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tv   [untitled]  RT  July 16, 2010 6:00am-6:30am EDT

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pealed of a report called on washington oh no to the vietnam war legacy of the deadly chemical agent orange. for decades. three ethnic chechens arrested by french police have been shot with having links to a terror network. seeing double a new bollywood film starring bin ladin spitting image takes a humorous look at the post nine eleven world. and. six percent in london after the company reported encouraging early signs of progress in stopping the gulf of mexico oil leak and much more in business in twenty minutes.
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a very warm welcome this is r.t. live from moscow. the u.s. house of representatives has convened for a third time to discuss the impact of the deadly chemical agent orange during the vietnam war while the effects are still being felt to this day washington insists there's no evidence to link it to illnesses that continue to afflict later generations you may find some of the images in this report disturbing. i was born with and with too late and missing a hand it is because of america's chemical war against her people in the jungles of vietnam that has left tran in these conditions she is a victim of agent orange second generation tran is one of many her story represents millions living in the shadows of a lasting legacy. these kids will never live a normal life their deformities physical signs of human decay and although their
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parents were not even born until after the vietnam war eighteen million gallons of toxic herbicide sprayed through the jungles of south vietnam is still penetrating the d.n.a. of those being born today i'm a name marion said the victim into still. are suffering from illness a sniff of cancerous the u.s. government has acknowledged agent orange is directly connected to the health ailments and defects that continue to plague the lives of vietnam war veterans for generations to come but the u.s. has worst used to make the same length for the millions of the enemies of war victims whose lives have been devastated as a result of agent orange they say that it has nothing to do with agent orange i think that the u.s. for a minute has the reason to deny it. which is why delegations are here in washington following a report issued by lawmakers scientists and doctors calling on the u.s. government to own up to its agent orange legacy in vietnam today also people then
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me government records show nearly ninety five percent of all u.s. agent orange related aid is committed to efforts to contain and remove dioxin contamination we asked the justice for all the victims those fighting for justice in the case of vietnamese agent orange victims want the physical and psychological damages to be acknowledged if they at say they have to pay to come to state for maimie and so people. not only is it now but also in taking it to state and also to the country career like to assure a news event. the dark legacy left behind by the u.s. in vietnam is one with millions of human faces their struggle three decades in the making will not end with money from the u.s. government but it could ease the pain the u.s. has been ignoring scented dumb to monsanto manufactured agent orange in these
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jungles jan hospice r t washington d.c. . three ethnic chechens arrested by french police have been charged with having links to a terror network russian officials say they belong to the group led by infamous terrorist leader dr model our european correspondent laura emmett. these three men who were arrested and in fact there was a fourth man who has already been released with no charges they were connected to a man called mata who is one of the most notorious north caucasus terrorists still at large and he is known to have links with al qaida during the investigation obviously police raided the flats the apartment where these men were living they found explosives and also extremely significantly maps with various potential targets marks on them this arrest was really significant as i see it in three main
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ways firstly of course because it makes the world a safer place it takes out of circulation people who french authorities say they have hard and fast evidence planning terrorist attacks secondly it was a good score peroration between the russian authorities and the french authorities it was russia who saves the french police to the fact that they might have terror suspects terror activists living in this part of western france and then the french police moved in and also because traditionally in the rest of the. north caucasus terrorists have been seen as separatists people who are fighting for the separation of that region from the rest of russia but increasingly that that view is falling out of fashion as it rests like this take place and it becomes clear that those who are threatening targets in russia also a threat to the rest of the world and of course this isn't the first time that russian potential russian attackers have been arrested in the european union in
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fact in april in lithuania a twenty year old woman was arrested and she pleaded guilty of planning a terror attack in russia she said was to go to chechnya. with a suicide bomb and then blow herself up in a public place and then as another poster based international network the people who can spy. and with her they were going to help her travel and when she got there they were arrested in russia so again part of this international chain that we see forming which is quite significant for russia's attempts to have it direct recognized as part of the global. terror. is one of the most infamous and significant north caucasus terrorists who is still at large in fact a lot of the others have been arrested already he's the leader of what he calls the cool. the self-proclaimed. they of course claimed responsibility for the
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explosions on the mosque in march this year that we all remember so well forty people were killed in a series of two explosions and more than one hundred people were wounded so he says that he was responsible for that official saying for many other attacks as well he's been active all the way through since the ninety's and in fact just recently the u.s. has also you declared that doc will modify is terrorists just three weeks to go before president medvedev visit to the united states they said that he is part of a radical jihadist movement that poses a threat to not just russia but to the u.s. as well so that's an important step in getting these cool consist terrorists recognized as part of the global terror threat. you know with our teeth still to come in a minute time on the horrors of. the day when the one. hundred
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sixty five years have passed since the arms race started a nuclear power change global. pakistan has a band a new indian film that starts in the fall of it. the country's censor board has objected to the trial of the world's most wanted man saying it could trigger a terrorist attack catherine saying the people behind the film and asks is the world ready for nine eleven. this could well be the biggest scoop of my career interviewing the world's most wanted terrorist however this man does not have a twenty five million dollar reward on his head in fact he's not bin ladin but an actor in a bollywood for their new bin ladin or without you lot in but just in case you think this is a movie glorifying a terrorist it is a general sort of. biography it's
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a film which is on the. verge of bin laden happens we get it. this is a fair number of feet below the. using it's not intended to in any way anybody from any part of the world is going to enjoy this from i can guarantee you that it's a comedy set in pakistan where a young journalist is fixated with going to america and he decides his ticket to get an interview with osama bin laden so he goes about creating a fake or. using a look at like. they had to keep the twenty five year old actor under wraps to prevent making the film. had gone to shopping to promote this film and there was a commotion there a crowd of more than one hundred. people gathered so we're falling in this term pete i was scared can wait to attack me because nothing like that happened they wanted to shake my hand and take my autograph so i signed with love someone.
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who plays the journalist is a pakistani singer and this is his debut film how does it feel acting. in pakistan in bollywood films greatly appreciated the scene. people enjoy them so i mean to see. something very refreshing and new for them but pakistan's firm censors have banned the movie saying it locks security agencies. and screening it in public could trigger. the film's distributors and. a message of peace and not appealing the selling point of this film is. but it's very tongue in cheek. to act the part in. america there will be retribution holding just doing evil actions you have committed in the countries like iraq and
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afghanistan so these you will have to pay a heavy price. when i first heard about this film i thought it was going to be a lot of vacation but actually it's quite irrelevant. so i looked at with suspicion in the west today and how the media could be fooled into believing something that doesn't exist i think this film could do well in south asia but western audiences would probably be a good sense of humor to appreciate the message got and see r.d. . it appears to be a world of glamorous events and beautiful people but in reality it carries the reputation. and violence but as the rest of the escort agency. sent to the warnings for women's rights. it was an event that would mark the beginning of the atomic age sixty five years ago a test code named trinity would see the u.s.
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win the race to produce and nuclear weapon america the modern day equivalent of more than twenty billion dollars trying to beat the scientific. rival then it was the remaining relics of the u.s. push for tomic supremacy. it was the culmination of the manhattan project the first american nuclear explosive device nicknamed the gadget went off in new mexico just weeks before devastating the japanese city of hiroshima many including the godfather of the atomic bomb j. robert oppenheimer were terrified by the power of the deadly mushroom cloud. the echo of that blast carried far beyond the atlantic and the soviet union experiments with nuclear energy were on the way too but just like the u.s.
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and this research institute on the black sea coast the main rules were played by german scientists. this used to be a top secret nuclear facility but aside from these lines the entrance was guarded by soviet soldiers the lab deep inside a posse a subtropical paradise. three hundred germans top nuclear physicists their assistants family members and even personal chefs were brought to this clue's compound and up cause by the order of joseph stalin in one nine hundred forty five the nazis were famous for their highly developed nuclear research programs so absent world war two moves german physics and chemistry professors at almost no other option but to work for either moscow or washington if fierce competition between the u.s.s.r. in america to get hold of nuclear weapons was on and even though the us were the
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first to successfully carry out a nuclear test their rivals caught up pretty quickly if you had to give them. the germans here thoroughly analyzed the us media reports about the blast even from there they were able to say what had to be done next. alexander is a veteran of the sukhumi research institute he says many people here remember the time the german successfully accomplished their mission and were let go by the soviet authorities in the nine hundred fifty s. he's showing us the four thousand book library with rare physics digests and german the office where head professor used to work and the equipment to left for russian scientists. this machine is called the spectrograph it's a high definition device a very precise one even when the germans left are saying to us used to get great results with his equipment. but the rest of the building were german physicists used to work on the soviet
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a bomb is totally deserve it all lines are disconnected and now days people rarely visit these dark hole ways sixty years after the beginning of the nuclear era this place hidden among the bamboo trees still holds many secrets and the story of german scientists behind the soviet union's very own project manhattan is just one of them. r t. ok that's the news in brief from around the world this hour and at least twenty eight. hundred and sixty . one of the major mosque in southeastern iran among the dead are members of the revolutionary guard the explosion happened when she died because paying to malta the birthday of the prophet muhammad's grandson rebel group has claimed responsibility for the attack saying was in revenge for the hunting of its leader last month. the former president of cuba fidel castro has
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surfaced at an aquarium in havana this is the fourth time he's been seen in public in the last following almost of four years of relative seclusion health problems have forced the eighty three year old to handle power to his younger brother raul castro who also used a visit to speak to veterinarian dr c. on march of revolutionary icon a change of our gastro. the latest public outing comes after he made an appearance on cuban t.v. at the start of the week. and later on cross talk people of gas discounts at el castor and u.s. policy towards cuba washington's and go against its neighbor has been in force for hall for century and has been called a failed policy by president obama watch the program next hour but has that proof. force the russians that they feel cows are in grave either i assure the shame.
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shame people who believe that styling was a great lever. you know to try to you know i think it's very funny it's very funny what you see because the world me excuse me frank you made an accusation i'm going to react to it ok. you know you're living in a bubble most of the world miners fidel castro for good reasons or wrong reasons and you know i that's not a debate that we're going to have going well. i want to deal castro is very positive in the world ok you know you don't why do i not in cuba and maybe not a lot of. you know i know that's actually if i hear what you say how i live it for your daughter fact is daughter fact your neighbor lady and the fact friel cows are . its own thing is i don't know if you are you well look i'm a short your science as you could call shopping as many times as you wore but is
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daughter of fact big in cuba the cuban government has been in power for fifty years they can always want to change. escort agencies popular among wealthy russians have come under attack by activists claiming that the business is dangerous for the women involved they believe the women who are paid to mix in high society often face sexual abuse violence. single and in need of beautiful company. events you need to attend as a couple but you don't have your plus one there are people willing to help with that the beauty of the escort business is they provide you with a choice of glamorous educated multilingual women will be more than happy to grace your side at any important event but many believe this business is not just skin deep. the girls who are engaged in these so-called escort services get sexually
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abused a lot more often than prostitutes because no one tells them they will have to perform sexual favors or who they will be passed on to sometimes the client who booked an escort will simply bring the girl to use own clients who would be using her. however women who are employed by escort services seem keen to disprove this notion the limit is an escort and she does not worry about her safety. suit that's not a look this is the those we make and we show the moscow gals are educated attractive and teligent and people enjoy our company but that hasn't been a time when i felt scared or concerned about my safety lines up and if the girl feels unsafe she can always leave some that. still she says she wouldn't tell her boyfriend about her chosen profession because too often it is confused with prostitution and many say with good reason all kinds of support for business
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meetings claims the website of one escort agency but the pictures that accompany the statement certainly don't show any support and hand at a very illegal business some believe this business can even get you killed. a russian newspaper journalist went undercover for six months as an escort what she saw certainly wasn't the fairy tale promised in the ads. when i was working as an escort i got invited to an inn to use to very trendy influential man this was pretty normal thing so i wasn't scared but when the man came out to do we need kid i got worried and don't have a sudden he grabbed me and tried to force me to perform a sexual act a bit him and jumped off a balcony to ski and there scored agency owner called me and started screaming at me calling me a fat for ruining your engine says relations with such an important client. you know slow i was lucky others weren't the other there because they never talk
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about what they've gone through these girls only when they get really drunk the lucky ones simply get raped like you once end up in hospital and they never complain because if you do it very unpleasant accident can happen like a hit and run boom and your dad. according to complain is the one thing these girls cannot afford to do. i remember a girl who told the truth about her life in a t.v. interview about how they get raped beaten forced to hand over all their money and the people that edited the documentary didn't change her voice or cover her face or anything a few days after the documentary aired she was found killed so the glamour and the money are very real but the danger is even more so i guess readers are of r.t. moscow. and that is the way the news this is our hair more of our website dot
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com time now for the latest business with the media. hello time for the business update engineering giant siemens has put flesh on the bones of russia's modernization drive after a huge deal to provide the country with state of the art technology trains and wind turbines president richard vedder found chancellor angela merkel noted in the editing book the business was booming between the two countries daniel bushell reports. siemens fixes its position as one of the top foreign investors in russia it will build two hundred forty multan trains in the country to replace creaking regional stalk europe's biggest engineering group will help to produce wind turbines cutting the country's dependence on oil and gas siemens also agreed to join russia's joint new silicon valley being built school cover near moscow the
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multi billion euro deal comes as president richard but it also helped to pull the economy out of its backwardness but i'm sure you managed to get my let me draw your attention to the point that germany is number one in the list of russia's parliament switch and we have always worked doing here in creating new technologies really over one hundred years and we have perfect economic relations three years ago siemens was convicted of paying royalties to we lucrative contracts in russia today is make a deal was signed on the back of the close personal friendship between the leaders of the two states business leaders say a shift to more legitimate ways of earning influence it's very hard for anybody to engage in bribery nowadays this might take more time and more resources on the other side in order to have success but i would assume that talking about foreign investors that bribery let's say and i more and more out if it is being done yeah
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at this time at all it's a radical difference from just a few years ago when russia's leadership admitted it was impossible to do business without backhanders summits like the one here in the urals are helping russia to shed its soviet image that applies not just to the products but to the way it goes about producing them too than a bushel business out see you catherine. the main group of petroleum exporters has raised its forecast for russian oil production in twenty ten opec says their exports and internal supplies of russian courage is expected to everett around ten million barrels a day organization says there is an increase in demand for all from up at countries like russia in particular this relates to the new russian blend supply from east to asia russian crude is becoming more attractive in the market pressure on demand for opec oil the oil cartel expects global dimanche to grow around one percent next year. quarterly profit google has missed expectations for the first time in
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two years the world's top search engine posted net income of one point eight billion dollars for the second quarter the growth in the company's expenses off such a twenty four percent jump in revenue and lists are worried about rising costs as google spends happily on research and development to expand into new products. time to check now on the markets and russia the r.t.s. of the my six off the sour old major blue chips a gaining bucking the upward trend is ross net. and stocks in the u.k. are on the rise for the first time in three days they're being pulled high by positive news for the gulf of mexico where b.p. says it has finally managed to flog its leaking oil well placed on a temporary faces the confidence shares have shot up six percent on the news and the german debt says just to be in the black this hour. big stage owned companies
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in russia are not coming up with enough innovative products that's the verdict of the managing director of pricewaterhouse coopers center of innovation will pocket all correspondent to tell a pretty cool work or talk with him up the international forum of industry and innovation in the world. we interviewed so about one hundred of the largest companies in russia. it wasn't the smaller perhaps more innovative startups but it's a large sum of the largest one billion dollars minimum size no a forty percent ever produced innovative new product over the last two years so the good news is that that's forty percent the bad news is over a two year period for large companies it really should be closer to ninety percent so when we looked at. who was actually doing that and what were the companies were the nature of the companies that were doing more innovating in the major companies and more companies that were subsidiaries of international organizations were more likely to be innovating. russian companies that sell in the international markets
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are more likely to be innovating. like russian companies a cell just domestically or had state ownership. were less likely to innovate so there's some sense there about what is what is what drives innovation do you believe in russia potential to build it in the table top them all still seem a lot to cover for necessarily coming that way russia has to have patience because all of these very successful regions they didn't it wasn't like overnight they became huge success so it was sometimes decades at least a decade and almost every now and then russia because they need to be patient they should really look a little beyond you know what's the big hot new thing now or in the next year but sort of look at trends around science and innovation that are still at sort of the pretty competitive level where you can bring multinational companies together with russian scientists and engineers and focus on solving major problems. that's all
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from the business team that sol you can always get more new small website r.t. dot com slash business. ninety nine feet the drain carries away the russian empires gold reserve. to save it from the soviets. five hundred tons of gold. dozens of counted. six hundred fifty millions in czarist ruble. a train that is still awaited of the arrival station. a century long way. the mystery of the golden train on the.
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line. which brightened. movements from phones to impressions. from stunts on t.v. don't come. wealthy british style holds. on to. markets why not scandal. find out what's really happening to the global economy in the kinds of reports.


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