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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 30, 2024 6:30am-7:03am IRST

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your headlines on press tv, israely forces kill scores of palestinian civilians in of indiscriminate strikes across gaza. as the total death toll from the regime's genocide exceeds 32,600. a new report says the biden administration has quietly authorized the transfer of billions of dollars in bombs and fighter jets to israel in recent days and the islamic resistance in iraq targets and israeli military sites in the occupied golen heights in support of the palestinian people in gaza.
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hello everyone, you're watching press tv live from the studios in tehran, thank you for joining us, now the death toll in gaza continues to rise emit the relentless israely bombing of the besieg gaza strip, the northern gaza city has been the focus. the latest air strikes, at least 17 people have been killed in two attacks targeting the shujaya suber. amongst those killed were 10 policemen tasked with securing the delivery of aid to the displaced people. elsewhere in gaza city, at least 20 palestinian civilians, including women and children, were killed in attacks a vehicle and a residential building near the al-shifer hospital. as a result of almost six months of us israely genocide in gaza over 32,600 people have been killed and
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more than 75,000 others injured. our correspondent moti abu musab joined us earlier from the central gaza city of deiralah to give us an update on the situation in the war ravish strip. he said palestinian fighters are putting stiff resistance to israeli forces on the ground despite the relentless air strikes and shelling. the israeli kiviation forces are still attacking the ashifa medical complex and the surrounding areas with more air strikes and attacks inflicting more destruction and death in those areas the israeli war planes intensify their attacks against the western parts of gaz city particularly neighborhood whereas over the last couple of hours the israel started club claiming the lives of at least 17 palestinian civilians including police members and
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officers, they were uh responsible for securing and organizing the delivery of the humanitarian aid to the people in gaz city. at least 40 palestinian civilians were reportedly killed over the continuous and the incessent israeli attacks and the relentless israeli strikes and the artillery shilling that was uh intensified against a zitoon neighborhood over the last couple of hours. on the other hand, the palestinian resistance announced that they have targeted several israeli tanks in the surrounding areas of the ashifa. medical complex, we are talking about roughly six consecutive months and the palestinan resistance is still able to fight back to the eastern part of alb camp uh fierce clashes erupted between the palestinian resistance and the israeli ocubation forces when the israeli occupation forces attempted to move forward in the eastern part of alb refugee camp at 21 out of 24 residental towers were flattened by the israeli continuous air strikes against alamal town which is located in the northern part of
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anasarati fuji camp. the us has in recent days quietly authorized the transfer of billions of dollars in bombs and fighter jets to israel. us officials said the new arms packages include more than 1800 bombs. these are 200 pound devices that can demolish entire city blocks and are almost never used in populated areas. israel however has used them extensively in gaza. last week the state department also authorized the transfer of 25 f-35 fighter jets and engines to israel. earlier reports said the us had quietly made more than 100 weapon sales to israel since the ensort on gaza began on october the 7th. the armed supplies go against the us call for a cease fire in gaza. now the islamic resistance in iraq says it has talked the military. sighting serious occupied gollen
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heights in retaliation for israel's ongoing air and artillery strikes on gaza. the resistance group says the drone attack was in response to the massacers committed by israel against. palestinian civilians, including women, children, and the elderly. in recent months, the islamic resistance in iraq has carried out series of attacks against israeli positions. it has also hit us military bases in iraq and neighboring syria in retaliation for washington support for the israeli genocide in gaza. tens of thousands of yemenes have once again taken to the streets the capital santa and several other cities to reaffirm the... all support for the oppressed palestinians in the gaza strip. press tv's correspondent in santa, abdul latif abuli has more in this report. on the third of friday of ramadan, tens of thousands of yemanies felt the streets of sana and several other
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cities, renewing their unwavering support for palestinians. some held banners that read, "we are entering the 10th year and the palestinian cause remains our priority". we're entering the 10th year our resistance against an allowed war on the yemani people, we are here today to show our continuous support for the palestinians in gaza and across the occupied territories, when the countries that possess enormous military capabilities failed to support the palestinians in gaza and even conspired with the israeli regime against them, the war striking yemenis came out to support their oppressed brothers, they left the world in. with the united front an assuring popularity in the region, protesters chanted slogans vowing to retaliate against the us and the uk air strikes on the yemani cities. they also pledged escalate their naval operations as long as the israeli on slot on palestinians and the aggression against yemen continue.
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yemen is also slamped the united nations security council for its failure to put in to the israeli atrocities in palestine despite its recent seas fire resolution. the security council complicit in the ongoing genocide against palestinians in gaza, the united states manipulates the security council and the united nations based its interests. that is why the us used its vetto power three times to prevent a seased fire in gaza. but besides that, the security council resolutions are ineffective ending the israeli atrocities against palestinians in gaza. the problem is not with the security council or... united nations, but with the united states, which has the power to control and manipulate these international organizations. there are many binding decisions that have not been implemented, because washington uses this power against the weak and oppressed people of the world. it is necessary to find effective mechanism
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for the security council, because there are many countries that are yarning to be liberated from the western hegemony. the events that the world is witnessing in some african countries are a clear proof for this. on thursday, abdul malik, the leader of the ansarullah movement, criticized the us and the uk for exploiting the humanitarian situation in yemen. he slammed them for threatening to cut the un provided aid to yemanies in order to stop the country's naval operations. asserted that, according to the us officers, the american navy has not faced such humiliation in the international waters since the 19th century. neither the military aggression against c know the sessation of the supply for humanitarian aid has succeeded in halting yemen's naval operations further more officials state that the ongoing western aggression only serves to motivate the yemani army to continue enhancing its capabilities. reporting for presav abdul. this week on
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expose benjamin netanyahu vows to reject any calls to hulk the rafah invasion. as he and joe biden intensified their staged public spat over zionist israel's genocide in gaza. now following the statement made by former president donald trump that there would be a blood bath if he is not elected in november, leftist politicians and media personalities completely lose it on social media. and lastly, a recent political survey reveals that 50% of americans think trump is guilty and ought to be tried before the 2024 presidential election. stay tuned for expos a, the truth is just the revelation away.
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welcome back for the sixth night in a row, thousands of jordanians have demonstrated near the israeli embassy in aman to voice the support for the palestinians in gaza. the protest has slammed the latest israeli. crimes, especially the regime's attacks on hospitals. they expressed their support for the palestinian resistance groups and reiterated the demand for immediate cease fire in gaza. they also called on the jordanian government. to cancel his peace treaty with israel and close the regime's embassy in anmar. jordanian security forces have in the past broken up demonstrations with tear gas and arrests leaving several people injured. jordan, which holds 2.4 million palestinian refugees has has witnessed numerous pro-palestine rallies since israel launched its onslaught on gaza last october. international court of. justice on thursday issued an order for israel to take all the necessary and effective measures
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to ensure basic food supplies arrive in gaza without delay. let's watch and listen to the reactions of some of the palestinians in the war ravi strip on the latest icj ruling. humanitarian conditions are miserable. we want solution, we need a solution. the aid that goes to northern gaza does not reach the needy ones while. it was a courageous and good decision by the international court of justice, but will israel abide by the ruling, israel considers itself to be above the law, humanitarian conditions in gaza.
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about is implementing this order, but is there anyone to pressure israel implement it? i don't think so, a french firm has just been accused of providing arms components for israel which are being used against civilians in gaza, nearly a ton of parts needed for use in israeli and nato machine guns were apparently shipped in october, in what left this french parliamentarians have termed a massive scandal. ramen mazari reports from paris. a new report from a french
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investigative website alleges that france is supplying arms components for use by the israeli army in gaza. nearly a ton of parts for machine guns was sent in october to israel by a french firm whose parts have already been discovered in syria, somalia and elsewhere. the parts are for type of weapon which has been used by israel in many of their recent massacres of palestinians. the french government responded that the parts are being used by israel only for use in arms manufacturing for foreign customers, but many find that explanation hard to believe. opposition lawmakers have called it a massive scandal and accused the defense minister of lying before parliament. france claims that the only weapons authorized for export to israel. are for purely defensive purposes, but activists say there is lack of
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transparency in the arms export information which the government declassifies and an overall lack of honesty. these quote unquote explanations of the french government are a joke and in very bad taste. how on earth can we possibly believe that machine guns are a defensive weapon? however, this is very much in keeping with the national policy, which is total collaboration with and cover for the regime of israel. spain, the netherlands, japan and canada have recently banned all arms exports to israel and pressure is mounting for all western nations to follow suit. multiple top ngos say that france is violating international treaties it has signed by continuing to supply military equipment to israel, even though it seems. clear that these arms are being used to commit genocide, crimes against humanity, and
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other war crimes. the complicity of france with the israeli genocidal regime is continuing, even despite the emotion and the anger generated by the mass murder of tens of thousands of people in gaza. we shouldn't be fooled when paris rarely and only rarely modifies its tone slightly towards tel aviv, because it's... are 99% against the palestinians. the french arms dealers, eurolinks, since 1950 have supplied the french army with weapons parts for use in places like algeria. vietnam and elsewhere is expected to come under massive local protests in the coming weeks. ramen mazaher, press tv, paris paris. nearly six months into the us-israely genocidal war on the gaza strip, and a recent poll show support for the resistance remains high amongst palestinians. according to the latest data, two-thirds of
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palestinians believe that the october 7th alaxa flood operation was a correct move. in our explaining program, we took a closer look at the issue. well, it's been close to six months since the october 7th operation allows a flood. does a palestinian resistance group hamas still maintained popular support, and what about the future of palestine? what is the best way forward? those questions were posed through poll conducted by the palestinian center for policy and survey research, sr. now most of the questions asked in the first quarter of 2024 revolved around the october 7th offensive, the question of armed struggle against the israeli regime, popularity of hamas versus the palestinian authorities, fat movement, and the future of palestine, including the gaza strip. when it comes to hamas's decision to launch the october 7th offensive, vast majority, that's
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71% compared to 72% in december. 2023 say that it was a correct move, this as the support in the west bank drops by 11%, and yet it has increased in the gaz strip by 14%. on the october 7th operation, comparing respondents who watched videos to those who did, 19% believe hamas committed atrocities compared to 81% who didn't think so. meanwhile, amongst the ones that didn't watch the videos, more than 96 7% believe that hamas did not commit any atrocities against israeli civilians and only 3% said it did. it's worth noting that uh the chair of israel's civil commission, kookav elyakam levi, she was the one who had said that hamas committed mass rapes and she's now been exposed as a fraud even by israel. it turns
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out that this civil commission described by the white house as if it were... official israeli body does not even exist. another point of the poll was what palestinians consider the most vital goals. 42% believe and end to the israeli occupation in the areas occupied in 1967, and a palestinian state in the west bank and the gaza strip without loots as its capital should be the first goal. by contrast, 33% believe the right of return of refugees to their 1948. towns and villages should be the first goal. in light of the increase in settler terrorist attacks against palestinian towns and villages, the pole asked, what means are most effective in combatting the regime forces? the largest percentage, 41% chose the formation of armed groups, 23% chose to deploy palestinian police forces, another
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23%. they chose the israeli army to take measures and only. 8% chose unarmed groups to protect their areas. this is very important since the attacks by the regime forces in the west bank have increased dramatically since october the 7th, the uh operation alasa flood. the total killed is 360, while the number arrested is 7,350. the number of incursions, especially in refugee camps, well that's going on a daily basis and now to the support for the two states. the poll indicated 61% believe the two-state solution is no longer practical due to settlement expansion, but 37% believe that it's still practical, moreover, 72% believe that the chances for an independent palestinian state alongside israel in the next five years are slim or non-existent, and 27% believe the
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chances are medium or high, and finally if parliamentary elections were held today with the participation of all political forces that participated in the 2006 elections, only 64% say they would participate in them. 30% would vote for hamas, 14 for fata, 6% for third parties and 15% remain undecided among the voters support for hamas stands at 47%, fata 22%, third parties 9%. says the course order for israel to allow aid into gaza without delay reminds us that the catastrophic situation there is man-made. we discussed the issue in our news review
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program. let's take it listen to what our guests had to say. we watching press tv's news review with we look deeper into some of the top stories of the day. on this segment of the program, the head of the un agency for palestinian refugees says the latest verdict by the international court of justice indicates that the catastrophic humanitarian situation in gaza is man-made. philip lazarini made the remarks on his social media post saying the condition in gaza can still be reversed as the icj order calls on israel to cooperate with the un to facilitate aid deliveries. he emphasized that israel needs to quash its earlier decision regarding anrua and allow the agency to get its aid convoys into gaza, lazarini also urged governments to exert
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pressure on israel to comply with the ruling and help avert a looming famin in gaza. on thursday, judges at the top un court unanimously asked israel to allow the immediate delivery of humanitarian supplies into the bessieg territory. in the order, the judges said the palestinians face. worsening conditions of life and that famon and starvation are spreading. well joining us on this edition of the news review we have chairman of the islamic human rights commission who's joining us on the line from the british capital london. we also have columnist and political analyst sid shahabi who's also joining us from the british capital as well. let's start off with mr. showi in london i want to get your perspective on this. an order by the icj uh what it means and also uh the uh the outcome of it which most likely will continue to be
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ignored by the israelis. thank you very much in this holy month the people of gaza are being denied the basic needs of life, food and medicine and even water. and the the reports from the international agency say that there are. cases of death of hunger, femen like beginning of femin in gaza, and this is man-made, this is then made by the israelis by preventing food and medicine from entering into gaza and by blockading that area. israel cannot function without the support of the americans, so unless there is lot of pressure from america, lot of pressure from the arab countries themselves which are ignore. the flight of the palestinians, unless there is this, there are these pressures, the israelis are likely to ignore the icj's order to allow humanitarian aid
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into gaza, masterud shajar, chairman of the islamic human rights commission is joining us on the line from london, mr. shajar, i want to get your perspective on this recent icj order as well, and do you agree with mr. shawi at c? it it is uh at the hands of the international community to start and exert pressure on the israelis, but with unequivocal support of the united states, how will that happen? how can this status quo ever change? well, it's not just uh, the blame shouldn't just go to united state, i think the blame goes to whole of the international community and indeed, the international institution, and all the... international institution, be at un, be at the international court, or indeed be in oic, they are all incompetent and unable to make
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any difference whatsoever, all the resolutions in the last few months and indeed the statement by international court have not saved one innocent palestinian child's life. i mean, when are we going to realize that these... institutions are nothing but colonial tools implement the wishes of not the international community, let us not forget right now, even in the west, between 70 to 85% of people demanding cease fire immediately, but the the the so-called the leaders of these countries, this democracy is... deliberately ignoring the wishes of the majority and implementing and supporting the continuation this war, not just by silent,
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but actually giving arms. and equipment and making you making facilities for the zianist state to kill more effectively and commit war crimes more effectively. thank you communist and political analyst shabi joining us uh from london and chairman of the islamic human rights commission masud shajar joining us on the line from the british capital as well.
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كلياتها منزوعه نهبوا اللي كل شيء فيها ما خلوا غير البخايا الحديد يعني اللي مبين وحروه مشان يغطوا على جرائم شو الذنب اللي ارتكبناه احنا شعب فلسطيني شو الذنب اللي ارتكبناه نحن هذه
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كفينا 60 سنه م they say time is a great healer, but it's not, ان 48 لهلا عم نلم الليره مشان نعمر مخيم اليرموك. they say the darkest hour is just before dawn, but not here in yarmuk.
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your visit gives us an opportunity obviously uh to understand minister, dear colleagues, ambassadors, uh, it's a big pleasure for me to be here, we will be looking forward to.
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tonight on expos a joe biden and benjamin. netanyahu turn up the heat in their staged public feud over zionist israel's genicidal war in gaza as netanyahu vows to defy any call for cancelling the rafah invasion. now leftist politicians and media figures go into a complete social media meld down after former president donald trump said there would be a blood bath if he is not elected in november. and finally, a political episode's new poll shows that half of the country in the united states of america believes trump is a guilty man. and should go to trial before the 2024 presidential election. welcome to expose, the show that leaves no stone unturned.