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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  February 28, 2024 6:30pm-7:03pm IRST

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the headlines to sir, the hamas chief says the us and the israeli regime will not gain through politics what they have failed to achieve through war. the us is really genocidal war in gaza continues for the 145th day with the death pillar nearing 3000. also the headlines eran's leader emphasizes the importance of strong voter turnout in the elections for the sake of effective governance.
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6:30 pm in iran's capital tehran, this is press tv news. thanks for joining us. the political bureau chief of the palestinian resistance moved hamas says the israel regime and the us cannot achieve through politics what they fail to achieve through war. a dressing a conference in the lebanese capital bayroots by video conferencing is added that the telavi regime keeps committing the most heinous crimes against palestinians. he said the residents of gaza are being killed, starved and displaced by israely forces. and he also highlighted the israely attacks on hospitals and humanitarian groups. he further lashed out at the us for its complicity in israeli crimes. however, he underlined that the resistance front will continue to stand of firm against israel's acts of aggression until the occupied territories are liberated. he further praised palestinians for their resistance against israely occupation. this
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is really on slot against palestinians in gaza raging with the regime committing eight massacers during the past day. in the latest strikes, the regime bombed the residential building in der albala, central gaza strip, killing at least two children. a similar strike in that area also left woman dead and many others injured. in total, at least 76 palestinians have been killed in gaza during the past day. the regime also fired. artillery shells at areas in southern and central gaza. the overall death doll since october 7 stands at nearly 3000, over 70,300 have also been injured. is a correspondent joining us from dabala to tell us more. if you're with us, tell us what you have for us and why it is that darabala continues to be one of the places where diz regim keeps targeting. yes, that's it true, the israeli
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occupation forces over the last couple of movements actually targeted four horizontal buildings in anosir refugee camp, those buildings were completely flattened by the israel strikes, scores of the palestinian of casualties actually were reported and the number is still, the final number is still unclear as as dozens are still trapped and missing under the ravel of those houses, it's worth mentioning that over the... last couple of hours the israeli artillery intensified its attacks against the northern part of uh fuji camp, killing at least two palestinian civilians, while in derral balah city here, the southern part of del balah city was subjected to heavy bombardment of the israeli in artillery, four palestinian civilians were reportedly killed as well, in the meantime the israel incubation forces continued their attacks against al-karara neighborhood in the eastern part of khan city, six palestinian civilians were... killed over the last
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israeli attack on that area, it's worth mentioning that 14 palestina civilians were extracted dead over the continuous israeli air strikes and attacks reaching khanyuni city over over the last couple of hours, we are talking about continuous air strikes covering uh the eastern barts and the western barts of kanyuni city uh where a big fire actually broke out in one building of the nasa medical complex after the israeli artillery intensified their attacks on the western part of this city, however, in rafa city, the eastern bars were subjected to heavy bombardments of the israeli artillery, these moments and over the last couple of hours the israel incubation forces intensified their attacks, particularly the artillery attacks against the palestinian civilians here in the central area of gaza strip and in uh and even in rafah where in gaza city as you know that the israeli incubation forces are still attacking as zeito neighborhood leaving more palestinian leaving more palestinian sevilian. killed and
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injured uh and according and the same context the and regarding the humanitarian conditions, the catastrophic humanitarian conditions the people are living here in the gaza strip particularly in gaza city and the northern part of gaza strip, the director general of kamal odwan hospital announced that kamal hospital uh will be out of service by tomorrow as the israeli incubation forces are still denying them the fuel needed to operate the generators which which is threatening uh uh the lives of thousands of the palestinian civilians who are still located and are still living in in the northern part of gaza strip in the meantime it was reported that four palestine. babies were were killed over the salvation as they are suffering from the malnutrition and the dehydration as they don't have any real access to the basic humanitarian needs so it's noticed that there are a there is a surge of the palestinian casualties left
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behind the continuous and the chronic israel strikes and the artillary shelling in addition to the catastrophic humanitarian conditions that the 2.3 million palestinian civilians are living these moments. thank you for that muti abusaba from ababala, stay safe, thank you. well, israel's relativeness against the gaza strip is taking a heavy toll its own troops. more iof soldiers are killed in battles with palestinian resistance fighters in the palestinian territory. the israely military has confirmed the death of two of its personnel, including a commanding officer in northern gaza. according to the military, 26 soldiers were also seriously injured in the battles in a matter of a day. the latest fatalities pushed the death doll among iof members to 243 since the start of the ground invasion of gaza in late october. the regime has admitted that over 300 of his military personnel have been severely wounded since october 7th. palestinian groups however say that the regime is hiding the real number
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the troopers casualties to avoid the israeli public anger. the leader of iran's islamic revolution says that a strong election marked by huge turnout of zealist voters is one of the pillars of running the country properly. ali khamenei made the remarks about meeting with first-time voters and marters families. he said that if people show the world that they are present in important and determining events across the nation, they will save the country and help. could move forward, he said that everyone should look at the elections from the perspective of national interests. the leader added voter apathy would not benefit anyone rather would deal a blow everyone. he said refusing to vote would not solve any of the country's problems. the leader made the remarks ahead of parliamentary and assembly of experts
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elections said to take place on friday. iranian people are preparing for the friday's elections in which they will vote for their representatives in parliament and assembly of experts. thousands of candidates including women and the young generation are vying for the seats. kandidates are running for the election. of these candidates 12% are women and 63% belong to the young generation, which includes young activists aged between 30 and 50 years old. islami also mentioned different. all of the country's political spectrums including principalists, reformists and independents are among the candidates, a close contest is underway among them in the
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country's different zones and cities. according to the law, the parties can support a list of candidates as well as introducing their intended candidates. in the meantime, 200 local. channels have been launched for the candidates election campaign. the irib has launched 200 local channels and the candidates can use them for their campaigns as well as the radio and social media. nearly 40 elections have been held in iran since the 1979 islamic revolution, which is a symbol of people's power and presence in the country's sensitive occasions. iranians across the country will participate. in the elections, as they see choosing their representatives, both in the parliament and assembly of experts, as a duty to maintain the basis of religious democracy in their country. farza nashuri on press tv, tehran.
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iran and turkmenistan do not consider themselves just neighbors, but relatives. throughout ages, they have bolstered their ties from culture economy. economy and science and technology and a myried other fields, yet they have set the stage for bolder steps in order to faster vibrant trade ecosystem between the two nations and make the region an energy hub. iranian entrepreneurs, officials and business people have held an exhibition in the... and of their relatives to pave the path for greater synergy. watch this documentary to catch a
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glimpse of the neighborly ties. welcome back to the news here on press tv. the israelite regime has conducted fresh raids on different areas of the occupied west. tank injuring and abducting several palestinians there. the regime forces attacked the cities of ramala, janin, kalkilia, and bethlehem in pred dawn raids. a young palestinin man was injured and seven others detained in bethlehem. the incursions came just hours after israeli forces fatally shot a 34-year-old palestinian near a military checkpoint east of bethlehem city. earlier on tuesday, three other palestinians were also killed during raise near the city of nablus. since the onset of this really genocidal war in gaza early. october, israel forces and settlers have stepped up their attacks against palestinians across the
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occupied territories. in this latest report, the un said that around 400 palestinians, including at least 100 children, have been killed in west bank since then. press t's monacandial joined us earlier from ramala to update us on the situation in the occupied west bank. let's take a listen. "the israelies are storming all the palestinian areas, this night the israeli forces had stormed jene and its refugee camp and the the outskirts of the refugee camp clashes have taken place between the palestinians and members of the resistance groups there here in ramala, the israeli forces stoned several areas, they stored a rehan neighborhood, north ramalla and detained at least one palestinian, it's not clear yet while this" palestinian had been detained, but the israelis continue to claim that the military
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operations across the occupied westman is aimed to detain palestinians, members of the resistance groups, palestinians inciting against the israeli forces and the israeli military, at the end of the day this means that anyone would be taking part in anti-israeli protest and demonstration. would be clearly supporting the palestinian resistance and praising palestinian marters, then would be subjected to detention, that's why the israels had been arresting palestinians from all works of life and all ages, students, university students and school students of course, the leviese resistance mood hazbollah. and the israeli military have once again exchanged fire along lebanon's southern border. hezbulah missile
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reportedly hit a building in the city of cariot shamona in occupied palestine. the movement also fired a volley of missiles towards isba al-jalil and al-jalil al-alah regions in the israeli occupied territories. in another incident, an israeli setter was killed in a missile attack on bait hilal housing israeli army battalion in northern occupied palestine. thelaissant brigade says it targeted the area from southern lebanon. "the israely military also carried out air strikes a village in southern lebanon. mariam salrespondent joining us from beirot to tell us more about these developments. well, mariam, what do you have for us? well, what we do know now is that since october 17th, this is the first time that al-qasan brigad declare that they have launched uh this number of rockets. we're talking about at least 40 rockets that they say..." uh the grad rocket specifically, they targeted the area of karatmuna and specifically they call
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they said that the battalion 769 in the gibor barax as well as the baithil barax airport uh they said that they targeted those sides specifically, the israeli said that there were at least 10 rockets uh that were launched from south lebanon and some of them were intercepted by the uh the iron dome defense system, however we do know from amateur videos that many of those targets or many of... those rockets actually reached the the area of kariamuna which is also near those barks, those military areas, so it was therefore al-qassam brigades that have declared responsibility for that. oratian specifically, and although we don't have any specific statements or official statements from from hizbullah yet, what we do know that sirens are sounding in several areas, in the western part of the gilali we're talking about basically ibn man jurin, shumera as well as the areas all in the western parts where there was sirens were sounding and so
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there could be other operations from hizballah as well, although al-qassan brigades as well as al-quds brigades have all been... active uh, but um in different intervals, now al-qassam brigade said that they launched those 40 rockets in retaliation for the massacers that are being committed by the israeli regime in gaza as well as in retaliation for the killing of the officialuri in lebanon as well. now of course the israelis continue with their targeting, the israeli army claims that it targeted a weapons manufacturing site for hizbollah, but when the authorities went to that town, the town of ramya... they noticed that it was only civilian houses that were destroyed, destroyed by the israeli shelling, of course the f 15 fighter air aircrafts continue to hover over the skies of lebanon, some of them have seen that the result that they targeted bintish bill, also a civilian house, another area which is zalta, and also they said that there could be some people who are wounded as
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result of those uh shelling whether artillery fire or the aircrafts of course uh but they they continue to target of course civilian sites and have not targeted any clear military sites for hizballah recently and now this comes also a time when we see that there's a lot of political push but there are a lot of mediators that are trying to separate between the path of the talks in the for the truths in gaza and the talks here in lebanon however has adamment and pass we see today the rockets being launched as a another uh reiteration that what's happening in lebanon is very much linked to the gaza uh genocide and if that stops and of course we will see some sort of deescalation here in lebanon as well. thank you for that. mariam sal there from berrut, we appreciate it. candlellite vigil has been held in washington dc in honor of the us service member who self-imilated and protested the ongoing israeli genocide in the gaza strip. all that
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incident has triggered more local outrage over washington's gaza policy. "i mean, somebody just burn himself to death to ask, i mean to demand to free palestine, there's so much anger at at the us imperialism funding slaughter in israel right now, and that you know people are willing to go through a little bit of rain to see it when somebody, i mean somebody just killed themselves doing it right, there's just there's so much anger in in america, the entire world, not not just that the slaughter but like their own government." people gathered outside of the israely embassy to pay tribute to aron bushnel while holding the cards in commemoration of the us soldier, they wave palestinian flags and chanted free palestine. 25-year-old bushnel was an active duty member the us force. he set himself on fire sunday and protested us complicity in israeli crimes in gaza. the video posted on social media
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showed him repeatedly shouting free palestine as the flames enngulfed his body. that was the second incident of his kind outside of an israely facility in the us. with nearly all votes tallied, more than 100 thousand us democrats in the state of michigan have cast uncommitted ballots in the primary. that is a show of discontent with president biden over his stance on this really genocide in gaza. the quote uncommitted vote campaign sents a strong message to biden ahead of what is expected to be tight race for the white house in november. in our news review program we discussed that issue with two experts. let's take a listen to what they said, we're watching press tv's news review where we look deeper into some of the top stories of the day. on this segment of the program, presidential primaries have been held in the us state of michigan as election campaigns
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are in full swing across the nation. projections indicate that donald trump won the state's republican primary by large margin strengthening his grip on the party's white house nomination. niki haley, his last remaining rival came in distant second, meanwhile incoming president, joe biden is projected to have easily won the democratic primary and the key battleground state, but a protest by, a protest vote, that is, by democrats angry over his support for the israeli genocidal war on gaza was growing as returns were counted. i voted uncommitted because i think president biden is not doing the right things for for for the palestine palestinian who has the right to leave you what i mean? "i believe in a peace in both nations, you know, both nations should believe in peace, but the what going on there, it's unbelievable, we collectively, i
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think anybody from a different parties and everything go into the democratic ball and fell and uh vote uncommitted just so that it's multicultural, racial, it's a social issue that we're all being affected with, we want just just justice, that come later, but let's call for a cease fire right now." president biden has been under fire both at home and abroad for his unflinching support for the israeli war on gaza, washington has not only provided the televive regime with military assistance but also vetoed several un security council resolutions on the gaza ceasefire. many american voters rowling behind the democratic camp cast uncommitted ballots in the primary in protest at biden's pro israel stance. well joining us on this edition of the news review we have historian and journalisters joining us from hausselt belgium and also we have director of center for muslim affairs mr. jahangir mohammad
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joining us from manchester uh gentleman welcome to the program let's start off with mr. uh jonkers uh in hazelt uh give us uh your perspective please on uh the uh primary protest ballot uh an uncommitted ballot. uh in michigan and protested biden's pro israel stance, the fact that uh a committed generally committed democratic voting electorate has such a problem with the the main candidate of their party that they grows decides to vote uncommitted or to make sure that at the very least they just don't vote for joe biden who is not just of course the main candidate but also the currently seating president of the united states is very uh very special sign and i think probably unprecedented in the in the recent history of the united states, the fact that there is such a massive blowback against the person who is at this point after all the most
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important and most the most the most important and the most powerful sorry democratic candidate and member of the democratic party of the united states and this by itself it's one of the the the recent science of change that even in the united states were up on recently there would never have been any question of doubt regarding support for this entity, any question for doubt for the fact that they oppose you know habas, they oppose palestine in general, because of course the the long history of united states support and the united states backing of israel, the fact that you see now it changed that the growing number of americans um yeah, this is it's not just in the united states, in fact you see it all over the world and even in the west itself, all over west that were up until now support for zionism and support for uh the for the existence i say of israel and it's so-called right of defense was unquestioned jawinger
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mohammad uh it's evident now that uh the biden administration's support for israel is starting to weigh heavy on uh the white house's shoulders at this point isn't it uh it is um but uh as the other guests said "this is um defining moment not just uh in in in world history, but also in the west, in western history, because we uh we see wholesale revoltion at across the board about what's happening in gaza when people see these pictures, but what that is also doing is highlighting how the ruling elites or the two political part" in the uk and in the us are basically totally unresponsive to their own people, their own democracy is failing
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them, and that they are actually responsive to certain interests and elites and power structures outside uh outside the people, so the people are really not that that important to uh the the the the leaders of these countries any an and and that's top of the injustice that people are seeing, that's also driving lot of anger and people to distance themselves from the main political parties. thanks lot gentlemen, break junkers, historian journalist joining us from huselt, belgium and thanks to general director center for muslim affairs joining us from manchester, what that brings us to an end here on this edition of the news review, but stick around, there's plenty more to come here on pr. south korean civil groups this
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week demand an end to massive us south korea. war games called freedom shield, which are scheduled to begin march 4 and to run through march 14th. they argue that the intensification of this year's us south korea drills with further height and tensions and increase the risk of conflicts with the dprk. precise of frank smith has more from the south korean capital soul. the us in south korea wednesday announced they will conduct large-scale joint military drills beginning next week to run for 11 days. the... has said the drills are routine, these exercises, they're nothing do, these are the same exercises that we've been doing for decades. the drills have previously been suspended to improve relations with the dprk, but current south green president has resume the drills as part of a hardline policy against pyongyang, which is opposed by many south administration and the us south korea, japan alliance must immediately cease
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all hostile military actions on and around the korean peninsula and resume the korean peninsula peace process by withdrawing its hostile policy toward north korea. activists warn military exercises can also generate miscalculations and accidents. isn't military training itself preparing for war because we are aware of the danger that may occur. we are opposed to military training because such training conducted in our country could lead to a crisis that could even lead to a war if we make a mistake. south korea had at least two missile failures under president new with one rocket crashing near a residential area. much of the south korean public appears not to worry about the dprk and the security risk the provocative u.s. south korea drills involve, but it is there in the back of everyone's minds. this feeling of risk of conflict with the dprk even causes south korean stocks to be undervalued. so called
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korea discount. in the past two years, especially the us and south korea have increased the number and scale of weapons deployed to the korean peninsula, including nuclear capable planes and ships. activists call for dialogue. hostile policies against north korea and armed protest only deepen the vicious cycle and can never be solution. peace through force is fiction. negotiations and improved relations for peaceful coexistence. are the only realistic and correct ways to resolve the issue. the us has said it will negotiate with pyongyang without conditions, yet stipulating us-led un sanctions over the dprk's nuclear and missile programs must remain. frank smith, press tv. soul. and with that we come to an end for this edition world news. thanks for being with us. it's bubbbye for now.
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crisis, devastating wars, terrorism, the israeli lobby, crackdown, diplomacy, gaza, humanitarian.
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we must not become part of south africa's problem. we must remain part of their
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solution. we must not aim to impose ourselves our solutions. our favorites in south africa. damn it, we have favorites in south africa. the favorites in south africa are the people who are being repressed by that ugly white regime. we have favores. i also want to say a word about the situation in israel, the more we learned about the attack, the more horrifying it becomes, more than one thous, one thousand innocent lives lost including at least 27 americans, these guys make, they make al-qaeda look pure, they're pure, they're pure evil, i said from the beginning, the united states make no mistake about it, stands with israel, united states stands.