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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 28, 2024 3:30pm-4:03pm IRST

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in first to be headlines this hour dozens of palestinians are killed and fresh israeli strikes in the gaza strep, pushing the overall death doll of the aggression to more than 32,550. hamasas a new footage that shows israely forces killing on armed palestinian is further evidence of the scale of fascism and criminality of the zionist regime. and jordanians gather outside of the israely embassy in the capital aman for the third consecutive plant, calling on their government to cancel all treaties with israel.
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for welcome to our cities in the capital tehran, this is press tv news, thanks for joining us. we start this bulleton with gaza where the israeli regime keeps pressing on with this genocidal campaign for nearly six months now. over the past 24 hours. 62, more palestinians are killed in air strikes on the besieg strip. fresh israeling bombardments of targeted several areas, including the central city of darobala. in gaza city, warplanes once again hit the vicinity of the alshufa hospital, which was beseed by occupation forces about two weeks ago. according to the euromed human rights monitor, the regime's troopers have shot and killed some 13 children in and around the hospital in one wake. group says many palestinians were also killed while trying to flee the medical complex. meanwile. southern city of raffa,
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which is hosting one and a half million people, remains under the threat of a ground invasion. israely onslot on gaza continues, despite worsening humanitarian situation there. since the onset of war, more than 32,550 palestinians have been killed in gaza, mostly women and children. our correspondence musaba joined us earlier from the central gaza city of deral balla to update us on the situation in the war rabbish strip. multiple neighborhoods were targetted and hit relentlessly by the constant and continuous israeli air strikes that targeted uh azaitoon and nasir neighborhoods uh the fresh attack a and those areas actually was carried out uh neighborhood after the israeli war planes targeted and destroyed horizontal building in that area claiming the lives of at least three palestinian. civilians in addition to
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dozens of the velocian injuries uh from the women and its children. according to multiple i witnesses that uh the entire square and the entire uh vicinity of the shifa medical complex reduced to be mounts of depray over the constant and the concentrated attacks that reached uh the buildings in that area. in jabal in jabal refugee camp as well the israeli war plans continue their strikes against the central build. uh the most relentless is like targeted uh store of the electrical devices and jabala refugee camp, a big blaze uh errupted and dignated in that area uh in the eastern part of alb refugee camp the feast clash is erupted between the palestinan resistance and the israeli occupation forces, it's worth mentioning that alberge refugee camp also was subjected to a broral ground offensive after the israel
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incubation forces attacked that area a couple of months ago, while when it comes to khanun city, particularly the western parts of the city, the israeli war planes also continue their strikes against the surrounding areas of the nasr medical complex and almal town, as a result of that continuous and constant israeli air strikes and attacks, a palestinan of civilian was revertedly killed. "the israeli regime is facing condemnations after new footage emerged showing its forces fatally shooting unarmed palestinian men on the gaza beach and then burying them by bulldozer. the palestini resistance mubid hamas has denounced israel calling on the un and international courts to hold the regime accountable for the crimes committed in gaza. it said the footage is a quote further evidence of the scale of fascism and criminality that governs zionist behaviors. america's largest muslim civil liberties and advocates'. organization has also deplored
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the killings. the council on american islamic relations care has demanded an international investigation into what are called hinous war crime. the footage captured by a long. camera shows the man walking along the beach waving white cloth in a sign of surrender before israeli troops shoot them dead. the regime soldiers then buried the victims with bulldozer. us-based political commentator scott bandet says israel will not obey any law if the international community doesn't act together to stop the regime from committing genocide in gaza. we have this incident of shooting them while they wave white flags and surrender, they're they're waving flags asking for mercy, asking for uh the ability to not be killed, and what does israel do, it murders them, so this is not
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war, this is murder, this is pure and simple genocide, the world has acknowledged it, the international courts are acknowledging it, i think that's the only way to to deal with them is to show the israel government of the israeli people, when they commit murder, they are going to be rejected and ostrcized and turned away from from the world's community, this is the only way to treat murderers and people that have absolutely no respect for human life, and this the sooner that happens, the sooner israel will stop this this genocide, but if the world doesn't turn away, if the world doesn't show and tell israel, in no uncertain terms that they are not a member the human family, they're not a member of of planet earth, so long as they do this, israel will only continue, and i anticipate it will even get more blood thirsty and ruthless, they will not abide by any orders or any
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decisions from the international courts or the international community, so they really have to be ostracized and removed military. the killing of one more soldier during an encounter with palestinian resistance fighters on the ground and the gaza strip. the military says another trooper was also injured in southern gaza. elsewhere the palestinian resistance fighters targeted invading forces with morter shells in central gaza. the latest fatality brings to 254, the number of soldiers the regime has confirmed dead since launching the ground invasion of gaza in november. independent media outlets and palestinians say the fatalities among the regime's troops are much higher. and that tel aviv is hiding the real number to avoid public anger against the far right ruling coalition. the un special reporter on human rights in the occupied palestinian territories, francesca albanese who presented report on the israely genocide in gaza reveals that she was threatened throughout
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her mandate. it's been a difficult time. i've always been attack. since the very beginning of my mandate, i don't say that it's it's been a pleasant journey, but i can tell you it's much more, mean most of the pain comes from where i have to observe and monitor and investigate day by day, um, yeah, do receive threats, nothing that so far, i have considered uh needing needing extra precautions, pressure, "yes and it doesn't change what my either my commitment or the results of my work, i think. i say today that israel cannot behave as it does as an apartite state and face no consequences. and
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the second thing is that there is amnesia, amnesia, that the state of israel, around the birth of the state of israel, because it was the outcome. not just of one tragedy, but it it it's connected to two tragedies and one is very well known and absorbed, which is the tragedy, the horror of the holocaust, the other, it will what what it meant for the native people of of palestine, the creation the state of israel, this possession force displacement, and this is history. at least three israels have been injured, one of them critically during a retaliatory operation carried out by a palestinian and the occupied territory. the shooting operation by a mass man occurred on road near areha, the city in the jordan valley. earlier we were joined by a correspondent of ramala, mondel for more
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details. according to the israeli military, a masked man arrived at the... empty route that is in the jordan valley near the palestinian village of alloja and opened fire at vehicles there including a bus immediately. the man who opened fire succeeded to flee a man hunt is taking a place in that area all the entrances to the jordan valley as well as to the city of ariha where the operation or the shooting had taken place close to the city of ariha has been closed uh palestinians are not allowed to enter the city of ariha or the jordan valley and the man hunt is still taking a place the israel has claimed that this operation had been carried out by a palestinian, it's a retaliatory uh operation
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and shooting and the man hunt is still taking a place, we have to mention that even without any israeli even without any anti-israeli operations or palestinian shootings here and there, the israeli military continues to suffocate palestinians with numerous israeli military check. points, every city have checkpoints, if not checkpoints, there are earth mounts as well as metal gates in order to control the palestinians movement and to make daily life of palestinians intolerable. jordanians have hit the streets of the capital aman for the third consecutive night in support of palestinians while demanding and to ties with israel regime.
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the protesters gathered near the israelite embassy and condemned the ongoing genocide in gaza. they chanted slogans, carried placards and wave palestinian flags. for months, jordanians have been calling on their government to cancel all treaties with israel, shut down the regime's embassy and to stop jordan being a transit for goods into israel. jordan. which hose 2.4 million palestinian refugees has witnessed number rally since israel launched his war in gaza. meanwhile, moroccans also staged pro-palestine rally and asked their government to end this normalization deal with tel aviv. anti-israely sentiment remains high across the region as the regime presses on with his genocidal campaign in gaza despite a un security council resolution calling for immediate ceasefire. 'this is for palestine in today's show we'll be revealing
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the role of the diamond business in sustaining israel's economy, how it supports zionist extremists, its links to illegal settlements and the way in which it's bank rolling genocide in gaza. what israel is able to do is sanitize blood diamonds, but not only that, the proceeds of diamond cell, but those who are engaged in it, are supporting..." uh the illegal settlements in palestine, the whole issue here is that you know, if you have biden, you have a deeply pro israel genocidal policy, if you have trump, you have a deeply pro israel genocidal policy, there are differences of course, in particular in financial relationships, but but the the differences are small. welcome back to the news here on press tv. nearly six
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months into the u.s. israel war on the gaza strip. a recent poll shows support for the resistance remains high among palestinians. according to the latest data, two-thirds of palestinians believe that the october 7th alaxel flood operation was a correct move. in our explainer program we took a closer look at the issue. well, it's been close to six months since the october 7th operational flood. does a palestinian resistance group hamas still maintained popular support, and what about the future of palestine? what is the best way forward? those questions were posed through pull conducted by the palestinian center for policy and survey research, psr. now, most of the questions asked in the first quarter of 2024 revolved around the october 7th offensive, the question of armed struggle. against the israeli regime, popularity of hamas versus the palestinian authorities, fatah movement,
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and the future of palestine, including the gaza strip. when it comes to hamas's decision to launch the october 7th offensive, vast majority, that's 71% compared to 72% in december 2023, say that it was a correct move, this as the support in the west bank drops by 11% and yet it is increased in the gaz strip by 14% on the october 7th operation, comparing respondents who watched videos to those who did, 19% believe hamas committed atrocity. is compared to 81% who didn't think so, meanwhile, amongst the ones that didn't watch the videos, more than 97% believe that hamas did not commit any atrocities against israeli civilians, and only 3% said it did. it's worth noting that uh, the chair of israel's civil commission,
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kokov elyakam levi, she was the one who had said that hamas committed mass rapes and uh, she's now been exposed as a fraud even by israel, it turns out that this civil commission described by the white house uh as if it were an official israeli body does not even exist. another point of the pull was what palestinians consider the most vital goals. 42% believe and end to the israeli occupation in the areas occupied in 1967 and a palestinian state in the west bank and the gaza strip without loots as its capital should be the first goal. by contrast, 33% believe the right of return of refugees to their 1948 towns and villages should be the first goal. in light of the increase in settler terrorist attacks against palestinian towns and villages, a pole asked, what means are most effective in combatting the regime
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forces? the largest percentage, 41% chose the formation of armed groups, 23% chose. to deploy palestinian police forces, another 23%, they chose the israeli army to take measures and only 8% chose unarmed groups to protect their areas. this is very important since the attacks by the regime forces in the west bank have increased dramatically since october the 7th, the operation alasaflood, the total killed is 360, while the number arrested is 7,350. the number of incursions especially in refugee camps, well that's going on a daily basis and now to the support for the two-state solution. the poll indicated 61% believe the two-state solution is no longer practical due to settlement expansion, but 37% believe that it's still practical. moreover, 72% believe that the
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chances for an independent palestinian state alongside israel in the next five years are: slim or non-existent, and 27% believe the chances are medium or high. and finally, if new parliamentary elections were held today, with the participation of all political forces that participated in the 2006 elections, only 64% say they would participate in them. 30% would vote for hamas, 14 for fata, 6% for third parties and 15%. percent remain undecided. among the voters support for hamas stands at 47%, fata, 22%, third parties 9%, and the undecided at 24%. the islamic republic of iran has distributed large amounts of humanitarian aid among palestinian refugees in syria in the holy month of ramadan, as part of his
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unwavering support for the palestinian cause. press tv's abraham wahti has more from damascus. in the holy month of ramadan and as part of its commitment to al-quds international day, the islamic republic of iran via its empacy in damascus has distributed several funds of humanitarian aid among palestinian refugees and resistance factions in syria. the convoy included essential food kits as a gift from the iranian nation. the islamic republic of iran and the access of resistance stand by the oppressed palestinian people in the face of the western and american support for. israeli entity which has not seased its crimes against the palestinian people in gaza. today's gathering comes within the framework of supporting the razilian and patient palestinian people. this gift is part of series of annual donations offered by the islamic republic of iran to palestinian refugees during the month of ramadan in several syrian cities. according to palestinian officials, this large amount of
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aid delivered by iran is message of solidarity with and commitment to the palestinian goes. significant step within the framework of iran's support for the resistance of the palestinian people. this support has been reflected in all forms and means since the victory of the islamic revolution under the leadership of imam khamaini. may god rest his soul and whose legacy continued with the leader imam ali khamenei. therefore we as palestinian people and resistance factions appreciate this gift and everything that the islamic republic is providing. the palestinian factions expressed their gratitude to the islamic republic of iran for this gift that is presented every year to the palestinian people. this aid provided by the islamic republic of iran during the month of ramadan to the palestinian people is considered as proof of iran's great role and interdependence between the iranian and palestinian. people, these activities confirm the loyalty of the palestinian people to the axis of resistance, addition to the fundamental and strategic role of syria and iran in the access of
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resistance. with this humanitarian aid, iran demonstrates that through support lies in actions rather than words, and it reflects the enduring place of the palestinian course in every iranian's heart. this gift is not only adjuster of love from the iranian leadership and people, more importantly, it underscores their unwaving commitment to... help their palestinian breathren, wherever they are, damascus. despite the imposition of extensive sanctions against iran, the country has managed to emerge as a global powerhouse when it comes to knowledge-based companies, science and technology parks play a key role in complementing iran's knowledge-based production ecosystem. has the details. one of the main goals of knowledge-based pharmaceuticals is: formulation of herbal medicines using modern pharmaceutical science in order to achieve high quality and effectiveness. also, taking advantage of the
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wide range of medicinal plants in the country, these companies seek to help improve public health. in this regard, so far, various medicinal products in the forms, syrups, ointments, gels, capsules and shampoos and also medicines for treatment of numerous diseases are produced and supply to pharmacies. all over the country. it is worth mentioning, these products were once all imported from other countries. this company is specialized in extraction, purification, formulation and production of herbal medicines and as knowledge-based company, it has done the formulation of more than 20 of herbal medicines and has supplied 14 in the country pharmaceutical market. some of these. medicines and some of our activities have led to the achievement of various honors and awards such as recobisol which is available
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in forms of shampoo ointment and gel. the idea of innovation is created before a knowledge-based company established, then the entrepreneur develops innovative idea into a unique prototype. finally, the manufacturer rolls out the product on focus on innovation are pursuing the production of high quality products. having a central laboratory and standards, we have paved the way for relevant search areas. one of the foremost innovations is antibacterial and nanostationary, including the smart ink which has been recognized and registered internationally. ordinary ink may go... bad in high or low temperatures, but smart ink undergoes little change and maintains its properties in different temperatures. knowledge-based,
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innovative and nanotechnology driven organizations utilize all available potentials in order to contribute to the sustainable development of the entrepreneurship ecosystem in the country. some manufacturers aim at boosting a national success by getting connected to international supply and dis'. distribution chains and improving their proficiency in the field of research and development, also with massive exports to develop countries, these groups can help iran's economic growth. innovation, knowledge and entrepreneurship are different parts of the development phases of science and technology parks. there are over 7,000 knowledge-based companies in iran which provide services and products to domestic industries. many are active in biotech, computer software. agriculture, food production, chemical tech, steel and gas industries, toys and so much more. reporting for press tv, tehran. and that does with this
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additional world news. thanks so much for being with us, this bye-bye for now. when palestinian journalist shirin abu aghale was killed by niswedy sniper on may 11, 2022, the israelis meant to get across a clear message, that they don't want any narrative other than their own under decades old occupation of palestinian lands and their aggression. it wasn't the first time israeli sought to put gag on the alternative narrative and every time it has failed. watch
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the history of the israeli measures and palestinian counter measures in this documentary.
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for muslims across the world, eid al-fitir, which marks one month of obedience to god in the holy fasting month of ramadan is a special feest. muslims feel festive and proud for their servitude to god. ramadan is called the month of blessings. out of respect for the holy month, muslims put aside their differences and hostilities and forge a stronger unity. different cities and villages
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in iran have the... our own traditions for ramadan which date back to centuries. get a glimpse of it in this documentary on press tv. الصوره مش كثير واضحه.
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this is for palestine the mala, gaza, this is for the child that is searching, this is not just the war overstolen land, why do you think little boys are going stones at tanks and we'll never really know how many people are dead, they drop bombs on innocent girls while they sleep in their bed, israel is a terror state, the terrorist that terroriz i'll testify my television, how many more resolutions have to be violated, how many more children have to be annihilated, this is not a war, it is system. like genocide, but whatever they try, palestine will never die.