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tv   SPOTLIGHT  PRESSTV  March 27, 2024 10:02pm-10:31pm IRST

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173 days of us israely genocide confirmed by un experts, over 32,500 murdered, over 100 deaths repeatedly occurring during 24-hour time spans, yet one of the only achievements of the so-called international community is for the us to abstain from a resolution for a temporary ceasefire instead of veto, widening the us is really spat. cease fire talks have hit a dead end one after another, with each side blaming the other, though it is clear.
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that the israeli regime is the one committing the genocide. in this edition of the spotlight we will look at things like israel's international isolation, humanitarian issues like the controversial us air drops, amongst many others, and the yemini army's continued targeting of israely bound vessels including ones from the us and the uk. first let me introduce our guests. sad professor of political science at berlin state university joins us from occupied romala. also joining us is fahima mohammed who's a broadcast and tv presenter from london. welcome to you both. sad nember, let me first start with you and uh get your reaction on what the un expert albanese has said uh, she's a un special reporter on the of rights situation in the palestinian territories, francesca albanese quote, "there are reasonable grounds to believe that israel has committed the crime of genocide against palestinians. israel has committed three acts
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of genocide with the requisite intent, well what's your reaction to that? yeah, good evening to you and to your guest in london and to all your viewers, well that was this morning in the session of the united nation security council as well as the united nation general assembly in many cases and on that it was also in palestine and she addressed the the audience with this statement. it is about time now when we are talking about organizations, most of the organization around the world are are admitting that there is a genocide in many accounts, not only three as she mentioned, but even more, but this is view of of of their investigation to talk about you know three kinds of of of genocides and war crimes in gaza, everyone knows. now and even after the uh icc also
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ruling about you know the israelis that should commit and not to commit any kind of genocide, it is kind of admission that there is kind of genocide going on and now we are waiting to see what would do follow in the icc, however it's not now about that the whole world do know that there is a genocide and there is war crimes one after another in every day a daily basis and it's not that the most important thing, the most important thing what the international community or so-called international community going to do, they are doing nothing apart from you know these statements, we heard many statements from so many people in positions, including guteresh himself, but so far there is no action being taken in order to stop israel from this genocide or to force israel to stop the genocide and the war crimes of committed again. the palestinians, well
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fhammed, one of the things that occurred uh was at the unfc, well for the first time there was a gaza ceasefire resolution, um, this was uh, because the us abstained, there were previous attempts where the us vetoed, um, but um, some are saying that's a little too late, and it's just a political win where it emphasizes and uh, kind of puts weight on what our guest from ramala said, that these are just statements and words, overall, i mean, we're looking at 32,00 palestinians that have been killed, um, first of all, why do you think uh the us went for that, and uh, if you think it's a it's too late for something like that in this stage, at this stage of the game, and if there is a cease fire, then why aren't other countries moving implement it and doing something about it? i think um, in addition to what our guests have just mentioned, um, think everyone can see now that in the context there have been several international laws and principles that have been violated, and because also the journalists. are still not allowed into you
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know israel to actually comment and counter whatever has been done, so then it only is left for people to understand that what they've been seeing is... the violence which is continued attacks on the civilians, the infrastructure, the hospitals, which is the international human rights law, then we've got the geneva conventions as well, the fourth geneva convention addresses the protection of civilians at the times of war, and as we can see that it basically has got nothing that they are doing in attempt to actually um save or give them any sort of way out of rough when there are statements directly from netanyahu to actually enter, so these are another... violation of these provisions which is evident and people are very concerned, we've also got the un charter uh which prohibits the threats and use of force against territorial integrity or political independence of any state, so the aggression as again is continuous and then we've got the customary international law
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again which in the palestinian context prohibits genocide and with the un now stating that of course there are evidence for that and again the international criminal law stating um the genocide being accountable under this um international criminal law includes the deliberate targeting of civilians and systematic violence, so i guess these kind of um adoption and principles are now being seen worldwide and the pressure politically is definitely there, but nobody is implementing it because it's always been lip service and the port that's been built is even made from the rubble, so they are trying to... ways and even un spokesmen have said that there are you know trucks miles away um you know basically there to give the aid but just not being entered so again we can see that there is still support for the continuous bombardment and genocide that's
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happening and nobody is actually taking any action like you said and the reasons being is because there's probably too much at stake for what is the end gold and their own probably. and agenda for the actual land in hazar indeed, well we're looking now at what appears to be this rift uh said number which has different dimensions to it, i'm not too sure if we can call it rift because in words it's one thing, in action it's another, but one aspect of it is this uh us abstention uh where it is pretty significant in terms of uh the way that that has not only been done but the way it is impacted this relationship between the us and israel what do you think about that buse we hear of course the delegation that uh was uh canceled uh by israel to travel to the us, even though their military chiefs did meet um and uh nataniau also said uh this uh cancellation is message to hamas in terms of the way uh we are uh dealing with the us, but nonetheless, what's your reaction to that? yeah, i think that the
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united states were sending message also to israel by this uh you know situation in the uh security council uh and particularly... this message is to netanyahu, it's quite clear that now there is kind of a campaign in the united states to separate between israel and the relationship between the united states and israel, which is solid kind of relationship and they are committed to israel and they are going to continue supporting israel, today there was a meeting you to discuss the the operation to rafah so the american are still participating in this war. and they are again going on with israel on the strategic level, however there are some problems between the administration and netanyahu or the government of israel, what the american are trying now to do by meeting gallant alone and meeting gans alone ministers in the government of the israeli
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government, it means that they are trying to push down netanyahu and they are saying quite clearly that it's netanyahu is acting on his own interest rather than the interest of israel, they are still committed to help israel and to support israel in all accounts, but at the same time they want to send this message to netanyahu, knowing by the end of the day that even this resolution been taken yesterday, it's not going to be implemented, because israel is not going implement it, when did israel implement any of the united nations resolutions, we are talking about more than 1ous. resolutions between the the security council and the general assembly and israel did not comply with even one single resolution, so the americans do know that and they know that they are going to support them if there were some pressure going on by other
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countries like the uh what the today colombian president said that we should start by cotting israel uh if they did not comply with the resolution, this is a good gesture by the colombian president, but at the same time, let's see other countries what they are going to do and how they are going implement and force israel to see fire and so stop this aggression and this genocide against the palestinians, i think that the americans and israeli do know that uh israel is not going to comply, well here's the problem uh, i don't know if you may see it this way or not for muhammad, is the fact that you have the us all out support when this operation also flot started, you have these four previous times that they came and they uh used their veto, but each time that they're doing that, you have uh hundreds of thousands of palestinians that are uh being murdered uh finally getting to the point where they where they abstain um and then you have for example
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the us secretary of defense lloyd austin saying civilian death though is far too high uh and the amount of aid is way too low, far too low. palestinians are dying as a result uh and our guests there said the us is continuing with its support. palestinians are dying, people are losing their lives. uh, this uh, if you take that out of out of the context of what's happening. that's what the end result is, there needs to be a way to speed things up. how do you see it? i just think it's uh, it's it's just showing and highlighting the us hypocrisy in gaza, the us secretary of defense's acknowledgement of civilian casualties and insufficient humanitarian aid in gaza highlights a discrepancy between the rhetoric and action and the continued military support to israel admit civilian casualties raises questions about the us policy. coherence and commitment to human rights principles and i think that at the end of the day um it's it's a
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political battle as well with regards to the upcoming you know elections as well as in the us as well as in the uk and i think a lot of people are just trying to uh submit to some the narratives that people are abiding by the upraw of the protest and obviously most people are now on the side of the palestinians so they just saying what they need to say but in the end the action is definitely not there and again you know it's no point delivering and surrounding all this aid and at the same time the aid is actually killing some of the civilians as well while they're distributing it of the air and at the same time facilitating and delivering to ensure that they are still providing the military aid so it's very much a hypocrisy indeed and that just goes against what uh the us claim is when it says through lloyd austin its secretary of defense the civilian death tholl is too high but yet there's military support, let's take a look at these controversial uh air drops uh sud number
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which is another controversy uh where you have uh 18 people um who have uh drowned several killed and stampeds from what what we understand um again it goes back to the fact that you have uh the uh air drops which shows the us intention that it actually cares but yet you have supplies, arms etc that are being uh uh military... supplied to the israeli regime? yeah, i think that this is the biggest scam we ever heard of in by the united states and israel, israel will allow jordanian emiratis and american aeroplanes to fly over israel to send aid to gaza, but the american can't pressurize the israelis to open the the gates and crossings especially not only rafah but we are talking about more than five crossings between israel and gaza
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which they used to bring goods through it uh more than 500 trucks every day that was before the 7th of october now america can't even open one or two of those crossings and allow more aid to get in especially that the aid is biling up in in in on the other side the rafah across. in egypt, so it's already there, but the access is not there because of the israeli regulations and the israeli you know banning of of the aid to come into gaza, now the americans are sending these kind of air drops, but at the same time they can't force the israelis to to open one of those crossings, it's unbelievable, i think it it is kind of a scam or the american want to show around the world that we are trying our best and we are helping in, eating food to the palestinians who are starving and dying of starvation, especially north of gaza, and
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we are doing our best in in the humanitarian issue, and they are trying to to show that they are these kind of good guys, at the same time they are the one who are giving the israeli the ammunition and giving them the rockets and giving them the all kind of supplies of of to continue this war and we know that they can stop the war and we know that they can for... israel to open more crossings, so i think the whole thing is just, you know, kind of a sharide in front of the international community to say that we are doing our best and in the future, they will say we... helped, we tried and we gave them you know some food here and there by air droppings okay, this uh rift thing between the us and israel however um uh in one respect seems to be serious fahima where we take a look at for example um how how uh there was a new source a week or more ago that said uh this uh military operation in rafa were israel to go ahead with it uh would
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lead to a shift in us policy uh we're looking at one shift that happened at the un the other being the uh military assistance uh yearly of the us to israel, if we seen the shift at the un, do you think the other uh is going to come? i think the potential sh shift in us policy is possibly a significant shift in us policy in response to just israel military operations in raffa, reflects the growing international scrutiny of israel's actions and their consequences, not necessarily what they actually would really do. so conditioning of military assistance could serve as leverage point for influencing israel's behavior, but again to what extent do they have that power over israel or are they still just again its lip service smoking screens and again just like our guest has mentioned is just you know saying and covering themselves to say we have tried our best so that they are not held accountable but in the end they have no control over
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israel to make them do whatever they're doing they're just only there as an allie to give whatever support and at the same time to cover themselves when it comes to any kind of future international kind of uh criminal uh investigation and i think that's what they are actually doing, but obviously there is so much that can be done that they're not doing, and it's not just the uh allies, it's also the um surrounding countries as well, so there has to be accountability and responsibility, not just for the western world but also in the middle east as well, yeah talking about surrounding countries and uh this criminal uh proceedings that may... actually involve other countries uh, there has been a somewhat of a contagion when it comes to uh stopping arms shipments to the israeli regime. canada has halted the arms uh sales to israel uh side number uh we're looking at denmark and italy italy to have already suspended their arms exports, the netherlands maybe um has ruled the government to do the same. british parliament uh for
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example uh some parliamentarians are calling on the government to put an end um even though the number of mps is still not enough uh what do you think about this trend? do you think that this is something that's going to involve other countries as well? yeah, i think that the uh public in europe and in other countries around the world who were going into demonstrations in support of palestine and try to put an end to the israeli aggression started to get some some results here and there. well, if you remember we talked about many times about you know the results of... this war and we said there are some changes uh occurring and we said that the changes on the on the international level it will be slow a little bit but sometimes it it might be even even much better now i think few countries are starting you know to take some actions and i believe this is a turning point important point for the future to get
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out from the circle of america because we know that the european generally and european union as a an organization in itself they follow the americans totally and they agree with what the americans are doing and the policies of america wherever so to see that few countries here and there is starting to act alone and now we are hearing also that there are few countries in europe who are willing to start and initiate recognition of palestine as a full state and that is also important. and they are breaking away from the mainstream policies of united states, yeah, it is the pressure of the people, it's the pressure of the people which you know get these governments to start you know thinking differently, that might you know make the changes a longer term, not a short term, short term we can see only these few countries here and there who are willing you
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know to do something and to take action, but i was also amazed today with 120 but parliamentarian in in in in uk taking this decision or talking about you know stop sending weapon to to israel though as you said it's not enough but at least this is a great move which we never anticipated before canada which is an important allie to the united states italy spain so we are talking about few countries even in europe or even in america north america they are trying you know to uh get somewhere but because the pressure is coming from their their own public and this pressure was a genuine one and really a big one and it started to do some effect, we hope that other countries also will follow in the same same lines. there are some questions about whether this is just again to impress the international community, because some of these export
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permits is said the approval prior to january 8th will still go through with them being delivered. nonetheless, because of lack of time, we need to move to the successful campaign that the yemenes have executed. if you can tell us about the way that this is uh actually... surprised many and it does remain a successful campaign and uh unfortunate that uh of one of the yemen is one of the only arab countries to really stepped up to the plate and done what it has. what's your impression of the way that they've gone about this? yes, the yemini armies targeting of vessels uh bound for countries supporting the uh saudi lead coalition reflects its efforts to disrupt the blockade and draw attention to the humanitarian. prices in palestine as well as in yemen and the linkage between targeting vessels and ending the blockade uh highlights the yemenese government's strategic
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objectives and i think it has actually uh created a huge international upraw and it has actually even made certain countries to actually back off a little bit because it is going to affect trade and economics um tremend tremendously so um again it was huge wake up and huge um effort from uh yemen and i think that that was uh quite brave and for that to continue in a way did actually wake up the international community a little bit more than they expected to actually respond and uh to end the program the ceasefire talks i believe is a good way to uh put into uh a question to you sudden nemmer what is going on there at this point uh it is maybe becoming a reality that the camp that says netanyahu doesn't want solution because that would be the end of his political career, do you think that that's true? exactly, that's
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very much true, he knows that the moment that they cease fire and stop the war, it means the defeat of israel in its war against gaza, providing that they said from the very beginning that they are going to eliminate hamas and the prestinian resistance and to release all the prisoners and they failed in doing that so... is victory to the palestinians and it is the second victory after the 7th of october, this is on the one hand, so netanyahu, you don't want to stop the war and he don't want to go to any kind of deal with the negotiations, and he continue to put obstacles in front of this negotiations in order to make the war longer and longer, and he don't care about the prisoners, in spite of the fact of these demonstrations going on in israel by the families of these prisoners. still netanyahu, he prefer his own personal interest rather than the interest of israel, all the parties in israel are pressurizing also for these
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negotiations, including the not only the opposition but also in his government, but yet the other side of his government, the right wing like ar bingier and motrich, they are you know encouraging him to go on with the war and not to go for these negotiations and smart, he said it, i don't care about the... nurs, i care about occupying gaza. thank you very much. professor of political science present university from occupied bramala, and fahima mohammed. thank you so much, broadcaster and tv presenter from london. with that we comes an end for this edition of the spotlight, from me coverway and the team, it's goodbye. this is home, first was a car, then the house, then i hit the street, that was 15 years ago, we are in los angeles, they are
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building and modernizing everywhere, the rent is always increasing, the city doesn't know what to do with all the homeless people, this is our main spot for the last 19 years, that's most likely to die on the streets if we don't get her off the streets in the next year, for every... i house, there's probably at least 12 or 20 in similar situation, so that can make my work very discouraging. housing first is just the first step, they need emotional support, they need support to seek treatment, they need support to manage life, never strikes twice, but هي الابنيه محروقه كلياتها منزوعه نهبوا اللي كل شيء فيها ما خلوا غير البخايا الحديد يعني
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اللي مبين. for dawn, but not here in yarmuk. bismillahirrahmanirrahim.
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nearly 80 palestinians are killed on the 173d day of the israeli holocaust in the gaza strip. the one special repertoire urges the world to stop the israeli regime's genocide and war crimes against palestinians in the gaza strip. and more countries stop weapon sales with israely regime over his genocidal war in gaza, this time ukmps urged the government not to let iof kill more palestinians using british made arms.