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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 28, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm IRST

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of first to be headlines leader stresses that this really massacers in gaza shows his failure in spite of all the western military and financial support. the clashes are underway in the vicinity of the hospital as the us is really genocide brings the death doll in gaza to more than 32,500. and dozens of protesters enter the department of business and trade in london to call on the british government to and arm sales to
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israel, 8:30 pm in irans capital tehran, this is press tv news and thanks for joining us, the leader of iran's islam. revolution says the final victory belongs to palestinians in gaza in the us israeli genocidal war. khamenei said the israeli massacker of women and children in gaza shows that the regime is incapable of defeating the resistance. iran's leader stresses that israel's defeat comes in despite of all the military and financial support that the regime is receiving from its western benefactors. he made the remarks in a meeting with the head of the islamic jihad movement ziad al-nakale. for this part said despite. all the hardships, palestinians have
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foiled the israeli plots to defeat and destroy the resistance in gaza. he added that the people of gaza and the resistance forces are determined to continue their struggle until final victory. nearly six months into this genocide in the gaza strip, the regime is pushing ahead with this deadly onslot on the bessieg territory over the past 24 hours. 62 more palestinians have been killed in air strikes. frish israeli bombardments targeted several areas, including the central city of darabella in gaza city. warplanes once again hit the vicinity of the alshufa hospital. the medical complex has been under direct israeli attack and fire for nearly two weeks. right now, heavy clashes are also underway in the of vicinity of the hospital. since the onset of the war, more than 32,550 palestinians have... been killed in gaza, mostly women and
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children. the correspondent mutyab musaba joined us earlier from the central gaza city of darlbala to update us on the situation in the war ravish territory. yes, actually the israel exhibition forces are still disimating gaza strip with more strikes and more attacks, those those air strikes and attacks were intensified over the last couple of in hours. against gaza city, whereas ashatemal and as the two neighborhoods were subjected to heavy bombardments, several residental buildings were destroyed over those relentless strikes. in the meantime, the israeli ecubation forces also renew their attacks and air strikes against the western parts of gaza city, particularly the surrounding areas of the ashifa medical complex, according to the spokes person of of the gaz civil defense cruise uh that hundreds. the palestina dead bodies are still
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trapped under the rubble of those destroyed houses, those crews are unable to extract them over the seasless and the constant israeli attacks that are still hitting those areas uh the entire the entire gental squares were uh reduced to rubble over those attacks, the entire risantal buildings were destroyed to the ground over the seasless and the chronic israeli attacks over that area uh in the in the meantime the... incubation forces also renewed their strikes and attacks against the western parts of kanuni city. these moments as we speak right now uh the the israel artillery is uh shilling those areas targeting their horizontal buildings there uh it's the same situation uh compared or in terms of the destruction and folding uh of as a result of the continuous israeli attacks we are talking about entire horizontal square squares where render to rubble over. those attacks that are still
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hitting that area, mean the surrounding area of the national medical complex and the alamal hospital, according to gaza's health ministry that at least for palestinian dead bodies were extracted as a result. saying that the regime has failed to achieve any of its declared goals in gaza. in the israeli occupation wants to prolong the battle, it doesn't want to end the war for a simple reason, which is that the israeli occupation has not achieved any of its goals which it had declared. it hasn't eliminated the resistance, the resistance is still. on the ground, it hasn't retrieved the prisoners. an interview said israel wants to prolong the onslot. he censured washington's complicity in the crimes committed against palestinians, saying that the us will pay heavy price for its support in the genocide in gaza. deputy
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chief of hamas movement said some arab countries support for palestinians have not been enough. he said that the movement was prepared to show flexibility and seasfire talks for the sake of palestinians. head that hamas does not insist on ruling gaza alone. haya also held anti-israely operations in the region, saying that the regime has failed to stop such attacks. with the lebanese resistance movement hesbollah has conducted fresh retaliatory attacks against israely targets and the occupied territories. a twin drone attack in israeli army headquarters in the occupied safat city. resistance fighters also targeted the newly formed.
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justified its attacks on civilians in lebanon recent weeks. time now for the news review of this bulletin. activists have staged a pro-palestine protest inside the department of business and trades in london, calling on the british government to end arms sales to israel. 1 2 3 4 occupation no more 5 6 7 8 israel is a terrorist state from the river tennes palestine will be free free palestine free palestine. the protesters from london
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for free palestine staged a sid in the lobby the building. they chanted slogans like stop armed sales to israel while waving palestinian flags. london for free palestine has joined. some law makers and pressure groups like campaign against arms trade to revoke arms export licenses to israel. on wednesday 130 british parliamentarians issued letter to their governments demanding immediate and to arm sales to israel calling the trend totally unacceptable. advocacy groups believe the uk licensed weapons are being used by israel in its genocidal war in gaza. peter ford is a former british ambassador to syria and bahrain who joins us from. chester and we also have sakina datu, journalist, author and producer who joins us from london. welcome to you both peter ford, i'll first start with you. we're taking a look at this protest, which obviously is uh, shows the courage and the conviction that the protesters have for the cause that they
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believe in. at the same time, it comes on the heels of the parliamentarians, i believe hundred uh or so who have uh demanded an end to the arms sales to israel uh. tell us what you think about this type of movement and of course uh the fact that you have these british parliamentarians who have uh requested the arms cells to stop from the uk to israel. i think it's the peter forard. i'm sorry, so i'll come back to you. beter forard, go ahead. well, what's happened in london today shows the depths of anger of the ordinary british people about what israel is doing in in. gaza: the group which acted in london today, i think, has not been known before, many new groups are emerging, um, dedicated to stopping the genocide in gaza
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and putting pressure on the british government, there is new focus on arms embargo, now more or less everybody in... now the uk political establishment is supporting sease fire, but that is meaningless, meaningless, if israel continues to receive arms, there therefore the... new pressure on the government and on the opposition labor party to demand an arms embargo, just yesterday over 100 members of parliament, not the party leaders, but 100 independent action by members of parliament demanding an arms embargo, so the british government is now under serious pressure, second other to why do you think the british government um has waited this long, well i shouldn't say the government, the parliamentarians to voice uh
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what they have, which by the way, amongst 500 or so parliamentarians that still uh shows that there still are many parliamentarians who don't i guess believe in the fact that arm cell should stop to israel, mean do don't you think that that's a little too late and and further more to add to what peter fort said uh let's forget about the un, let's forget about ceasefires that make uh or not, which the last time it it should have been implemented uh, but action is now what's required? i think to answer your question of why such few parliamentarians, it's well known that the system of governance here in the united kingdom is dominated by the lobby, mean a lot of these parliamentarians they they they get their funding, they get their support from these big israeli lobby groups. "and so obviously whatever they think personally, they are not able to voice their
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support for palestinians, however i think there is huge change that is happened in the uk and it continues to unfold, the pro palestinian movement in this country, i think has been doing amazing work, and the next logical step now is to depart for end of the cell arms, i mean for the first time as we know the at the united nations security. the uk voted for fire, have never done that before, they used to abstain, but now that they have voted for seats fire, i think now there is momentum among the palestinians to say this is logical next step, you can't just for sease fire, sease fire that is not implemented, because see israel continues to massacker people in gaza, and therefore we are complicit if we stop, don't stop the sale of arms, so i think that is one of the major aspects. but but in terms of talk about the parlamentarians, there is lot of pressure
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that we are, we will be having elections later this year and there is very big slogan that is going around with the country of no cease fire, no court, and so i think all politicians are now thinking a lot about the fact that if they do not support like stopping arm selles to the you know to israel, they are going to punch the poles. uh when you take a look at the issue of arms uh peter ford uh obviously um logic uh dictates that uh these are arms that um are pivotal in uh the genocide that's taking place but none falls as large as a supply that the us is providing and it's really incredible to uh have the us abstain at the un and at the same day come out and say the us uh coming out and saying that israel using we is using weapons in line with international law. not blocking gaza 8 and the state department adding that israel's use of american weapons meets
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requirements of new national security memorandum and complies with humanitarian law. what do you think? um, it's true that britain is not not a major supplier, in fact the united states and provides well over 90% the arms that israel is currently using in in gaza. nevertheless, "the united kingdom um surprisingly um enjoys some moral influence in the western world, and if the united kingdom was to determine that israel was carrying out a genocide or generally breaking international law, and therefore an arms embargo was justified, that would have great impact on the debate." inside the united states and could very easily trigger more
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firm action in that direction by america and second that too, we know that the uk overall has been very active in terms of the protests that have taken place and the large numbers that have that have turned out uh in addition to for example these uh protests such as the one that we have at our news uh coming out uh and doing what uh these people have done uh how much of a difference has that made in the overall picture when it comes to the flight of palestinis, if you think any? um, again, you know, there was a vote for a... seasfire at the united nations, this shows the power these pro palestinian lobby and and the all the protest that are we have happening, there is another one on this saturday, a big one and we are expecting huge numbers, it being the last you know week of the month of ramadan, and i think i think the pro palestinians activists are saying, this now the momentum is now, it doesn't stop at just
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you know voting for us is fire, we are going to be lobbying for the stopping. the arm sell, we want narrative around the probly to stop, there is lot of movement, for example in terms of garvanizing, the muslim port when it comes to elections, this year, but also i think what is really important is that there is this feeling that it is the uk's muslim community that is beating this, it is not true, i mean if you look at the protest makeup, there is more people different states than those who are muslims, so i think the momentum in london is amazing, there is they are making a huge difference and and set space, i think if you look at the case of south africa and the fall of the in south africa, lot of movement started in london and i think this is very hopeful time for us here in the uk, because we feel like we are starting to make paint that in hopefully you know will grow and will really make a
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difference. thank you for that, let me thank peter ford former british ambassador to syria and bahrain from manchester, thank you so much and... that to thank you, journalist, author and producer, talk to us there from london, thank you to you both, with that we come to an end for this news review. nearly six months into the us-israely genocidal war in the gaza strip, a recent poll show support for the resistance remains high among palestinians. according to the latest data, two-thirds of palestinians believe that october 7th. "alaxsa flood operation was a correct miv. in our explainer program, we took a closer look at the issue. well, it's been close to six months since the october 7th operation of flood. does the palestinian resistance group hamas still maintain popular support, and what about the future of
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palestine? what is the best way forward? those questions were posed through pull conducted by the..." now most of the questions asked in the first quarter of 2024 revolved around the october 7th offensive, the question of armed struggle against the israely regime, popularity of hamas versus the palestinian authorities movement and the future of palestine, including the gaza strip. when it comes to hamas's decision to launch the october 7th offensive, vast majority, that's 71% compared. to 72% in december 2023 say that it was a correct move, this as the support in the west bank drops by 11% and yet it is increased in the gaza strip by 14%. on the october 7th operation, comparing respondents who watched videos to those who did, 19% believe hamas committed
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atrocities compared to 81% who didn't think so, meanwhile, amongst the ones that didn't watch the videos, more than 97% believe that hamas did not commit any atrocities against israely civilians and only 3% said it did. it's worth noting that uh the chair of israel's civil commission kookav el yakam levi. she was the one who had said that hamas committed mass rapes and uh she's now been exposed as a fraud even by israel. it turns out that this uh civil commission described by the white house uh as if it were an official israeli body does not even exist. another point of the poll was what palestinians consider the most vital goals. 42% believe and end to the israeli occupation in the areas occupied in 1967 and a palestinian state in the west bank and the gaza strip without loots as its capital
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should be the first goal. by contrast, 33% believe the r return of refugees to their 1948 towns and villages should be the first goal. in light of the increase in settler terrorist attacks against palestinian towns and villages, the paul asked, what means are most effective in combatting the regime forces? the largest percentage, 41% chose the formation of armed groups, 23% chose to deploy palestinian police forces, another 23%, they... chose the israeli army to take measures and only 8% chose unarmed groups to protect their areas. this is very important since the attacks by the regime forces in the west bank giving increased dramatically since october the 7th, the uh operation alasa flood, the total killed is 360, while the number arrested is 7,350, the number of
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incursions, especially in refugee camps, well that's going on a daily basis and now to the support for the two-state solution, the poll indicated 61%, believe the two-state solution is no longer practical due to settlement expansion, but 37% believed that it's still practical, moreover, 72% believe that the chances for an independent palestinian state alongside israel in the next five years are slim or non-existent, and 27% believe the chances are medium or high, and finally, if new parliamentary elections were held today, with the participation of all political forces that participated in the 2006 elections, only 64% say they would participate in them, 30% would vote for hamas, 14 for fata, 6% for third parties and
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15% remain undecided. among the voters support for hamas stands at 47%, fata, 22%, third parties 9%, and the undecided at 24%. the islamic republic of iran has distributed a large amount of humanitarian. among palestinian refugees in syria in the holy month of ramadan as part of his unwavering support for the palestinian cause. prisbes ibrahim washi has more from damascus. in the holy month of ramadan and as part of its commitment tods international day, the islamic republic of iran, via its empathy and damascus has distributed several tons of humanitarian aid among palestinian refugees and resistance factions in syria. the convoy included essential food kits as a gift from the iranian nation, the islamic republic of iran and the axis of resistance stand by the oppressed palestinian people in the face of the western and american support for the
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israeli entity which has not seased its crimes against the palestinian people in gaza. today's gathering comes within the framework of supporting the resilient and patient palestinian people. this gift is part of series of annual donations offered by the islamic republic of iran to palestinian refugees during the month of ramadan in several syrian cities. according to palestinian officials, this large amount of aid delivered by iran is message of solidarity with and commitment to the palestinian goes. this is a significant step within the framework of iran's support for the resistance of the palestinian people. this support has been reflected in all forms and means since the victory of the islamic revolution under the leadership of imam khamaini, may god rest his soul and whose legacy continued with the leader imam ali khamenei. therefore we as palestinian people and resistance factions appreciate this gift and everything that the islamic republic is providing, the palestinian factions expressed their gratitude to the islamic republic of iran for this gift that is presented every year to the palestinian people. this aid
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provided by the islamic republic of iran during the month of ramadan, to the palestinian people is considered as proof of iran's great role and interdependence between the iranian and palestinian people. these activities confirm the loyalty of the palestinian people to the axis of resistance, addition to the fundamental and strategic. role of syria and iran in the access of resistance. with this humanitarian aid, iran demonstrates that true support lies in actions rather than words and it reflects the enduring place of the palestinian cause in every iranian's heart. this gift is not only a gister of love from the iranian leadership and people, more importantly, it underscores their unwaving commitment to help their palestinian bretren, wherever they are. ibrahim wahdi press tv, damascus. and that does it for this additional world news, thanks for being with us, it's bye-bye for now.
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last week we showed you a van. graft machine and how we would use proton beams emitted from it to determine the age of ancient artifacts. this week we're also determining the age of ancient artifacts, but this time using gamma race, so stay tuned to see how that works. in 1964. every swiss woman of childbearing potential would give birth to almost three children. what happened to the traditional family? se fate figli però non rompete le
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scatole. datori di lavoro non lavorate, cioè il messaggio per intanto attuale è questo e quindi questo è venuto dopo che lei ha detto praticamente, in un secondo tempo sono anche inarrivati problemi finanziari e quindi quando tu hai dei problemi finanziari comincia a pensare a tutt'altro che magari mettere su una famiglia. 37.9% are single people, 24.7% are couples without children, and only 27.3% are couples with children.
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for us humans, air is the most important natural element along with water,
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if fossil fuels are used properly, i think most polluted cities would become pollution free. whatever the shape of the treaty, and with a relative dose of optimism, it seems that the temporary cease fire agreement is now behind us, while the battle is raging in another layer of the war that has become more intertwined and over. lapping than before, it's not just about hamas and the resistance factions on one side and the israeli occupation on the other, but also between the two allies, tel aviv and washington, especially regarding the day after phase, either to retreat to sease fire and work on imposing a political and security arrangement or to continue the war until after the invasion of rafah, ensuring a long delay in personal reckoning, according to netanyahu and his coalitions's demands to cover their backs. high hopes for truth this week on the
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beast stream. the israeli aggression against the people of palestine has a long and tumultuous history, marked by genocide, occupation and countless human rights violations.