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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 21, 2024 8:30pm-9:00pm IRST

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first ofe headlines this hour, the death doll from over five months of the israel us genocide in gaza keeps rising now nearing 32,000. the new un missouri report shows 34. 5% of the buildings in the gaza strip have been destroyed by israel's missadile campaign and the pressure on halting arms export to israel gets gains more momentum as the uk is considering to set conditions for sending weapons to the telebi regime. of
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8:30 p.m. in evans capital tehran. this is press tv news and thanks for joining us. nearly six months into the israeli genocidal war on gaza, the regime's relentless bombardment and shelling continued to claim innocent lives in beseeg palestinian territory. the gaza health ministry says over 100 palestinians lost their lives in israeli strikes in matter of 24 hours. several areas, including jibbali in the north and raffa in the south have come under fresh shelling and aerial structure. the death pull from the us back genocide in gaza since october the 7th is now almost 3200, most of them women and children. 7 more are unaccounted for and feared to be dead under the rubble of their homes. over 74,00 godsens have also been injured. the palestinian media office in the gaza strip has accused the israeli army of deliberately killing over dozen patients in gaza's al sha hospital over the past. four
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days. according to the statement, patients passed away because they have been deprived of medicine, while the regime forces have cut off water and electricity to the complex. it said dozens of nurses, doctors and hospital staff have also been abducted by the israely army. the media office condemned the crimes committed by israel as well as washington support for tel aviv. meanwile, the world health organization has warned that the of attacks against shifa hospital have made it impossible for the un agencies to distribute aid. it is also. has concerned about reports of medical staff being detained. alsia, the largest hospital in gaza has been under direct israeli attacks, rates and air strikes since monday. a correspondent in the gaza says the situation of the patients in shifa hospital as well as palestinies sheltering in the medical facility is catastrophic. israeli
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aggression is still persistent against the ashif medical complex and even the surrounding areas of gaza strip as you know that today is the fourth consecutive day of this brutal aggression uh as a result the israel incubation forces kidnapped uh hands of the palestinan civilians from inside the ashifa medical complex including paramedics and journalists and even civilians of those evacuees who were taking shilter inside the hospital uh actually accord to the latest news from the ashifa medical complex that at least the three palestinian patients passed away uh over the lack of the needed medical care after the israel incubation forces kidnapped and abducted the paramedics from the ashif medical complex uh while in the surrounding areas the israel incubation forces are still attacking the residental buildings fears and strikes hit the residental buildings over the last couple of hours as the israeli air strikes targeted and destroy several horizontal buildings in the meantime the israeli artiller and the israeli
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tanks also maintaine shelling the residental apartments in the vicinity of the shifa medical complex, a big fire blazed and engulfed a lot of the palestinan residental ap apartments in the area in the vicinity of the ship medical complex. we are talking about continuous israeli air strikes and the humanitarian conditions are still catastrophic by all means uh for the palestinian evacuees who are still stranded and beseached inside the shif medical complex. or for those who are still located and the trapped under the heavy bombardments of the israeli tanks and the israeli strikes in the vicinity of the shif medical complex. many appeals actually were released by the palestinian families in order uh to help them i mean for the brid crossiry and the human human rights organizations to help them to to uh to save god to be safeguard and to leave the area because the israeli shilling is fears and intense. and it hasn't stopped for
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a while, we are talking about four consecutive months of those continuous israel strikes and attacks. the united nations satellite center has released an update. assessment of the damage inflicted on buildings in the gaza strip. it says 35% of all buildings in the gaza strip have been damaged. unos said nearly 90,00 buildings have been damaged, among which around 32,00 have been completely destroyed. the new assessment shows that nearly 20,00 buildings have been damaged in the gaza strip since the previous assessment in january. israel's indiscriminated bombings of the besieg territory have resulted in the destruction of hospitals, schools, mosks, churches and civilian infrastructure. such destruction of homes and other essential areas has displaced hundreds of thousands of people, human rights organizations say the destruction appears to be aimed at or has the effect of rendering the return of civilians to these areas impossible. the humanitarian situation in
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gaza is profoundly distressing, continuous israely bombings on civilian areas have left people without shelter. let's take a listen to harrowing accounts of some of the displaced. "there is us support, european support and support of the whole world with israel, they support them with weapons and planes, they mock us and send four or five airdrops just to save their faces, we were sleeping a while before predon meal, however they bombarded the place, we are displaced persons from the north, we are not affiliated with any political party, no safe place is being left across gaza." 'i am saying this to the whole world. they can see what israel is doing to the poor palestinian people. we have been under bombings for six months. they are children. what have they done to deserve this? we are tired, we no longer have energy. the children in the south in the north are dying of hunger. what has baby done to die of
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hunger? sheet metal panels, rubble and the stones have fallen on my husband. god protected my daughter, i pulled her out from the bathroom. the... panels and rubble from the adjacent building collapsed on us, thanks god we survived. israel's relentless massacers in the gaza strip are sparking a deepening rift between the regime and his closest allies. the uk has conditioned the continuation of arm sales to israel on granting access to the red cross to visit hamas forces detained by the regime. london argues that televive was violating the international law by refusing to share detainy lists and allow red cross visits. the british foreign secretary david cameron has also warned of a wider weapons embargo by europe if the regime continues with his genocidal war on gaza. the threat comes on the heels of a recent decision by canada to impose an arms man on israel over its violations of the international law in gaza.
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the uk has also been witnessing nationwide pro-palestine demonstrations. in one such rally, hundreds of britains shut down arms factories across england and scotland to condemn the country's complicity in this really genocide against palestini. the us israel genocidal war in gaza has caused huge public outquire around the world, calls getting louder to boycot or to impose sanctions on the occupying regime. western countries have so far refused to heat those calls from their own citizens. they also continue to show their double standards by blacklisting those to extend support to the oppress palestinians, but at the same time supplying the israeli regime with arms and money to keep spilling the blood of.
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and against the russians or bellorus or others is has been put in place not only by bodies linked to sports, but also all other institutions, european institutions and elsewhere, the russians are punished, but the israelis are not punished, the israeli regime is not sanctioned, only a handful of people in the west. bank settlers uh have been sanctioned and that's for show, but whole entire countries are sanctioned by the europeans and the americans, iran, syria, venezuela, cuba and yemen, other countries
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have been completely destroyed, russia also sanctioned, but the israeli regime despite carrying out this genocide, despite it going on for months and despite... it being the first genocide to take place in front of the eyes of the global community, the west is doing nothing to stop it. it is mother's day across the arab world. in palestine, however, mothers are not celebrating this event as they are facing death, displacement, starvation, and abduction. the palestinian prisoners society says the israeli forces have carried out large scale detention campaigns against women in the gaza strip since the started the regime's onslot on the besieged territory early in october. pps explained the crimes and violations committed by the israeli forces against female prisoners have escalated an unprecedented way. the prisoner society said palestinian mothers in israeli jails are not allowed visitors on mother's day, according to un
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women, over 9,00 palestinian women have been killed by israeli forces since october with an estimated 37 mothers losing their lives every day. it's time now for the news review the bulletin. the new survey shows that the vast majority of palestinians in the gaza strip and the west bank still support hamas resistance movements. the new opinion poll was published by the palestine center for police and survey research. the results show that 71% of palestinians believe that carrying out flood operation on october 7 was a correct decision. almost two-thirds of palestinians in the west bank and in the gaza strip also believe that hamas will emerge victorious. after 160. 7 days of israel's genocidal war, the gaza strip, the pole revealed that 70% of gaza residents are
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determined not to leave the beast strip, even if the wall between ruffa and egypt collapses. the majority of gazans also want hamas to remain in control after the onslot. sun nember is a professor of political science at berzdait university who joins us from occupied romala. we also have sakina datu who's a journalist author and producer joining us from london. welcome to you both. s number first over to you. taking a look at the findings that uh this particular poll has revealed uh we are seeing that the hamasan's popularity is as strong as ever uh and uh one the more interesting facts behind the popularity is that within the ga strip it has actually increased. what do you think? the findings, yes, good evening to you and all your viewers, well, you know, uh, this fact
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anyway, it was even before the 7th of october, the palestinians after all the atrocities in the last two years in the west bank and also the siege on gaza, made the palestinian think that the only way uh to resist the occupation and to end the occupation is by fighting this incubation and the resistance, including armed resistance, and the seventh october came for all the palestinians as something they were waiting for and waiting this kind of what's going on. in spite of the fact that the casualities are very high and the palestinian are losses are you especially with the merters. we are talking about more than 110 thousand palestinians killed or injured uh apart from those who are under the rebels. but still the spirits of the palestinians in considering the resistance is still very high. uh so that's why the support to the hamas and to
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the all palestinian uh resistant factions whether in west bank or in gaza still high and what the israel are doing over genocide in in in gaza particularly uh would make people would like you know more and more of resistance against this to retaliate in a way or another you know against the israelis in the west bank the same uh we have the settlers and the army who are you know also very aggressive, especially after the 7th of october, so any operation against the israelis whether in gaza or even in the west bank as it happened in the last two weeks, it will be welcomed and people will receive it as something you know to at least give the israeli some some kind of you know feeling of what we we also uh in in in the west bank and in gaza now the most important thing about this survey which i looked at it thoroughly
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that also the support to the palestinian authority is going really really very down and this is also it was never as such as as this time and that give us the indication of the bad conduct of the palestinian authority and apparently the palestinian authority uh they are acting today. without consideration to the 7th of october, as if 7 of october never happened and they are still working on the same agendas with the israelis and the americans and others arab countries that they... set on meeting in aqaba and the meeting in in sharm sheikh, which was you know way before the seventh of october, and that was reflected also in the survey. well, maybe that is why one of the other findings of this survey, which is uh, probably one of the most promise promising aspects of this uh sakinada to is the fact that this has put the palestinian issue as many of the uh ones that
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have been poled saying that that's uh at the center now of attention after years of neglect that came because of uh us and also regional and international players that were involved either directly or indirectly when it comes to the israel palestinian conflict, isn't that probably the most important that may have resulted out of uh the operation al flood and of course a result of the findings from this pole? it is very important aspect i think and i think what what it first of all it very clearly sheds light on the fact that there are a lot of people still despite the fact that you know there is been a lot of coverage and people are watching. 'a life genocide, there are still a lot of people who are really unaware of the intricacies and hear all the time people saying you if october 7th had not happened people would not be suffering as they are suffering now, and i think this spoll sheds light on the fact that the plight of the palestinians hasn't become bad since october 7th, that people were
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resisting before that, and that's the reason why they see the need for still supporting hamas'. and yeah, i mean today the way the method has been understood, i think clearly around the world, people have been able to very clearly see what is it that the palestinians stand for, the occupation that happens, so in that way yes i do agree that i think it has made things very very clear for the world, but also i think when we talk about for example why they're not supporting other factions, i mean who should they support the palestinian authority for? example that is negotiating with the very zionist entity and the zionist supporting west and i think this is very obvious that this is the reason why they do not want to support other factions. now for us of course here in the united kingdom hamas is a proscribed group and so there is limited things we can talk about in in that context. however, i think very very important realize
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that democracy seems to only work for the west when it suits us and it is about us, but when other people choose who they want to elect and what governments they want to have, um, you know, we can have all sorts of restrictions on the freedom of the press in how we define them, because democracy is how, it's good for us when we want it, and not so good for us, but we don't like it. well, since both have talked about the weakness of the palestinian authority, uh, another finding here was that uh, the palestinians in the gaza strip do want hamas to remain in power, that remains obviously one of the contentious issues when it comes to the... talks that are happening right now for ceasefire, which hasn't died yet, maybe on life support, but it hasn't died yet, what do you think about that issue of the rule over the gaza strip, sad number when it comes to whether it's the pa reforms, we have new palestinian prime minister now or hamas to remain in power there, well yeah we know that
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hamas was there for so many years now in in gaza, but let's just for the sake of the argument say that hamas is... not there, what would be the the situation uh for gaza or under siege with the israelis? it's suppose that hamas is not the one who's ruling, would that will left the siege, would that would prevent the israeli from doing raids on on on gaza air rates and killing and assassination, that will continue as much as it is going on in gaza and in the west bank, hamas is not in the west bank, so what's going on in the west bank during the last few years? we've been under a really heavy aggression by the israeli army and israeli settlers, so it will be the same, at least for the garzan hamas at least retaliate sometimes you know against the israelis and they were through many wars now with the israelis and their ability is being developed all the time, so they might be able to protect the people or to at least
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prevent any kind of uh air raids and attacks by the israelis because the israeli knows that hamas will retaliate, so because of that, this is one aspect, the other aspect, why not, yeah, and at the same time, hamas 2006 won in the election, and they didn't even get the chance to rule by that even winning in the in the parliament, and at the same time, all palestinian factions now, and especially those who are in favor of the resistance are saying, okay, let's go back to the pots and form a government. we prefer a unity government of all palestinian factions, but even for the elections, whoever will win the elections should be ruling, and if the palestinian people want to choose hamas, then this is their choice and this is democracy as your guest also mentioned, but what happened 2006 that there was a boycott to the palestinians by europeans and and by the
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arabs as well, because the americans wanted that, so this is absolutely unfair, so when we are talking about a real democracy, let's let's have real democracy and let's see who is going to win in the pilot books and after that we will form a government, but to say that we don't want hamas to rule in gaza. "and we want, i don't know who to run in gaza, this is, i think, just, you know, kind of dreams for the americans and the israeli, they can't eliminate hamas from gazza, even if they were defeated, not, i don't want to say that, but you know, even that hamas is still integral part of the palestinian people, it's part of the palestinian people everywhere here in in in in the west bank and in in in gaza." so because of that people do choose them. thank you, thank you for that. professor of political science at brazeth university. thank you, sakina. journalist, author and producer from london. thank you to
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you both. with that we come to an end for this news review. leader of iron's islamic revolution. said that khameney has delivered his annual speech, congratulating nation on the occasion of no rose, thousands of people from all walks of life attended the address, which was dominated by the ongoing genocidal war in gaza. starting the iranian new year with the best blessing of all, men and women, young and old in the imam khumeini husseiyah in tehran to meet with the leader on the first afternoon of the year 1403 as he delivers the new year's address which this year مجدداً عید سعید رو به همه شما برادران و
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خواهران عزیز به همه ملت ایران تبریک عرض می کنم. هم زمانانی بهار طبیعت و بهار معنویت به معنای این است که خدای متعال هر دو کفه the new year's address is always an occasion for the leader to pinpoint key issues, and while he elaborated on iran's economy and called for a boost and production with the participation of people, the ongoing international developments and the genocidal war in gaza became the topic of the day. یا قزه نشان داد که چه ظلمی و چه ظلمتی بر دنیا حاکمه این دنیای
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غرب این دنیای به اصطلاح متمدن که ادعای حقوق بشر امثال این ها میکنند نشون دادن که چه ظلمتی بر زندگی این ها بر افکار این ها بر عمل اینها حاکم. لندن و پاریس و بقیه کشورهای اروپایی و خود آمریکا تظاهرات به نفع فلسطین میکنن اینا در واقع اعلام نفرت از آمریکا میکنن. ورود رژیم
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صهیونیستی در غزه برای او ایجاد باطلاق کرد امروز اگر. and with that comes an end for this additional world news, thanks for being with us, it's bye-bye for now.
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of iron tech we're taking a look a system that allows us to more closely examine ancient findings and uh let us know about the material that they're made from without damaging it, the time period that they were from and the location that they originated from and not necessarily found in, and that is all possible thanks to kind of portical accelerator known as the vandday graph. stay tuned, don't miss it.
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vegetarianism was introduced as a healthy lifestyle and later on it became fancy too, some say it can save the planet as well. however, some people hijack the idea and use it as means of earning money. watch in this
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documentary how the millennia old lifestyle was knocked off course.