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tv   SPOTLIGHT  PRESSTV  March 27, 2024 2:02am-2:31am IRST

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not facing a us v, this time, the un security council finally call from immediate cease fire in the gaza strip, which has so far fallen on telavize deaf ears. israel definally insists it will perform an operational rafa where a million and a half palestinians have taken shelter. this is faced global criticism and stern warnings even from israel's closest ally, the us. now meantime truce negotiations are still ongoing in dohak. are though with no breakthrough, so
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far israel's holocaust in gaza has killed more than 32,00 palestinians, some half million gozans are already facing starvation, and many more are on the brink. welcome to the spotlight, i'm your host berrus najaffy, and these are our guests in this episode. kim of sheriff activist and lawyer is joining me from london. also with us is shabia rizvey, political commentator in chicago. okay, let of me welcome both our guests, welcome both of you. so beginning with kim, kim, you're you're a lawyer uh, so uh, at last uh, the us abstained, deciding not to use its veto power at the un security council. what in your of minds i motivated washington to do? so and
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does this mean a change of heart in his policies vis the televive regime? is it a publicity stunt or what? yeah, good afternoon to you. it seems to me that that that that after i've analysed the situation very carefully and i've been thinking about it and i've listened very carefully to the speech of the us representative at the un security council as to why they have abstained it is very obvious to to me and i don't. about others, but it's very obvious to me that it was a publicity stunt. the us is aware that the whole world is now totally against its position in relation to supporting this genocidal regime, and it has lost moral compass, it has lost the moral authority, it has lost a great deal uh that that that uh, perhaps we can't even measure it at this stage, and therefore it has decided to take this uh position bec and and make it seem
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like it is concerned and and it wants the right thing to happen and so forth, but when you listen to the speech of the us representative for the security council, you will see that her entire focus and attention was on basically uh blaming and deflecting uh blaming blaming the whole delay in in getting the the the uh resolution voted on uh on the chinese and the russians and uh forgetting completely that they themselve. three times vetoed a proposal to end the uh genocidal campaign of the israeli regime and um so it seems to me that this was clearly a political stun because if they really want to stop if they really want to stop the geneside the holocaust in palestine today all they have to do is make a phone call and i'm pretty confident that they will be obeyed uh because they will they will be able to cut uh military aid they will be able to cut all kinds of other aids. will be able to put to
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bear a huge pressure on them, they will be able to sanction them, so it is this stunt, this doesn't work, and i am not persuaded, i of don't about others. okay, now uh, shabir, all un security council resolutions are considered binding, and this is in accordance with article 25, the un charter, which is ratified by the united states, but this one the usas described the monday resolution as non-binding, how's that? yeah, it's certainly interesting, i mean, i think if we need to actually analyze history, there are actually dozens of unse uh resolutions that israel has of violated uh time and time again, we see it with the west bank, we see it with gaza, we see it with lebanon, um, this is a, this is a an occupation that cannot be trusted, and so what the united states is doing is they're saying it's non-binding, why are they saying it's non-binding, because they know right now israel has become a parius state. and not
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only has it become a parius state um in the eyes of the international community, i would say, lot of us have known from the very start, it's been a parios state, um, but all eyes are on israel, its image has never been more tattered. "its image has never been uh this horrific in the eyes of the international community, so what the united states is doing right now is saving face of its most loyal junior partner and saying that these are non-binding um and that it knows that israel is going to violate uh the cease fire resolution uh whatever its terms may be, in fact they're already violating it, there were several bombings last night, there were several massacres last night, and so what we see is that israel is very much intent on continuing this carnage." um and so for one the united states is trying to save face and two we know that from the gecko uh the israeli occupation will not honor this this resolution uh no matter what its terms may be right now kim uh israely prime minister
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netanyahu has cancelled the visit of a ranking delegation to washington seemingly in protest at monday's un security council resolution you know and bb is already facing division among uh uh cabinet members, also opposition from the israeli people who've been out on the streets uh for a long time holding rathers against him and his policies, so would he in your opinion eventually get off his high horse or would he still presists to act stubbornly? i think this this act of counseling his visit to the us is just another one of those uh uh media uh game uh that they play. to make it seem like you know they are now in a tiff, that that's not true because if they are in a tiff the genocide the holocaust would stop tonight, that's a fact, everyone knows it, and we don't need to be missing our words about that, and this man's life, livelihood, political career, everything together with his wife also who's
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been accused of certain things depends on continuation of this uh holocaust in gaza, because up to now six months later all he has achieved is damaged the reputation of the... israel in the world um cut cut its own possible uh benefit that it may had derived from any other sources if he had taken different course in relation to dealing with october the 7th and so he's now in a situation where he hasn't achieved any of his objectives from the time he entered uh gaza other than committing a holocaust that people are now comparing it to the nazi germany of the second world war and so... um him pretending that he's not going is to give america some kind and and and him uh to give america some kind of uh gravitast in the world platform to make america seem like you know it's now taking a very firm uh stance towards israel and the the the reality is far from that if it wants to take a firm stances
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for for for them to say stop it now or else we are going to um apply sanctions on you we going to send our troops there to you to make sure that you don't in do you what you threatening to do raffa and uh do that that kind of thing, they have done that many times before in relation to many other people, but not in relation to palestine, because they are a party to this holocaust, the us regime is a party to this holocaus, so is the uk, unfortunately, yemen is the only one that is upholding the international uh rule of law, right? now shabir, officials in tel aviv have taken no heat of the un call for ceasefire, have they abided by the uh icj ruling, so what else can be done to force the regime to stop this genocide or holocaust or whatever else you call in gaza? yes, so as we know israel is a priest state, it doesn't care for
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what international mechanisms are being used against it, and so what it's going to have to come down to is that countries will have to take a bold stance, they're going to have economically cut ties with the... state, they're going to have to cut political ties with the zionist state, they will have to turn to their own workers and their own uh their own locally uh their own local businesses and say you cannot do business with the zionist regime, this is what it's going to have to come down to that, and of course uplifting the resistance and politically backing the resistance, because as you know under international law, resistance against an occupying enemy is completely justified, as soon as that justification is made well-known and... and it's honored internationally uh as we saw china made similar comments a few weeks ago um we are going to see slowly but surely um sort of just like how south africa apartide south africa um you know was diminished the same diminishment of the israely regime right now it's it's basically being politically as
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it always has it's being politically backed and militarily backed by the united states as soon as countries are able to independently say we will no longer do business with the zionist regime. "that is when that first domino will fall and it will create cascading effect that's going to uh take care of the israeli regime that's going to make it uh eventually fall because it cannot stand." uh its own two legs without any uh political and economic assurances from basically the western world. now kim, let's not review israel's failure in the gaza war. hamas leader ismile is now in tehran and he says that palestinians have shown in his words legendary resistance in the war and that israel has failed to achieve any of its military objectives. let's face it, it's it's a fact iuf has failed to defeat even single palestinian resistance group. yes, you know,
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this is remarkable. it's been 75 years or so that that this regime has been applying this genocidal schemes, because genocide is not a one of action of of of of one party against another, genocide is a thing is a process, the thing that takes time. so over the past 75 years they have been applying this genocidal policy towards the palestinian people. yet, remarkably, they they remain steadfast, strong and carry on their resistance operation, which is their inalienable right guaranteed by the un charter, and occupied people are entitled to do whatever is necessary to uh resist the occupation, and the occupation doesn't have rights, the occupation has obligations to preserve the lives of the occupied, to to protect them, to do all kinds of uh things to make sure that their human... dignity is not userved from them and so yes in these, i totally agree that they haven't achieved any
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their objectives especially in relation to the current uh genocidal campaign uh they haven't freed any of the hostages, they haven't uh eliminated hamas, as they claim that they were doing, instead they were just applying collective punishment uh policies killing everybody and it is horrowing to hear what the uh un human rights council special reporter francesca albanese. says today, she says, this is - the genocide is is in gaza is so conspicuous and so ostentatious and she's absolutely right, i'm quoting her verbatum there, she's absolutely right, because it's it's live, it's unfolding before the eyes of humanity all over the world, and yet these guys are arrogantly carrying on and they assume that they going to achieve something, and they are not going to, i totally agree with those who say that the the the the people of palestan have shown a remarkable uh very... removing uh fortitude and resilience and ability to resist the rather horrific,
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monstrous nasty uh occupying force. right now shabir uh saying that political support for the tel aviv regime is waining and he cited the un security council monday resolution demanding the seasfire. so we have pro- palestine rallies and fullsowing around the world as you know we have israel's allies even their closest one, turning their backs, boycuts of is really made goods by large number of countries underway, severance of relations or limiting relations, summoning ambassadors, filing lawsuits and international fora, so what else could be in the offing? yeah, we're seeing multiple cascading effects of the october 7th resistance operation, hamas has basically bloodied the nose of israel to such an extent that they will never ever be able to recover. 'i think what's going to happen now is is tightening of these uh different types of
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resistance that we're seeing, whether that's resistance directly on the ground uh from you groups like hamas or the pflp, whether it's boycots expanding, as you can see more companies are being targeted um to the point where you know sometimes even shipping lanes are being blocked, airports are being stopped by you know groups here in the united states and and there's just more general political pressure being added on'. to specifically the united states political apparatus, as you can see uh from the primary results coming in, lot of voters are saying that they're uncommitted to joe biden specifically as a protest vote due to his uh direct complicity in this genocide, and i think that's where it hurts the political system the most, because joe biden has been the number one backer of this genocide, if it were not for his policies, this would not have gone to the extent that it has, now that... the political pressure is being applied to the number one financier and the number one political backer
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the zionist regime, things are going to start changing, and it's not only just the voting that's you know going to be taken into effect. if you look at what's happening on the ground in the united states, politicians are being made uncomfortable, they're having these fundraiser events where activists are popping up and shutting down the fundraiser event, roadways are being blocked, highways are being blocked, entire docks are being blocked. "and i think the united states is at risk of losing its own political legitimacy if it keeps backing this genocide, because as you can see there's millions of people on the streets collectively uh, not only in the united states but across the..." entire world uh, they all support palestine, in fact the only people that are supporting the israeli cause are specific zionist groups, people that are tricked into supporting zionism, and of course the united states ruling class who seeks to make, as jared krisher said, a port could, lead to lot of revenue for the united states capitalist class, the the people of the united states are directly at odds with
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their own ruling class, so why would they support some things, why would they support israel when they know that israel is... this genocide is in bed with the ruling class that oppresses them day in and day out. there's no reason to support this, and the longer that the united states digs its heels into this genocide, the more contradictions arise between the population of the united states and the government of the united states, which clearly shows that it does not have the interest of the people at hand, it does not have the interest of peace and security at hand, rather it has the interest of few select billionaire elite that want to expand. operations across west asia and into asia uh for their own personal gain, right? turning to the humanity and aids situation in gaza kim, some people have been crushed to death you in the stamped, some of them drowned while trying to get drop from the air, some them were hit by those you know air drop aid, so this kind of you know aid air drop one
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mean has proved not only humiliating but deadly, mean if the donors really want to help the people in gaza, why don't they simply force israel to open land crossings? indeed, i mean, that is the easiest and the quickest way and the honest bonafide method of of alleviating the suffering there vis the humanitarian catastrophe aspect of it, you have to also look at who is creating that environment, who is doing this, it's the israeli vicious regime, it's doing it, because it uses hungers weapon of war, it wants to flatten out the whole of gaza, the the whole conflict is now becoming clear that that it is about to do with with the uh natural mineral resources of gaza itself, apparently there's so much gas in the sea of gaza, there is a talk about turning gaza into an attractive holiday resort and said it by jared krishna the other day, i saw an
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interview horrified, horrified to here, this is the ultimate the ultimate psychopathy, you don't have to... psychologist, expert to identify these people are very, very sick and dangerous people, because they don't seem to appreciate the value of human life, they don't seem to appreciate the the importance of preserving human life, instead they think any people can just be exterminated systematically like they're doing it now, whether you they're using whether using hanger as a weapon of war or or or denying them access to basic necessities like medicine and water and just... right shooting them and and buldosing them and continue to attack the same hospital over and over again raping women in there are allegations of rape taking place by the israeli soldiers there and it's month of ramadan people are fasting we feel we understand what it is to be hungry and thirsty can you imagine what it is like for the people of gaza that has been the situation for nearly 20 years for them and
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now it's just being intensified what needs to happen is just like francesca albanizi the special what the human rights council said uh today uh she's calling for sanctions and embargo on israel, the whole world needs to now stop dealing with them, literally kick their embassy ambassadors out, close down their embassies and tell them you're going to stop this uh systematic extermination of these people or else we're not going to talk to you, we're not going to deal with you, and of course we need to reprimand and maybe even have them investigated those countries that have been creating a land uh uh passage for the israeli uh vicious regime uh whilst the uh gazans are are starving, the air dropping the food was pretty hollywood movie stunt to make it seem like they care they trying to do, this is a classic example where a narcissist or psychopath pretends to have empathy, do you understand what i'm saying? so these guys are psychopaths, they are
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dangerous and they the palestinian people need to be protected from the evils of these people, all right? not shabir uh, israel saying it cannot defeat hamas without going into rafa, what it says the movement has four battalions composed of thousands of fighters, now even if that is true, would that be the right thing i mean to wipe out the entire population there to achieve the goal? no, of course not, there's no reason for this the siege even be happening in the first place, i'm not just even talking about after october 7th, i'm talking. about the history of the the besegement of gaza, what they're asking to do, what they're trying to gain approval for before they do it is genocide, is ethnic cleansing, there are... hundreds of thousands, there's a million people in there, it's the last place they have to go, and guarantee, no matter what they do, as we have seen, time and time again, year after year,
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they they say that they have targeted bombings, that's just simply not true, the their bombs are unguided, and what they're trying to do is massacre as many people as possible, they're trying to force them out, there is nothing surgical about this, and even if it was, this is a full-blown occupation, and it is an illegal occupation. hamas has every right to exist, any resistance group has any right to exist, illegal occupation, this is under the un's own law, um, what they're trying to do here is is ben laws is take advantage of the fact that they are politically and military backed by the united states and commit a massacre of untold proportions, we we have never seen anything like this on in history where such sophisticated military has backed all these people into a specific uh, into a specific corner, has deprived them of food and medicine, has broken them psychologically, has broken them physically, and now wants to
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finish them off, they're asking the world for permission to commit massacre that will surely finish off the population of gaza, and they want the world's approval to do it, but they have become so illegitimized, they have become a parios state, and they're going to be unable to do this, and now they're trying to make a gamble at it, and say that they're going to go in um and it's just not going to work out for them, this this objective that they have of destroying hamas is not going to work, and they don't even consider that every time that they kill a palestinian, who else is going to rise up to rise up to the task of joining the resistance and fight back, this is something that they are not considering whatsoever. now kim, in terms of the true stocks, no katatar saying that the adoption the un security council resolution uh has not had any immediate effect. on the talks for now, at least the israel media said the talks had fallen through, they blame hamas response to a us proposal for a prisoner swap, now
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hamas is saying that israel is entirely responsible for the failure of the negotiation efforts, so do you see a ceasefire deal around the corner? i do hope so, but i i can imagine, i mean you know going a high level negotiation meetings of of this sold. "it's a very tense atmosphere, i mean as a commercial lawyer, i have attended these negotiation sessions, it's a very, very tense atmosphere, and you need to have parity between the negotiating parties, if you know what i, in the sense of life, they need to be of equal strength, but here we got two parties of totally unequal strength, one party, which is supremacist in its ideology, in its position, in its assumption, it thinks it is superior to all other humans. and of course in relation to hamas, it sees itself as even more superior and it sees hamas as a a mere hot spot of uh terror militia which is
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not true and they know it, but uh and so having negotiation in in a room like that, it is filled with with contempt by one side to the other side and another side trying to uphold its rights with with with all it can uh despite all the obstacles that it has in front of it, so it's a very difficult senior. senarion, i can imagine, i commend all those mediators who are in there who are maintaining the the peace in there, and so i, i, i hope there will be, i hope some somebody will tell israel, for god's sake, listen, the whole world now is aware of your henous crimes, the whole world sees you as a proper psychopath, this is what you need to tell your client when you are in negotiating like that, you know your client is unreasonable, you have to bad upon them and tell them, listen, you are going to have. come enter into a deal here, and if you don't then going to backfire on you very, very badly. okay, uh, on that note we come to the end of this
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uh episode of the spotlight, i apologize for that, kim sharif activist on lawyer, join me from london, shabir resby, political commentator from chicago, appreciate it, and thank you for watching this episode of the spotlight on press tv, i've been your host najafi, and i'll see you next time. ramadan is a special time for britain's 3 million muslims. the fasting hours are long, up to 20 hours a day, but the physical and spiritual rewards are worth it. ramadan has been a fantastic time uh in sense in the sense that it's about spiritually connecting with the law of the heavens and the earth. and detoxing your bodies. ramadan is the month of prayer in the quran when muslims do their best to cultivate will power, discipline and self-restraint. but ramadan isn't just about self-sacrifice. it's about.
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sharing food with your family and friends, it's about increasing solidarity with fellow muslims and it's about showcasing the beauty of islam to the non-muslim majority living in the uk. being involved in a community helps me to understand the muslim community even more and to be able to share that with my community back in the states. я очень сильно люблю свою семью, конечно, поэтому для меня я долго не мог, но боялся что-то сделать, чтобы не сказав, я думаю, ну для меня больше открывает, потому что понятие свободы для...
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depressed coverage of this assassination of passammani now entering its uh fourth day we're looking at uh
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is forces kill scores of palestinian civilians and new massacres in gaza as death from regime's genocide top. 2,400 mostly women and children. leader of iran's islamic revolution reaffirms islamic republic's unwavering support for palestine and the people of gaza amed ongoing israeli genocide. the eminy army says has conducted multiple operations in the red sea and gulf of aiden in support of palestinians.