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tv   [untitled]  RT  July 15, 2010 5:30pm-6:00pm EDT

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the mode of being turned down. sunday a beach hotel the western resort to subdue. the resort and spa the. grounds of many articles of hotel full seasons hotel the sultan who turn. hello this is our team from moscow these are all top stories. two options either the three of us go and eat some hamburgers or we draw the treetops record to some kind of conceived would be. best for me then for the two of you russia germany set the table for greater cooperation with the west at the summit in the urals on the menu transports and technology advances for russia
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followed by billion dollar deals at the meeting president would read of also urged the rand to be more transparent in its nuclear program. the u.s. hands over the last iraqi prisoner under its control to local authorities america will continue though to hold two hundred detainees including eight members of the former regime since the allied invasion the us won systems handle both the one hundred thousand prisoners president obama's deadline for withdrawal from iraq is set for december next year. and thirty five years ago russia or the united states launched their first joint space mission apollo. the event marking of the beginning of a mirror of space cooperation but also a warming and cold war relations. you have today with our top stories next our interview show spotlight on. the c.e.o. of the russian. oil he tells host going off about russia's flight to global
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markets spotlight on the air than just ten seconds from now. for the fool we've focused on the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers. engineering technologies two thousand per minute. russian aircraft manufacturing companies are capable penetrating global markets besides famous russian fighter jets several civil projects that could become
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a success globally and one hundred media. is one of the. guests in the studio today is the first vice president of the united aircraft corporation to talk about the plans and the problems of russian aircraft industry. have been dominating much of the skies comparatively cheap they remain an attractive alternative to more expensive western model. is being tested now and some foreign experts say the t.v. is better than its american rivals. use a computer specially proud because the. russian components besides produce. kompany is launching a passenger plane the super jet it's a replacement for planes and foreign brands. so what else is coming from the hangar . maker. will spill the beans on today's edition.
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there is to tell mr bossie on and thanks for joining us hello. the first thing that comes to mind when you talk about. the recent presentation of a fifth generation fighter jet prime minister putin attended for resign a grown tests done and fly tests have started that does this mean that russia is still a world leader and military aircraft. certainly our positions in military aircraft manufacturing are quite strong explode. and the ground for twenty four percent of the world's military aircraft exports in terms of output is what we manufacture good twelve to fourteen percent of all military aircraft so there we were you. telling me this is that so do it there's any country make more
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across the americans digitals of the middle of the united states it covers more than fifty percent of the world's military aircraft market. so is the world's number three producer but the first two places are taken by a wall keyed and boeing look at the wall which mainly provide aircraft what the u.s. department of defense used. for the counter bombs going to i would. always teach in the way it's recently china presented its new fighter jet cold f c one. mistaken it looks very much like our su twenty seven but i think it's also cheaper so two questions here first do you see this as dumping and will russia take any measures to protect its intellectual property which they have to skip iowa. more than twenty years ago though the russian federation and the people's republic of china has
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signed a contract for the licensed production of ass-u. twenty seven in china. you. under the contract with russia was to supply ports for certain number of planes but will china wants to manufacture a certain number of fear craft with that although it would in the deal also included some other provisions the possibility of more do not fear craft them developing these program further would you could make honestly would you have some questions concerning the way disagreement is being implemented the russian chinese commission for military technical cooperation is looking into these matters so i will soon work out a mutually acceptable solution as a regards protecting our intellectual property and developing this project to further level but if we want to so you do have questions about this across so it's not clear whether it's a violation and lois had to figure that out but we do have questions and we have to discuss this matter in detail would help large numbers which is what our agencies
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and experts on both sides are doing now. which. you've mentioned america being a lot just manufacturing military aircraft as well should do it but it was primarily because the u.s. department of defense had a pentagon is u.s. made a crofter that yes the u.s. market is the largest nor is russia mostly produces for export as i understand it i can say that over the past twenty years the russian defense ministry of purchased almost no new planes for a modest but all are achievements in the industry are based on our mass production for export oil but now the situation is changing. it is i was just about to ask whether the russian defense ministry and the air force are ready to develop and to become your major customers. these need to be serious i was a. defense minister he isn't just trading has already become one of our major customers in two thousand and eight in two thousand and nine but we signed
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contracts to supply on more than a hundred and fifty aircraft. ministry a lot of news to one hundred plus sukhoi just go and thirty laws make planes who are i believe the defense ministry plans to continue mining new aircraft for the air force. planes that were manufactured before the nine hundred ninety s. who are gradually being commissioned so one of the. most of the points sukhoi produce will go to the defense ministry. of course so this will add to our instability and help us promote our products on the international market as well. just ten years ago. now that with a new generation jet on the market spotlights you know. that. the
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pride of russia's aviation industry thing you wish to change ration fighter jet fifty was unveiled to the public at the beginning of the year the jets most outstanding characteristics i meet stealth and its ability to flight supersonic speeds so that you ration of it's flight it's said to possess twice the range of its american equivalent and is expected to capture a large part of the market when it comes into service in three years time india is says it wants to buy up to two hundred fifty of these jets and the demand for them is only expected to increase as they're going to be cheaper than those from the u.s. but what's probably more important for russians is that civil aviation is also showing signs of after almost twenty years of decline the first post soviet messenger plane this is the jet one hundred was presented to the international public at last year's paris and show how about the supposed jets main task is not so much to
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impress potential for in customers but to replace the outdated. lanes currently used by russian airlines the driving force behind the regeneration of the russian there is growing cooper ration with bars what started as just supply oprah materials is great too it turned into joint research and it can only ship projects in the past five years where she has increased state funding of the industry play twenty times but it still might take keys if not decades for the civil segment of russian aviation to keep up with its western counterparts like boeing boss. and now after watching this video i have a question let's compare planes and cause the fiesta my formula one race cars or will i basically policy models to try out new technology that will later be implemented in mass produced because you don't have to be so is there
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a similar situation in your industry that once you develop a new technology for combat aircraft do you then apply it in civil aviation when there is that after this there is a six month. well she story coley military aviation has always been the driving force behind the aircraft manufacturing industry where many new materials like thirteen email oist which are widely used in civil aviation to date were initially developed for military purposes and the same goes for any onyx. the military industry was a leading the way and then it's to acknowledge those who were integrated into civil aviation but now the situation has changed due to a two way street on the one hand you have military technologies developed for military programs simply mantid in civil aviation but on the other hand many things in that ad for civil aviation. for military planes for example boeing seven hundred
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eighty seven on the it's you so. composing materials so it's a whole new level aircraft design. so if we want to be a world leader in aircraft manufacturing we should develop both the military and civil sector. i know that she'll company plans to increase the share of civil aircraft because so far you make money mostly by making military acromion. do you plan to increase the share of civil aircraft by means of the russian market are you planning to promote your products more aggressively worldwide. there is no russian market in the aircraft industry there is the world market would do if we want to succeed and this applies to both military and civil programs we have to consider the world aircraft market and the reason we have been successful with our military aircraft is because we considered the situation on the world market and we
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made them competitive over the same goes for civil aviation but you when you said something strange just now what do you mean there is no domestic market. here traffic inside russia is so low that you can't rely on it to produce an airplane that would be able to compete against western ear craft it was up to if we consider only the russian market with our planes wound stand competition for that or would you consider that's why we have to go by world standards will actually in our airlines who want the same flawed doesn't want to buy russian planes often theory or quality used it once aircraft was superior to those used by its rivals do you. think that through it by the way an air of thought offended your company just the other day they appealed to the russian leadership saying they wanted to become a monopolist effective and they said that health of the planes they buy would be right and the other half knowing about does this mean that they're not going to buy
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your plane said old. sirius no we have a contract with air flight for thirty planes with an option for them to buy more later those are regional class planes with us for short medium and long range airliners at this point in the united aircraft corporation cannot alone for air flow planes that would be able to compete against boeing or airbus should this be so in the future we would like to have more civil points to offer but to date with your forty's our strategic partner for regional class planes. they should choose what's made this medium range sukhoi superjet project most successful event. tuple if t u three thirty four if i got its name right and that no one particular well that's because we design our plane what the future is not for to day and another thing when you launch a new project you have to keep it short well you can take ten years to design
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a new plane for the a little more you have to keep it short. some say is because two people have to do everything on its own up while sicko used for into college and a new deal of the stuff from the very outset and so we decided that we wanted our products to have international certificates for good and we wanted to have an airplane that we would be able to offer to both domestic and foreign customers consequently we had to impose strict requirements on our contractors so when they had to provide international certificates for the ports they provided for free but when we had a cost limitations because we have to compete against western mass produced aircraft and in terms of both plants and floetry alone someone believed we came up with a better you know it's one hundred passenger aircraft for the regional market was it if we used a number of new technological solutions that made it competitive for school groups for example it's a control system that was used the safest in its class also if it meets the highest international standards and it's more comfortable compared to other regional planes
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then there is a number of other technological solutions as commission says. general director of the whole company spotlight will be back shortly right after a break so stay with us then. the question was the same i understand i got it and it's always a little more some of the bad news but here's the bottom well these bad health castro's appearance on cuban television for years again puts into focus of honest. welcome back to spotlight time out you know i've been just to remind you that my
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guest in the studio today is me how you sound the first vice president of the united aircraft corporation he's also the head of the soho aircraft camp and mig after that i'm a so the man who who makes all the jet planes in this country nearly all of the. stars expressions that i what if you're coming back to your favorite brainchild of the super. tankers sad they would hit the market in the summer of two thousand and ten which means pretty soon at the very keeping up with the timetable that. they do we have twelve planes and being a sound board there to come some malls going to. all the different stages that hell many do you need to hit the market to come to the market it's enough to supply the first plane to your customer going through our plans we are to supply the first three planes to the airport in our mob year our first customers how many have you sold to date it is off today our stock of orders is worth in a hundred and twenty points so there's already sold yes in
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a move received advance payments from our customers so it's a slope of how much is the advance payment in relation to the full price also the percentage varies i would how much do you like to get the world personally i don't have any particular preferences in the smaller the advance payment to the higher the price so the bigger the advance payment will lower the price can you do this so it's not really important to the companies that but how much does this super just costs at the school and there are various modifications so that catalogue rise to varies between twenty five and twenty eight million dollars will build the if that's the basic price so in reality though we offer discounts and the market price is subject to. greenman switch when the company and its customers spot let's. try to find out if people here in russia trust russian aircraft here's what she came up with hi there well some say that it is safer to travel by plane them by car
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however it seems that you have more control when you are the one playing with little christmas lights miniscule ready to get a word interest. let's see if. those bullets if they. yes i do you think. it is news that russian planes have always been one of. the world i don't remember russian trash which. i don't really trust. no i don't well it actually lives. parts i don't trust aircraft. i'm scared.
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to be honest with you. guessed. it. next question. considering the fact that as you've just seen many people tend to distrust russians even tourist companies as. they run their advertising campaigns promise you'll be flying a boeing more or less we're talking about civil points right. now well over the past twenty years we've developed a very few new plane models and as a result certain amount of distrust has built up because
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a russian made plane city or the companies used to be mostly old ones. you know even if we take those critical things that we've just mentioned the picture that emerges is an accurate one on the one hand they point to high level of technology and a high level of reliability but breakdowns are rather frequent because of the like of servicing exploits you know at that it depends on the company that operates them right this is also true someone often russian made planes are inferior to their foreign made counterparts in that they enjoy less maintenance i mean. we're putting most serious sampras's on organizing a worldwide after sales service system that can meet more than standards for considering that as a no less important task than developing an aircraft complex within the framework of superjet one hundred projects. most attention to infrastructure and servicing all over the world would you not responsible to persons as. we weren't before the
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responsibility was we have companies currently both in military and similar craft it's the manufacturer and that should be our responsibility for after sales service and we are organizing a special structure that will keep aircraft in terms throughout their service life will be should what all the legal aspect to say you'll move through aircraft from flights that has to be for maintenance we must assure such are a liability that airlines would be able to operate the plane between scheduled maintenance periods for the maintenance schedule will be part of the contract. wish there was future if so you can ban and i craft from being upgraded if it fails to get maintenance that's not our goal or goal is to work together with air. lines and provide everything necessary for a successful operation off aircraft is that something you just plan today but note something we're already doing and we have been doing these even before we supplied our first aircraft to customers. were begun talking about six weeks cooperation
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with foreign companies. do you plan to expand this cup aeration would have been the reason to bring the entire production chain back to russia like it was in the soviet times. of course we should increase russia's sheer in the production of equipment but since we consider the world market we should coppery it with the world's leading components like manufacturers and i see it is our strategy vector to my mind or russia possesses a lot of skills like you'll software development of the high intellectual resource of the engineer personnel the manse russian industry and so forth these could be modern industries are emerging as well you know that makes it possible to increase the sheriff russian made in future planes a lot of it's going to i want to get the does this international cooperation have a matthew elements to it let me explain what i mean i'm with mr from bank of the make of the new russian super come rusia once came to the studio and was sitting
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where you're sitting right now he said he had been tilting the old brakes made by bosch and all the foreign made components in which case had been promised there would be no problem certificate why is it he said he wanted to use only russian parts no one would satisfy it they told him is there anything like that innovation . yeah you. know i don't see anything like that all you need is a sufficient amount of skills and experience because you can certified almost anything will if you certify something that was never certified before you have to realize that their certification cycle will take a lot of time we must make products that will come to. market within rather a brief time frame of course there's no question of protectionism no there is no direct protectionism if you write another question it's more of a political nature but you are the right person to ask about it the bulk of the soviet military transport aircraft industry was left in ukraine as i understand
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well i'm was the main manufacturer in this class so what's your plan will you try to make something new on your own so i know you have a plant income going to more or are you working with the ukrainians russia today has some experience in making military transport planes for example i also had a six who was one of the main planes used by the defense ministry for transportation as well today the aleutian company has a number of branches but of course we are actively discussing the possibility of integrating russian aircraft industry the anton of company and some other plants in ukraine i see some promise and you know i think that we should pool our resources and afterwards to my mind this may be very effective with the expertise that russia and ukraine have any area of military transport aircraft and i think we can be very successful because all right we've discussed cooperation with china we said there
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are a few problems but you've promised that they will be results we've also talked about cut the ration with the training now about india if they want to weigh if they're both from the fact that we sell many military planes to india there is also a russian intent project to develop a multiple transport plane yes how is the project going and when will we have the first results. in aircraft manufacturing and this goes beyond military planes like you just said this includes transport planes as well there were a program of building the su thirty m. . very successful. this is this aircraft under license from the world with the multipurpose transport plane program we progressed from a regular solar by relationship with shifu fledged important shipping producing more than aircraft. were also considering
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a similar partnership for their fifth generation project of which we also mentioned today by the way with so i think we'll have some results in the next few years and this year i expect that we'll sign action plans for both programs. i purposed transport plane and that of the fifth generation and the last question could you reveal a secret and tell us whether russia is going to build its own drones or continue to buy them from israel that's the room designing a managerial planes is one of the priorities for you definitely get the full so you all waiting on it should the bill put it you will assume is the defense minister gives us a definite list stuff required characteristics for this plane we'll be able to start hurting on this project directly in situations where a small number of drones are necessary i think they can be purchased from israel with enclosed space about spicy of a thank you very much for being with us and just to remind that my guest in the studio today was. general director of the oil and make companies
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and the head of the first vice president of the russian state aviation building corporation and that's it for now from all of us here will be back with more first and comments i was going on in and outside russia until then stay on our t.v. and take care of.
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