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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  April 4, 2024 3:30am-4:03am IRST

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hi to the communities as international goods day this year will be held even more gloriously as non-muslim nations will also participate. iran's president says israel does not respect international and moral principles and is committing inhumane crimes in gaza to gover up for its internal weaknesses. and iranian security forces foil two simultaneous terrorist attacks in the southeastern province of season and baluchistan.
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of hello everyone, it's 2 am in the besieg gaza strip and you're watching press tv world news, our top story, the leader of iran's islamic revolution says this year's international goods day will be a global uprore against the zionist regime which... people in non-muslim countries will also participate in a meeting with heads of three branches of government sayid ali khamenei said israely regime will continue to be the losing party in gaza. head regime's recent crime against iranian military advisors in syria, will not save it from defeat in gaza. stress the israeli regime will be punished for that aggression. international condemnation followed israely air strike against iran's consulate in the syrian capital. the european. union was latest to
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join calls for condemnation after multiple countries including iraq, venezuela, oman, qatar, the uae, saudi arabia, china and russia denounce the israeli aggression as unacceptable. grand's foreign minister says recent israely terror attack on country's diplomatic premises in syria violates international principles on immunity of diplomats and diplomatic missions. hussein amir abdul was. speaking in a phone conversation with the european union foreign policy chief joseph burell, calling on the block to condemn the attack in the strongest terms. he asked how eu will react if a similar attack could hit a western embassy in like ukraine. heran stop diplomatic criticized eu for urging iran to show self-restraint while israel continues violating all international laws and principles. touching on the ongoing israeli campaign of genocide in gaza. am abdullahyan said regime's crimes continue. with full us
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support, adding, us will be directly responsible for escalation of tensions in the region if it does not stop supporting the regime's uh war crimes. brell for his part, eu believes israel's attack on the iranian embassy is at odds with efforts made to reduce regional tensions. we all the syrian government sell the ceremony in damascus to pay homage to the seven iranian military advisors killed. in monday's israely attack on the consul section of iran's embassy, this is a first of its kind in syria to commemorate the funeral of the marters, this is the second martter here, the first one, all the marters now, one, two, three, marters now heading to uh the... ambulances which
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will after after this go to saida zenab shrin to be heading to iran later, we were at the embassy where we also met several governmental party members permanent party members who came to bacon to bring the respect and give condolence to the iranian people to the republic to the... republic of iran uh for the marters of the irgc, we have met with also the representative movement, he said that the islamic resistance in iraq will take it personally and response to this attack, they started already uh with this response to the to this treasurous attack, as you can see the ceremony now begun, we are here current. bidding farewell to these
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marters who gave them their lives while wearing their military uniform defending syria against terrorism. supporting the resistance, giving aid to the uh resistance in gaza. european union's joint chorus economination against israel's recent deadly air strike on the iranian embassy in syria. eu says diplomatic and consular missions and personnel must be protected in all cases and circumstances. in social media post, peter stano, a spokesperson for the european commission called on regional countries to show the upmost restraint. on monday israel bombed the consular section of the iranian embassy in damascus, attack killed two senior military commanders who are on an advisory mission as well as five accompanying officers. political commentator masu shajade
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joined us earlier from london and commented on the israeli attack on the iranian embassy consular section in the syrian capital. "i mean it really is outrageous, i mean the fact the matter is there is no question that this is unlawful, this is provocative, this is actually goes against all aspects of international law, this is escalation of the the insecurity in the whole region and indeed beyond, there is really no question on this, i mean i don't think anyone anyone with the slight intellect." will be able to say anything other than these factual realities, but what is really so shocking is not the fact that there is a silence by the international community, is the fact that the western so-called allies under the leadership
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of united state are actually encouraging this by arming and supporting and giving total sort of support to all barbaric action over the last few months of this rogue state, this this regime, and that is why he been encouraged to do this, and by doing so we are asleepwalking into conflict going much wider and indeed becoming a world conflict and in gulfing, not just nations in the region, but far beyond. prior to international goods day, a pro-palestan event called guza pulpet has been held simultaneously in iran, iraq, lebanon, yemen and syria. number of resistance front leaders addressed this event. on the blessed al-quds day, i salute
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all the mujahidin and all the great. fighters from amongst our people, those who have humiliated the forces of the zionist enemy and have broken its all and it's huborous and continue to do so. i also bow down to our people in gaza, we step forward to provide it with support as much as we can, and we are ongoingly trying to advance. our missile and naval capabilities to contribute further in supporting and standing with the palestinian people and also to attack the israeli enemy. the palestinian oppressed people are suffering from oppression and are suffering
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from killing and kidnapping and torture and demolishing of homes and also demolishing of agriculturals. this aggression against our people and the sanctities would not have continued and reached this level of brutality, were it not for the american cover provided, but rather effective american participation in the crimes of this occupation, and were it not for the american direct participation in the aggression against our people, by providing the zionist occupation with thousands of tons of lethal weapon. and bombs and missiles, what is taking place today in gaza is that the zionist entity is not committing to any of the humanitarian and illegal and international principles and it commits
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brutal crimes, inhumane crimes to cover up for its weaknesses internally, and today the palestinian cause and the cause of gaza. separates between two, between commitment and the abandonment or carelessness towards humanitarian principles. today the iraqi government, the honorable iraqi government. and the iraqi people and the islamic resistance, they are more insisting on the withdraw of these troops and achieving complete national sovereignty to our people in gaza and in palestine. what is important, my dear colleagues, is that we must take action for us to come out god willing from this battle to come out victorious with our heads high, successful. and for defeat to be dt to the enemy and to all those who stand
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behind this enemy, and our news review program we discuss how unified stance by resistance leaders against israel could help palestinian stand firm in the face of the regime's genocidal war in gaza. joining us now for the our news review program is a matty am sollet press tv correspondent joining us from beirot and bruce kats, co-president of palestinian and jewish unity joining us from montreal. hello you too and thanks for your patience, welcome to the program to both of you. i guess we'll start there in uh beirot with you miriam. the latest on uh clashes that you can tell us about about the hostility there in the southern border areas between the israeli regeme and the lebanese resistance movement uh hisballah miriam and and more uh... relevant pertaining to our story, tell us what you can about the this pulpit and what
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activities we've seen as a late that's actually forged ties between resistance mariam in the region and basically as answer to the israeliters we witnessed for the last six months go ahead well today's speeches from the leaders of the resistance i think they are a culmination of this continuous coordination and the fact that they have throughout the past years they have done this before this is not the... first time, this is a platform that we see a yearly basis, um, since we've had these continuous violations and aggressive policies towards all goods, and now we see this culmination, we see how it has all come together, and now we can see that from the speeches of course that the words of the resistance leaders are talking about the fact that now this unity has led to a strategic defeat for the israeli regime, and now we are looking if we look at for example the words of secretary generallah spoke about how people thought it was almost
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impossible to be able to lead liberation to withdraw for the israeli army to withdraw from lebanese territory for example throughouut its time of occupation since in the past they had always taken a land, taken arab land and stayed there, they had never withdrawn through forest, hazballah's humble resistance bit by bit, that led to a withdrawal from the... israelis unconditionally making sure that this was the first defeat for the israel, this ended the so-called great israel, then we had series of other victories in 2006, we also had in 2005, the fact that they were also forced to leave gaza, and so we we can see that bit by bit this grew, and then now flood, this is where you see that we are we are we are seeing a strategic defeat for the israeli regime, it's very important to look at that. thank you, miriam, and bruce, thanks for your patience there. welcome to the program, mr. bruce cast
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joining us from canada. now, now bruce, the israel uh genocidal uh campaign aside from the killing and maming of men, women, children, the elderly in gaza, it's also been fast at work in unifying the resistance in the region as you very well know, and that cannot be something that's positive for the israeli regime, as and it's done so through it, it's evident disdain for. anyone not israeli that we've seen so far in this campaign, including aid workers from abroad. your initial thoughts on the story there? well, israel over seven decades is shown its distain for the rule of law and believes it's it's it's political class believes that israel is above the law and unfortunately it has been. tests of american administrations as well as as well as other western
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administrations, western governments that have clearly lent israel this impunity in which it it continues to believe, despite the fact that it has undertaken what is most certainly casebook genocide in gaza. as well as less publicized criminal undertakings in in the occupied west bank. where they've arrested some uh 7,000 uh palestinians who are languishing in israeli prisons right now um they have lost all credibility as as a government uh i've said before that when
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criminals run the state the state itself is criminalized. "that is the present case of the state of israel, it is being run by war criminals, clearly war criminals, and as a result it, it is itself a criminalized state, and this is something that is recognized by the the different peoples of the world, and what we what we we see is the the casm that separates citizens especially in the..." in global north and west from uh their uh their political elites. all right, thank you both and stay safe to both of you. madi, our press tv correspondent there joining us from beirot and bruce cast co-president of palestinian and jewish unity joining us from montreal and viewers that brings us to the conclusion of the segment of your press tv news review
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program. thank you for tuning in and goodbye for now. and welcome back everyone, now the iranian security forces of foil two simultaneous terrorist attacks in the southeastern province of seestan and baluchistan, local officials said attacks it to police and military posts in cities of rosk and chabahar, according to local officials, number of terrorists affiliated with pakistan-based jaysal ad terrorists outfit have been killed or wounded in the attack. these the iranian security forces have also lost their lives. there's been no more details given at this time, but just out terror group has conducted number of similar attacks in recent months, some of them deadly. group claim responsibility for december attack a police station in the city of rosca as well, which left 11 police officers dead. on january 10th, another attack by the group a police station in the
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same city killed another policeman and a days after that attack iran launched simultaneous. drone and missile strikes on two juicial ad bases in pakistan, killing and injuring number of the terrorists. landmines and explosive remnance of war are the terrifying legacy.
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mines in 2019, welcome back, you everyone, you're watching press tv world news night, joining us from the presieg trip, earlier was press tv corresponding muti abusabet, he says another tough night for palestinians in central gazas, israel's intensified its air strikes against the city of der abalah and several other areas. yes, actually the israeli war planes intensified their strikes and attacks against their balah city, particularly over the last couple of moments, at least for palestinian residential buildings were targeted and destroyed by those relentless air strikes. in addition to
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that, the israeli artillery maintain shelling the eastern bars of the city, while in the when it comes to annusar. refuji camp and the northern part of anosar fuji camp, it was also hit by more israeli air strikes, another residential building was destroyed over the last movements, in addition to the israeli artillery that was maintained against the northern part of that refugee camp, particularly a zahra neighborhood, while arbores refugee camp in the central area as well was targeted and death relentlessly over the last couple of moments by the israeli artillery shilling, apparently it's another tough night for the palestinian civilians here. in the central area of gaza strip, knowing that this area is completely overwhelmed and overcrowded with the displaced palestinians who have been evacuated from different parts of gaza city and the northern bar. of gaza strip uh, while when it comes to the other areas of gaza strip, according to the breaking news that came moments ago that baithan city is also
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hit uh these moments by the israeli war planes and the israeli artillery shelling, so uh uh the israeli world planes are still decimating gaza strip with more air strikes, an international rights organization says israel uses starvation restricting aid delivery. in the killing of hungry individuals as a policy to reinforce famin in gaza. the euromed human rights monitor says as a result of israel's policy, famman has spread throughout northern gaza, increasing number of deaths from starvation, malnutrition and related illnesses. israely policy of deliberate starvation is not only attempted ethnic cleansing in gaza, but also intended to expose palestinian civilians to the risk of actual death. a rights monitor concluded, collective punishment. the israel regime imposes on gaza is aimed at starving an entire palestinian population. it ours the international community to make sure that israel respects international law and halts
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its ongoing campaign of genocide. islamic resistance in iraq has carried out new strike against an israely target, hitting regime's ramed airbase and southeast haifa. the iraky resistance said operation was carried out using drones, it added. attacks in response to massacres committed by israel against palestinians including the women, children, and elderly. group said it will continue its operations against regime strongholds in recent months, the islamic resistance in iraq has carried out series of attacks against israely targets, it's also hit us military bases in iraq and neighboring syria and response to washington support for israel's campaign of genocide. international goods day is annual pro-palestinian event marked on the last friday of the holy month of ramadan day is designated by founder of the islamic republic imam komaini in 1979 in solidarity
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with palestinians people worldwidele mark this year's quiz day this coming friday. our correspondent muzim salim has asked people in baghdad about this event and its importance. today as we witnessed. israeli genocide against palestinians, we call on the muslim world to stand up for palestine and show their support, the whole world is witnessing the systematic killing of innocent people in gaza, even after the un security council ordered to stop this genocide, the zionist regime insists on continuing its crimes, international day is a chance for all muslims to stand together for palestine, honestly it's unfortunate how some of the arabic. countries are standing still without taking action against ongoing genocide in gaza. it's a day of solidarity with the palestinian
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people and to remind the world of this humanitarian case which represents the will and struggle of the free people against colonialism. the great imam initiated the quotes day after many countries left palestine behind. we commemorate these stay annually to expose those who attempt to normalize their... is a great event that pushed the palestinian issue to the four, it showed how the access of resistance is an indispensable regional force and it highlighted the rights of the palestinians. the genocide against palestinians makes it imperative for the islamic nation and the whole free world to stand together this... during international puts day to show their solidarity with the people of palestine. that's here on pres tv, everyone, thanks for
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tuning in and goodbye for now.
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it was palestinians who choose to sell their lands. did palestinians not sell their lands? there are many historical documents. that proved that the jews purchased palestinian lands. on the other hand, palestinians sold their lands at high prices and had fun with their money. now that they have run out of money, they regret selling their lands. but you should know, the entire land that was purchased under pressure and deceed from the uk government, among others, makes up less than 7% of the total land mass of palestine, and that using deceptive measures, including
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one, a seeming... illegal and extravagant delegation of lands by the uk government agent when palestine was a british colony, two, buying from major feudal lords who had left their lands in palestine following the collapse of the ottoman empire. three, tempting farmers who lived under severe economic hardship by paying extravagant sums of money for their lands. having figured out the zionist plot, palestinians then started to bulk at selling their land. this news was published in one of the editions of al-ahram newspaper in 1937. a land broker was shot dead. people were so infuriated with him that they did not allow his corps into the mask and did not bury him in the muslim cemetery. in fact, 78% of the total palestinian territory was occupied by the zionists during the devastating war of 1948, asymmetric war
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that displaced 1 million and200. thousand palestinians, not to mention the occupation, 531 cities and villages were raised to the ground and thousands of palestinians were killed. "evvela allah, dik duracağız, dikleşmeyeceğiz. 31 mart bizim için bir bitiş değil, aslında bir dönüm noktasıdır.
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ama hiçbir surette milletimizin kararına hürmetsizlik etmeyeceğiz. milletle inatlaşmaktan, milli iradeye rağmen hareket etmekten, milletin takdirini sorgulamaktan,
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bugüne kadar olduğu gibi. yine uzak duracağız.
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these children are victims of a war that ended over half a century ago. landmines and explosive remnance of war are the... first inheritance left to them by war.