victor hugo france is already breaking up things professor casale because it's young people have no sense of identity parents are concerned we have to study even the worth pages of our history because you can understand that what happened for politics now in france you cannot understand the history. they want to understand and to avoid properly
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legal action seen as the only way to stop the removal of national history. schools now give ten percent of their share the old to the needy will african mali empire i studied it and what exactly is it contribution to world development. thousands of signed a petition of the french revolution lessons were replaced by the african kingdom of more than multiple which many say they've never heard of the ministry of education refused to be interviewed but gave us this statement. where change in the school curriculum to reflect globalisation one of the thomas being taught because it's important to have a view on other world cultures such as egypt china and india the new european parliament reports back to compulsory school lessons on the benefits of the e.u. from quote a very young age critics want kids learning less and less about their own country
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states which stop teaching their poles they say consigned themselves to history. well here's a brief look at some other international headlines a massive fire is raging at a u.s. chemical plant outside dallas in texas you can see dramatic pictures of the blaze sending plumes of black smoke into the sky there is believed to be eighty thousand gallons of potentially hazardous chemicals stored at the plant up to thirty employees who were inside the warehouse have been evacuated safely as well as pupils from nearby schools and it's feared possibly dangerous gases could be released and danger in the surrounding area. the nobel prize for medicine has been awarded to a canadian born scientist three days after he died the nobel committee only found out ralph steinman had passed away from cancer after the announcement was made well the award is not given posts here will sleep but the organization says this time it will stand steinman was recognized alongside two others for research and to the
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human immune system. american mounted knox has been cleared by an italian court of murdering her british roommate during a drug fueled sexual assault her boyfriend. was also cleared of involvement in the death of meredith kercher both spent four years behind bars before their appeal was accepted by a judge who said the evidence was unreliable. i'll be back with a recap of our top stories in about ten minutes time but up next with the man who regarded palestinian aspirations for independence on the world stage president mahmoud abbas to discuss his views on the future of his bid for a free palestine. i
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say that in light of the recent events in the arab world that have come to be known as the arab spring even as an arab league president have declared a palestinian spread the united states is against this move what is the opposition in regard to the current stones of the us or. talking about the arab spring the palestinian spring the palestinian spring is happening even before it was declared opposition was unambiguous the palestinians want the occupation to end they want to put an end to the divide these are their demands that they've always put forward we went to the un security council demanding palestine be recognized as
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a un member state we have had that right since one nine hundred forty seven since resolution one eight one was adopted forming two states israel and palestine sixty four years later we want these states to actually be formed the state of israel has been created but not the state of palestine today sixty four years later we want that state to be formed israel and the us a calling our actions unilateral but when we address the entire world community at one hundred ninety three states i don't think they will see them as unilateral. actions cannot be compared to the construction of settlements on the palestinian territory this is unilateral action whereas our beds to the u.n. is not. furthermore we do not want to challenge the legitimacy of the state of israel that israel is a valid state and we have recognized that if the arab peace initiative had been adopted fifty seven arab and islamic states would have followed suit and recognized
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israel that means that we support the existence of the state of israel and do not want to challenge its legitimacy or seek its isolation the only thing that we want to challenge the legitimacy of the policy of occupation the legitimacy of israeli settlement activities this is our rights and we demanded the us in israel say our action is unilateral this is exactly why we have applied to the security council let's just wait and see as for the right of veto we knew in advance and we were officially notified that washington will use its veto joining the voting in our bid it's clear that the u.s. as the dominant world power wants to extend its support to israel but what concerns us most is that the u.s. wants to force all the countries that took part in the general assembly big and small alike in particular the members of the u.n. security council to vote against palestinian membership in the un this is the key concern for us all the member states of the security council have the right to use
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or as i would put it misuse their right to veto but of course such a decision will be regrettable but we will comment on it only after it's taken not today. so that is that mr president some say the latest steps he have taken mark any era in the settlement process the u.s. monopoly and decision making in this region has been shattered and the palestinian issue is now open to approach international discussion how do you comment on that could there be two threats undermining the plans. we took to the floor at the u.n. general assembly to declare that we are a state in fact an occupied state they say we must first hold negotiations but we don't see why. either two things i mean the palestinian bid for u.n. membership and the talks on a peaceful settlement cannot go on in parallel session to the un will mean the recognition of palestine is a country in a state of occupation that will make our position absolutely clear we are an
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occupied country that seeks to hold negotiations on all the issues including an end to the armed confrontation with israel i believe this is the right way to move forward of course provided that the other side has a genuine desire to go the right way. so that the public. historic speech has resonated to melissa and society but hamas has expressed a different opinion how do you perceive their status. and. i would not like to speak on the negative effects resulting from the position of a mass they say this was unilateral action taken without prior consultations with them but it's a totally different story you may have skipped the consultations but you have to come out with the right initiative before then any talk of unilateral action will play into israel's hands there are also voices within her mass both official and unofficial that have a different view and we're aware of them it's been a week since my speech it's
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a done deal so i would not want to discuss the negative consequences i want to point out that we need to come together and start the re conciliation process the decision on that has been taken and hopefully in the near future it will be reached with a lamp and the media as the allies your speech tend to emphasize you call for government reform is the main precondition of national reconciliation in what ways will the government do formed. i did not say i wanted to replace the government but there is a lack of understanding of the principles of governmental constitution that we had agreed upon we talked about a transitional government comprised of independent members and technocrats it is not a government of national unity. transitional government has to organize elections in the country and i'm responsible for that as head of the palestinian liberation organization at present we can discuss candidacies for transitional government membership i think any candidates nominated by fattah the people strand or any
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other movement are suitable as long as they fit the description of independent technocrat if they don't fit i cannot approve their candidacies so i. mr president you have said several times the channel is going to run for another term in office is it possible that public opinion might force her position to change after her given years toric speech. so to taking part in presidential elections is not a matter of popularity i have the people support today but that might change tomorrow and i've said before that i will not run for another term another politician whom we shall all support might come into the spotlight he will gain popularity and the love of the people but that will be a result of his work and his achievements for my parts i will not change my position i've decided that i will not run for another term in office today tomorrow or in the future. thank you very much for the interview mr president thank you.
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welcome back here's a quick recap of the main stories we're covering for you today on our t.v. the forceful break up of a rally and arrests don't stop street protests are gathering steam in the u.s. people frustrated over the state of the economy and corporate influence in politics say it's time now for an american spring. it's all to play for for chelsea football club owner. says his former friend and brother spitta solves the souse him in a london court for five and a half billion dollars he claims he was intimidated into selling shares in oil companies for less than they were worth. disturbing reports from the two deceased gadhafi stronghold where witnesses say revolutionary forces are talking civilian homes their big.


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