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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  April 3, 2024 9:30pm-10:03pm IRST

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devastating wars, terrorism, the israeli lobby, crackdown, diplomacy, gaza 8 predicament.
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و قوانین اسلام در ممالک اسلامی اجرا بشود. امام موضوع فلسطین را با اصلار تلاش زیادی کرد و در ادامه اون امام امروز جامعه ما موضوع فلسطین تبدیل می شود به موضوع اول عالم اسلامی. headlines: syria holds a funeral ceremony for iran's irgc military advisors, murdered in israel's monday attack on the iranian embassy in damascus. the death fold from nearly six.
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months of the us is early genocide in gaza, standing at almost 33,000, mostly women and children, also coming up, the un chief says attacks aid workers in gaza are unconstionable, this after an israeli air strike killed seven aid workers. of "w welcome to our studios in the capital tehran, this is prest tv news, thanks for joining us. the syrian government has held the ceremony in damascus to pay to the seven of iranian military advisors killed in monday's israeli attack on the consular section of iran's embassy. we were joined by our correspondent ibrahim wahti from damascus who said the marters are commemorated for playing a significant role in fighting terrorism in syria. this is a first of its kind in syria
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uh to commemorate the funeral of the marters, this is the second martter here, the first one, all the marters now, one, two, three, marters now heading to the ambulances which will after after this go to the zinab shrine to be heading to iran later. we were at the embassy where we also met several governmental party members and prominent party members who came to pay the respect and give condolence to the iranian people to the to the islamic republic of iran uh for the of marters of the irgc ' we have met with also
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the representative movement, he said that the islamic resistance in iraq will take it personally and response to this attack, they started already uh with this response to the to this treasurous attack, as you can see the ceremony now begun, we are here currently being farewell to these marters who gave them. lives while wearing their military uniform, defending syria against terrorism, supporting the resistance, giving aid to the uh resistance in gaza. the european union has joined the course of condemnations against israel's recent deadly air strike on iran's embassy in syria. the usa's diplomatic and consular premises and personnel must be protected in all cases and in all circumstances. the social media posts, peter
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stano, spokesperson for the executive european commission, called on regional countries to show utmost restraint. on monday israels bombed the consular section of the iranian embassy in damascus. the attack killed two senior irani military commanders who were on an advisory mission to syria as well as five accompanying officers. multiple countries, including iraq, venezuela, oman, qatar, the uae, saudi arabia, china and russia have denounced israely aggression as unacceptable. terran has vowed revenge in due time. prior to international cuds day, a proper palestinian event called the guts pulpit has been held simultaneously in iran. iraq, lebanon, yemen, and syria. a number of resistance front leaders address the event. on the blessed al-quds day, i salute, all the mujahidin, and all the great fighters from
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amongst our people, those who have humiliated the forces of the zionist enemy, and have broken its all and... hubrous and continue to much as we can, do so, i also bow down to our people in gaza. we step forward to provide it with support as and we are ongoingly trying to advance our missile and naval capabilities to contribute further in supporting and standing with the palestinian people and also to attack the israeli enemy. "the palestinian oppressed people are suffering from oppression and are suffering from killing and kidnapping and torture and demolishing of homes and also demolishing of agricultural lands, the
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zionist aggression against our people and the sanctities would not have continued and reach this level of brutality were it not for the american cover provided." but rather effective american participation in the crimes of this occupation, and were it not for the american direct participation in the aggression against our people, by providing the zionist occupation with thousands of tons of lethal weapons and bombs and missiles. what is taking place today in gaza is that the zionist entity is not committing to any the humanitarian and illegal and international principles and it commits brutal crimes, inhumane crimes to cover up for its weaknesses internally, and today the palestinian cause and the cause of gazza
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separates between two, between commitment and the abandonment or carelessness towards humanitarian principles, today the iraki government, the... on the withdraw of these troops and achieving complete national sovereignty to our people in gaza and in palestine. what is important my dear colleagues is that we must take action for us to come out god willing from this battle to come out victorious with our heads high. successful and for defeat to be duilt to the enemy and to all those who stand behind this enemy. the bodies of members of us based eight group killed in israeli air strikes are transported out of the gaza strip. the
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ambulance is carrying the bodies left the beseest territory through rafa crossing for repetation. a dual us canada national, a palestinian, three britains, an australian and a pole were identified by the world central kitchen as those killed in the strike. the ngo says the aid workers were traveling in a deconflicted zone after coordinating their movement with the israeli regime. the israeli attack has met international outrage with some world leaders condemming it, the hamas resistance movement to slam the attack, which it says aims to terrorize aid workers. add that... means to disrupt humanitarian operations by pursuing a policy of systematic killings, the one secretary general has denounced as unconstionable the israely killing of several international aid workers on duty in the gaza strap. the devastating israeli air strikes
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that killed world central kitchen personnel yesterday bring the number of aid workers killed in this conflict to 196. including more than 175 members of our own un staff, this is unconshanable, it demonstrates yet again the urgent need for immediate humanitarian se the unconditional release of all hostages and the expansion of humanitarian aid into gaza as the security council demanded in its resolution last week. the resolution must be implemented without delay. the un agency for palestinian refugees zan says the war in gaza has witnessed the highest number of aidworker deaths ever recorded in any conflict in israel air strike left. 78 workers associated with the us-based charity world central kitchen dead in the gaza strip on monday. the head of the charity
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called the incident a targeted attack. the israel killing of the world's central kitchen aid staff has drawn international reactions. western countries have called on israel to offer an explanation. the regime unleashed this war in gaza early october, killing at least 32,975 palestinians, mostly women and children. let's find out more from. musaba joining us from derralbala, he's a correspondent there, and we also have mon who joins us from the occupied territories over in occupied romalla uh, okay, first over to you in the gaza stre, what do you have for us? yes, actually the israeli occupation forces continue their attacks and air strikes against several areas of gaza strip here in the central area of gaza strip particularly in balah city at least for palestina civilians were... ly killed over the last couple of hours after the israeli artillery maintained its shelling towards the eastern
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and the southern part of their balah city in the meantime the israeli war blanes carried out another another air strike against the residental areas in against theisental areas in almhraga neighborhood at least three palestinian civilians were reporttedly killed over the attack in the while in almaghazi refugee camp as you know the israeli wans carried out another air strike against central building over the last couple of hours, so the central area actually witnessed many israeli strikes and many artillery shilling reaching the horizontal areas in the entire area, while when it comes to khanuni city, the israeli war places also continue their strikes against the western parts of khanuni city, whereas at least three palestinian civilians wtedly killed over the attack uh after the israeli war be destroyed another horizontal building there, in the meantime the israeli occupation is on the ground continued uh destroying the recent buildings using the explosive devices uh
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while in the eastern part of the city particularly alkarara and khuza neighborhoods they were uh subjected to heavy bombardments the israeli artillery shilling in the meantime when it comes to rafa city the israel wars also carried out another air strike against orizental building in al-junina neighborhood located in the eastern part of the city even in gaza city the israeli war plans renewed their strikes against azetu. neighborhood, several israeli air strikes hit morezental buildings there uh so we are talking about continuous air strikes that are still hitting more ordental buildings across all areas of gaza strip while the current situation on the ground in terms of the humanitarian conditions is still deteriorating and excessivebating with the continuous israeli sege that that is still imposed on uh the reach of those humanitarian aid and supplies to uh the gaza city and the northern part of gaza strip so the israel war is also continued and maintained against the people in gaza city particularly and in the northern part of gaza step we understand that
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the rate of abductions are ever so on the rise in the occupied uh territories tell us about that and of course any other major developments that you have for us. unfortunately uh today at least 30 palistinians were arrested by the israeli forces here in the occupied west bank, the majority. where in al-quds and ramallah the remaining has been detained by the israeli soldiers in al khalil in ginqilia ariha and tobos in ramana the israeli forces arrested a palestinian female journalist asmail, her father and her brother are also palestinian prisoners who had been detained by the israeli forces and today unfortunately the israeli troops arrested this female. palestinian journalist asmaah as well as the mother of palestinian morter ahmedhan. ahmed
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gidan is palestinian martter who carried out an anti-israeli operation west nables near the settlement of kedomim where he killed an israeli soldier. there the israeli forces later destroyed his home and today arrested his mother. in addition to those 30 palestinians, at least 15 palestinians from. from the gaza strip, those are palestinian workers who had been working in the west bank and in lands occupied in 1948, they are from the goz chap and the israelies had detained the... from ramallah, we have to mention that the israeli forces had been searching for palestinians originally from the gaza ship and detaining them here in the occupied westbank. the total number of the palestinians who have been detained by the israeli forces since the 7th of october, today is over 7,990 palestinians who are of
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course living in very difficult atmospheres behind the israeli. we have to mention also that with the detention of this female journalist, the israeli forces had arrested five female journalists since the 7th of october and 55 palestinian journalists here in the occupied bank. thank you very much, let me thank both of our first one and from occupied ramala, thank you to you both. there's really massacers in the gaza. epic proportions, yet washington refuses to accept the fact, going against the belief of many countries and organizations like the un and the international court of justice. let's see why israel is guilty of this crime. this
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sunday april 7th marks six months since israel executed its us. genicidal war on gaza and the palestinians, when it comes to this aggression, there's no doubt what the israeli killing machine is doing is genocide. it's worth looking at some of the instances where an act of genocide has taken place. the un special rapportour on the right situation in the palestinian territories, francesca albanese said recently that there are reasonable grounds to believe israel is committing the crime of genocide against the palestinians as a group in gaza cited in her. report title anatomy of a genocide, but why reasonable grounds and not definite ones, like the al-shifa hospital massacre, up to 400 palestinians were killed, many of them women and children, bodies recovered after the regime forces withdrew from their operation, looking for hamas fighters and operatives, and i went as accountant said,
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the shifa hospital massacre is worse than the 1948 naz. scene and tantura massacres combined. over 300 women, children, and men were slaughtered, many zip tied and executed, some flattened by tanks, burned or hacked into pieces by missiles, skeletal remains, and body parts were everywhere. the 1948 nakba and tantura massacres were committed by the israeli regime between 1948 and 1949, where zionist forces took more than 78%. of historic palestine, ethnically cleansed and destroyed about 530 villages and uh murdered 15,000 palestinians, which included more than 70 massacers. another example of massacre called the flower massacre occurred when starving palestinians gathered around aid convoy in hopes of getting food, yet they were faced with a barrage of bullets, which
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claimed the lives of at least 112 with 760 wounded. israel blamed the carnage a palestinian stamped. one of the first mass casualties of the genocidal war occurred at the al-ahli hospital. on the 17th of october 2023. a devastating explosion took place in the car park of the alahli hospital in gaza city. around 500 people were murdered and 342 injured. the excuse by israel, a misfired missile uh by a resistance group. and here are. notable massacres, each brings back painful memories of a genocide that is being transmitted real time on everyone's tv and mobile screens, each in its own more shocking than the other, which brings us to this question: are there any doubts about whether a genocide is taking place? some israeli officials themselves have openly called for the genocide of palestinians like the israeli
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heritage minister who said dropping nuclear bomb on the gas. strip is an option. yoav galant, israely minister of military affairs who said gaza will not return to what it was before. we will eliminate everything. and a connesid member who called for erasing all of gaza from the face of the earth. tentions remain high between lebanons bull resistance movements in israel since the regime launched this genocidal war on gaza. both sides have been exchanging fire, but israel has intensified its attacks on lebanese civilians in recent weeks earlier. we were joined by our beirout corresponder mariam saleh to know more about the latest israely strikes on civilian areas in southern lebanon and potential hezbulah's retalitory attacks. "we know that the israelis have heavily bombarded the natural reserves of the towns of ramya and the outskirts of itashab, well at least 60 phosphorus bombs were fired on the natural
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reserves of the ramia, which is considered one of the biggest, one of the largest in the country, we also had some 20 artillery missiles that were targeted also on these two towns and addition to another 20 missile." that were targeted that were launched from the tanks uh from the israeli tanks on that side. now we know also from israeli reports that that could be a sign that there was a hizballah operation in the in that side which is considered the eastern part of the border uh since there were a sirens that were sounding in the eastern side of the of the gilil region and those settlements there and usually when you have that type of rage. from the israeli army, that usually signifies that hizbullah was able to inflict heavy losses upon the israelis and we're not just talking about destruction of maybe settlement or the
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destruction of the post and devices and hardware, but we're also talking about losses uh within the israeli military personnel, perhaps soldiers, which is something of course the israelies don't admit to, but it is clear and evident from their report, there are usually many uh israeli soldiers that are taken to hospital, in addition to the fact that you have lot of officials and even commanders and officers from the israeli army that are talking about the heavy price they are paying um on the northern side, which is of course the occupied palestinian territory in the galilea region, so that means although they have not, they are not admitting to it officially, they are losing soldiers on the ground in that area. international day is annual pro-palestinian event held on the last friday of the holy month of ramadan, this day was designated by the founder of the islamic republic of iran, imam komaini in 1979 in
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solidarity with palestinians. people worldwide would mark this year's gots day on the coming friday. our corresponding has asked some citizens about the event and its importance in the muslim world. let's take a listen. i think that's day is of great importance, particularly. this year, in the light of what has been happening in gaza and in the west bank over the past six months, it would be ideal if all countries, not just the muslim ones unite in solidarity with the palestinians and celebrate kud's day. since the 1979 revolution, iran has been close to palestinians. imam komaini was also visionary politician. he made the right decision 45 years ago by declaring the last friday of every ramadan as kuds day. already knew that
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the palestinians would be forgotten on the international scale, that they would be left alone, so he made sure that they would always have the support of iran and its allies by proclaiming court's day as an annual day of solidarity against israel. "i am an italian lebanese citizen, born in italy, but raised in southern lebanon. we must remain close to all palestinians, now that they are facing a genocidal war by israel. on kud's day, all muslim expressed their solidarity to the palestinians and everybody protest against tyrants and voices support of an oppressed people who have been displaced from their homes during the past 75 years. the peoples the world have finally understood what is going on in gaza. obviously most muslims already knew how tragic the situation is for the palestinians, every human being who believes in justice and freedom, who respects human rights, should mark could stay. imam
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komeini perfectly knew how history would turn out to be for the palestinians. the significance of the kuds day at this very political conjunction is linked to the islamic unity, the same islamic unity that marty sulaymani used to dream about. today, more than however, we cannot forget the work carried out by general saleymanin in attempt to achieve islamic unity, a work that unfortunately has not been completed yet. people should stand for justice and freedom for the oppressed palestinians. nato is mining a long-term military support plan for kiev. the nato chief john stoltenberg says the us led alliance is moving toward a wider and more persistent role in the ongoing war in ukraine. in our meeting today we discussed how to put our support a firmer and more enduring basis for the future. all as agree
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on the need to support ukraine in this. critical moment, there is a unity of purpose. today, allies have agreed to move forward with planning for a great nato role in coordinating security assistance and training. the details. the alliance is discussing $107 billion dollar five-year military fund for kif during two-day conference and nato's headquarters in brussels. the package is also attempt to insulatate the flow of weaponry to ukraine. from a potential return of donald trump to the white house in november, $60 billion worth of military assistance is currently facing delays in us congress. since the beginning of the ukraine war, nato has provided tens of billions of dollars in military aid to kiev. the western public has shown growing frustration over this support, staging anti-war protest across european countries. meanwile, russia warns the western military aid will only prolong the ongoing conflict. and that does it for this
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additional world news. thanks for being with us, it's goodbye for now. for muslims across the world, aid alfitter, which marks one month of obedience to god. in the holy fasting month of ramadan is a special feast. muslims feel festive and proud for their servitude to god. ramadan is called the month of blessings. out of respect for the holy month, muslims put aside their differences and hostilities and forge a stronger unity. different cities and villages
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in iran have their own traditions for ramadan which date back to centuries. get a glimpse of it in this documentary on press tv. crisis devastating wars. terrorism, the israeli lobby, crackdown, diplomacy, gaza 8 predicament. bismillahirrahmanirrahim.
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ya ayyuhalladziina amanu estiinuu bissabri wassalah. inna allaha massaabirin. walaa taquuluu liman yuqtalu fi sabiilillahi amwat.
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ابوطاهر (ئراقی) القصه يعني لكل عراقي في ايام صدام حسين الى قصه كامله يمكن يعملون. oppression of himself and others. كل ما عندي
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امر بالله عز وجل او قضاء حاجه تتوجه الى اهل البيت ومنهم الامام ابا الحسن موسى علي بن موسى الرضا. نه آثار پایداری نظام رژیم صهیونیستی ما این آثار رو می بینیم ما این حال را حس می کنیم ما این وحشت به دست پا زدن ها را و این دیوانه وار عملیات های غیر ناجه را می بینیم این ها آثار
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اون تلاش های مضبوحانه آخرین است به این دلیل عرض می کنم این نظام نظام پایداری نخواهد بود همه این جنگ بر سر مسجد الاقصاست همه این توتها های حول عالم اسلامی هم بر سر همین مسجده.