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tv   A Window To Palestine Israels selective murder  PRESSTV  March 23, 2024 10:00am-10:31am IRST

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يا زريف الطول ارسم يا زمان صوره للقدس ضره للوطن يا بوان المشهد ملون في اربع عوان عاشت قدسنا يا شريف الطول غرسم يا زمن صوره للقدس قرره للوطن بهاالوان المشهد ملون في اربع الوان عاشت كرسنا يا زريف الطول يا صنود. los dos videos que acabamos de presenciar, the two videos that we have just witnessed reveal the contradiction and confrontation between two stories that are disputed today, truthfulness in the construction of universal history. the first, a typical story of any colonial state that seeks to construct a usable past to found new identity, as stated by yilomo sant.
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a professor of israeli history in his book, the invention of the jewish people, and in his other book, the invention of the land of israel, where it is first intended to construct a revision of history in such a way as to make the people or nation that existed before this new colonial regime disappear. in palestine, we have been experiencing this for more than a century, but it is not the first time. palestine has been subject to invasions throughout its history and... really simply come to actualize this need of some western powers to occupy and dominate the most geopolitically and geostrategically important place for humanity. the israelis since the birth of zionism, that is, before the birth of the regime of israel, the imposition of the state of israel in palestine had been working on three processes: first, the dehumanization and invisibilization of palestinian culture, a culture that has existed for. millennia, and that is part of
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the entire history of humanity as nerf center of its development, but at the same time, the construction of this new story, already at the beginning of the zionist enterprise, spoke of a land without a people, for people without a land, however, in the early years of the last century, palestine was already recognized as one of the main exporters of oranges in the world. it sounds suspicious that a land that did not have a... people to work it was already one of the main orange exporting countries at that time, clearly there has been an attempt to distort the story, but in addition to fabricating this history, making the original people of this territory invisible, there has been a process of appropriation of their food, their dances as well. today when you see a video of what supposedly israely dances or it is almost the same as what we just saw, and if you ask them for an... old video of these dances, you
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probably won't be able to find them because those dances only exist in palestinian culture and tradition. now, fortunately, the categories of analysis and concepts are not an israeli invention, and the concept of the people and the concept of the nation, or well before the birth of zionism. the palestinian people have existed in palestine since the discovery of agriculture, then the discovery of surplus in agriculture, the birth of the... first cities, the expression of the division of societies into dominant and dominated classes, and the first storage silos that emerged. we are talking about more than 5,00 years ago in the cities of ariha and giza, therefore this territory, which is the natural bridge that unites africa, asia and europe, and this territory, which was always known also as the fertile cresent for being bath by the nile and the euphraties, and again this... territory which was the
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most ancient territory known in the world has always been the center of dispute, beyond the fact that the zionist discourse and zionist narrative attempts to erase history with a stroke of the pen, sometimes with lies and other times with bombs, the palestinian people are and always will be the palestinian people. hola daniel, buenos días, mi nombre es hugo guiroga. hello, daniel, good morning. my name is hugoka and i would like to ask you how you think the design occupation of these last decades or perhaps longer has affected everything that is palestinan culture and traditions. as hugo stated few minutes ago, palestinian culture has always been present throughout the history of humanity. it has to do with a process of thousands of years of construction and also has very strong.
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component that is diverse and intercultural, all the peoples, civilizations and cultures that have sought to dominate the world have passed through the land of palestine. therefore, when one looks at at the history and construction of palestinian culture, one has to make reference to egypt, greece, rome, syria, persia, babylon, and of course the ottoman turkish period before the arabs and the discovery of islam. you need to make reference to the crusades and also what has happened in the last century after the arrival of the industrial revolution and the reevaluation of this territory for being a nerf center for control of the largest oil reserve. in the world, not because palestine has oil reserves, but because it is point equidistant from all reserves, that is geostrategically relevant for the development of current capitalism, so what has zianism done since its arrival, trying to eliminate palestinian culture, trying to make not only
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history disappear from the roots, but also its traditions. now, since it is difficult to make traditions disappear, what they have done is to appropriate them. today they sell fallful as if it were typical israeli food. nowadays you see them dance dupka with very similar name as if it were a historical israeli dance, and when one looks at the conception of the people nation, when one looks at the definition of the nation, it's taught us that nation has a common territory, has a common people, has a common history, has a common language and has a common psychology. if you are familiar with the definition, the term territory, you will realize that those who today call themselves israels come from various territories throughout the world. there is a reason if they have different languages, if during the invasion of gaza, during this genocide, they abandoned their lands, if the tel aviv
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airport was full of israeli immigrants returning to their workplaces, but on the other side, the palestinians continue to resist because they have one language, one history, a common psychology. of course, territory that is their own. this is everything that israel seeks to destroy with this genocidal policy. therefore, when one asks how the rise of zionism has affected palestinian culture, well, it is the most important battle of all. the key point is that the palestinian diaspora in one way or another, also ensures the continuity of palestinian culture. the palestinian diaspora around the world has very close relationship with palestine. "they travel, they invest, they maintain a relationship that is permanent and systematic, and the palestinian culture is being renewed like any cultural process, and therefore it is absolutely impossible for it to disappear beyond the pretensions of israel, the united states and
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europe, who feel effectively that they are the representatives of the civilization in the face of barbarism, the last few days have shown precisely the opposite, they..." or barbarism, and it seems that the palestinian people today represent the last bastian of civilization and humanity in a world where humanity in numerical terms is growing, but humanity as value is decreasing and is on the way to disappearing, pero la humanidad como valor está decreciendo y en vías de desaparecer. hola, buenas, mi nombre es javiera navarro, hi there, my name is javiera navaro. i would like to ask if there is a direct relationship between palestinian. thank you javiera for your question, first be noted that this answer is not only valid for the palestinian people, resistance and culture are two sides of the same coin. all the peoples of the world that have suffered
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colonial enterprises have seen their culture as an indispensable and fundamental form of their resistance and their struggle to remain and transcend without called. there is no resistance, culture is defined as all those forms of problem solving, resolution and satisfaction of needs, both material and immaterial that defined human group can carry out to reproduce its physical existence, but also reproduce its rituals, customs and traditions. today when you visit palestine, you realize that everything the palestinian people do, their entire culture is an act of resistance, studying, dancing, embroidery, painting, writing, working, doing crafts. if you visit hebron, you will see these glass factories, which are the same glass factories that used to make glass 2,0 years ago, or you will see the olive trees that are in palestine, in the bethlehem area or in all of palestine, the palm trees with dates. there
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are some areas that have been planted for more than a thous years and with trees that age more than a thousand years. that is why the israelis try. to uproot and destroy these signs that are obvious manifestations of the culture of nation that have been present in the land for millennia. just look at the israeli settlements and palestinian cities, palestinian cities or cities where not one building is the same as the other, each building has a specific place, and has since most of them are hills a view, and all these houses climb onto each other and build a city that has the same shape as the geography, because it is amalgamated with the geography. by looking at them everyone immediately recognizes that these cities have been built over the centuries. when one enters bethlehem and sees the paths where christ. one sees the ancient city, one sees the grotto of the nativity, one realizes that this city has
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been there for millennia. when you look at the israeli settlements, they are an absolutely spiritless and soulless repetition of a housing unit that is repeated and could be repeated forever, and that erases geography, it erases history, it erases the landscape. in one way or another, it is even capable of intervening in water courses and changing it as it... lo mencioné quizás al pasar al principio de
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mi exposición en el sentido de que, i perhaps mentioned it at the beginning of my presentation, palestine is the natural bridge that unites africa, asia and europe. therefore, since ancient times, it has been an obligatory passage for all peoples, civilizations and cultures that sought to expand their domains and conquer and dominate the world. it is an old... and well-known territory, but in addition to being a geopolitically and geostrategically important place, palestine is located in area that is known historically as the fertile cresent. this naming is because palestine was the most fertile area of the ancient world, especially in this region. the first agricultural communities emerged in this area as well as dispersed settlements. the first cities emerged here like ariha and gaza, which i mentioned earlier, we shouldn't. also forget about the emergence of the agricultural surplus. when the concept of agricultural
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surplus spreads and some human beings realize that they can live off what others work for, they emigrate and go to build a compact city where domination is exercised and they separate themselves from the world that continues to produce through work and exchange of products and free energy. the city that emerges as the oldest city where everything starts. this claim is one of the inventions of israel. that is referred to as jericho. when they invite you to visit jericho, they say come and see the place where everything started. in fact, the palestinian people continue to be people fundamentally with economy linked to agriculture, livestock and peasantry. no matter where in the world, they have never stopped being a people deeply linked to their lands and their identity, and perhaps that explains why the ones who are committing this genocide in that land and those who are uprooting that terror. sean los que vienen de
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afuera y no los que han vivido ahí por siempre.
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el mundo entero ha sido testigo. one of the main objectives of the ongoing genocide carried out by the west at the hands of israel has been the murder of palestinian boys, girls and adolescents to annihilate once and for all the future of palestine, but palestinian children will continue to be born, they will continue to reproduce on this earth, they will continue to cultivate their culture and transmit it forever and ever
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until the last invaders leave palestine, a land that is and forever will be palestine. in the next chapters we will be talking about the economic impact of this brutal aggression on the occupied territories, make sure to follow the program and los invito a seguir este programa acompañarnos la próxima semana.
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this week on expose with a port to be established in gaza and no intention of opening land borders. president joe biden is using electoral propaganda to carry favor with the american people after his full fledged support to zianist israel. now the biden peer plan in gaza has caused suspicion in western media indicating that although the obstruction by zinas israel remains a concern, its impact will now be evident during the distribution phase rather than the initial point of entry. also, social media
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users view the biden peer plan for gaza as a dark joke, arguing that its sole purpose is to allow the zinanist occup to continue grabbing more land and to plunder gas deposits off the coast of gaza. stay tuned for expos a. the truth is just a revelation away.
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it speaks with me, the saint of the song. from the blood and the ashes, it speaks with me the sound of the rain from the battle, and the victory, victor, victory. oh palestine, i free you, oh palestine, i
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free you, oh palestine, i free you, oh palestine, i free you, my every'. yeah, is a cry to my enemy, and i cry out, cry out, cry out to the evil enemy, the flame within my heart will burn you, i cry out, and the thunder in my voice will deafen you, i cry. eye out and the tornado within my soul, will rul you away, my bleeding wound
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once felt those unforgotten but the aching sorrowing. be never gone, i raise it with my anger and love, love of my land, anger at your dead, i raise it with my anger and love, love. love of my land, anger at your dead, wounded by hatred, i'm breathing, breathing,
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breathing, the magic perfume of my homeland palestine, wounded in love, my hands turn around the branches of the olive tree. seeking peace, seeking peace, but as long as the pillows of our children are drenching blood, as long as you have the thorm crown of evil force, i'm a flame and thunder and tornado. and i cry out, i cry out, oh my son,
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i pray you, i th you, oh my son, i pray you, the israeli economy already shrink almost 20%. the israeli economy is very dependent on the exploration of palestinian workforce.
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what was done in agriculture with high-tech irrigation does not have the labor from foreign sources, which was bad in any case. after michael gove, the uk's secretary of state for leveling up, announced the government's redefinition of extremism, we'll be examining the implications of his statement in this week's show, we have effectively designers interests using a think tank to talk to... government and then the their views are then taken on by government by people who are appointed by government who come from the think tank itself. this new definition of extremism, it's not statutory
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um, but it doesn't mean that it won't have impact. this will have impact on the ground, of course it will. if you look at charities, for example, who are trying to host events with these organizations, uh, they may have to jump through extra herdles via the charity commission in terms of, if you're inviting an extremist speaker, and technically they will be on that list of extremist speakers. in this episode of irantic we're taking a look a system that allows us to more closely examine ancient findings and uh let us know about the material that they're made from without damaging it, the time period that they were from and the location that they originated from and not necessarily found in, and that is all possible thanks to kind of
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portical accelerator known as the vanday graph, stay tuned, don't miss it, hello one, you're watching b here from, i'm your host at.
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keeping you up to date with world news every half hour on press tv. your headlines here on press tv. israel regime strikes various locations in gaza, including rafa and gaza city, raising the palestinian. death toll to over 32,000. russia and china vetoed a us draft resolution at the un security council for failing to genuinely call for an immediate cease fire in gaza. and dozens of people are killed as gunman attack a concert hall near russia's capital, moscow.