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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  February 29, 2024 8:30am-9:03am IRST

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the headlines two major hospitals in northern gaza stop services due to fuel and medical shortages as israel's on stop takes its tool of on the health sector. israel continues to use food as a weapon against palestinians causing six infants to die of severe malnutrition in gaza. and also on our headlines a german
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avial frigat mistakenly opens fire on an american mq9 reaper drone in the red sea nearly shooting it down hello and welcome everybody you're watching press. tv's world news coming at you live from our headquarters here in the iranian capital tehran. our top story for this half of hour: israel's onslot on the gaza strip is now in its 146th day as the regimes in discriminate strikes kill more civilians in central and southern parts of the territory air strikes kill these six palestinians in the town near khan unis. casualties were also reported following these really bombardment of a residential block in nosite at refugee camp in central ghaza. meanwile gaza's health of sector remains. main target for israeli
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strikes yaloda hospital in northern gaza has stopped its services due to severe shortage of fuel and medical supplies. camal adwan hospital, which was the last hospital in service in northern gaza, has also stopped working after shutdown of its electric generator. the israeli genocide has so far killed nearly 30,00 gazens, leaving over 70, 300 others injured. the israeli regime is using starvation as a weapon against palestinians in its genocidal war on the gaza strip. now palestinian health officials say six children have died due to severe malnutrition and dehydration in northern gaza. according to medical sources four infants in camala one hospital and two others in al shifa medical complex have died of malnutrition. seven other infants of camel at one hospital are in critical condition. last week the global nutrition club. documented a
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steep rise in malnutrition among children as well as pregnant and breastfeeding women in gaza, nearly 21 weeks of israeli military aggression has made food and safe water incredibly scarce, compromising women and children's nutrition and causing a surge of acute malnutrition. the un humanitarian office says the entire population of gaza faces crisis or worse levels of food in security. author and journalist robert fantin joined us earlier, he says us continues to provide israel with billions of dollars in financial aid as president biden relies on pro israeli lobbies donations and support to win the upcoming election. joe biden is finance it, he could end it today, he could tell israel no more money at all until this ends, but as we've seen in the last several weeks, he's he's sent millions and billions of dollars more to israel to commit this genocide. so this continues, uh, israel plays
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role for the united states in uh in intelligence, uh, more so then is is generally known, and also the israeli lobbies that are so powerful the united states and biden has been a very large recipient of their donations over the years, and that's what's important to him, he wants to be re-elected, he doesn't care about human rights or international law, as i said, he could stop this today, simply tell netanyahu, not another... dying until he pulls all his uh soldiers out of uh gaza, stop spomming, and and ends the occupation. palestinian fighters keep putting stiff resistance to israely forces in gaza, as fighting on the ground rages on. the military wing of the
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mos resistance movement says it has targeted a group of israeli soldiers in gaza city with mortars, the kassamb brigade says: it also shelled israeli armored vehicles there. meanwile fighting continued in the southern city of hanjunes where the palestinian islamic jihad movement says it's fighters hid in israeli merkava tank as well as a military bulldozer. israel has so far confirmed the killing of 243 of its troopers since the regime launched a ground invasion of gaza in late october. palestinian groups say the regime is intentionally hiding the real number of casualties among its forces to avoid the israeli public anger. the leader of the palestinian resistance moven hamas says israel and the us will not achieve through political means what they failed to accomplish through military aggression in gaza smilehenius statements came amid talks a
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potential cease fire between hamas and israel. we've discussed this issue with our guests in our news review program. let's take a listen. welcome everyone to press tv's news review program where we get in depth in one of the days top stories. now the political bureau chief of the palestinian resistance movement, hamas says israeli regime and the us cannot achieve through politics what they fail to achieve through war, addressing a conference in the lebanese capital beirot through video conferencing. is small honey ad "the tel aviv regime continues committing the most heinous crimes against palestinians. he said residents of gaza are being killed, starved and displaced by israeli forces. hanya also highlighted israeli attacks on hospitals and humanitarian groups. he further lashed out at the united states for its complicity in
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israel's crimes. however, he underlined the resistance front will continue to stand firm against israel's acts of aggression until all occupied territories are liberated. further praised palestinians for their resistance against israeli occupation. joining us now for the news review program is mattie press tv correspondent joining us out of bayrut and richard medhurst, journalist and commentator joining us from vienna. hello and i like to welcome you both to the program. obviously we're going to uh start with you uh, he had lot to say in that. beach, but if you could talk about the event, what took place, what the significance of it was and what was said, not just by mr. hania, but everyone involved that that stood out for you. well, of course there are significant place a daily b gatherings that palestine and in solidarity
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with the palestinian people, but the biggest of course protest and the biggest uh say is basically for the battlefield it is what's going on with the resistance and how the resistance is basically um... bring its way on supporting the palestinian resistance from lebanon, we have also seen the palestinian resistance in the all cassum brigades themselves also taking part in more more action when it comes to launching of rockets from south lebanon, that also is very significant, but i think that the speech of honey is very important to be able to read basically what he's trying to say when it comes to this so-called truth that they're working towards, although... first, he he did mention that if hamas does show some flexibility, this means that it is only out of concern for palestine, for its people, for the lives of the civilians in gaza specifically, but he also said that what the israelis are doing is basically they're
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dragging their feet to the truth, they're um on another planet that they have these issues where they're trying to get concessions from hamas and he warned the us and israel that they are not going to get. get through that type of diplomacy, what they couldn't get on the field through the military, and this also brings us back to the speeches of secretary general, said that it is basically now the battlefield that is basically making the action or it is the one that is drawing the road map for the resistance and what could take place even in these talks, hamas itself has also said that it will not accept the united states as media. here and this is what we're hearing also from many of the figures here in lebanon, they are also talking about the fact that the us is considered as complicit 100% and therefore it could not be mediator for any sort of peace talks or any sort of truth, and this is why they might be calling for a third party, and we are seeing
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this grow more and more among the palestinian factions here, even those that are with the plo and with france shells. thank you mary, richard, welcome to the program there bud, now richard says: his exact quote, the israeli regime and the us cannot achieve through politics what they failed to achieve through this onslot, well he says through war, and um, i want to see how that resonates with you, i mean buse obviously is referring to not just slaughtering palestinian women and and children, but but more so the israelis and washington have really been at the same time slaughtering their own image in the eyes of the very few people that still thought they're out in the world trying to do something prudent for mankind. thanks for having me on the program uh, absolutely, this is a multiimensional war. when we talk about gaza uh we have to understand that there is a war. the israelis that they are prosecuting against uh civilians, but there is another
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war, a real war between men and that is between the qassam brigades, between palestinian uh bet islamic jihad pij um the brigades and the israeli uh occupation and that and on both fronts the israelies are losing because when they're bombing civilians and starving civilians uh their image as you just alluded to um has been shredded it's gone out the window uh the there's no recovering from this for the israelites, no recovery whatsoever, and that's even if they had an image to begin with, and then on the battlefield, what did the israel say when when they began this offensive? they said they will wipe out hamas, they will wipe out hamas infrastructure and retrieve the hostages. let's look at this, we're in february now, have they wiped out hamas, not at all, have they wiped out hamas infrastructure, not at all, they could not even retrieve a single hostage through military means, so... this shows you not only the failure of the israelis, but the strength the resistance. the israelis cannot survive
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24 hours without being airlifted weapons. hamas on the other hand and the resistance have built up such an excellent arsenal and such vast array of committed driven fighters uh that simply the israelis and americans cannot contend with, and so whatuh hania was alluding to is that uh, you guys lost on the battlefield, your image is treaded, so don't think that you're going to come around. now and start making demands in the uh uh the negotiations, you have no uh standing, you have moral standing or victories to talk about for you to come in and make demands. all right, thank you both for joining us, stay safe to both of you, that was press tv's matiam, solder joining us from the lebanese capital, beirot and richard metters joining us from vienna, and viewers, this brings us to the conclusion of this segment of your press tv's news review program, thank you for tuning in and goodbye for now. israeli forces
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have intensified their violent raids across the west bank, killing a young palestinian man in their latest act of atrocity in the occupied territories. local sources said the 35-year-old palestinian was shot in the stomach during a pre-dawn raid on the town of bait fuorick. east ofanapolis the new fatality came after israeli troops stormed several of the towns neighborhoods firing live bullets its uh residence, israely forces and seters have ramped up their attacks against palestinians across the occupied territory since the regime's genocide started in the gaza strip early last october. the un says around 400 palestinians including at least 100 children have been killed in the west bank since then. german naval frigate taking part in a european mission in the red sea has mistakenly opened fire on an american
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mq9 reaper drone nearly shooting it down. according to german media, the frigate fired two missiles at the drone, but both crashed into the sea because of a technical defect. germany's defense ministry has confirmed the incident which took place on monday. it said the frigate opened fire after efforts to identify an unknown drone were unsuccessful and none of germany's allies reported a drone in the area. the frigate was deployed. to the red sea as part of an eu mission to allegedly secure international shipping from attacks by the yemen's army. during past months, yemen's armed forces have launched numerous attacks on israeli linked ships in support of the palestinian people in gaza. a fresh israely attack has targeted the country side of the syrian capital city of damascus as the regime intensifies its acts of aggression against the arab country. according to here is military, the missile strike came from the direction of the israeli occupied goal on heights a military source added that the
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country's air defense units shot down most of israeli missiles and the aggression only caused material losses. the lebanese media reported a big explosion in the saida zenab neighborhood of damascus, israel has frequently attacked syria since 2011 when a foreign-backed militancy broke out across the country. the regime has ramped up its strikes since the beginning of its genocidal war on the besieged gaza strip syria. time and again filed complaints with united nations and its security council over israel's attack slambasting the international community for its inaction. our correspondent in syria brahim watt, you joined us earlier to bring us up to date on israel's latest attack on damascus. let's take a listen. four successive explosions were heard uh this evening from the direction of the southeastern damascus due to the interception of an israeli aggression. the syrian ministry
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of defense stated that at 9:35 p.m. today, wednesday, the israel aggression carried out and aggression from the direction of the occupied syrian jalan targeting some sites in some points in the vicinity of damascus our air defenses intercepted the aggression and shot down some of the missiles while unfortunately some of the missiles uh reached their targets. the initial reports indicated that the aggression targeted two sides between said city and the two sides were were targeted with two waves of missiles causing loud explosions, very loud, this time was really big explosion, big fire was repted also which indicate that israel used highly explosive ammunition, the latest attacks as you know targeted civilian places, civilian
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residential places, this aggression in specific targeted also a residential building uh and on the out. skirts of saynab city which is denly which is denly populated with civilians. this also indicated that israel is trying to destabilize the region by targeting civilians like it's doing in lebanon for example and in gaza. iraq is moving forward to and the us international coalition mission in the country, the growing anti-us sentiment the nation has let the government. to push the coalition for a timetable for the withdraw of its troops from iraq. muslim salim has this report from baghdad. as a result of a broad consensus in iraq to end the presence of us led international coalition forces from the country, both the iraqi nation and government made it crystal clear that these military forces are no longer needed. iraqi national security
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advisor qasim stated that all political factions in the country have agreed on the need to end the presence of us lead military coalition proportedly formed to fight dash terrorist group. today we're witnessing the negotiation with the international coalition forces and honestly what makes us the iraqi people exasperated is the insistance by the us to keep its troops on our land to have an intervention in the military scene of iraq and neighboring syria. iraqi prime minister muhammad sudani stated that the western alliance mission will end at the b that government's official request. he also said that the government is setting a date for the start of bilateral committee talks, which includes representatives of the military coalition to put arrangements to and the presence of international coalition forces in iraq permanently. we have collected more than 100 signatures and prepared the legal draft to end the international coalition mission in
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iraq, and we pledge before god to our people that we will enact the law to expel the foreign forces from our land. "the demands to end us military presence in iraq are not new after washington's assassination of top iraqi and iranian anti-terror commanders general qasim sulaymani and abu mahdi muhandis four years ago, iraqi parliament voted to expel foreign forces who can endanger security and stability in iraq and geopordize civil peace. following the recent attacks on anti-terror forces and the continued violations on the country's sovereignty, the iraqi nation and government are not deter'. to end the presence of four military forces to prevent any further escalations that can endanger the stability and security of iraq. south korean civil groups this week demand an end to massive us south korea war games called freedom shield, which are scheduled to begin on march the 4th and run through march 14th.
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they argue that the intensification of this year's us south korean drills were further height. attention and increase the risk of conflict with the dprk. for press steve corin and franks with reports from the south green capital. the us and south korea wednesday announced they will conduct large-scale joint military drills beginning next week to run for 11 days. the us said the drills are routine. these exercises, they're nothing do. these are the same exercises that we've been doing for decades. the drills have previously been suspended to improve relations. with the dprk, but current south green presidentul has resumed the drills as part of a hardline policy against pyongyang, which is opposed by many south koreans. administration and the u.s. south korea, japan alliance must immediately cease all hostile military actions on and around the korean peninsula and resume the korean peninsula peace process
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by withdrawing its hostile policy toward north korea. activists warn military exercises can also generate miscalculations and accidents. isn't military training itself preparing for war because we are aware of the danger that may occur. we are opposed to military training because such training conduct. in our country could lead to a crisis that could even lead to a war if we make a mistake. south korea had at least two missile failures under president new with one rocket crashing near a residential area. much the southgreen public appears not to worry about the dprk and the security risk the provocative u.s. south korea drills involve, but it is there in the back of everyone's minds. this feeling of risk of conflict with the dp. even causes south korean stocks to be undervalued, so-called korea discount. in the past two years especially, the us and south
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korea have increased the number and scale of weapons deployed to the korean peninsula, including nuclear capable planes and ships. activists call for dialogue. hostile policies against north korea and armed protest only deepen the vicious cycle and can never be solution. peace. through force is fiction, negotiations and improved relations for peaceful coexistence are the only realistic and correct ways to resolve the issue. the us has said it will negotiate with pyongyang without conditions, yet stipulating us-led un sanctions over the dprk's nuclear and missile programs must remain. frank smith, press tv. soul. well, the leadies and gentlemen, we're interrupting uh the normal course of programming right now to go. live, i believe, to the iran space research institute, where our correspondent, farzan ashun is standing by to give us the latest updates says uh,
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iran has announced that su research satellite named pars one will be launched into space later today. our correspondent fireson is joining us now with all the latest details. firsland, what do you have to share with the center of viewers? bar, as you mentioned, today i'm here. in the iran's uh uh space research base where actually people are have are gathered here to actually monitor and uh uh watch the launch of satellite called pars one which is going to be launched from a russian uh actually base 9:13 a.m. local time iranian local time and around 2 pm russia's local time and actually this satellite is
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going to be launched from russia according to the officials, the ministry of communication and uh actually the ministry of communication, iran's ministry of communications arepur uh that... this uh actually satellite launch is in order to develop the international interactions between the two countries and we know that this launch is happening despite the unilateral western sanctions uh against iran and the most important point about the satellites is that uh this is a home grown one a 100 person iranian one uh and it's a research measurement satellite which is going to actually be put in 500 kilometers or orbit
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from the earth and actually this construction has been carried out by the iranian experts and young scientists and as i mentioned it is in order to to develop the internet. national uh actually interactions between the two countries and and i will be with you with more develop actually details after the launch of this satellite. all right, thanks lot. that was press tv's farzana ashadun joining us from the iran space and research institute. as we uh mentioned uh earlier uh iran's minister of communications and information technology it earlier announced the pars one research satellite will be launched into space. uh, today, the pars one imaging satellite, uh, in his words is an entirely iranian and and constructed by domestic knowledge based companies uh, and it
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will be put into orbit via a russian soyuse uh capsule approximately 500 kilometers placed into orbit from the earth service we are earth surface we're going to keep you posted on the details of that story and much more as we get it for you right here on press tv. تم نصف البرج بالكامل تم نسف البرج بالكامل وهناك تطاير للشرر و طبعا برج هنادي كما تحدثنا how can israeli attacks affect the lives of
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ordinary people. in gaza, a cyclist, housewife, and number of other individuals who have refused to abandon their homeland will tell you the answer.
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this week on expos a, western broadcast media inactively assert that zionist worldplanes targeted hisbollah weapons depots in southern lebanon, whereas they actually struck residential areas. zinist mainstream media misleadingly report that iran warned hisbollah against provoking a full-scale war
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with zinus israel, whereas the... truth is, us media openly disclosed that a widespread israeli entity campaign against hisbullah is currently undesirable for the us, and a recent survey indicated that 90% of lebanese citizens squarely placed blame on the united states of america for signist israel's ongoing assaults on lebanon and the gaza strip. expose, the truth is just a revelation away.
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الصف الرابع ذات اعاقه حركيه. تشارك صديقتها شيماء في لعبه بالطاقه الرياضيه تمام خلصها حامل خلاص يلا الحين كمان شوي بقطع المين عشان اصور مشه.
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اذا يتم الان قصف البرج مشاهدينا الكرام يتم الان قصف البرج كما تلاحظون الان تم قصف برج هنادي اذا تم نصف البرج بالكامل تم نصف البرج. بالكامل وهناك تطاير للشرر و طبعا برج هندي كما تحدثنا اييه في المنطقه من هذا البرج كما تشاهدون البرج تمثل مشاهدينا الكرام الان الى اقرب منطقه من هذا البرج كما تشاهدون البرج تم تسويته بالارض بالكامل هذا البرج اذا مشاهدينا الكرام رصدنا لكم منذ بدايه الاستهداف لهذا البرج برج هنادي في مدينه.