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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 27, 2024 2:30am-3:03am IRST

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israel forces kill scores of palestinian of civilians and new massacers in gaza. as death hill from regime's genocide tops 32,400 mostly women and children. leader of iran's islamic revolution reaffirms islamic republic's unwavering support for palestine and the people of gaza amed ongoing israeli genocide. and the emmy army says it conducted multiple operations in the red sea and gulf of aiden in support of palestinians.
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hello everyone, it's 1 am in the besieg strip and you're watching press tv world news. nearly six months into israel's genocidal war on gazon regimes indiscriminate strikes continue claiming more civilian lives throughout the besieg territory. according to palestinian health ministry, israely forces killed 81 civilians and injured at least 93 others in the past day. at least 12 palestinians including children were killed after an air raid hit a tent full of displaced people west of the southern gaza city of han yunis. a separate strike on rafa killed a child and wounded several others. meanwhile the death tool from israely raid a home that was also sheltering displaced people in rafa rose to 19 including nine children. regime air raids continued on the
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vicinity of al-shifah hospital west of gaza city. deathtol from israel's ongoing genocide is now exceeded 32,400, most of them women and children. nearly 75,00 others have also been injured. our correspondent motiabu says israely forces are stepping up attacks on gaza, leaving behind more civilian casualties. the israel ocupation forces scaled up their attacks and their atrocities against the palestinian people across all areas stip. this begin uh with the fresh attack that targeted uh the headquarter of the azawaida municipality in the central area of gaz strip at least a palestinian civilian uh was reportedly killed over that attack previously the israeli war planes also weighted several brilliantless strikes against anos refugee camp as their strikes of
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hit several residental buildings there including the alamal town which includes several residental towers and the northern part of anosarat refugee camp, while in the eastern part of almaghazi refugee camp the israeli occupation forces intensified their artillery shilling at least to palestinan civilians were reporttedly killed over those attacks, so we are talking about continuous strikes and artillery shilling reaching uh all areas of the central area of gaza step while when it comes to rafa city. more israeli massacres were committed against the palestinian civilians, several residential buildings and areas where revoltedly targeted by the israeli war planes, at least 22 palestinian civilians, including women and his children were massacred over discontinuous and relentless air strikes. the united nations has criticize israel for interrupting food and aid deliveries to northern gaza where people are struggling with fammon: the decision must be revoked,
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and what i've just read out and mentioned to you is why, you cannot put this in, you cannot claim to adhere to these international provisions of law, when you block, unwa food convoys, when you just last week denied five missions to the north, when we have... now reports of israeli attacks on warehouses and the police that are supposed to help secure this aid inside gaza, and when we hear and see and protest that hospitals are coming on the siege, and we do not have a situation whereby we can access those hospitals, this is not a facilitated or enabled environment at all, the... humanitarian office
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spokesperson in geneva also questioned if the israeli regime is familiar with basic tenants of international humanitarian law. he further complained is really forces avoid responsibility to create. safe passage and secure environment for aid missions to move in gaza. he criticized current situation in northern gaza by saying people are facing a cruel death by famon. un agency for palestinian refugees also raised the alarm over the humanitarian situation in northern gaza. and it's now we have more than half, more than one million people, half the population of gaza being in a... catastrophic nutritional situation and many of them are in the north, the last convoy onwa was able to organize to the north was about two months ago and over the last week we have requested twice to bring a convoy each time it has been
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denied and later on we have been informed that there will be nooit convoy anymore from the south to the north, i believe that such... decision is to prevind to prevent people in danger of deaths to survive. onra, which provides aid and services to palestinian refugees in gaza and across the region, has been in financial and political crisis. israel's accusations against the agency, which were later debunked, led to several western states cutting funding. now, according to unra, the agency now has sufficient funds to run operations through the end of may. spokesperson for the un children's agency in gaza says a dark humanitarian situation in northern gaza has left the children there paper thin for malnourishment uh a week ago i was in kamal
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adwan hospital where we've had those reports of 20 plus children dying of malnutrition and dehydration when i was there i saw room full of mothers and is not always mothers, some mothers have been killed, careers uh, shuddering over children who are paper thin, absolutely paper thin, incubators full of babies who are born prematurely because of the stress on mothers, also malnourished, life saving aid is being obstructed, lives are being lost, dignity is being denied, the deprivation, the force desperation, it means that every time i'm among "gans here, you can now hear the the the shelling and the firing from the coast, despair is there's a sense of despair pervading the population and people's nerves are shattered, mean unrelenting attack, people often ask me, is there still
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hope? everything is at extremes here, and that question is no different, so on the one hand, mother will speak to me and explain that she has lost loved ones, she's lost her home, she's..." lost her ability to regularly feed her children, she will tell me all she has left is hope. our efforts to provide aid are being hampered. just one example, there is when i when we come in from the south, remembering you were going through hundreds of thousands of people, it's a difficult journey, it's a dangerous journey, a unicef vehicle once it's been loaded from our warehouse will offload four different times before it gets to people. now there is an existing old crossing point that could be used in the north, 10 minutes from where those people are putting their hands to their mouth, pleading for food, 10 minutes, open that and we could turn this humanitarian crisis around in a matter of days, but it remains closed, remembering imminent famon, entirely predictable, entirely preventable,
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man-made. if we want to glass half full, man-made, it can be reversed if the right decisions are made. leader of islamic. revolution has reaffirmed country's unwavering support for the issue of palestine as well as oppressed and resistance people of gaza. said ali khamenei made the remark in the meeting with head of the hamas political bureau ismaal han leader praise historic steadfastness of the people of gaza in the face of israel's crimes and savagery, which enjoy full support of the west. he said despite with enemies intended, the issue of palestine is now turned into a global priority. for this part, hanya said israel has failed to achieve any of its stated objectives during the past six months. he added us administration is the main partner to azionist crimes and his directly leading regimes onslot on gaza, and he had earlier held a press conference with iran's foreign minister hussen amir abdullah hian. he said
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the recent us or pardon un security council resolution is assigned of unprecedented isolation for the israeli regime. although this resolution came late and there may be some gaps that need to be filled, the resolution itself indicates that the israeli occupation is experiencing unprecedented political. h leader said israel is losing his political cover and protection even at the un security council, he added us israel's closest ally cannot impose its will on the international community during his meeting with hunya, iran's foreign minister said despite unprecedented crimes, israel and its allies have realized they cannot achieve their goals and eliminate hamas. he also criticized islamic countries for their failure to mount economic pressure on his. which will have greatly reduced casualties and destruction in gaza. a brief but
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meaningful presence in front of the cameras. the political bureau chief of hamas ismail hania is in tehran a day after the united nations security council adopted a resolution demanding immediate cease fire in gaza. this is hania's second trip to tehran since. the israeli onslot on the b coastal strip on october 7th, we are going through historic stage in the fight against the regime and its turning point is the alaksa flood, the people of palestine have shown exemply resistance, and the resolution that was passed by the unsc indicates that the israeli occupation is experiencing unprecedented political isolation. israel is losing its political cover and protection even in the security council raise their hand on monday, the united nations security council passed a resolution calling for immediate cease fire
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in the gaza strip with the u.s. for the first time, abstaining from the vote. washington had vetoed three such resolutions before. this is the result of quote, the exceptional resistance demonstrated by the people of gaza, as described by hania, during a meeting with iran's leader ayatullah khamenei, later in the day, where the leader emphasized that the... islamic republic of iran will not hesitate to support palestine. this visit is very important, taking into account the timing of the trip, as we can see, mr. h has traveled to terron just one day after the adoption of the un security council resolution for immediate cice fire in gaza. this highlights the importance of iran's role as a trust forcy and vise friend for hamas. ism han is expected to hold more high-level meetings with iranian. this is the sixth time that the two officials are meeting since
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october 7th, and the second time that ismail hania has traveled to tehran, signaling the important role that iran plays in the political equations of the region. gisumi shah ahmadi, press tv, tehran. despite all the sanctions and limitations, published statistics revealed that the
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islamic republic of iran mine action center boasts the highest number of discovered mines in 2019. and welcome back everyone, levil the resistance moving has. carried out series of retaliatory operations against israeli targets amit simmering tensions over the regimes onslot on gaza, major israeli command center and occupy goal and heights has been the latest target hit with over 50 missiles. we earlier joined by our beirot correspondent for your details. the operation that you mentioned uh is what perhaps the most significant development that we witnessed today, it's definitely becoming even more and more heated. although we did have few days of somewhat routine operations from both sides
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and routine shelling from the israeli side, but we saw that today became even more heated, we saw the israelis evidently uh trying escalate the situation by hitting targets or hitting areas in the heart of lebanese territory, they're going deeper and deeper, mostly going towards the eastern side and the bika area, the city of balbak and even reaching areas that are further in the... northeastern part closer and to the outskirts of the rasab area and the alf town which is much further away from the uh the town or city of balbak itself and so that was considered definitely a very dangerous development by hazballah and this is why we saw that they launched some 50 rockets on the yarden barracks and that in the golan heights that is considered the first time that this barrax itself is targeted by hazballah hazballah also said that this is the main
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headquarters and the command center for the israeli army a time of war this is the description that the israelis are giving so this is definitely perhaps a newly situated uh command center for the israeli uh military, but it's also significant to see that it was targeted by hazballah for the first time, so definitely hazbullah seems to still have new database that they can continue or they can use whenever they need to. yemy army says carried out six drone and missile operations in 72 hours in support of palestinians and the spokesman for yemen armed forces said five us and uk ships and destroyers were targeted in the gulf of aiden and red sea while another vessel heading to israely occupied ports was also hit. now sedy said the military operations achieved their goals successfully and vowed yemenese will continue these operations against hostile targets until us-israely aggression against
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gaza stops and the siege on the palestinian people is lifted. a british court has handed a temporary reprieve to wikileaks founder juliana song in as a fight against extradition to the us, two judges have ruled that assange could take his case to an appeal hearing if the us government fails to provide the court with a quote and quote suitable assurances. press tvs saiza reports out of london. to juliana sanje's supporters, legal team and family, another disappointment in the uk's justice system. now the uk courts have invited the united states to issue assurances, the biden administration should not issue assurances, they should drop this shameful case that should never have been brought. julian should never have been in prison for a single day. this is a shame on every democracy. based on the new judgment,
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in three weeks the us should give assurances that asaj will not face the death penalty in the... us before judges consider dismissing the wikileaks founder's bid to bring an extradition appeal. it all comes despite revelations in 2021 that senior cia officials during the trump administration had discussed abducting and even assassinating assange from the ecuadorian embassy where he had sought asylum for seven years. it is for publishing images like these and nearly half. million other classified documents relating to the us lead wars in iraq and afghanistan that the american government once assange extradited. his supporters say they fear he will be jailed for life. to julian asanja's supporters, this is not just about the extradition of one man, but also about the profound consequences that will have for
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press freedom here and around the world. a fact highlighted by those 'who have campaigned for years to secure asanj's freedom, the message that julian assan's extradition case will send around the world is that a united states department of justice can reach out anywhere in the world, whether you're a british citizen, whether you're an australian citizen, wherever you're from, and claim that you're a spy and that you have revealed classified information as though you were spy. the latest ruling means'. the legal saga, which is dragged on for more than decade, will continue, and assange will remain inside london's high security bell mars prison, where he has spent the last five years. said puriza press tv, london. the russian president vladimir putin says investigations continue into the moscow
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terrorist attack, and he's called for a quote, fair punishment, and quote, for the perpetrators earlier we discussed. issue with our guests in our news review program, here it is, you're tuned to press tv, time now for the news review. russia's president vladimir putin says that the details of the recent terrorist attack on moscow are being investigated while the same time calling for just punishment for the perpetrators. the criminals who directly committed this massacre, as you know, have been arrested, investigators are carefully establishing the circumstances of this. barbaric crime, finding out its details, determining the role and degree of guilt of each participant and estating the conclusions of criminologists and experts. i hope that prosecutors within
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their powers, including when presenting state charges and during the trial, will do everything necessary to ensure that the criminals receive fair punishment as required by russian law. putin was speaking a meeting the general prosecutors collegium, the russian federal security. service said that the gunmen responsible for the attack planned to travel to ukraine where they were to be welcomed as heroes. the fsp at the western intelligence services aided the attackers. four gunmen burs into moscow's carocus city hall on friday and began shooting a people who are attending a consult there. they killed some 140 people and injured more than 180 others. 11 people including the assailings, seven detained, facing terrorism charges. now let's get some insight in this and discuss that a bit, so i'm inviting mark sloboda international affairs and security analys from moscow, also with me is larry
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johnson, former cia analyst from bradington, florida, good to see you both challen, now beginning with uh uh mark, mark, who do you believe is uh behind this, you you know who moscow is uh blaming for uh, what's your opinion and what? could be the purpose of this terrorist attack? yes, um, so it is uh obvious that the uh four direct gunmen who were involved in the attack were of tajic origin and there's some suggestion that they may have had some affiliation with an organization that is presented in the media as um isis k, isis horizont, but the russian... government uh uh officials, including the head of the fsbay, the federal domestic security service, alexander bortnikov have made clear that they believe
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that isis k is simply a sock puppet that it has never been a real organization and that it is being used in this case uh to carry out attacks on russia uh with a plausible uh deniability figally. and that the real perpetrators behind thetack are the kiev regime's intelligence services, the united kingdom and the united states. okay, larry, european and also let's uh elaborate on the role that western intelligence services have been playing in this. well, there are a lot of audities here, um, so i work at the state department's office of counter terrorism back when it was an office, not a bureau, and one the immediate things we had to deal with back then the belief that the us government had inside knowledge about the terrorist attack on panam 103 and it warned off government employees like state department, cia, not to
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get on the plane, well that was a lie, but out of that we developed a process and procedure for dealing with thread information, and how that threat information was handled in this case is very bizarre. number one, the mirror fact that embassy moscow issued a warning, a public warning like that means there was intelligence. that was considered credible, the specificity of it could be in question, but it was definitely considered credible, and what, what are we talking about there? we're talking about human intelligence or an intercept or both, an interceptive communications. normally, in that case, once the decision is made to go public, or even before you decide to go public, you share the information with the government that is going to face that threat. and at no point did the department of state call the ambassador of russia into state department to say, hey, we need to brief you on something, because under those circumstances then the ambassador would
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take the information back, put it in a classified cable, send it back to moscow, and at the same time, the embassy should have requested a meeting with the foreign ministry and or the svr, fsb, the appropriate officials in in in russia to pass that information on. they didn't do that, yet they come out and make a prediction about, oh stay away from this area for 48 hours, and so and this comes on the heels of victoria newland making a threat that although putin's in for some nasty surprises, so just all of that taken together to me says the united states knew a lot more than has been revealed, appreciate your comments and insight, mark sloboda and moscow, larry johnson. in braddington, florida. thank you for watching this episode of the news review.
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when palestinian journalist shirin abu aghale was killed by nisred sniper on may 11, 2022, the israelis meant to get across a clear message that they don't want any narrative other than their own under decades old occupation of palestinian lands and their aggression, it wasn't the first time israeli sought to put gag on the alternative narrative and every time it has failed. watch the history of the israeli measures and palestinian counter measures in this documentary.
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for muslims across the world, aid alfitter, which marks one month of obedience to god in the holy fasting month of ramadan is a special feast. muslims feel festive and proud for their servitude to god. ramadan is called the month of blessings. out of respect for the holy month, muslims put aside their different. preferences and hostilities and forge a stronger unity. different cities and villages in iran have their own traditions for ramadan which date back to centuries. get a glimpse of it in this documentary on press tv.
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allahuakbar allahu akbar.
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asalam alaikum, peace be upon you and welcome to iron islam, the show where we look at current affairs through an islamic lens, each week we evaluate a trending new story and we break it. down from an islamic perspective, with muslims observing the holy month of ramadan, many will be engaging in social activities with their brothers and sisters, including iftars, communal prayers and events aimed at propagating islam to non-muslims, but in recent