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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 19, 2024 12:30pm-1:03pm IRST

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france's un envoy says the gaza situation is absolutely catastrophic, urging the international body to overcome its inaction and declare immediate ceasefire, and israel occupation forces carry out night raides on several areas of the west bank abducting at least two young palestinians.
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well welcome to our studios here in the capital tahron. this is press tv news. thanks for joining us. most civilians lost their lives in gaza as the israeli regime presses ahead with his genocidal military campaign across the beseest palestinian territory. the regime's warplanes struck several homes and various locations in rafa governor it, killing at least 14 palestinians and injuring. and number of others. in central gaza, israeli artillery shelled the vicinity of both nasarad and b refugee camps. several neighborhoods in gaza city were bombed as well. israel on the east this genocide in gaza early october. over 31,700 palestinians have been killed so far, most of them women and children. the war rages on while gazans are observing the holy month of ramadan and it severe food shortages and other devastating impacts of relentless israely attacks. abu musa, a correspondent in the
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central gaza city of daral says the humanitarian situation in the basied strip is worsening with the passage of time, so we are talking about continuous air strikes, those those air strikes actually are intensified until this moment by the way against the wisdom. parts of gaza city and even the center of anusairat refugee camp and here as you can see here in the alaxamarters hospital the people are uh began actually to gather uh in order to bid fair well to those palestinian civilians who were killed over the last night as usual uh so uh the palestinian civilians are still being killed day and night by the israeli continuous and relentless uh air strikes and attacks while the humanitarian conditions on the ground are still exacbating with the time. as the
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israeli policy is still constant in terms of stowing and procrastinating the entry of those humanitarian aid to the people and they are as as we have mentioned they are deliberately and systematically uh attacking those humanitarian aid and the people who are waiting for the humanitarian aid uh the last crime was in jabalia and over the last couple of weeks as you know that the palestinian civilians near al kuwait and nabul round about we were targeted uh heavily by the israeli air strikes and even the people there and according to multiple international human rights organizations and the bodies that the israeli occubation forces are deliberately and systematically stalling and preventing the smooth delivery of those humanitarian aid to the needy people in a way that deepens and widens the suffering of the palestinian people. it's time now
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for the news review of this bulletin: france's ambassador and permanent representative to the un has called on the security council to take action on the dire of situation in gaza. so far, the security council has only been able to adopt two humanitarian resolution, which, by the way, are not implemented. this. councils need to do more to do it now and take up its responsibility, it cannot wait any longer, so this is why france requested close consultation on the situation in gaza today, we want the members of this council to have a honest conversation on which measures can be taken by this council to stop this conflict, well we are supposed to take different steps, now the... emergency is to do what i just
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said, immediate cice fire during ramadan, release of hostages and full humanitarian access, so this is what the security council should do. now, not next week, i'm talking about the next 24 or 48 hours, there is no reason to procrastinate further, no reason. livia also described the humanitarian situation in the besseeg palestinian territory is absolutely catastrophic. he argue that this is not a natural disaster, but a war that should stop now, and that the security council cannot continue to procrastinate. france has been pushing for a cease fire in israel's war in gaza. however, the 15 member un body. has failed to pass resolutions due to constant us vetos. over the past five months, since israel launched his genocidal war in gaza, washington has vetoed three draft resolutions, two of which had demanded immediate cease fire. is a
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palestinian scientist and other joins us from bethlehem. we also have barry grosman, international lawyers from ball, indonesia. gentlemen, welcome. let's say, i'll first start with you. the french ambassass. showing to the un showing his frustration, saying that something needs to be done, but the eu as a whole is partly also responsible for what is happening in the gaza strip, so that claim somewhat falls on deaf ears so to speak, because they are the ones also partly responsible, but really it then comes to the us role in this whole genocidal conflict, isn't the us the one that also should be held responsible a large scale on this genocide? that's taking place, yes indeed, thank you for having this discussion, because it's very, very important, the world has failed gaza, it has failed human rights, the un resolutions that have been made, israel is in
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violation of over 35 un security council resolutions, including 242 and 338 which call acquisition of territory by force illegal and israel is uh occupying gaza and the west bank since 1967 and also the gin heights, so israel violates un security council resolutions that are already adopted and that's not counting the dozens and dozens of un security council resolutions that the us vetos as your report indicated the us veto. at least three resolutions and they use threat of video on several others just in the past few months since this genocide, latest round of genocide started, so i think france is hypocritical in many ways, you know they
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support israel, they supported financially, they supported with military equipment and weapons, they supported it at the un in in numerous occasions. so they cannot claim now suddenly that they saw the light or that they are calling for sess fire. if they are calling for a cease fire they need to stand up to who prevents a cease fire and that is their pattern in the united states and they are not willing to stand up to the united states and instead what we see is more of the same and more genocide going on every day every minute and and the world is silent. do you agree with what our guest there says especially uh, i like to ask you about with the french un ambassador said where he said something needs to be done now within the next 24 to 48 hours, who is he addressing that part of his statement to? absolutely, i agree with what our colleague said, and i
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think it doesn't take much um imagination to appreciate just how hypocritical. uh france has been, i mean, we can give credit what credits do, but basically passing the back back to the security council or even the the icc without the icj, without without taking a firm position uh, in opposition to the players that are making all this happening, rings rather hollow, frankly speaking, the level of political and institutional and in the face of this massive crime against humanity, which includes all manner of war crimes and of course ethnic cleansing and genocide and all the rest istounding that no
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action is being taken in commercial matters for example, we can go to a court typically today, get hearing in two days in order to apply for injunction. and if we're not happy with the result, we can usually appeal immediately to a higher level court, the fact that this is all dragging on in some kind of i or as if nothing is actually happening on the ground is is shocking and completely unacceptable, anybody who's still breathing only needs to make themselves aware of what's taking place in gaza a daily basis and in no small part in the west bank too, to appreciate just how outrageously unlawful the occupation is conducting. belt in current situation and really everybody should be standing up, every nation should be standing
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up and demanding seaspire uh without simply talking about you know asking you know it's not good enough to say that hamas would release its prisons of war when when the occupation has something in the order of 10,000 prisoners taken unlawfully very often without any charges or trial or right of appeal, women and children and everything else, and i think somewhere in there there has to be a way to to reach a resolution, but if there's not is high time that nations started calling out the big players, namely the united kingdom, the united states and even france itself, and of course the court, as for the un, the fact that we still have security council with five permanent member. that enjoy an absolute power of veto is outrageous, certainly that veto power should
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never be allowed to be invoked in order to stop a program to resolve what ultimately is a crime against humanity, it's unheard of the members of the of the security council like every other member of the un uh basically undertakes to uphold the un constitution and their role in the security. council is to do whatever is necessary to maintain peace and security and human rights and of course the you more than any other permanent member thumbs its nose at that and does what it likes and that's unacceptable if they're not going to be responsible then quite frankly is mechanism in the the un constitution that allows the general assembly to see itself of the matter to the exclusion of the security council, why that's not being invoked, i
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don't know, the situation is going from horrible to worse, people are dying, people are now starting to die from starvation top of everything else, the occupation continues to target protected individuals and protected sites, basically showing nothing but contempt for the court decision that was... already given okay uh and i think it's time the court acted uh with a bit more haste. all right, i'd like to take this opportunity to ask you must um quickly if you can answer this, we had one analyst that said that the gaza port is not really meant for the humanitarian aid that the one that the us has proposed, rather it's going to be used for the evacuation of palestinians from the gaza strip. but how strong a possibility do you think that is? well here is... suggestion for france to begin with, why doesn't france go to rafa,
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send send french military forces to rafa to escort the thousands of trucks that are waiting at the raf border to enter that are being prevented from entering rafa to stop this genocide, and they could easily do that, would take just few hundred french soldiers, israel would not d attack french soldiers in the sinai desert or going into rafaah to deliver this food aid, look, i mean it's very clear that the the only way to stop this and and feed the people of gaza is through you know the normal route of delivery of supplies, one airplane drop that even kills people is equivalent to one truck and there is over 2300. trucks now lined up at rafa border, so it is not really this, this is all
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throwing dust in the eye of the world, about air drops and peers for delivery way, this is nonsense, there is there is no need for peer or anything like that, what we need is to stop the genocide by complying with the international convention against the crimes of... every country is obligated, including france and the united states to stop this, and it seems impoverished, yemen is doing much more. than most other countries and trying to stop this genocide, why don't these big countries engage in it? very well, thank you so much for that, we do appreciate your comments there, that's palestinian scientist and author and thank you very grossman, international lawyer from bally indonesia, with that we come to an end for this news review.
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iran has come a long way to gain independence in the defense industry since the 1979 islamic revolution. "its warships, speedboats, missiles and drones, among many items in its arsenal have caught many countries in the world by surprise, but as military experts and top brass say, this is only a tiny fraction of iran's capabilities
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that have been unveiled thus far." watch for the details in this documentary. welcome back to the news here on press tv. former israel prime minister ehud almart has held the us senate majority leader for urging early israely elections to replace the regime's current premier benjamin netanyahu. almhart sent a letter to chuck schumer several days after the democratic senator called netanyahu major obstacle to peace in. gaza, the former the responsibilities assigned to him. israeli premier launched summer for his courage to express how traditional supporters of israel feel today. is unable to fulfill shumer's call for the replacement of was also praised by israeli opposition leader lapid. he said that netanyahu is losing israel's
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biggest supporters. schumer's remarks have signaled a widening rift between the israeli regime and the us, country that has been complicit in the... as a genocide. the call for a snap election has angered netanyahu, responded by saying that israel is not a banana republic. the israely military has carried out fresh raids across occupied west bank as the regime presses ahead with this offensive against palestinians. in the latest such attacks, israeli forces rated the town of yamon, west of the city of jane, as well as a palestinian refugee camp east of the city of nablos. regime forces abducted several people after storming palestinian homes. clashes also erupted between israeli troops and resistance forces, which targeted soldiers and bulldozers with explosive devices. the israely military has intensified its violent raids across the west bank since october 7, the day when the regime launched his genocidal war on gaza. hundreds of palestinians have been killed and thousands
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abducted during israely incursions into the occupied towns and cities ever since. abamala correspondent monacan deal says israeli troops have now conducted new raids on several towns, villages and refugee camps across occupied west bank. this morning the israeli forces raised several areas across the occupied west bank, speaking from the south to the north of the occupied with bank, leading villages, towns and refugee camps, the sold. the stoned a number of palestinian homes and caused destruction inside the homes and the properties and clashes, exchange of fire have taken place between the israeli forces and members of the resistance groups. the israelian forces raided al jalazon refugee camp near ramal and arrested a palestinian female journalist, she is mother
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and a wife and she was arrested by the... it's not clear why she had been detained, but today we are speaking about 70 palestinians were detained, 70 palestinian journalists detained by the israeli forces since the 7th of october, at least over 35 of them are still being held by the israeli forces, the israeli troops also stormed palqilia and arrested at least three palestinians there, the israeli military had also carried out an operation in. innapolis mainly in the matata refugee camp, and according to the palestinian resistance, exchange of fire had taken place for several hours between the israeli troops and the palestinian. fighters. visually war planes have carried out fresh air strikes on syria, targeting the damascus countryside. according to the syrian
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military, the missiles were launched from the direction of the occupied golen heights and targeted number of military locations. added that the country's air defenses intercepted and shot down some of the missiles and noted that the rest only caused material damage. the israely regime frequently targets the war rabbish arab country, particularly areas in. around damascus, the syrian government has on numerous occasions called on the un to force the israeli regime to stop its acts of aggression. damascus says the salts are in violation of international law and aimed at propping up terrorists. iran is marking the 73rd anniversary of the nationalization of its oil industry, that was a turning point in the political and economic history of the iranian nation to save the national treasure from foreigners. fatima masomi has the details. on march 20th, 1951, members of the iranian parliament passed the bill introduced
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by the country's democratically elected prime minister muhammad musaddiq to nationalize iran's oil industry. the groundbreaking initiative put an end to britain's for decade dominion over iran's oil industry. the britain-owned anglo iranian oil company enjoyed a monopolistic control over. industry and paid only meger portion of the revenues to the iranian government. nationalization was call for independence. if you go back then the iranians, the entire public realized that this move was not about economy, it was about independence. and go the the musaddiq movement was very popular within, the entire world realized that it was about gaining independence from a colonial power that controlled the economy and... from, i mean, based on the economy, control, the political spectrum within iran. when the then government of musaddiq put the nationalizing of iran's oil its agenda in april 1951, acts
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of sabotage and conspiracy against the country were enhanced. the american british coup in august 1953 against musaddiq's government was part of the plot. basically the british were plundering iranian natural resources and oil was... at the top of the list, iranians began to protest and there was a growing social movement in the country to nationalized iranian oil. when that ultimately happened, the british imposed sanctions on the country, similar to what happened after the revolution in iran. after the victory of the islamic revolution, iran achieved significant milestones in the petroleum industry. these include the discovery of numerous oil and gas fields and expansion and extractable oil and condensate reserves, a rise in oil production and extractable gas and the discovery of new oil and gas fields. iran was the first country in
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the west asia to reclaim its oil industry. the iranian nation's move proved to be of great importance in giving rise to the anti-colonialist tendencies all over the region and set a trend for other countries. fatih massumi, press tv, tehran. violence in haiti seems far from over as at least. at least dozen more people are dead in a gun attack on the capital's upscale neighborhood, the victims were all fatally shot in pitianville, suburb of puerto prince. ambulance services recovered 10 bodies. locals say they did not know the circumstances of the deaths, but the area came under attack by a criminal gang. witnices say that armed men also attacked a bank, a gas station, and looted several homes, prompting residents to flee the neighborhood, some called radio stations asking for. from the police, meanwile, the haitian prime minister ariel henry has accepted to tender his resignation if a transitional council is formed, violence gripped the island caribbean nation in recent
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weeks, armed gangs have taken control of much the capital and calling on henry to quit. the leader of the democratic people's republic of korea has overseen drills involving super large rocket launchers. footage showed kim jong visiting the launch site and giving directions to military. soul wrapped up their latest joint war games last week. pyongyang considers such drills rehearsals for invasion. and that does it for
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this additional world news, this bye-bye for now!
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honestly, if fossil fuels are used properly, i think most polluted cities would become pollution free.
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2014, a small african nation began to rip itself apart, the gray poll of death and destruction descended over the muslim community.
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l'armée français mais il a pas de protestation, c'est eux qui ont créé cette histoire là, c'est eux qui sont à l'origine de tout ce que nous vivons là, nos malheurs là, c'est eux qui sont les responsables,
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hello and welcome to press tv spotlight, i'm marsia hashemi, thanks so much for being with us. now the us israeli holocaust on palestinians in gaza has reached his 160.